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Created November 13, 2016 09:48
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huffman encoding by fingertrees
{-# language NoMonomorphismRestriction, ViewPatterns, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.List (group,unfoldr,sort)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.FingerTree (FingerTree,split,fromList,ViewL(..),Measured(..),(<|), viewl)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Semigroup (Min(..))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
----- FT lib
:: (Measured v t, Eq v) =>
FingerTree v t -> Maybe (t, FingerTree v t)
pick ft = let
(as,bs) = split (== measure ft) ft
in case viewl bs of
EmptyL -> Nothing
(b :< bs) -> Just (b,as <> bs)
data Bin a = Bin (Bin a) (Set a) Int (Bin a) | Leaf a Int deriving Show
instance Measured (Min Int) (Bin a) where
measure (Bin _ _ n _) = Min n
measure (Leaf _ n) = Min n
contrib (Bin _ s n _ ) = (s,n)
contrib (Leaf x n) = (S.singleton x, n)
merge x@(contrib -> (sx,ix)) y@(contrib -> (sy,iy)) =
Bin x (sx <> sy) (ix + iy) y
type FT a = FingerTree (Min Int) (Bin a)
mkFT :: Ord a => [a] -> FT a
mkFT = fromList . map (uncurry Leaf . (head &&& length)) . group . sort
mkHuffman :: Ord a => FT a -> Maybe (Bin a)
mkHuffman ft = case pick ft of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (t1,ft') -> case pick ft' of
Nothing -> Just (t1)
Just (t2,ft'') -> mkHuffman $ t1 `merge` t2 <| ft''
encoding :: Ord a => b -> b -> a -> Bin a -> Maybe [b]
encoding z o x (Bin l (S.member x -> True) _ r) = (z :) <$> encoding z o x l <|> (o:) <$> encoding z o x r
encoding _ _ x (Leaf ((==) x -> True) _) = Just []
encoding _ _ x _ = Nothing
decoding _ _ es (Leaf x _) = (x,es)
decoding z o (e:es) (Bin l _ _ r) = decoding z o es $ if e == z then l else r
encode z o ph = do
h <- mkHuffman (mkFT ph)
e <- mapM (flip (encoding z o) h) ph
return (h,concat e)
decode z o (h,zs) = unfoldr f zs where
f [] = Nothing
f zs = Just $ decoding z o zs h
main = print $ decode 0 1 <$> encode 0 1 "fingertrees rock"
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