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Created March 28, 2011 21:01
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module Dependencies (Analyzer (..), mkAnalyzer, News, Build, Graph) where
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty)
import DirectedGraph
type Graph = DirectedGraph
-- the running state of the analyzer
data Analyze a = Analyze
{ graph :: Graph a -- actual dependency graph
, todo :: Set a -- targets to be built
, done :: Set a -- targets built
-- | Effects of a build action, targets that must be built and a dependency graph. FIX this splitted informations
type News a = (Set a, Graph a)
-- compute a new state for the analyzer. aside widening the graph new targets are inserted in the todo
insertNews :: (Ord a, Eq a) => Graph a -- previous graph
-> Analyze a -- current state
-> News a -- news from the build action
-> Analyze a -- new state
insertNews prev (Analyze g rs ds) (nrs,ng)=
let g' = g `mappend` ng -- new current graph
igns = nodes ng `S.difference` nrs -- targets mentioned only in the graph (not marked as todo from outside)
cdeps = S.fromList $ filter (\x -> x `neighbours` prev /= x `neighbours` g') $ S.toList $ igns -- touched father targets
deps = reachableNodes (nrs `mappend` cdeps) g' -- dependants of asked targets and touched father targets
in Analyze g' (rs `mappend` (deps `S.difference` ds)) ds
-- | build action, from a target to its effect. Client can use monad m for his businnes
type Build m a = a -> m (News a)
-- | State machine to drive the building of targets.
data Analyzer m a = Done (Graph a) -- | Work is over, the graph given is useful for next run
| Cycle -- | A cycle was detected, abort
| Step (Build m a -> m (Analyzer m a)) -- | machine regular stepping
-- | Boot an analyzer from the previous graph. Use mempty when it's missing.
mkAnalyzer prev = step prev $ Analyze mempty mempty mempty
-- check the Done state or fire a research for a target to build
step :: (Functor m, Ord a, Monad m) => Graph a -> Analyze a -> Analyzer m a
step prev r = case S.null $ todo r of
-- No remaining items, spits out the new graph
True -> Done $ graph r
-- An item remains, let's find a ready item
False -> findReady prev r $ S.findMin $ todo r
-- Find an item ready to be compiled. Goes straight down to the *left* until an item with all dependencies done is found.
findReady :: (Functor m, Monad m, Ord a) => Graph a -> Analyze a -> a -> Analyzer m a
findReady prev r x = findReady' r x S.empty where
findReady' r@(Analyze g todos dones) x vs
-- We already visited this item, cycle detected!
| x `S.member` vs = Cycle
-- The x has all neighbours in done set
| neighbours x g `S.isSubsetOf` dones = let
insertion = insertNews prev $ Analyze g (x `S.delete` todos) (x `S.insert` dones)
in Step $ \f -> step prev <$> insertion <$> f x
-- Continue our search: find a neighbour we haven't visited yet
| otherwise = let ds = neighbours x g `S.difference` vs
x = S.findMin ds
in if S.null ds then Cycle else findReady' r x (S.insert x vs)
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