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Last active October 5, 2016 12:04
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A simpler and more fool-proof way to handle search providers in Android Gradle builds
def overrideProviderAuthority(packageName, inFile, outFile) {
def xml = new XmlParser().parse(inFile)
xml.findAll{ == 'string'}.each{item ->
if (!item.value().isEmpty() && item.value()[0] instanceof String && item.value()[0].startsWith(".res-auto")) {
item.value()[0] = item.value()[0].replace(".res-auto", packageName)
saveXML(outFile, xml)
def saveXML(pathToFile, xml) {
def writer = new FileWriter(pathToFile)
def printer = new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(writer))
printer.preserveWhitespace = true
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def flavor = variant.productFlavors.get(0).name
def buildType =
def packageName = variant.mergedFlavor.packageName + (variant.buildType.packageNameSuffix == null ? "" : variant.buildType.packageNameSuffix)
def outFile = "${buildDir}/res-auto-values/${variant.dirName}/values/strings.xml"
// define the strings that need to be auto-replaced in this file, and do NOT define them elsewhere
// make sure your AndroidManifest.xml and searchable.xml reference these resources
// this file should contain string resources; their values will be updated to replace .res-auto with the package name
def inFile = "variants/res-auto-values.xml"
def taskName = "override${flavor.capitalize()}${buildType.capitalize()}Authority"
task(taskName) << {
overrideProviderAuthority(packageName, inFile, outFile)
// instead of chnaging resource files from under Gradle, just add a source folder to the resource set
android.sourceSets[].res.srcDir file(outFile).parentFile.parent
// add in and out files to allow for incremental builds (not hugely important)
tasks[taskName].inputs.file file(inFile)
tasks[taskName].outputs.file file(outFile)
variant.mergeResources.dependsOn tasks[taskName]
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srsudar commented Mar 5, 2014

Great solution. I only have the default build flavor and was getting index out of bounds exceptions. To prevent this I removed the definition of the flavor variable at line 22, which was calling .get(0) on a size 0 list. Similarly in defining the task name I removed the flavor variable: def taskName = "override${buildType.capitalize()}Authority". This when worked like a charm. Only from the command line, incidentally, due to some issues with my Android Studio looking the wrong place for res-auto-values.xml.

EDIT: The issue from inside Android Studio was that the relative paths appeared to be resolved using System.getProperty("user.dir"), which was returning a different directory than that which is returned when calling through the command line. The solution was to give an absolute path to the XMLParser. I replaced the first lines of overrideProviderAuthority with the following:

inFileAbsolute = gradle.startParameter.getProjectDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + inFile
def xml = new XmlParser().parse(inFileAbsolute)

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@srsudar Come here to say thank you very much! =D

I have none flavors! =D

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anyone have any idea this script will be executed if I click at "Rebuild Project", but it won't executed when i choose "Debug" app in Android Studio.

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