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Created November 4, 2019 23:42
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(ns demo.core
[reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
[reagent.session :as session]
[reitit.frontend :as reitit]
[clerk.core :as clerk]
[accountant.core :as accountant]))
;; -------------------------
;; Routes
(def router
[["/" :index]
["" :items]
["/:item-id" :item]]
["/about" :about]]))
(defn path-for [route & [params]]
(if params
(:path (reitit/match-by-name router route params))
(:path (reitit/match-by-name router route))))
(path-for :about)
;; -------------------------
;; Page components
(defn home-page []
(fn []
[:h1 "app is running!"]
[:li [:a {:href (path-for :items)} "Items of Demo"]]
[:li [:a {:href "/broken/link"} "Broken link"]]]]))
(defn items-page []
(fn []
[:h1 "The items of "]
[:ul (map (fn [item-id]
[:li {:name (str "item-" item-id) :key (str "item-" item-id)}
[:a {:href (path-for :item {:item-id item-id})} "Item: " item-id]])
(range 1 60))]]))
(defn item-page []
(fn []
(let [routing-data (session/get :route)
item (get-in routing-data [:route-params :item-id])]
[:h1 (str "Item " item " of Demo")]
[:p [:a {:href (path-for :items)} "Back to the list of items"]]])))
(defn about-page []
(fn [] [:span.main
[:h1 "About "]]))
;; -------------------------
;; Translate routes -> page components
(defn page-for [route]
(case route
:index #'home-page
:about #'about-page
:items #'items-page
:item #'item-page))
;; -------------------------
;; Page mounting component
(defn current-page []
(fn []
(let [page (:current-page (session/get :route))]
[:p [:a {:href (path-for :index)} "Home"] " | "
[:a {:href (path-for :about)} "About "]]]
[:p " was generated by the "
[:a {:href ""} "Reagent Template"] "."]]])))
;; -------------------------
;; Initialize app
(defn mount-root []
(reagent/render [current-page] (.getElementById js/document "app")))
(defn init! []
(fn [path]
(let [match (reitit/match-by-path router path)
current-page (:name (:data match))
route-params (:path-params match)]
(reagent/after-render clerk/after-render!)
(session/put! :route {:current-page (page-for current-page)
:route-params route-params})
(clerk/navigate-page! path)
(fn [path]
(boolean (reitit/match-by-path router path)))})
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