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parallaxisjones / 1.cs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26 — forked from cuppster/1.cs
Promises for C# using Generics
modified from original source:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Promises
# from here:
# and here:
# To use:
# wget
# chmod 777
# ./
echo "*****************************************"
parallaxisjones / .eslintrc
Created August 1, 2017 20:53 — forked from cletusw/.eslintrc
ESLint Reset - A starter .eslintrc file that resets all rules to off and includes a description of what each rule does. From here, enable the rules that you care about by changing the 0 to a 1 or 2. 1 means warning (will not affect exit code) and 2 means error (will affect exit code).
"ecmaFeatures": {
"binaryLiterals": false, // enable binary literals
"blockBindings": false, // enable let and const (aka block bindings)
"defaultParams": false, // enable default function parameters
"forOf": false, // enable for-of loops
"generators": false, // enable generators
"objectLiteralComputedProperties": false, // enable computed object literal property names
parallaxisjones / introspection-query.graphql
Created November 20, 2017 02:10 — forked from craigbeck/introspection-query.graphql
Introspection query for GraphQL
query IntrospectionQuery {
__schema {
queryType { name }
mutationType { name }
subscriptionType { name }
types {
directives {
parallaxisjones / introspection-query.graphql
Created November 20, 2017 02:10 — forked from craigbeck/introspection-query.graphql
Introspection query for GraphQL
query IntrospectionQuery {
__schema {
queryType { name }
mutationType { name }
subscriptionType { name }
types {
directives {
parallaxisjones / gitcheats.txt
Created February 24, 2018 15:32 — forked from chrismccoy/gitcheats.txt
git cheats
# shortform git commands
alias g='git'
# get a list of all commit messages for a repo
git log --pretty=format:'%s'
# find the nearest parent branch of the current git branch
git show-branch -a | grep '\*' | grep -v `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` | head -n1 | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/' | sed 's/[\^~].*//'
# push changes to an empty git repository for the first time
Each Jenkins page has a REST API hyperlink at the bottom, this is because each page has its own endpoint.
Click 'Show API Token'
78e21f82a9e137614fef5b9593bcf827 = API Token
curl -s -u goll:78e21f82a9e137614fef5b9593bcf827 http://localhost:8080/crumbIssuer/api/json
parallaxisjones / wpcampus-functionality.php
Created April 21, 2018 21:42 — forked from mor10/wpcampus-functionality.php
Create custom taxonomies (hierarchical and non-hierarchical) in a WordPress plugin
// Create two taxonomies, Class and Year, for the post type "Lecture"
function wpcampuscpt_lecture_taxonomies() {
// Add Class taxonomy, make it hierarchical (like categories)
$labels = array(
'name' => _x( 'Classs', 'taxonomy general name' ),
'singular_name' => _x( 'Class', 'taxonomy singular name' ),
'search_items' => __( 'Search Classes' ),
'all_items' => __( 'All Classes' ),
'parent_item' => __( 'Parent Class' ),
* cellBlockA.js *
* Good morning, Dr. Eval.
* It wasn't easy, but I've managed to get your computer down
* to you. This system might be unfamiliar, but the underlying
* code is still JavaScript. Just like we predicted.
parallaxisjones / .eslintrc.js
Created June 26, 2018 18:29 — forked from nkbt/.eslintrc.js
Strict ESLint config for React, ES6 (based on Airbnb Code style)
"env": {
"browser": true,
"node": true,
"es6": true
"plugins": ["react"],
"ecmaFeatures": {