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Created March 18, 2012 13:10
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object MyIteratee{
sealed trait Input[+E] {
object Input {
case class El[+E](e: E) extends Input[E]
case object EOF extends Input[Nothing]
trait Iteratee[E, A] {
def fold[B](done:(A, Input[E]) => B,
cont:(Input[E] => Iteratee[E,A]) => B): B
def invoke(in:Input[E]): Iteratee[E,A] =
fold( (a,e) => Done(a,e),
k => k(in))
def run():A =
fold( (a, _) => a,
k => k(Input.EOF).fold( (a1, _) => a1,
_ => sys.error("diverging iteratee after Input.EOF")))
trait Enumerator[E]{
def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Iteratee[E, A]
def |>>[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Iteratee[E, A] = apply(i)
object Enumerator{
def apply[E](in: E*): Enumerator[E] = new Enumerator[E] {
def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Iteratee[E, A] = enumerate(in, i)
private def enumerate[E, A]: (Seq[E], Iteratee[E, A]) => Iteratee[E, A] = { (l, i) =>
l.foldLeft(i)((it, e) => it.invoke(Input.El(e)))
object Cont{
def apply[E, A](k: Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]): Iteratee[E, A] = new Iteratee[E, A] {
def fold[B](done: (A, Input[E]) => B,
cont: (Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]) => B
): B = cont(k)
object Done {
def apply[E, A](a: A, e: Input[E]): Iteratee[E, A] = new Iteratee[E, A] {
def fold[B](done: (A, Input[E]) => B,
cont: (Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]) => B): B = done(a, e)
object Main extends App{
import MyIteratee._
val it:Iteratee[Int,Int] = {
def step(state:Int)(in:Input[Int]):Iteratee[Int,Int] = in match{
case Input.El(e) => {println(e); Cont(i => step(state + e)(i))}
case Input.EOF => { Done(state, Input.EOF)}
Cont(i => step(0)(i))
println ((Enumerator(1,2,3) |>> it).run())
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