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Created January 19, 2017 08:30
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Save pardeike/ec9ffb349379390b46d94f787bbdeb90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The following is a log created by Harmony when running two mods in RimWorld together:
CameraPlus and SameSpot. Both are here on GitHub under my name and the Harmony commit 81a27ed
is used with both mods:
PC used: Windows 10, version 1607 14393.693
Intel i7-3770 16GB ram, 64bit x64 system
Debugging was done on offline RimWorld with replaced debug mono.ddl
The log shows SameSpot loading first (both have the same Harmony.dll and thus ony SameSpot gets
the dll loaded and the static vars initialized). RimWorld starts fine, both mods patch fine and
the game loads fine. Camera zoom is tested fine (CameraPlus working). Then when right-clicking
a colonists to a specific spot, the game crashes (first time use of SameSpot):
Initializing Cache
Cache - adding field type Harmony.HarmonyMethod
Cache - adding fieldinfo System.Type originalType
Cache - adding fieldinfo System.String methodName
Cache - adding fieldinfo System.Type[] parameter
Cache - adding fieldinfo System.Int32 prioritiy
Cache - adding fieldinfo System.String[] before
Cache - adding fieldinfo System.String[] after
PeekJump at 0x00000000181ee1e0 => zero
Checking payload for Boolean <>m__60C(IntVec3) => null
# 0x0000000013f00008 55 8b ec 83 ec 48 90 90
# 0x0000000013f00010 90 90 90 90 3b 05 00 00
# 0x0000000013f00018 2f 01 90 90 90 90 90 90
# 0x0000000013f00020 8b 45 08 8b 40 08 8b 40
KeepAlive - static reference array initialized
KeepAlive - Boolean <>m__60C_original(Object, IntVec3)
KeepAlive - Boolean <>m__60C_original(System.Object, IntVec3)
KeepAlive - Boolean <>m__60C_wrapper(Object, IntVec3)
KeepAlive - Boolean <>m__60C_wrapper(System.Object, IntVec3)
Detouring source 0x00000000181ee1e0 to target 0x0000000013f001c0 (new)
# Source
# 0x00000000181ee1e0 55 8b ec 83 ec 48 90 90
# 0x00000000181ee1e8 90 90 90 90 3b 05 00 00
# 0x00000000181ee1f0 2f 01 90 90 90 90 90 90
# 0x00000000181ee1f8 8b 45 08 8b 40 08 8b 40
# Target
# 0x0000000013f001c0 55 8b ec 83 ec 18 c6 45
# 0x0000000013f001c8 f2 00 c6 45 f3 00 90 90
# 0x0000000013f001d0 90 90 90 90 3b 05 00 00
# 0x0000000013f001d8 2f 01 90 90 90 90 90 90
KeepAlive - Void HarmonyMemoryMethod1()
Memory - created at 0x000000001bdbbd98 (len 31)
# Contents
# 0x000000001bdbbd98 55 8b ec 83 ec 08 90 90
# 0x000000001bdbbda0 90 90 90 90 3b 05 00 00
# 0x000000001bdbbda8 2f 01 90 90 90 90 90 90
# 0x000000001bdbbdb0 b8 01 00 00 00 b9 00
Writing intermediate jump to target at 0x000000001bdbbda7
Jump written to 0x000000001bdbbda7 with offset 0xf8144414 => 0x0000000013f001c0 (32bit)
# Contents after detour
# 0x000000001bdbbd98 48 61 72 6d 6f 6e 79 f8
# 0x000000001bdbbda0 09 91 15 00 04 00 00 e9
# 0x000000001bdbbda8 14 44 14 f8 00 00 00 00
# 0x000000001bdbbdb0 00 00 00 00 00 b9 00
Jump written to 0x00000000181ee1e0 with offset 0x03bcdbc2 => 0x000000001bdbbda7 (32bit)
PeekJump at 0x000000001bdbd410 => zero
Checking payload for Void ApplyPositionToGameObject() => null
# 0x0000000013f00300 55 8b ec 83 ec 58 8d 45
# 0x0000000013f00308 b8 33 c0 89 45 b8 89 45
# 0x0000000013f00310 bc 89 45 c0 90 90 90 90
# 0x0000000013f00318 90 90 3b 05 00 00 2f 01
KeepAlive - Void ApplyPositionToGameObject_original(Object)
KeepAlive - Void ApplyPositionToGameObject_original(System.Object)
KeepAlive - Void ApplyPositionToGameObject_wrapper(Object)
KeepAlive - Void ApplyPositionToGameObject_wrapper(System.Object)
Detouring source 0x000000001bdbd410 to target 0x0000000013f00560 (new)
# Source
# 0x000000001bdbd410 55 8b ec 83 ec 58 8d 45
# 0x000000001bdbd418 b8 33 c0 89 45 b8 89 45
# 0x000000001bdbd420 bc 89 45 c0 90 90 90 90
# 0x000000001bdbd428 90 90 3b 05 00 00 2f 01
# Target
# 0x0000000013f00560 55 8b ec 83 ec 08 c6 45
# 0x0000000013f00568 ff 00 90 90 90 90 90 90
# 0x0000000013f00570 3b 05 00 00 2f 01 90 90
# 0x0000000013f00578 90 90 90 90 b8 e0 b4 8e
KeepAlive - Void HarmonyMemoryMethod2()
Memory - created at 0x000000001bdc0b68 (len 31)
# Contents
# 0x000000001bdc0b68 55 8b ec 83 ec 08 90 90
# 0x000000001bdc0b70 90 90 90 90 3b 05 00 00
# 0x000000001bdc0b78 2f 01 90 90 90 90 90 90
# 0x000000001bdc0b80 b8 01 00 00 00 b9 00
Writing intermediate jump to target at 0x000000001bdc0b77
Jump written to 0x000000001bdc0b77 with offset 0xf813f9e4 => 0x0000000013f00560 (32bit)
# Contents after detour
# 0x000000001bdc0b68 48 61 72 6d 6f 6e 79 88
# 0x000000001bdc0b70 e9 1d 1b 00 04 00 00 e9
# 0x000000001bdc0b78 e4 f9 13 f8 00 00 00 00
# 0x000000001bdc0b80 00 00 00 00 00 b9 00
Jump written to 0x000000001bdbd410 with offset 0x00003762 => 0x000000001bdc0b77 (32bit)
Wrapper - ApplyPositionToGameObject
Cache - adding property type Verse.CameraDriver
Cache - adding propertyinfo UnityEngine.Camera MyCamera
Wrapper - ApplyPositionToGameObject
Wrapper - ApplyPositionToGameObject
Unhandled exception at 0x13f001d0 in RimWorld1393Win.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x89e0458b.
Visual Studio Debugger breaks into (*)
13F001C0 45 inc ebp
13F001C1 B8 8B 45 E0 89 mov eax,89E0458Bh
13F001C6 45 inc ebp
13F001C7 BC 8B 45 E4 89 mov esp,89E4458Bh
13F001CC 45 inc ebp
13F001CD C0 3B 05 sar byte ptr [ebx],5
* 13F001D0 00 00 add byte ptr [eax],al
13F001D2 2F das
13F001D3 01 90 90 90 90 90 add dword ptr [eax-6F6F6F70h],edx
13F001D9 90 nop
13F001DA 8D 45 B8 lea eax,[ebp-48h]
13F001DD D9 05 F8 25 A6 18 fld dword ptr ds:[18A625F8h]
13F001E3 D9 5D BC fstp dword ptr [ebp-44h]
Copied from log above for easier viewing: Target wrapper for SameSpot (before patching):
# 0x0000000013f001c0 55 8b ec 83 ec 18 c6 45
# 0x0000000013f001c8 f2 00 c6 45 f3 00 90 90
# 0x0000000013f001d0 90 90 90 90 3b 05 00 00
# 0x0000000013f001d8 2f 01 90 90 90 90 90 90
Obviously, the JITed content of the DynamicMethod (or its delegate) has changed regardless of Harmony forcing a JIT on it.
- why is this happening
- how can this be prevented
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