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Last active July 24, 2019 19:07
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Django template for RFC-822 time format used in RSS feeds
Django template snippet that gives the current time,
as an "RFC-822 compliant" date-time suitable for RSS feeds.
Of course, you will probably never need to use this, since
generating RSS feeds via Django templates isn't the best way ...
you should use the Django feed syndication framework instead
( )
<pubDate>{{ now|date:"D, d M Y H:i:s O" }}</pubDate>
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mcotton commented Apr 15, 2014


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dtarz commented Jun 21, 2019


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It only works if your're using the english default locale. If you're using another locale, please do this:

{% load i18n %} first and then
<pubDate>{% language 'en' %}{{ item.pubdate|date:"D, d M Y H:i:s O" }}{% endlanguage %}</pubDate>


<pubDate>{% language 'en' %}{{ item.pubdate|date:"r" }}{% endlanguage %}</pubDate> also works.

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