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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Generated stub file for PHP extension `http` v2.1.4
// extension: http
// version: 2.1.4
namespace {
define('http\Client\Curl\HTTP_VERSION_1_0', 1);
define('http\Client\Curl\HTTP_VERSION_1_1', 2);
define('http\Client\Curl\HTTP_VERSION_ANY', 0);
define('http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_TLSv1', 1);
define('http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_TLSv1_0', 4);
define('http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_TLSv1_1', 5);
define('http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_TLSv1_2', 6);
define('http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_SSLv2', 2);
define('http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_SSLv3', 3);
define('http\Client\Curl\SSL_VERSION_ANY', 0);
define('http\Client\Curl\IPRESOLVE_V4', 1);
define('http\Client\Curl\IPRESOLVE_V6', 2);
define('http\Client\Curl\IPRESOLVE_ANY', 0);
define('http\Client\Curl\AUTH_BASIC', 1);
define('http\Client\Curl\AUTH_DIGEST', 2);
define('http\Client\Curl\AUTH_DIGEST_IE', 16);
define('http\Client\Curl\AUTH_NTLM', 8);
define('http\Client\Curl\AUTH_GSSNEG', 4);
define('http\Client\Curl\AUTH_ANY', -17);
define('http\Client\Curl\PROXY_SOCKS4', 4);
define('http\Client\Curl\PROXY_SOCKS4A', 5);
define('http\Client\Curl\PROXY_SOCKS5_HOSTNAME', 5);
define('http\Client\Curl\PROXY_SOCKS5', 5);
define('http\Client\Curl\PROXY_HTTP', 0);
define('http\Client\Curl\PROXY_HTTP_1_0', 1);
define('http\Client\Curl\POSTREDIR_301', 1);
define('http\Client\Curl\POSTREDIR_302', 2);
define('http\Client\Curl\POSTREDIR_303', 4);
define('http\Client\Curl\POSTREDIR_ALL', 7);
namespace http
class Client implements \SplSubject, \Countable
private $observers;
protected $options;
protected $history;
public $recordHistory = FALSE;
* Create a new HTTP client.
* @param string $driver
* @param string $persistent_handle_id
* @return void
function __construct($driver = NULL, $persistent_handle_id = NULL)
* Reset the client to the initial state.
* @return \http\Client
function reset()
* Add another http\Client\Request to the request queue.
* @param \http\Client\Request $request
* @param callable $cb
* @return \http\Client
function enqueue(Client\Request $request, $callable)
* Dequeue the http\Client\Request $request.
* @param \http\Client\Request $request
* @return \http\Client
function dequeue(Client\Request $request)
* Requeue an http\Client\Request.
* @param \http\Client\Request $request
* @return \http\Client
function requeue(Client\Request $request, $callable)
* Implements Countable. Retrieve the number of enqueued requests.
* @return int
function count()
* Send all enqueued requests.
* @return \http\Client
function send()
* Perform outstanding transfer actions.
* @return bool
function once()
* Wait for $timeout seconds for transfers to provide data.
* @param float $timeout
* @return bool
function wait($timeout)
* Retrieve the corresponding reponse of an already finished request, or the last received response if $request is not set.
* @param \http\Client\Request $request
* @return \http\Client\Response
function getResponse(Client\Request $request = NULL)
* Simply returns the http\Message chain representing the request/response history.
* @return \http\Message
function getHistory()
* Enable sending pipelined requests to the same host if the driver supports it.
* @param bool $enable
* @return \http\Client
function enablePipelining($enable = true)
* Enable usage of an event library like libevent, which might improve performance with big socket sets.
* @param bool $enable
* @return \http\Client
function enableEvents($enable = true)
* Implements SplSubject. Notify attached observers about progress with $request.
* @param \http\Client\Request $request
* @param object $progress
* @return \http\Client
function notify(Client\Request $request = NULL)
* Implements SplSubject. Attach another observer.
* @param \SplObserver $observer
* @return \http\Client
function attach(\SplObserver $observer)
* Implements SplSubject. Detach $observer, which has been previously attached.
* @param \SplObserver $observer
* @return \http\Client
function detach(\SplObserver $observer)
* Returns the SplObjectStorage holding attached observers.
* @return \SplObjectStorage
function getObservers()
* Retrieve the progress information for $request.
* @param \http\Client\Request $request
* @return object
function getProgressInfo(Client\Request $request)
* Get transfer related informatioin for a running or finished request.
* @param \http\Client\Request $request
* @return object
function getTransferInfo(Client\Request $request)
* Set client options.
* @param array $options
* @return \http\Client
function setOptions(array $options = NULL)
* Get priorly set options.
* @return array
function getOptions()
* Specifically set SSL options.
* @param array $ssl_options
* @return \http\Client
function setSslOptions(array $ssl_option = NULL)
* Add specific SSL options.
* @param array $ssl_options
* @return \http\Client
function addSslOptions(array $ssl_options = NULL)
* Retrieve priorly set SSL options.
* @return array
function getSslOptions()
* Set custom cookies.
* @param array $cookies
* @return \http\Client
function setCookies(array $cookies = NULL)
* Add custom cookies.
* @param array $cookies
* @return \http\Client
function addCookies(array $cookies = NULL)
* Get priorly set custom cookies.
* @return array
function getCookies()
* List available drivers.
* @return array
static function getAvailableDrivers()
class Cookie
* Create a new cookie list.
* @param mixed $cookies
* @param int $flags
* @param array $allowed_extras
* @return void
function __construct($cookie_string = NULL, $parser_flags, $allowed_extras = NULL)
* Get the list of cookies.
* @return array
function getCookies()
* (Re)set the cookies.
* @param array $cookies
* @return \http\Cookie
function setCookies($cookies = NULL)
* (Re)set the cookies.
* @param array $cookies
* @return \http\Cookie
function addCookies($cookies)
* Retrieve a specific cookie value.
* @param string $cookie_name
* @return string
function getCookie($name)
* (Re)set a cookie.
* @param string $cookie_name
* @param string $cookie_value
* @return \http\Cookie
function setCookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value)
* Add a cookie.
* @param string $cookie_name
* @param string $cookie_value
* @return \http\Cookie
function addCookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value)
* Retrieve the list of extra attributes.
* @return array
function getExtras()
* (Re)set the extra attributes.
* @param array $extras
* @return \http\Cookie
function setExtras($extras = NULL)
* Add several extra attributes.
* @param array $extras
* @return \http\Cookie
function addExtras($extras)
* Retrieve an extra attribute.
* @param string $name
* @return string
function getExtra($name)
* (Re)set an extra attribute.
* @param string $extra_name
* @param string $extra_value
* @return \http\Cookie
function setExtra($extra_name, $extra_value = NULL)
* Add an extra attribute to the cookie list.
* @param string $extra_name
* @param string $extra_value
* @return \http\Cookie
function addExtra($extra_name, $extra_value)
* Retrieve the effective domain of the cookie list.
* @return string
function getDomain()
* Set the effective domain of the cookie list.
* @param string $value
* @return \http\Cookie
function setDomain($value = NULL)
* Retrieve the path the cookie(s) of this cookie list are effective at.
* @return string
function getPath()
* Set the path the cookie(s) of this cookie list should be effective at.
* @param string $path
* @return \http\Cookie
function setPath($value = NULL)
* Get the currently set expires attribute.
* @return int
function getExpires()
* Set the traditional expires timestamp.
* @param int $value
* @return \http\Cookie
function setExpires($value = -1)
* Get the currently set max-age attribute of the cookie list.
* @return int
function getMaxAge()
* Set the maximum age the cookie may have on the client side.
* @param int $value
* @return \http\Cookie
function setMaxAge($value = -1)
* Get the currently set flags.
* @return int
function getFlags()
* Set the flags to specified $value.
* @param int $value
* @return \http\Cookie
function setFlags($value)
* Get the cookie list as array.
* @return array
function toArray()
* Retrieve the string representation of the cookie list.
* @return string
function toString()
* String cast handler. Alias of http\Cookie::toString().
* @return string
function __toString()
class Env
* Retrieve one or all headers of the current HTTP request.
* @param string $header_name
* @return mixed
static function getRequestHeader($header_name)
* Retreive the current HTTP request’s body.
* @param string $body_class_name
* @return \http\Message\Body
static function getRequestBody($body_class_name)
* Retrieve the string representation of specified HTTP response code.
* @param int $code
* @return string
static function getResponseStatusForCode($code)
* Retrieve a list of all known HTTP response status.
* @return array
static function getResponseStatusForAllCodes()
* Get one or all HTTP response headers to be sent.
* @param string $header_name
* @return mixed
static function getResponseHeader($header_name)
* Get the HTTP response code to send.
* @return int
static function getResponseCode()
* Set a response header, either replacing a prior set header, or appending the new header value, depending on $replace.
* @param string $header_name
* @param mixed $header_value
* @param int $response_code
* @param bool $replace
* @return bool
static function setResponseHeader($header_name, $header_value = NULL, $response_code, $replace_header = true)
* Set the HTTP response code to send.
* @param int $code
* @return bool
static function setResponseCode($code)
* Negotiate the client’s preferred language.
* @param array $supported
* @return string
static function negotiateLanguage($supported, &$result_array)
* Negotiate the client’s preferred MIME content type.
* @param array $supported
* @return string
static function negotiateContentType($supported, &$result_array)
* Negotiate the client’s preferred encoding.
* @param array $supported
* @return string
static function negotiateEncoding($supported, &$result_array)
* Negotiate the client’s preferred character set.
* @param array $supported
* @return string
static function negotiateCharset($supported, &$result_array)
* Generic negotiator. For specific client negotiation see http\Env::negotiateContentType() and related methods.
* @param string $params
* @param array $supported
* @param string $prim_typ_sep
* @return string
static function negotiate($params, $supported, $primary_type_separator, &$result_array)
interface Exception
class Header implements \Serializable
public $name;
public $value;
* Create an http\Header instance for use of simple matching or negotiation. If the value of the header is an array it may be compounded to a single comma separated string.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @return void
function __construct($name, $value)
* Implements Serializable.
* @return string
function serialize()
* String cast handler. Alias of http\Header::serialize().
* @return string
function __toString()
* Convenience method. Alias of http\Header::serialize().
* @return string
function toString()
* Implements Serializable.
* @param string $serialized
* @return void
function unserialize($serialized)
* Match the HTTP header’s value against provided $value according to $flags.
* @param string $value
* @param int $flags
* @return bool
function match($value, $flags = \http\Header::MATCH_LOOSE)
* Negotiate the header’s value against a list of supported values in $supported.
* @param array $supported
* @return string
function negotiate($supported, &$result)
* Create a parameter list out of the HTTP header value.
* @param mixed $ps
* @param mixed $as
* @param mixed $vs
* @param int $flags
* @return \http\Params
function getParams($param_sep = ",", $arg_sep = ";", $val_sep = "=", $flags = \http\Params::PARSE_DEFAULT)
* Parse HTTP headers.
* @param string $header
* @param string $header_class
* @return array
static function parse($string, $header_class = NULL)
class Message implements \Countable, \Serializable, \Iterator, \Traversable
protected $type = 0;
protected $body;
protected $requestMethod = '';
protected $requestUrl = '';
protected $responseStatus = '';
protected $responseCode = 0;
protected $httpVersion;
protected $headers;
protected $parentMessage;
* Create a new HTTP message.
* @param mixed $message
* @param bool $greedy
* @return void
function __construct($message = NULL, $greedy = true)
* Retrieve the message’s body.
* @return \http\Message\Body
function getBody()
* Set the message’s body.
* @param \http\Message\Body $body
* @return \http\Message
function setBody(Message\Body $body)
* Append the data of $body to the message’s body.
* @param \http\Message\Body $body
* @return \http\Message
function addBody(Message\Body $body)
* Retrieve a single header, optionally hydrated into a http\Header extending class.
* @param string $header
* @param string $into_class
* @return mixed
function getHeader($header, $into_class = NULL)
* Set a single header.
* @param string $header
* @param mixed $value
* @return \http\Message
function setHeader($header, $value = NULL)
* Add an header, appending to already existing headers.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @return \http\Message
function addHeader($header, $value)
* Retrieve all message headers.
* @return array
function getHeaders()
* Set the message headers.
* @param array $headers
* @return \http\Message
function setHeaders(array $headers = NULL)
* Add headers, optionally appending values, if header keys already exist.
* @param array $headers
* @param bool $append
* @return \http\Message
function addHeaders(array $headers, $append = false)
* Retrieve the type of the message.
* @return int
function getType()
* Set the message type and reset the message info.
* @param int $type
* @return \http\Message
function setType($type)
* Retrieve the first line of a request or response message.
* @return string
function getInfo()
* Set the complete message info, i.e. type and response resp. request information, at once.
* @param string $http_info
* @return \http\Message
function setInfo($http_info)
* Retrieve the response code of the message.
* @return int
function getResponseCode()
* Set the response status code.
* @param int $response_code
* @param bool $strict
* @return \http\Message
function setResponseCode($response_code, $strict = true)
* Retrieve the response status of the message.
* @return string
function getResponseStatus()
* Set the response status phrase.
* @param string $response_status
* @return \http\Message
function setResponseStatus($response_status)
* Retrieve the request method of the message.
* @return string
function getRequestMethod()
* Set the request method of the message.
* @param string $method
* @return \http\Message
function setRequestMethod($request_method)
* Retrieve the request URL of the message.
* @return string
function getRequestUrl()
* Set the request URL of the message.
* @param string $url
* @return \http\Message
function setRequestUrl($url)
* Retreive the HTTP protocol version of the message.
* @return string
function getHttpVersion()
* Set the HTTP protocol version of the message.
* @param string $http_version
* @return \http\Message
function setHttpVersion($http_version)
* Retrieve any parent message.
* @return \http\Message
function getParentMessage()
* Retrieve the message serialized to a string.
* @param bool $include_parent
* @return string
function toString($include_parent = false)
* Stream the message through a callback.
* @param callable $callback
* @param int $offset
* @param int $maxlen
* @return \http\Message
function toCallback($callback)
* Stream the message into stream $stream, starting from $offset, streaming $maxlen at most.
* @param resource $stream
* @param int $offset
* @param int $maxlen
* @return \http\Message
function toStream($stream)
* Implements Countable.
* @return int
function count()
* Implements Serializable.
* @return string
function serialize()
function unserialize($serialized)
* Implements Iterator.
* @return void
function rewind()
* Implements Iterator.
* @return bool
function valid()
* Implements iterator.
* @return \http\Message
function current()
* Implements Iterator.
* @return int
function key()
* Implements Iterator.
* @return void
function next()
* Retrieve the message serialized to a string.
* @return string
function __toString()
* Detach a clone of this message from any message chain.
* @return \http\Message
function detach()
* Prepend message(s) $message to this message, or the top most message of this message chain.
* @param \http\Message $message
* @param bool $top
* @return \http\Message
function prepend(Message $message, $top = true)
* Reverse the message chain and return the former top-most message.
* @return \http\Message
function reverse()
* Check whether this message is a multipart message based on it’s content type.
* @return bool
function isMultipart(&$boundary)
* Splits the body of a multipart message.
* @return \http\Message
function splitMultipartBody()
class Params implements \ArrayAccess
public $params;
public $param_sep = ',';
public $arg_sep = ';';
public $val_sep = '=';
public $flags = 17;
* Instantiate a new HTTP (header) parameter set.
* @param mixed $params
* @param mixed $ps
* @param mixed $as
* @param mixed $vs
* @param int $flags
* @return void
final function __construct($params = NULL, $param_sep = \http\Params::DEF_PARAM_SEP, $arg_sep = \http\Params::DEF_ARG_SEP, $val_sep = \http\Params::DEF_VAL_SEP, $flags = \http\Params::PARSE_DEFAULT)
* Convenience method that simply returns http\Params::$params.
* @return array
function toArray()
* Returns a stringified version of the parameters.
* @return string
function toString()
* String cast handler. Alias of http\Params::toString().
* @return string
function __toString()
* Implements ArrayAccess.
* @param string $name
* @return bool
function offsetExists($name)
* Implements ArrayAccess.
* @param string $name
* @return void
function offsetUnset($name)
* Implements ArrayAccess.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @return void
function offsetSet($name, $value)
* Implements ArrayAccess.
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
function offsetGet($name)
class QueryString implements \Serializable, \ArrayAccess, \IteratorAggregate, \Traversable
private static $instance;
private $queryArray;
* Create an independent querystring instance.
* @param mixed $params
* @return void
final function __construct($params = NULL)
* Simply returns http\QueryString::$queryArray.
* @return array
function toArray()
* Get the string represenation of the querystring (x-www-form-urlencoded).
* @return string
function toString()
function __toString()
* Retrieve an querystring value.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $type
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return mixed
function get($name = NULL, $type = NULL, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Set additional querystring entries.
* @param mixed $params
* @return \http\QueryString
function set($params)
* Set additional $params to a clone of this instance.
* @param mixed $params
* @return \http\QueryString
function mod($params = NULL)
* Retrieve a boolean value at offset $name.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return bool
function getBool($name, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Retrieve a int value at offset $name.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return int
function getInt($name, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Retrieve a float value at offset $name.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return float
function getFloat($name, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Retrieve a string value with at offset $name.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return string
function getString($name, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Retrieve an array value with at offset $name.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return array
function getArray($name, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Retrieve a object value with at offset $name.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return object
function getObject($name, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Implements IteratorAggregate.
* @return \Iterator
function getIterator()
* Retrieve the global querystring instance referencing $_GET.
* @return \http\QueryString
static function getGlobalInstance()
* Translate character encodings of the querystring with ext/iconv.
* @return \http\QueryString
function xlate($from_encoding, $to_encoding)
* Implements Serializable.
* @return string
function serialize()
function unserialize($serialized)
* Implements ArrayAccess.
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
function offsetGet($offset)
* Implements ArrayAccess.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $data
* @return void
function offsetSet($offset, $value)
* Implements ArrayAccess.
* @param string $name
* @return bool
function offsetExists($offset)
* Implements ArrayAccess.
* @param string $name
* @return void
function offsetUnset($offset)
class Url
public $scheme;
public $user;
public $pass;
public $host;
public $port;
public $path;
public $query;
public $fragment;
* Create an instance of an http\Url.
* @param mixed $old_url
* @param mixed $new_url
* @param int $flags
* @return void
function __construct($old_url = NULL, $new_url = NULL, $flags = \http\Url::FROM_ENV)
* Clone this URL and apply $parts to the cloned URL.
* @param mixed $parts
* @param int $flags
* @return \http\Url
function mod($more_url_parts, $flags = 'http\\Url::JOIN_PATH|http\\Url::JOIN_QUERY')
* Get the string prepresentation of the URL.
* @return string
function toString()
* String cast handler. Alias of http\Url::toString().
* @return string
function __toString()
* Retrieve the URL parts as array.
* @return array
function toArray()
namespace http\Client
class Request extends \http\Message
protected $options;
* Create a new client request message to be enqueued and sent by http\Client.
* @param string $meth
* @param string $url
* @param array $headers
* @param \http\Message\Body $body
* @return void
function __construct($method = NULL, $url = NULL, array $headers = NULL, \http\Message\Body $body = NULL)
* Set the MIME content type of the request message.
* @param string $content_type
* @return \http\Client\Request
function setContentType($content_type)
* Extract the currently set “Content-Type” header.
* @return string
function getContentType()
* (Re)set the querystring.
* @param mixed $query_data
* @return \http\Client\Request
function setQuery($query_data = NULL)
* Retrieve the currently set querystring.
* @return string
function getQuery()
* Add querystring data.
* @param mixed $query_data
* @return \http\Client\Request
function addQuery($query_data)
* Set client options.
* @param array $options
* @return \http\Client\Request
function setOptions(array $options = NULL)
* Get priorly set options.
* @return array
function getOptions()
* Specifically set SSL options.
* @param array $ssl_options
* @return \http\Client\Request
function setSslOptions(array $ssl_options = NULL)
* Retrieve priorly set SSL options.
* @return array
function getSslOptions()
* Add specific SSL options.
* @param array $ssl_options
* @return \http\Client\Request
function addSslOptions(array $ssl_options = NULL)
class Response extends \http\Message
protected $transferInfo;
* Extract response cookies.
* @param int $flags
* @param array $allowed_extras
* @return mixed
function getCookies($flags, $allowed_extras = NULL)
* Retrieve transfer related information after the request has completed.
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
function getTransferInfo($element = NULL)
namespace http\Encoding
abstract class Stream
* Base constructor for encoding stream implementations.
* @param int $flags
* @return void
function __construct($flags)
* Update the encoding stream with more input.
* @param string $data
* @return string
function update($data)
* Flush the encoding stream.
* @return string
function flush()
* Check whether the encoding stream is already done.
* @return bool
function done()
* Finish and reset the encoding stream.
* @return string
function finish()
namespace http\Encoding\Stream
class Dechunk extends \http\Encoding\Stream
* Decode chunked encoded data.
* @param string $data
* @return string
static function decode($data, &$decoded_len)
class Deflate extends \http\Encoding\Stream
* Encode data with deflate/zlib/gzip encoding.
* @param string $data
* @param int $flags
* @return string
static function encode($data, $flags)
class Inflate extends \http\Encoding\Stream
* Decode deflate/zlib/gzip encoded data.
* @param string $data
* @return string
static function decode($data)
namespace http\Env
class Request extends \http\Message
protected $query;
protected $form;
protected $files;
* Create an instance of the server’s current HTTP request.
* @return void
function __construct()
* Retrieve a form value ($_POST).
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $type
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return mixed
function getForm($name = NULL, $type = NULL, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Retrieve an URL query value ($_GET).
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $type
* @param mixed $defval
* @param bool $delete
* @return mixed
function getQuery($name = NULL, $type = NULL, $defval = NULL, $delete = false)
* Retrieve the uploaded files list ($_FILES).
* @return array
function getFiles()
class Response extends \http\Message
protected $request;
protected $contentType;
protected $contentDisposition;
protected $contentEncoding;
protected $cacheControl;
protected $etag;
protected $lastModified;
protected $throttleDelay;
protected $throttleChunk;
* Create a new env response message instance.
* @return void
function __construct()
* Output buffer handler.
* @param string $data
* @param int $ob_flags
* @return bool
function __invoke($ob_string, $ob_flags)
* Override the environment’s request.
* @param \http\Message $env_request
* @return \http\Env\Response
function setEnvRequest(\http\Message $env_request)
* Set the MIME content type of the response.
* @param string $content_type
* @return \http\Env\Response
function setContentType($content_type)
* Set the reponse’s content disposition parameters.
* @param array $disposition_params
* @return \http\Env\Response
function setContentDisposition(array $disposition_params)
* Enable support for “Accept-Encoding” requests with deflate or gzip.
* @param int $content_encoding
* @return \http\Env\Response
function setContentEncoding($content_encoding)
* Make suggestions to the client how it should cache the response.
* @param string $cache_control
* @return \http\Env\Response
function setCacheControl($cache_control)
* Set a custom last modified time stamp.
* @param int $last_modified
* @return \http\Env\Response
function setLastModified($last_modified)
* Manually test the header $header_name of the environment’s request for a cache hit.
* @param string $header_name
* @return int
function isCachedByLastModified($header_name = "If-Modified-Since")
* Set a custom ETag.
* @param string $etag
* @return \http\Env\Response
function setEtag($etag)
* Manually test the header $header_name of the environment’s request for a cache hit.
* @param string $header_name
* @return int
function isCachedByEtag($header_name = "If-None-Match")
* Enable throttling.
* @param int $chunk_size
* @param float $delay
* @return \http\Env\Response
function setThrottleRate($chunk_size, $delay = 1)
* Send the response through the SAPI or $stream.
* @param resource $stream
* @return bool
function send($stream = NULL)
namespace http\Exception
class BadConversionException extends \DomainException implements \http\Exception
class BadHeaderException extends \DomainException implements \http\Exception
class BadMessageException extends \DomainException implements \http\Exception
class BadMethodCallException extends \BadMethodCallException implements \http\Exception
class BadQueryStringException extends \DomainException implements \http\Exception
class BadUrlException extends \DomainException implements \http\Exception
class InvalidArgumentException extends \InvalidArgumentException implements \http\Exception
class RuntimeException extends \RuntimeException implements \http\Exception
class UnexpectedValueException extends \UnexpectedValueException implements \http\Exception
namespace http\Message
class Body implements \Serializable
* Create a new message body, optionally referencing $stream.
* @param resource $stream
* @return void
function __construct($stream = NULL)
* String cast handler.
* @return string
function __toString()
* Retrieve the message body serialized to a string.
* @return string
function toString()
* Implements Serializable.
* @return string
function serialize()
* Implements Serializable.
* @param string $serialized
* @return void
function unserialize($serialized)
* Stream the message body into antother stream $stream, starting from $offset, streaming $maxlen at most.
* @param resource $stream
* @param int $offset
* @param int $maxlen
* @return \http\Message\Body
function toStream($stream, $offset, $maxlen)
* Stream the message body through a callback.
* @param callable $callback
* @param int $offset
* @param int $maxlen
* @return \http\Message\Body
function toCallback($callback, $offset, $maxlen)
* Retrieve the underlying stream resource.
* @return resource
function getResource()
* Retrieve any boundary of the message body.
* @return string
function getBoundary()
* Append plain bytes to the message body.
* @param string $data
* @return \http\Message\Body
function append($string)
* Add form fields and files to the message body.
* @param array $fields
* @param array $files
* @return \http\Message\Body
function addForm(array $fields = NULL, array $files = NULL)
* Add a part to a multipart body.
* @param \http\Message $part
* @return \http\Message\Body
function addPart(\http\Message $message)
* Retrieve the ETag of the body.
* @return string
function etag()
* Stat size, atime, mtime and/or ctime.
* @param string $field
* @return mixed
function stat($field = NULL)
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pepakriz commented Jan 9, 2015

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