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Last active February 25, 2024 15:41
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a replace that streams
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Prelude
import Data.Functor (Identity (runIdentity))
import Control.Monad.Fix (fix)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..), second)
import Data.List (tails)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), toList)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.IO (IOMode (..), hClose, openFile)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
type NonEmptyString = NonEmpty Char
type Tries = [NonEmptyString]
tries :: Maybe String -> String -> Tries
tries Nothing [] = []
tries mfront xs = fmap NE.fromList $ init $ tails $ fromMaybe "" mfront <> xs
-- when there is enough input to decide
-- we return the boloean to riport success or failure
-- when there is not enough input to dedide
-- we return the part of the pattern that matched
:: String -- pattern
-> String -- input
-> Either Bool String -- success or failure or partial match
match [] _ = Left True
match _ [] = Right []
match (x : xs) (y : ys)
| x == y = error "TODO"
| otherwise = Left False
-- matching function will cut the matching on the first partial match
-- and return the leftovers
-- this is ok because the leftovers will be fed back to the next chunk
:: String -- pattern
-> String -- replacement
-> Tries -- inputs
-> (String, Maybe String) -- result and leftovers
matching _pattern _replace [] = ([], Nothing)
matching pattern' replacement (x : xs) = error "TODO"
lp = length pattern' - 1
:: Maybe String -- old leftovers
-> String -- pattern
-> String -- replacement
-> String -- input
-> (String, Maybe String) -- result and leftovers
replace old pattern' replace' = matching pattern' replace' . tries old
-- a state machine to track the state of a replace operation
data ReplaceState = ReplaceState
{ _feed :: String -> (String, ReplaceState) -- feed a chunk of input
, _dump :: Maybe String -- dump the matched but not replaced input
-- a smart constructor to create a ReplaceState from a pattern and a replacement
:: String -- pattern
-> String -- replacement
-> ReplaceState -- initial state
mkReplaceState pattern' replace' = error "TODO"
-- a stream of chunks of data where each chunk is a string and a continuation to
-- get the next chunk
data Stream m = Stream (m (String, Stream m)) | Done
-- stream producer from a file
inputFromFile :: FilePath -> Stream IO
inputFromFile path = Stream $ do
handle <- openFile path ReadMode
let get = error "TODO"
-- stream transformer that replace over a stream of chunks
replaceInStream :: Monad m => ReplaceState -> Stream m -> Stream m
replaceInStream s (Done) = Stream $ pure (fromMaybe "" (_dump s), Done)
replaceInStream s (Stream input) = Stream $ do
error "TODO"
-- stream consumer that dump the chunks to a file and counts the chunks
outputToFile :: FilePath -> Stream IO -> IO Int
outputToFile path input = do
handle <- openFile path WriteMode
let go = error "TODO"
go 0 input
--- Tests ---
spec :: (Show a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> IO ()
spec t x y
| t x y = pure ()
| otherwise =
$ "Assertion failed: " <> show x <> " == " <> show y
specEq :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> IO ()
specEq = spec (==)
specIO :: Show a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> IO a -> a -> IO ()
specIO f x y = do
x' <- x
spec f x' y
specEqIO :: (Eq a, Show a) => IO a -> a -> IO ()
specEqIO = specIO (==)
inputFromList :: Applicative m => [String] -> Stream m
inputFromList = go
go [] = Done
go (x : xs) = Stream $ pure (x, go xs)
outputToString :: Monad m => Stream m -> m String
outputToString Done = pure ""
outputToString (Stream s) = do
(x, next) <- s
(x <>) <$> outputToString next
streamTest :: ReplaceState -> [String] -> String
streamTest r = runIdentity . outputToString . replaceInStream r . inputFromList
streamTestFile :: ReplaceState -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Int
streamTestFile r input output =
outputToFile output $ replaceInStream r $ inputFromFile input
test :: IO ()
test = do
let replacer = mkReplaceState "foo" "bar"
do streamTest replacer ["foo"]
do "bar"
do streamTest replacer $ replicate 100 "foo"
do concat $ replicate 100 "bar"
do streamTest replacer ["f", "o", "o"]
do "bar"
do streamTest replacer ["f", "oof", "oo"]
do "barbar"
do \(f, n) (f', n') -> f == f' && n > n'
let replacerAbba = mkReplaceState "abbababbaba" "bar"
T.writeFile "foo.txt" $ T.replicate 1_000_000 "abbababbaba"
n <- streamTestFile replacerAbba "foo.txt" "bar.txt"
f <- T.readFile "bar.txt"
pure (f, n)
(T.replicate 1_000_000 "bar", 1000)
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