I hereby claim:
- I am papagunit on github.
- I am devonguerrero (https://keybase.io/devonguerrero) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is F020 B8CB CFB5 9806 415D 9573 42B0 ED53 49BC 1BEA
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Sure, here’s an example of a simple visual game that can be run in Excel using VBA: | |
Open a new Excel workbook and press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor. | |
In the editor, insert a new module by clicking on “Insert” in the menu bar and selecting “Module”. | |
Copy and paste the following code into the module: | |
Option Explicit | |
Sub PlayGame() | |
Dim i As Integer | |
Dim j As Integer |
(function() { | |
var e, t, n, a; | |
window.hs_show_tools_menu_if_author = function() { | |
var t, n, a, i, s, r, o; | |
if (window.location === window.parent.location) { | |
a = hsVars.page_id; | |
n = hsVars.content_group_id; | |
t = hsVars.category_id; | |
s = hsVars.portal_id; | |
r = a; |
// Converted to a JS array using regex ("([^"]|""){3,}") | |
countriesWithoutPostcodesArray = ["AO","AG","AW","BS","BZ","BJ","BW","BF","BI","CM","CF","KM","CG","CD","CK","CI","DJ","DM","GQ","ER","FJ","TF","GM","GH","GD","GN","GY","HK","IE","JM","KE","KI","MO","MW","ML","MR","MU","MS","NR","AN","NU","KP","PA","QA","RW","KN","LC","ST","SC","SL","SB","SO","ZA","SR","SY","TZ","TL","TK","TO","TT","TV","UG","AE","VU","YE","ZW"]; |
+1),1), | |
{ | |
"filter": "'{{Activity.Type}}'='Bounceback'", | |
"name": "Bulk Activity Export - Bounceback", | |
"fields": { | |
"ActivityId": "{{Activity.Id}}", | |
"ActivityType": "{{Activity.Type}}", | |
"ActivityDate": "{{Activity.CreatedAt}}", | |
"EmailAddress": "{{Activity.Field(EmailAddress)}}", | |
"AssetType": "{{Activity.Asset.Type}}", | |
"AssetName": "{{Activity.Asset.Name}}", |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: