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Last active July 2, 2020 16:33
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Deploy a Keep Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes on the Keep Testnet in 15 minutes

How to deploy a Keep Random Beacon and ECDSA nodes on the Keep Testnet in 15 minutes

Preliminary requirements (10 minutes)

  • Created keystore wallet file
  • Installed and configured Metamask
  • Received Ropsten ETH from the faucet
  • Received Keep testnet tokens grant
  • Delegated tokens, authorized contracts and bonded ETH in the Keep dashboard
  • Created and configured Infura account (PROJECT ID will be required)
  • Created linux server with SSH access configured (can be Digitalocean droplet or anything else)

Node Setup (5 minutes)

Just replace CAPITALIZED data (remove brackets[]) and enter into your terminal app in batches.

Login to your server using SSH


Setup firewall

sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
sudo ufw allow 3919/tcp
yes | sudo ufw enable

Install Docker

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
sudo apt install curl -y
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker

Pull required Docker images

docker pull keepnetwork/keep-client:v1.2.4-rc
docker pull keepnetwork/keep-ecdsa-client:v1.1.2-rc

Create required directories

mkdir -p $HOME/keep-client/{config,keystore,persistence}
mkdir -p $HOME/keep-ecdsa/{config,keystore,persistence}

Set local variables

export SERVER_IP=\$(curl

Create configs for both nodes

cat <<EOF >>$HOME/keep-client/config/config.toml
# Ethereum host connection info.
  Address = "$ETH_WALLET"
  KeyFile = "/mnt/keystore/keep_wallet.json"# Keep contract addresses configuration.
# This address might change and need to be replaced from time to time. If it does, the new contract address will be listed here:
  KeepRandomBeaconOperator = "0x9233Fd6C58e37dab223EF1dFD5e33eD69FD1f93b"
 TokenStaking = "0x88B3D0Bfb8F207292Dc4Cee7C923d0E7C3078a18"
 KeepRandomBeaconService = "0xa5018dbeB6920A04e0CFd3D8F0F45BC851838b0D"# Keep network configuration.
  Peers = ["/dns4/",
  Port = 3919
  # Override the node's default addresses announced in the network
  AnnouncedAddresses = ["/ip4/$SERVER_IP/tcp/3919"]# Storage is encrypted
  DataDir = "/mnt/persistence"
cat <<EOF >>$HOME/keep-ecdsa/config/config.toml
# Ethereum host connection info.
  Address = "$ETH_WALLET"
  KeyFile = "/mnt/keep-ecdsa/keystore/keep_wallet.json"
# This address might change and need to be replaced from time to time. If it does, the new contract address will be listed here:
  BondedECDSAKeepFactory = "0xe7BF8421fBE80c3Bf67082370D86C8D81D1D77F4"
# This addresses might change and need to be replaced from time to time. If it does, the new contract address will be listed here:
# Addresses of applications approved by the operator.
  Addresses = [
  DataDir = "/mnt/keep-ecdsa/persistence"
  Peers = ["/dns4/",
Port = 3919
 # Override the node’s default addresses announced in the network
 AnnouncedAddresses = ["/ip4/$SERVER_IP/tcp/5678"]
# Timeout for TSS protocol pre-parameters generation. The value
# should be provided based on resources available on the machine running the client.
# This is an optional parameter, if not provided timeout for TSS protocol
# pre-parameters generation will be set to .
  PreParamsGenerationTimeout = "2m30s"

Add keystore wallet to your node

vim ~/keep-client/keystore/keep_wallet.json

Then press i to enter edit mode.

Copy keystore file content by pasting everything into the editor.

Press esc to exit edit mode.

Press :wq to save file.

Repeat for ECDSA node:

vim ~/keep-ecdsa/keystore/keep_wallet.json

Start both nodes

sudo docker run -dit \
--restart always \
--volume $HOME/keep-client:/mnt \
--env LOG_LEVEL=debug \
--name keep-client \
-p 3919:3919 \
keepnetwork/keep-client:v1.2.4-rc --config /mnt/config/config.toml start
sudo docker run -d \
 --restart always \
 --entrypoint /usr/local/bin/keep-ecdsa \
 --volume $HOME/keep-ecdsa:/mnt/keep-ecdsa \
 --env LOG_LEVEL=debug \
 --name ecdsa \
 -p 3920:3919 \
 keepnetwork/keep-ecdsa-client:v1.1.2-rc \
 --config /mnt/keep-ecdsa/config/config.toml start

Check if both nodes are running

docker ps -a

The output should look similar to:

root@keep-testnet:~# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
90edca53bc48        keepnetwork/keep-ecdsa-client:v1.1.2-rc   "/usr/local/bin/keep…"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours>3919/tcp   ecdsa
d7ed828e495a        keepnetwork/keep-client:v1.2.4-rc         "keep-client -config…"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours>3919/tcp   keep-client

Check number of connected peers to see if everything works as expected

sudo docker logs keep-client --tail 100 | grep "number of connected peers:"
sudo docker logs ecdsa --tail 1000 2>&1 | grep "number of connected peers:"


In case you have 0 peers after some time you can take a look at the logs to see the problem.

sudo docker logs keep-client --tail 1000
sudo docker logs ecdsa --tail 1000

Node Update

In case Docker images or Keep contracts has been updated please use this guide.

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