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Created April 20, 2024 10:33
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Find likely adapter sequences in a set of paired end FASTQs
# Given a directory of fastq files, use bbmerge to find adapters sequences for every sample,
# align and find the consensus.
# Final consensus is in r1_adapter.consensus.fa and r2_adapter.consensus.fa - trim by hand
# if the automatic trimming up the the first 'n' isn't sensible
# Requires: (bbmap), muscle, emboss (cons)
# MODIFY to match your R1/R2 suffix ()
module load bbmap || true
for r1 in ${1}/*${r1_tail}; do
r2="${r1/${r1_tail}/${r2_tail}}" in=${r1} in2=${r2} outa=adapters_bbmerge.$(basename ${r1} ${r1_suffix}).fa
echo -n "" >r1_adapters.fa
echo -n "" >r2_adapters.fa
for f in adapters_bbmerge.*.fa; do
head -n 2 $f >>r1_adapters.fa
tail -n 2 $f >>r2_adapters.fa
module load muscle || true
muscle -align r1_adapters.fa -output r1_adapters.muscle.fa
muscle -align r2_adapters.fa -output r2_adapters.muscle.fa
# from the EMBOSSS suite
module load emboss || true
# Find the consensus sequence
cons -sequence r1_adapters.muscle.fa -outseq r1_adapter.consensus.fa -name R1_adapter
cat r2_adapter.consensus.fa
# Turn multi-line FASTA into single line, output everything up to the first 'n'
echo "Trimmed:"
awk '/^>/ {if(seq) print seq; print; seq=""; next} {seq = seq $0} END {print seq}' r1_adapter.consensus.fa | sed 's/n\{1,\}.*//'
# Find the consensus sequence
cons -sequence r2_adapters.muscle.fa -outseq r2_adapter.consensus.fa -name R2_adapter
cat r2_adapter.consensus.fa
# Turn multi-line FASTA into single line, output everything up to the first 'n'
echo "Trimmed:"
awk '/^>/ {if(seq) print seq; print; seq=""; next} {seq = seq $0} END {print seq}' r2_adapter.consensus.fa | sed 's/n\{1,\}.*//'
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