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Last active March 17, 2019 02:42
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Ched.Core.Notes;
namespace Ched.Plugins
public class ScoreSplitter : IScorePlugin
public string DisplayName => "割るぜぇ~超割るぜぇ~";
public void Run(IScorePluginArgs args)
var score = args.GetCurrentScore();
var airDic = score.Notes.Airs.ToDictionary(p => p.ParentNote, p => p);
var airActionDic = score.Notes.AirActions.ToDictionary(p => p.ParentNote, p => p);
Action<IAirable, IAirable> duplicateAir = (orig, dup) =>
if (airDic.ContainsKey(orig))
var air = new Air(dup)
VerticalDirection = airDic[orig].VerticalDirection,
HorizontalDirection = airDic[orig].HorizontalDirection
if (airActionDic.ContainsKey(orig))
var airAction = new AirAction(dup);
airAction.ActionNotes.AddRange(airActionDic[orig].ActionNotes.Select(p => new AirAction.ActionNote(airAction) { Offset = p.Offset }));
foreach (var tap in score.Notes.Taps.ToList())
foreach (var sp in Enumerable.Range(1, tap.Width - 1).Select(p => new Tap() { Tick = tap.Tick, LaneIndex = tap.LaneIndex + p, Width = 1 }))
duplicateAir(tap, sp);
tap.Width = 1;
foreach (var tap in score.Notes.ExTaps.ToList())
foreach (var sp in Enumerable.Range(1, tap.Width - 1).Select(p => new ExTap() { Tick = tap.Tick, LaneIndex = tap.LaneIndex + p, Width = 1 }))
duplicateAir(tap, sp);
tap.Width = 1;
foreach (var flick in score.Notes.Flicks.Where(p => p.Width >= 2).ToList())
foreach (var sp in Enumerable.Range(1, flick.Width / 2 - 1).Select(p => new Flick() { Tick = flick.Tick, LaneIndex = flick.LaneIndex + 2 * p, Width = 2 }))
duplicateAir(flick, sp);
flick.Width = 2;
foreach (var hold in score.Notes.Holds.ToList())
foreach (var sp in Enumerable.Range(1, hold.Width - 1).Select(p => new Hold() { StartTick = hold.StartTick, Duration = hold.Duration, LaneIndex = hold.LaneIndex + p, Width = 1 }))
duplicateAir(hold.EndNote, sp.EndNote);
hold.Width = 1;
foreach (var slide in score.Notes.Slides.Where(p => p.StepNotes.All(q => q.WidthChange == 0)).ToList())
var slides = Enumerable.Range(1, slide.StartWidth - 1)
.Select(p =>
var s = new Slide() { StartTick = slide.StartTick, StartLaneIndex = slide.StartLaneIndex + p, StartWidth = 1 };
s.StepNotes.AddRange(slide.StepNotes.OrderBy(q => q.TickOffset).Select(q => new Slide.StepTap(s) { IsVisible = q.IsVisible, TickOffset = q.TickOffset, LaneIndexOffset = q.LaneIndexOffset }));
return s;
foreach (var sp in slides)
duplicateAir(slide.StepNotes.OrderByDescending(p => p.TickOffset).First(), sp.StepNotes[sp.StepNotes.Count - 1]);
slide.StartWidth = 1;
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