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Last active April 18, 2021 13:32
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A couple of data flow exercises from Doaitse Swiestra (USCS 2016)
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns, DeriveFunctor #-}
import Data.Semigroup
data Bin a = Bin a (Bin a) (Bin a) | L a deriving (Eq,Functor, Show)
-- set everywhere the monoidal sum of the tree values, traversing once
setSum :: forall a. Semigroup a => Bin a -> Bin a
setSum t = r where
-- shortcircuit the best down to the search
(m, r) = trav m t
trav :: a -> Bin a -> (a, Bin a)
trav m (L v) = (v, L m) -- set the m and return the v
trav m (Bin v (trav m -> (vl,l)) (trav m -> (vr,r))) = (vl <> v <> vr, Bin m l r)
-- compute an iso-shaped tree with the values at nodes
-- breadth first zipped to the given list
zipTreeWithBF :: forall a b c . (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> Bin b -> Bin c
zipTreeWithBF f ys x = x' where
-- label world , one list for each depth
yss = ys:yss'
-- short circuit the label creation/consumption
(x' , yss') = rewrite yss x
-- depth first traversal with label world as state
rewrite :: [[a]] -> Bin b -> (Bin c, [[a]])
rewrite (((f -> fy) : ys) : yss) = rewrite' where
rewrite' (L x) = (L $ fy x, ys : yss)
rewrite' (Bin x l r) = (Bin (fy x) l' r', ys : yss'') where
(l',yss') = rewrite yss l -- consume a reduced label world
(r',yss'') = rewrite yss' r -- with the head matching depth
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