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Created February 1, 2015 21:43
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open System.Collections.Generic;
//the trie node type which is stores a char, a bool to mark the end of the node and a list of all it's subnodes
type TrieNode = TrieNode of (char * bool * TrieNode list) with
//just a getter the char stored
member this.Char = match this with TrieNode(c,weh,subnodes) -> c
//get the first node that is a subnode of the current node and stores the char passed as parameter (c)
//this returns a list which can be either empty or have one element this is probably not the best option since there will never be
//more than one element in the list but I am new to F#
member this.GetChild(c:char) = match this with TrieNode(c,weh,subnodes) -> match List.tryFind (fun (this:TrieNode) -> this.Char = c) subnodes with
| Some value -> [value]
| None -> []
//just return true if a word ends here
member this.AWordEndsHere = match this with TrieNode(_,weh,_) -> weh
//just a getter for the the subnodes
member this.Subnodes = match this with TrieNode(_,_,subnodes) -> subnodes
//type members cannot be recursive so I implemented this in a module
//a more functional approach was to implement all methods here I guess ... anyways ...
module TrieFunctions =
//this inserts a word passed as a char list
let rec insertWord (wordChars:char list) = function
| TrieNode(c, weh, subnodes) as node ->
if(wordChars.Length > 0) then
//get the first char in the word and see if there are any child nodes storing that char
let child = node.GetChild(wordChars.Head)
if child = [] then
//if there aren't insert this node and make a new node to pass to the insertion function
let newnode = TrieNode(wordChars.Head,false,[])
TrieNode(c,weh,(insertWord wordChars.Tail newnode)::subnodes )
//otherwise the node that has to be passed to the insertion function is the child node as all other nodes will be
//added after it and the first char in the word will be added
TrieNode(wordChars.Head,false,(insertWord wordChars.Tail child.Head)::subnodes )
//there are no more characters in the word so we must add a node with no subnodes and mark it as a valid end of a word
//turn a string into a char list - ofSeq turns any sequence into a list of it's composing elements
//and a string is made up of chars
let stringToCharList(s:string) = List.ofSeq s
//print the trie - use an accumulator(acc)
let rec print acc = function
//if there are no subnodes
| TrieNode(c, weh, []) ->
//add the current char node to the accumulator, print if it the end of a word and return unit
let str = acc + c.ToString()
if weh then printfn "%s" str
| TrieNode(c, weh, subnodes) ->
//add the current char node to the accumulator, print if it the end of a word
let str = acc + (if c.Equals(' ') then "" else c.ToString())
if weh then printfn "%s" str
//iterate through the list of subnodes and call print function for each of them
List.iter (fun (node : TrieNode) -> print str node) subnodes
//unlike in C# in F# the type has a default constructor containing the maximum number of parameters
type Trie(inner : TrieNode) =
member this.InsertWord(wordChars:char list) = Trie(TrieFunctions.insertWord wordChars inner)
member this.InsertWord(str:string) = Trie(TrieFunctions.insertWord (TrieFunctions.stringToCharList str) inner)
member this.Root() = inner
//and an empty constructor must be declared if you want to have it
new() = Trie(TrieNode(' ',false,List.empty))
let trie = Trie()
TrieFunctions.print "" (trie.Root())
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