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Created August 10, 2011 06:41
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import scala.collection.Traversable
import scala.collection.TraversableLike
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
class Bag[T] private ( private val bag: Map[T,Int], private val total: Int )
extends Traversable[(T,Int)]
with TraversableLike[(T,Int),Bag[T]]
with ( T => Int )
def foreach[U]( f: ((T,Int)) => U ) =
bag foreach f
def foreach[U]( f: (T,Int) => U ) = bag foreach f.tupled
def apply( t: T ): Int = bag.get( t ).getOrElse( 0 )
override def newBuilder = Bag.newBuilder[T]
override def toString(): String =
"Bag(" + bag.mkString(",") + ")"
def +( kv: (T,Int) ): Bag[T] =
new Bag[T]( bag + kv, total + kv._2 )
def -( t: T ): Bag[T] =
new Bag[T]( bag - t, total - bag( t ) )
def get( t: T ): Option[Int] = {
if ( bag.contains( t ) ) {
Some( bag( t ) )
} else {
Some( 0 )
def freq( t: T ): Double = 1.0*bag( t )/total
object Bag {
def fromSeq[T]( ts: Seq[(T,Int)] ) = {
val (bag, total ) =
ts.foldLeft( Map[T,Int]() -> 0 ) { ( previous, kv ) =>
val (prevMap,prevTotal) = previous
val (key,count) = kv
val nextMap = if( prevMap contains key )
prevMap + ( key -> ( count + prevMap(key) ) )
prevMap + ( key -> count )
val nextTotal = prevTotal + count
( nextMap, nextTotal )
new Bag( bag, total )
def apply[T]() = new Bag[T]( Map[T,Int](), 0 )
def apply[T]( map: Map[T,Int] ) = {
val total = map.foldLeft( 0 )( _ + _._2 )
new Bag[T]( map, total )
def newBuilder[T] = ListBuffer[(T,Int)]() mapResult fromSeq
implicit def canBuildFrom[T] =
new CanBuildFrom[Traversable[(T,Int)], (T,Int), Bag[T]] {
def apply() = newBuilder
def apply(from: Traversable[(T,Int)]) = newBuilder
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