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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am paraseba on github.
  • I am paraseba ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9D6D 0755 86C2 1B61 42D1 7883 8124 48E5 924F EEA5

To claim this, I am signing this object:

<body><p>hello world</p></body></html>
Hash: SHA512,SHA1
I am transitioning GPG keys from an old 1024 and 2048-bit key to a new
4096-bit RSA key.
This transition document is signed with the 3 keys to validate the
The old keys, which I am transitional away from, is:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am paraseba on github.
  • I am paraseba ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F634 BC3E 4DF3 CBF1 35F7 0158 9067 9A7E 1C48 CC35

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Conway’s law, as misused as CAP

You know how the CAP theorem is frequently misunderstood and abused to justify any random design space decision in distributed systems? Of course you do, there is so much written about it. Well there is another, much easier to understand, much weaker but equally abused “result” [1], Conway’s law.

Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the

(defn checkout-deps-paths [project]
(apply concat (for [dep (.listFiles (file (:root project) "checkouts"))
;; Note that this resets the leiningen.core/project var!
:let [proj (read-dependency-project dep)]
:when proj]
(for [d (:checkout-deps-shares project [:source-path :compile-path :resources-path])]
(ensure-absolute (d proj) dep))))))
:checkout-deps-shares [:source-path :resources-path :test-path
paraseba / gist:1167254
Created August 24, 2011 03:40
Jorge Luis Borges on novice writers (or programmers?)
Look, I mean to say this: When I began writing, I thought that
everything should be defined by the writer. For example, to say
“the moon” was strictly forbidden; that one had to find an
adjective, an epithet for the moon. (Of course, I'm simplifying
things. I know it because many times I have written “la luna,”
but this is a kind of symbol of what I was doing.) Well, I
thought everything had to be defined and that no common turns
of phrase should be used. I would never have said, “So-and-so
came in and sat down,” because that was far too simple and far
too easy. I thought I had to find out some fancy way of saying
(def file-path "words.txt")
paraseba / gist:1328334
Created October 31, 2011 18:21
Setup your environment for the Clojure hands-on training

##Install Java

Install any version of Java JDK >= 1.5 You can download Java using your system's package manager or going to

##Install Leiningen

Leiningen will help us automating some common tasks like installing dependencies and running the REPL. The installation procedure changes if you are in a Unix like system or in Windows. If you have any problems, there is more information in Leiningen's page:

; Currencies know how to create Money
(defprotocol Currency
(make-money [this amount]))
; Money knows the details about how to print itself, round, etc.
; We want to be able to pass Moneys around, and after the fact, be able to
; print them, round them, etc.
(defprotocol Money
(str$ [this])
(round$ [this]))