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Created June 5, 2020 10:20
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locals {
cluster_name = "${var.owner}-${var.env}"
project = "ecs-${var.owner}"
default_tags = {
env = var.env
project = local.project
owner = var.owner
Name = local.cluster_name
vcs = var.vcs
Terraformed = "true"
Ansible = "false"
tf_module = ""
spotinst_autoscaler_attributes = [
key = "env"
value = local.default_tags["env"]
key = "project"
value = local.default_tags["project"]
key = "owner"
value = local.default_tags["owner"]
key = "Name"
value = "ecs-node-spotinst-${local.cluster_name}"
key = "ecs-cluster"
value = "${local.cluster_name}"
# Using AWS ECS optimized ami <>
data "aws_ami" "amazon_linux_ecs" {
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["amzn2-ami-ecs-hvm-*-x86_64-ebs"]
filter {
name = "owner-alias"
values = ["amazon"]
owners = ["591542846629"] # AWS Account id
data "template_file" "user_data" {
template = file("${path.module}/templates/")
vars = {
cluster_name = "${var.owner}-${var.env}"
user_data = var.user_data
persistent_disk_id =
resource "spotinst_elastigroup_aws" "default" {
count = var.cluster_spotinst_max_size == 0 ? 0 : 1
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
name = "${var.owner}-ecs-spotinst-elastigroup"
product = "Linux/UNIX"
min_size = var.cluster_spotinst_min_size
max_size = var.cluster_spotinst_max_size
ondemand_count = var.cluster_spotinst_ondemand_count == 0 ? null : var.cluster_spotinst_ondemand_count
spot_percentage = var.cluster_spotinst_spot_percentage
capacity_unit = "instance"
region = "eu-west-1"
subnet_ids = module.aws_vpc_data_module.aws_vpc_base_subnets_ids["private"]
image_id =
iam_instance_profile = aws_iam_instance_profile.ecs_cluster.arn
key_name = "aws_initialization_default"
security_groups = data.aws_security_groups.ecs_cluster_node.ids
user_data = data.template_file.user_data.rendered
enable_monitoring = false
ebs_optimized = true
placement_tenancy = "default"
instance_types_ondemand = var.cluster_spotinst_instance_types_ondemand
instance_types_spot = var.cluster_spotinst_instance_types_spot
instance_types_preferred_spot = var.cluster_spotinst_instance_types_preferred_spot
orientation = var.env == "prod" ? "balanced" : "costOriented"
fallback_to_ondemand = true
cpu_credits = "unlimited"
revert_to_spot {
perform_at = "always"
wait_for_capacity = var.cluster_spotinst_min_size
wait_for_capacity_timeout = 300
scaling_strategy {
terminate_at_end_of_billing_hour = true
termination_policy = "default"
integration_ecs {
cluster_name =
autoscale_is_enabled = true
autoscale_is_auto_config = var.cluster_spotinst_autoscale_headroom_automatic
autoscale_cooldown = 300
autoscale_scale_down_non_service_tasks = false
autoscale_headroom {
cpu_per_unit = var.cluster_spotinst_autoscale_headroom_cpu
memory_per_unit = var.cluster_spotinst_autoscale_headroom_memory
num_of_units = var.cluster_spotinst_autoscale_headroom_units
dynamic "autoscale_attributes" {
for_each = local.spotinst_autoscaler_attributes
content {
key = lookup(autoscale_attributes.value, "key", null)
value = lookup(autoscale_attributes.value, "value", null)
ebs_block_device {
device_name = "/dev/xvda"
volume_type = "gp2"
volume_size = var.cluster_root_volume_size
delete_on_termination = true
dynamic "tags" {
for_each = local.tags_spotinst
content {
key = lookup(tags.value, "key", null)
value = lookup(tags.value, "value", null)
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