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Last active February 4, 2024 23:45
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Harmony: A draft of how to patch inner methods with so called infixes
static void Main(string[] args)
var test = new Test();
Console.WriteLine($"--> OriginalMethod={test.OriginalMethod(0, "foobartest")}");
Console.WriteLine($"--> OriginalMethod={test.OriginalMethod(123, "foobartest")}");
// patching would happen here
Console.WriteLine($"--> OriginalMethod_Patched_By_Harmony={test.OriginalMethod_Patched_By_Harmony(0, "foobartest")}");
Console.WriteLine($"--> OriginalMethod_Patched_By_Harmony={test.OriginalMethod_Patched_By_Harmony(123, "foobartest")}");
// patch code section
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Test), nameof(Test.OriginalMethod))]
public static class Patches
// infixes have the following possible attributes:
// - HarmonyInfixPatch(Type type, string methodName) ... and all the other argument variations on HarmonyPatch()
// - HarmonyInnerPrefix
// - HarmonyInnerPostfix
// the goal here is to keep the methodinfo from HarmonyPath for the outer method
// and the methodinfo (and optional index) from HarmonyInfixPatch to find the patch position
// inside the outer method
// in order to sort infixes, we need to identify them and that is done by a tuple of (MethodInfo, int)
// which uniquely identifies an infix by method and index (-1 means all occurances).
// it is also planned to get (MethodInfo, int) by calling a defined delegate method that takes the original methodinfo
// and its codeinstructions just like TargetMethod does for normal patches
// injected arguments are basically the same as in ordinary patches but have some changes:
// - anything referring to the original has an EXTRA prefix of 'o_' (so __instance becomes o___instance)
// - anything referring to the patched method inside the original will have the same name as normally
// - so to rewrite an argument 'foo' in the called method one would simply use 'string foo'
// - if the same argument is from the outer original method, it would be 'string o_foo'
// - local variables are injected by index '__var_N' (stable because original var index is preserved because it append only)
// - same for instance, specials and result
[HarmonyInfixPatch(typeof(Helper), nameof(Helper.Decide))]
public static bool InnerPrefix(int o_idx, ref string str, ref bool __result, ref int __var_counter)
if (o_idx == 0)
__result = false;
return false;
str = str + ".";
__var_counter = __var_counter + 1;
return true;
[HarmonyInfixPatch(typeof(Helper), nameof(Helper.Decide))]
public static void LogSomething(Test o___instance, Helper __instance, bool __result, int __var_counter, string __var_0)
Console.WriteLine($"### {o___instance}/{__instance}, Decide = {__result} count={__var_counter} secret={__var_0}");
// original code section
public class Helper
public bool Decide(string str)
Console.WriteLine($"Decide {str}");
return str.Contains("test");
public override string ToString() => this.GetHashCode().ToString();
public class Test
// before patching (original)
public string OriginalMethod(int idx, string input)
var secret = "secret";
var helper = new Helper();
while (input.Length > 0)
if (!helper.Decide(input)) // we want to patch Decide and run code before and after
input = input.Substring(1);
return input + $" {secret}";
// still original but restructured for better understanding
public string OriginalMethod_Destructured_Like_IL(int idx, string input)
var secret = "secret";
var helper = new Helper();
while (input.Length > 0)
// Original method contains this base form of the call
// somehow (instead of 'res' the stack is used). It's how IL works but
// C# makes it hard to see. So this row is what we patch with an inner prefix/postfix
var res = helper.Decide(input);
if (!res)
input = input.Substring(1);
return input + $" {secret}";
// after patching
public string OriginalMethod_Patched_By_Harmony(int idx, string input)
var secret = "secret"; // first defined variable (var index 0)
int counter = 0; // from injection of __var_counter
var helper = new Helper();
while (input.Length > 0)
// just like with normal prefixes/postfixes, Harmony creates some local state variables
// then each inner prefix is called before the (inner) original and then the original is (conditionally)
// called and finally each inner postfix is called
bool __result = false; // result of infixed method
bool __runOriginal = false; // should we skip infixed method?
// all injected arguments of the infixed method and the patches are stored in local vars
int var1 = idx;
string var2 = input;
// { start of loop thru all inner prefixes
__runOriginal = Patches.InnerPrefix(var1, ref var2, ref __result, ref counter);
// } end of loop
if (__runOriginal)
// NOTE: this is still the original code unchanged
__result = helper.Decide(var2);
// end original call code
// { start of loop thru all inner postfixes
Patches.LogSomething(this, helper, __result, counter, secret);
// } end of loop
// write our local vars back
idx = var1;
input = var2;
var result = __result;
// back to normal
if (!result)
input = input.Substring(1);
return input + $" {secret}";
public override string ToString() => this.GetHashCode().ToString();
// fake API for testing
public class HarmonyInfixPatchAttribute : HarmonyAttribute
public Type type;
public string method;
public int index;
public HarmonyInfixPatchAttribute(Type type, string method, int index = -1)
this.type = type;
this.method = method;
this.index = index;
public class HarmonyInnerPostfix : HarmonyAttribute
public Type type;
public string method;
public int index;
public HarmonyInnerPostfix()
public HarmonyInnerPostfix(Type type, string method, int index = -1)
this.type = type;
this.method = method;
this.index = index;
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pardeike commented Feb 4, 2024

Manual patching will of course be possible too

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Banane9 commented Feb 4, 2024

Some notes I had while reading it, in no particular order:

  • For convenience, it would seem nice to have a params int[]? indices = null for InfixPatch / InnerPrefix / InnerPostfix, to be able to specify multiple locations to patch - at least if that's something intended to be supported. I'm not sure how that should influence something like __var_counter, but the easiest would certainly be to just treat each location as a new thing, although there might be an interesting case for more shared variables?
  • I like the name InfixPatch - but at the same time having InfixPatch and InnerPrefix / InnerPostfix seems inconsistent. I would favor changing it to InnerPatch to keep it consistent and not have the mouthfuls of InfixPrefix and InfixPostfix.
  • Would the extra _ in something like o___instance be necessary? o_originalArgument and o__instance seem nicer, imo.
  • I'd also consider to make the o more "obvious", maybe extend it to "outer"? It would be a bit longer, but would make it nicer to read imo and make it more obvious what it refers to.

Other than those ideas, this seems well thought out and extremely powerful 👍

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