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Last active September 8, 2020 13:47
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Build PHP functions stubs for PHPStorm inclusion
* Copyright: Michael Maroszek
* Version: 1.3, 07.08.2019
* Requires: IP-Symcon 5.2 or newer
echo "<?php" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$ipsGlobals = Array(
"SELF" => 0,
"SENDER" => "",
"VALUE" => 0,
"OLDVALUE" => 0,
"VARIABLE" => 0,
"EVENT" => 0,
"TRIGGER" => 0,
"TARGET" => 0,
"ACTION" => 0,
"INSTANCE" => 0,
"THREAD" => 0,
"FORM" => 0, //Designer
"COMPONENT" => "", //Designer
"DIRECTION" => 0, //ShutterControl
"DURATION" => 0, //ShutterControl
"INSTANCE2" => 0, //ShutterControl
"STATUS" => 0, //StatusEvent
"STATUSTEXT" => "", //StatusEvent
"DATA" => "", //ISDN/VOIP
"CONFIGURATOR" => "", //WebFront
"INSTANCES" => Array(), //HeatingControl
"INVERTS" => Array(), //HeatingControl
"CLIENTIP" => "", //ServerSocket
"CLIENTPORT" => 0 //ServerSocket
$docTypes = Array("bool", "int", "float", "string", "mixed", "array");
//mixed is not an allowed PHP7 scalar type. lets just assue no specific type
$phpTypes = Array("bool", "int", "float", "string", "", "array");
//map types to nicer returns which the IDE will autodetect
$phpReturns = Array("return true;", "return 0;", "return 0.0;", "return '';", "return '';", "return Array();");
$php7Returns = Array(
"void" => "",
"bool" => "return true;",
"int" => "return 0;",
"double" => "return 0.0;",
"string" => "return '';",
"array" => "return Array();"
$php7Defaults = Array(
"bool" => "false",
"int" => "0",
"double" => "0.0",
"string" => "''",
"array" => "Array();"
//Print all global variables
echo "\$_IPS = " . var_export($ipsGlobals, true) . ";" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
//Print all defined constants
$contants = get_defined_constants(true);
foreach($contants["IP-Symcon"] as $key => $value) {
echo "define(" . var_export($key, true) . ", " . var_export($value, true) . ");" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
//This will fetch all functions that are declared in IP-Symcon
//If this is undefined you probably do not run this script in an IP-Symcon environment
$functions = IPS_GetFunctionList(0);
foreach($functions as $function) {
$function = IPS_GetFunction($function);
echo "function ".$function['FunctionName']."(";
$parameters = Array();
foreach($function['Parameters'] as $functionParameter) {
$parameter = "$".$functionParameter['Description'];
$type = $phpTypes[$functionParameter['Type_']];
if($type != "") {
$parameter = $type . " " . $parameter;
$parameters[] = $parameter;
echo implode(", ", $parameters);
echo ") { " . $phpReturns[$function['Result']['Type_']] . " }" . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
//Lets build a dummy IPSModule class from reflection information
$class=new Reflectionclass('IPSModule');
echo "class IPSModule {" . PHP_EOL;
echo "\tprotected \$InstanceID;" . PHP_EOL;
foreach($class->getMethods() as $method) {
echo "\t";
echo "public ";
echo "protected ";
echo "private ";
echo "static ";
echo "function " . $method->getName() . "(";
$parameters = Array();
foreach($method->getParameters() as $methodParameter) {
$parameter = "$".$methodParameter->getName();
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '7', '>=')) {
if($methodParameter->hasType()) {
$parameter = $methodParameter->getType() . " " . $parameter;
if($methodParameter->getPosition() >= $method->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()) {
if(array_key_exists($methodParameter->getType()->__toString(), $php7Defaults)) {
$parameter .= " = " . $php7Defaults[$methodParameter->getType()->__toString()];
$parameters[] = $parameter;
echo implode(", ", $parameters);
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '7', '>=')) {
if($method->hasReturnType()) {
if(array_key_exists($method->getReturnType()->__toString(), $php7Returns)) {
echo ") { ". $php7Returns[$method->getReturnType()->__toString()] . " }" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo ") { return ''; }" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo ") {}" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo ") {}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "}";
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