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Last active March 29, 2019 08:25
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Integration Design

This is going to be a technical description of the idea concept of Integration and how its logical model is implemented.
It's not a comprehensive definition of how Syndesis work. We are not going to describe system pods and their respective responsibilities.

Data Model

Be aware that we currently don't have the logical model defined in any document or UML diagram. There is actually an ER Diagram here, but it's not reflecting entirely the current status of the information architecture.

The entry point for out model is the Integration entity, that represents an interaction between systems.

This object incapsulates 2 aspects:

  1. information about the definition of an Integration, i.e. what it has to do
  2. runtime information about a specific Integration instance, for example getStatus() that tells you if the Integration is currently deployed and running

The real definition of what an Integration does, is delegated to the following composing entities:

  • Connector
  • Connection
  • Action
  • Step

Is used to define a set of common properties the user can define on a Connection entity coupled with this Connector.
Think of Connector as a configurable schema, used to define the shape of a corresponding Connection entity.
Another responsibility of the Connector is to aggregate a list of Actions, that are "operations" available to the user.
An example of Connector could be a Twitter Connector, where you define some of the properties that are required by all the operations it will provide.
Properties could be for example user, password, token and so on. Just understand that you are not setting the values for these keys here. You are just declaring what are the fields that a specific instance of this item will ask to fill!
Connector is associated with set of Maven GAV coordinates, to being referred to.


It can be seen as a specific instance of Connector.
On the Connector entity you were just declaring the fields that the specific Connector supported, here you are passing the corresponding values for those fields. For example it's here that you specify that the value for the field user is scott and the value for the password field is tiger.


Action represents a specific operation within the scope of a Connector.
In the Twitter example, an operation might be postMessage().
An Action has its own set of of properties.
In the Twitter example, a property for an action might be salute, that a user might fill in with a value like hello or good bye.
Role of an Action is also to define the link with physical java code library that will provide connectivity with a specific system/technology:
CamelConnectorGAV. In this field, you specify the coordinates of the Camel Connector component that this Action delegates its logical operations to.


Step is a generic entity, that represents a pipeline operation in your Integration. It might be a transformation, a logging call or anything else. Due to all this flexibility Step is actually a semantically poor entity. Everything but its type is optional: it can have references to an Action or a Connection but it doesn't have to. That fact that it needs them or not depends on its type, that is its most important information. An important type of Step is Endpoint. Unluckily, an enum that lists these kinds does not exist; So the relationship is weak. You have to take care to use a type that the framework is able to understand, because there is no preemptive way to validate your choice. Steps are declared within an Integration.

The overall idea is that your Integration define 2 kind of information:

  1. a catalog of technologies and allowed operations (Connectors, Actions)
  2. a pipeline of customized components(Connection) and operations you need to perform(Step), using the building blocks defined at 1).

To reinforce the idea you can see it as if:

You define some (technology)Connector, where you declare all the properties you allow the developer to give a value to in a corresponding set of Connections. You also link this Connector with a series of operations that are tied to this technology, represented by Action. In each Action you declare also eventual additional properties.
At last, you detail how the data will flow across Connections, and with which eventual tranformation, specifying a list of Steps.

Notice that despite you define an ordered list of Steps to define the business behavior of your Integration there is no type checking of any sort, between those steps. It's up to you be sure that the output of a Step is coherent with the output of the following one.

Integration creation workflow

The entities described and linked above are indeed what the code implementation will use to implement the required behavior. But the idea is that those elements are protected behind some layer of abstraction that allows you not to manipulate them directly.

From a UX point of view, the user is exposed to a graphical UI, dynamically built base on the above models. Interacting with a set of forms and UI elements, a user completes the definition of a logical integration.

When she's done, the UI application produces a .json files that corresponds to the user activity and that will be used as the input to generate code on his behalf.

The component responsible of consuming this .json is the ActivateHandler, that at runtime, lives in the syndesis-rest pod.

This component is responsible of 3 main activities:

  1. produce deplyoment data
  2. build the project related to our Integration
  3. deploy an instance of our Integration

Building is actually delegated to an implementation of ProjectGenerator that is responsible of build time code generation.
With some introspection and templating, a full Java based Apache Maven project is generated. The idea is that this artifact could be built succesfully even outside Syndesis runtime platform, being a fully consistent project.
The ActivateHandler, uses the physical bytes generated by the ProjectGenerator to trigger a build invocation at Openshift level.
This means that we leverage Openshift "source to image (s2i)" capability, that accepts a reference to a source code project location, to build the project at source code level and produce also a corresponding Docker image including everything needed to spawn a runtime instance of our Integration.


Deploying, as another responsibility of ActivateHandler. After a source code project corresponding to an Integration has been generated, built and shared to the interal repository, it still needs to be deployed to run and be available. This phase does just that: instructs Openshift platform to deploy a live incarnation of our logical Integration

Deployment Data

This phase actually occur before the build one, but it's better understood after what happens in the building phase has been made clearer.
We have seen that the building phase is all about code generation, to produce an output that will then pass further to a step of code compilation.
Before the code generation phase, actually some further manipulation happens.
The idea is to extract externalize from the code itself references to sensible information, like passwords, and externalized properties.
Secrets and properties will be turned into Openshift level handled resources, allowing them to follow a different lifecycle and letting a platform administrator manage them.
These resources will be seen by the application as plain files; but in reality they are a logical resource, that Openshift re-exposes as a physical file for easier access.

Generated project details

The project generated in the build phase is an Apache Camel SpringBoot based project, packed following an Apache Maven structure.
The Camel DSL used to define Camel Routes is a custom one, based initially on the Funktion project.
It uses a .yaml syntax.
A benefit from using this custom .yaml syntax, compared to the already present XML DSL is that it's easier to extend, from a development point of view. For example if you add a new Step kind.

An important concept here is that the .yaml generated from the Integration might show a tree shape similar but not necessarily identical to the .json file that had been produced from the Integration conceptual model.
This is because some functionality, like for example Technical Extensions might need to create multiple Steps from a single definition, thus leading to a structure with a slightly different topology.

If you are familiar with Camel framework you can find a correspondence between the following entitites:

Flow --> Camel Route Builder Step --> Camel Route

The component responsible to interpret, at Camel start time, the .yaml file is read by SyndesisRouteBuilder

Technical Extension

Technical Extension is the feature, in Syndesis, that allows invoking custom code from within your Integration.
The idea is to enable a technical user to augment his Integration in a pluggable way, letting the system invoke arbitrary precompiled code that is published to the environment.

From a UX proint of view, this happens letting a user uploading a .jar file containing classes and dependencies required to run.

This .jar, despite not not having any requirement from code point of view, has to be built, using a Maven Plugin we made available, called syndesis-maven-plugin, that creates the correct metadata to be loaded by the runtime and removes references to libraries that might have been already provided.

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