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Created November 2, 2017 19:34
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Ansible commands
-i :inventory file
-u list_of_server :username for remote login for the list_of_servers
-m :runs the moudle name and gives the output
-a :shell arguments to run on the remote machine ex: ls, docker ps, etc
-f : specify the number of parallel process to run\
-B : run asynchronously, failing after X
ansible atlanta -a "/usr/bin/foo" -u username
ansible -u ec2-user us-east-1 -m ping
ansible -i -u ec2-user us-east-1 -m ping
ansible -i -u ec2-user tag_Zone_YELLOW -m ping
ansible <pattern_goes_here> -m <module_name> -a <arguments>
ansible webservers -m service -a "name=httpd state=restarted"
<pattern_goes_here>: all, *, webservers:dbservers(: specifies 'or'), webservers:&staging (& specifies and), webservers:!phoenix (exclude phoenix), or combine or, and and not
*, *.com, webservers[0] ,webservers[-1] , ~(web|db).*\.example\.com
Run in parallel:
ansible atlanta -a "/sbin/reboot" -f 10
Copy files:
ansible atlanta -m copy -a "src=/etc/hosts dest=/tmp/hosts"
ansible raleigh -m shell -a 'echo $TERM'
Change permissions or groups of files:
ansible webservers -m file -a "dest=/srv/foo/a.txt mode=600"
ansible webservers -m file -a "dest=/srv/foo/b.txt mode=600 owner=mdehaan group=mdehaan"
ansible webservers -m file -a "dest=/path/to/c mode=755 owner=mdehaan group=mdehaan state=directory"
Install packages:
ansible webservers -m yum -a "name=acme state=present"
ansible webservers -m yum -a "name=acme-1.5 state=present"
ansible webservers -m yum -a "name=acme state=latest"
ansible webservers -m yum -a "name=acme state=absent"
Users and Groups:
The ‘user’ module allows easy creation and manipulation of existing user accounts, as well as removal of user accounts that may exist:
ansible all -m user -a "name=foo password=<crypted password here>"
ansible all -m user -a "name=foo state=absent"
Deploying from Source Control:
ansible webservers -m git -a "repo= dest=/srv/myapp version=HEAD"
Managing services:
ansible webservers -m service -a "name=httpd state=started"
ansible webservers -m service -a "name=httpd state=restarted"
ansible webservers -m service -a "name=httpd state=stopped"
Time limited background operations:
ansible all -B 3600 -P 0 -a "/usr/bin/long_running_operation --do-stuff"
ansible -m async_status -a "jid=488359678239.2844"
ansible all -B 1800 -P 60 -a "/usr/bin/long_running_operation --do-stuff"
* ANSIBLE_CONFIG (an environment variable)
* ansible.cfg (in the current directory)
* .ansible.cfg (in the home directory)
* /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
./ --list
./ --host
ansible-playbook -i -u ec2-user dynamicInventoryFilter.yml
ansible-playbook site.yml --limit datacenter2
ible-playbook site.yml --limit @retry_hosts.txt
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