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Created December 2, 2011 21:39
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Simple arduino interface for LED manipulation based on monitoring.
// simple interface expecting data from serial
// provided by ardy.rb
// pin states:
// 48 = ok
// 49 = bad
// originated by mike heijmans
int ledPin = 13; // which pin do I control?
int state = 48; // what state do we start in?
byte incomingByte; // for incoming serial data
volatile long ticks = 0; // Start a counter tick variable for time keeping
int buttonPin = 2; // Pin for the button (on interrupt pin)
volatile int ack = 0; // setup an ack variable
volatile int buttonState = 0; // Initialize the button
// a function to blink the led once
void blinkLed(int pin, int rate) {
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
// a function to activate the led on a pin
void ledOn(int pin){
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
// a function to deactivate the led on a pin
void ledOff(int pin){
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
// a function to tick up the counter
void tickUp(int count){
// This is the interrupt routine function
void buttonPressed(){
Serial.println("Button interrupt detected"); // print to serial that the interrupt has been activated
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // get the button state
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
// If circuit is closed do this stuff.
Serial.println("Ack button pressed."); // print to serial that the button is pressed
ticks = 0; // reset the timer
ack = 1; // set the ack variable
ledOn(ledPin); // activate the led to full on so we know we are in ack state.
// setup at startup
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // initialize the LED pin as an output:
Serial.begin(9600); // begin the serial port listener
Serial.println("I am online\nWaiting for data..."); //print something to the serial port to express liveness
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); // Activate the button pin
attachInterrupt(0, buttonPressed, CHANGE); // attach the inturrpt routine for the button
//start the loop
void loop() {
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
incomingByte =;
// print the data I got on to the serial port for debugging purposes
Serial.print("State received: ");
Serial.print(incomingByte, DEC);
state = (incomingByte); // set the state int with what was sent
if (state == 49){
// if I received 49, print a message to confirm the alert state (the blink comes later)
Serial.println("Alert condition detected: blinking LED at rate of 50ms");
// if I get the ok state, print a message to confirm for debugging
Serial.println("Everything is looking good");
ledOff(ledPin); // also explicitly turn off the led for prosperity sake
if (state == 49){
if (ack == 0){
// If we are in an alert status and the ack state is not set, blink the led
blinkLed(ledPin, 50);
// Ack state is set so we will figure out how long it has been set and do the needful.
if (ticks > 72000) {
// if the counter has gone over 72000 ticks (1 hour at 50ms tick rate)
ack = 0; // reset the ack flag
ticks = 0; // reset the counter
Serial.println("Acknowledgement timed out"); // print to serial that we have timed out
blinkLed(ledPin, 50); // blink the led
// ack time has not expired
ledOn(ledPin); // Keep the led on
tickUp(1); // tick up by one
delay(50); // wait the tick rate (50ms)
Serial.println(ticks); // print what tick we are on.
if (state == 48){
// If we are in OK state
delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds to prevent crashing because of the interrupt (don't know why... but this just worked)
ledOff(ledPin); // make sure the led is off
ack = 0; // make sure that ack is not set for the next go around the loop
# this is the ardy script that uses a preloaded data file of HTML
# to send alerts to LED's on an arduino
# originated by mike heijmans
#require needed libraries
require 'rubygems'
require 'serialport'
#params for serial port
port_str = "/dev/tty.usbserial-A900H0RW" #may be different for you
baud_rate = 9600
data_bits = 8
stop_bits = 1
parity = SerialPort::NONE
#define the alert threshold
threshold = 2500
#connect to arduino on serial port
sp =, baud_rate, data_bits, stop_bits, parity)
#start the loop
loop do
#read data from the data file (see for file population)
fh ="data")
data =
#parse the data
a = data.split("<tr />")
spool = 0 #set spool count to zero
a.each do |row|
if row.match(/web140/) #if the table row contains host data figure out the spool length
b = row.split("</td>")
spool = spool + b[1].gsub("\t<td style='text-align:center'>","").to_i #add the spool length of the host to the master spool variable
#check if spool length is bigger than the alert threshold
if spool >= threshold
#If it is too big, print an alert and send the flash bit to the arduino
puts "UHOH! the spooler is: #{spool}/#{threshold}"
#if everything is good, print status and send the reset bit
puts "ok: #{spool}/#{threshold}"
#take a nap
sleep 60
#should never get to this bit of code...
puts "you shouldn't be here"
exit 1
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