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Last active November 28, 2019 09:28
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drf_openapi: show all endpoints irrespective of user authentication
from drf_openapi.views import SchemaView
from drf_openapi.entities import OpenApiSchemaGenerator
from rest_framework.renderers import CoreJSONRenderer
from drf_openapi.codec import OpenAPIRenderer, SwaggerUIRenderer
from rest_framework import response, permissions
class PublicOpenApiSchemaGenerator(OpenApiSchemaGenerator):
This class allows all endpoints in the API docs to be listed publicly,
irrespective of the permissions on call the endpoint (view) itself.
By default, ALL endpoints are listed without authentication.
Specific views can be overriden to be shown only to a certain class of
authenticated user via the api_docs_visible_to attribute.
The has_view_permissions method inspects a custom attribute added to views
(eg APIView's) which specifies the visibility of the endpoint in the docs.
In this way, if the view class has the attribute
api_docs_visible_to = 'admin', the docs for that endpoint will only appear
to users authenticated as an admin. See has_view_permissions for details.
def __init__(self, version, title=None, url=None, description=None,
patterns=None, urlconf=None):
self.version = version
super(PublicOpenApiSchemaGenerator, self).__init__(version,
def has_view_permissions(self, path, method, view):
Return `True` if the incoming request satisfies the rule associated
with the api_docs_visible_to attribute set on the view.
api_docs_visible_to == 'public', always return True.
api_docs_visible_to == 'from_view', use the permissions associated
with the view (eg via the permission_classes attribute).
api_docs_visible_to == 'staff', only return True if the user associated
with the request is flagged as Django 'staff'.
api_docs_visible_to == 'admin', only return True if the user associated
with the request is a Django admin.
api_perm = getattr(view, 'api_docs_visible_to', 'public')
if api_perm == 'public':
return True
if api_perm == 'from_view':
return super(PublicOpenApiSchemaGenerator,
self).has_view_permissions(path, method, view)
if api_perm == 'staff':
return view.request.user.is_staff or view.request.user.is_superuser
if api_perm == 'admin':
return view.request.user.is_superuser
return True
class PublicOpenAPISchemaView(SchemaView):
This view generates both the HTML (Swagger) API docs view, and
the OpenAPI/Swagger JSON schema output (when the ?format=openapi query
string is provided).
This version uses PublicOpenApiSchemaGenerator to show all endpoints,
irrespective of the permissions associated with them.
# OpenAPI / Swagger schema is publicly readable
permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,)
renderer_classes = (CoreJSONRenderer,
def get(self, request, version):
generator = PublicOpenApiSchemaGenerator(
# The alternative to using PublicOpenApiSchemaGenerator would be to
# simply set public=True when getting the schema, and then all API
# endpoints will be shown irrespective of authentication state.
# Then we can use the standard OpenApiSchemaGenerator class instead.
# return response.Response(generator.get_schema(request, public=True))
return response.Response(generator.get_schema(request))
from django.urls import re_path
from .public_openapi import PublicOpenAPISchemaView
urlpatterns = [
PublicOpenAPISchemaView.as_view(title='Laxy API'),
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.schemas import SchemaGenerator
from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer, SchemaJSRenderer, CoreJSONRenderer
from drf_openapi.utils import view_config
class SecretEndpointView(APIView):
An example DRF view, just to demonstate the use of `api_docs_visible_to`.
renderer_classes = (JSONRenderer,)
# This can be set to 'public' (default), 'staff', 'admin', or 'from_view'
# See PublicOpenApiSchemaGenerator.has_view_permissions for details.
api_docs_visible_to = 'admin'
def get_obj(self, obj_id):
ModelClass = self.Meta.model
return ModelClass.objects.get(id=obj_id)
except (ModelClass.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
return None
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