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Created May 4, 2012 20:53
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Haskell's brute force Scala-like inverse fizzbuzz
import Control.Applicative -- para <*>
import Data.List -- para sortBy
import qualified Data.Map as M
divides m n = n `mod` m == 0
fizzbuzzTest n = [divides 3, divides 5] <*> [n]
isFizzbuzz = or . fizzbuzzTest
-- de la forma del artículo:
-- isFizzbuzz n = n `mod` 3 == 0 || n `mod` 5 == 0
toFizzbuzz n = case fizzbuzzTest n of
[True, True] -> "fizzbuzz"
[True, _] -> "fizz"
_ -> "buzz"
fizzbuzz = map toFizzbuzz . filter isFizzbuzz
fizzbuzzGoogle = fizzbuzz [1..]
gAll = [[x..y] | x <- [1..100], y <- [x..100]]
results = map fizzbuzz gAll
creaComp f x y= compare (f x) (f y)
io = sortBy (creaComp snd) $ zip gAll results
inverses = map keyFirst $ groupBy (\x y -> snd x == snd y) io
where keyFirst l = (snd $ head l, map fst l)
-- *Main> length inverses
-- 302
answer k = M.lookup k (M.fromList inverses) >>= (Just . head . sortBy (creaComp
scala> val isFizzBuzz = ((x:Int) => x%3 ==0 || x%5 ==0)
scala> val toFizzBuzz = ((x:Int) => (x%3,x%5) match {
case (0,0) => "fizzbuzz"
case (0,_) => "fizz"
case _ => "buzz"
scala> val fizzbuzz = new PartialFunction[Int,String] {
def isDefinedAt(x:Int) = isFizzBuzz(x)
def apply(x:Int) = toFizzBuzz(x)
scala> val all = (1 to 100).map(x=> (x to 100).map( y=> (x,y) )).flatten
scala> val results = x=> (x._1 to x._2).collect( fizzbuzz ))
scala> val io = results )
scala> val inverses = io.groupBy( x=> x._2)
scala> val answer = k=> (k,inverses(k).minBy(x => x._1._2 - x._1._1)._1)).toMap
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ayosec commented May 6, 2012

Alternative version for Scala:

I'm sure that there are better ways to do this, but I think this approach is very Scala-ish.

class FizzBuzzSequence(val bottom: Int, val top: Int) {

  lazy val length = top - bottom

  lazy val range = (bottom, top)

  lazy val items = (bottom to top) collect ( new PartialFunction[Int,String] {
    def isDefinedAt(x: Int) = x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
    def apply(x: Int) = (x % 3, x % 5) match {
      case (0,0) => "fizzbuzz"
      case (0,_) => "fizz"
      case _     => "buzz" 

  override def toString = "FizzBuzzSequence(" + bottom + ", " + top + ", " + items + ")"


final val max = 100

val result =
  (1 to max) flatMap { bottom =>
    (bottom to max) map { top =>
      new FizzBuzzSequence(bottom, top)
  } groupBy {
  } map { group =>
    val (items, seqs) = group
    (items, seqs minBy { _.length } range)
  } toMap


This solution has more lines, but using a class (FizzBuzzSequence) to encapsulate the boilerplate/ugly logic is more common in Scala.

The final block, with no intermediate values, is closer to the FP style.

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