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Created December 15, 2017 13:24
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var Feedback = {
// Run will initialize all of these functions and event handlers
// And they have the settings variable we passed in to work with
run: function (settings) {
// Click action for
$(document).on('click', '#showFeedbackForm', function () {
getOptions().then(function (ajaxRes) {
// Once options are loaded, build the select list
// Using fake data here, 'options' would normally be from ajaxRes
var options = [
{ text: 'This is helpful', id: 3 },
{ text: 'The weather is wrong', id: 4 },
{ text: 'The location is wrong', id: 6 },
{ text: 'This is not useful', id: 7 },
{ text: 'Something else', id: 9 },
// Clear the modal when it closes
$('#feedbackModal').on('', function () {
// On keydown when the textarea is focused, expand +1 row, up to 8 rows total if 'Enter' button pressed
$(document).on('keydown', '#feedbackModalComment', function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
var totalRows = $(this).prop('rows');
if (totalRows < 8) {
$(this).prop('rows', totalRows + 1);
// On click of save, validate then save
$(document).on('click', '#feedbackModalSend', function () {
if ($('input[name="rad1"]:checked').val() > 0) {
saveFeedback( getFeedback($('input[name="rad1"]:checked').val()) ).then(function () {
notify(true, "Thanks for the feedback!");
} else {
notify(false, "Please make sure you select a reason.");
// Get options from the server
getOptions = function () {
// AJAX call to get the options
// Just going to a random API
// This is where we would use settings.getOptionsUrl
// url: settings.getOptionsUrl + '?userId=' + settings.userId + '&optionsId=' + settings.optionsId
return $.ajax({
url: ''
// Build select list from options passed in
buildRadioGroup = function (optionsArr) {
optionsArr.forEach( function (option) {
// Builds a single radio button
buildRadioButton = function (option) {
return '\
<div class="form-check"> \
<label class="form-check-label"> \
<input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="rad1" value="' + + '"> \
' + option.text + ' \
</label> \
// Save feedback form, gets the data, then sends it
saveFeedback = function (data) {
// Again,not actually saving anything, just hitting a random API for the AJAX call
// This is where our settings.sendFeedbackUrl would live
return $.ajax({
url: ''
// Make a feedback object to give to the server
getFeedback = function (selectedOptionVal) {
return {
userId: settings.userId,
optionsId: settings.optionsId,
selectedOption: selectedOptionVal,
comments: $('#feedbackModalComment').val()
// Clear the modal, need to remove options and reset textarea
clearModal = function () {
// Show notification, CSS class based on if success or not
notify = function (success, msg) {
$('<div />', {
class: 'alert alert-' + (success ? 'success' : 'danger'),
text: msg
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000)
// Clear notifications
clearNotifications = function () {
$('#notificationArea').fadeOut(function () {
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