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%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
%% Created for Chad Black at 2014-11-22 08:54:01 -0500
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Address = {[Quito Ecuador]},
Author = {Jos{\'e} Mar{\'\i}a Vargas},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:31:38 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:31:38 +0000},
Publisher = {Banco Central de Ecuador ;Corporaci{\'o}n Editora Nacional},
Title = {La econom{\'\i}a pol{\'\i}tica del Ecuador durante la colonia},
Year = {1981}}
Address = {Urbana},
Author = {Norman E Whitten},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:30:57 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:30:57 +0000},
Isbn = {9780252036033},
Publisher = {University of Illinois Press},
Title = {Histories of the present : people and power in Ecuador},
Year = {2011}}
Address = {[Cambridge Mass.]},
Author = {Norman E Whitten},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:30:55 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:30:55 +0000},
Isbn = {9780470941263},
Publisher = {Schenkman Pub. Co.},
Title = {Black frontiersmen a South American case},
Year = {1974}}
Address = {Stanford Calif.},
Author = {Norman E Whitten},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:30:50 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:30:50 +0000},
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Title = {Class, kinship, and power in an Ecuadorian town the Negroes of San Lorenzo},
Year = {1965}}
Address = {Iowa City :},
Author = {Norman Whitten},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:30:39 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:30:39 +0000},
Isbn = {9781587294488},
Journal = {Millennial Ecuador critical essays on cultural transformations and social dynamics},
Publisher = {University of Iowa Press,},
Year = {2003}}
Address = {Caracas Venezuela},
Author = {Juan de Velasco},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:30:18 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:30:18 +0000},
Isbn = {9788466000697},
Publisher = {Biblioteca Ayacucho},
Title = {Historia del reino de Quito en la Am{\'e}rica meridional},
Year = {1981}}
Address = {[Ann Arbor},
Author = {Robson Brines Tyrer},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:29:54 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:29:54 +0000},
Title = {The demographic and economic history of the audiencia of Quito : Indian population and the textile history, 1600-1800.},
Year = {1979}}
Address = {Quito},
Author = {Robson Brines Tyrer},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:29:50 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:29:50 +0000},
Isbn = {9789978720073},
Publisher = {Banco Central del Ecuador},
Title = {Historia demogr{\'a}fica y econ{\'o}mica de la Audiencia de Quito : poblaci{\'o}n ind{\'\i}gena e industria textil, 1600-1800},
Year = {1988}}
Author = {Robson Tyrer},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:29:48 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:29:48 +0000},
Journal = {The demographic and economic history of the Audiencia of Quito : Indian population and the textile industry, 1600-1800},
Year = {1976}}
Author = {John C Super},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:29:15 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:29:15 +0000},
Issn = {0022-216X},
Journal = {Journal of Latin American Studies},
Number = {02},
Pages = {265},
Title = {Partnership and Profit in the Early Andean Trade: The Experiences of Quito Merchants, 1580--1610},
Volume = {11},
Year = {1979}}
Author = {Kimberly Gauderman},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:28:11 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:28:11 +0000},
Issn = {1060-9164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {47--63},
Title = {A loom of her own: women and textiles in seventeenth-century quito},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Adam Szaszdi},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:28:10 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:28:10 +0000},
Issn = {0023-8791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Number = {2},
Pages = {266--275},
Title = {The Economic History of the Diocese of Quito, 1616-1787},
Volume = {21},
Year = {1986}}
Author = {H{\'e}ctor Ornar Noejovich},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:27:35 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:27:35 +0000},
Journal = {Hist{\'o}rica Vol. 15, No. 2 (1991) 343-357},
Publisher = {Pontificia Universidad Cat{\'o}lica del Per{\'u};2014-03-12},
Title = {Nota cr{\'\i}tica sobre Native lords of Quito in the age of the incas by Frank Salomon}}
Author = {Frank Salomon},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:27:34 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:27:34 +0000},
Journal = {Hist{\'o}rica Vol. 15, No. 2 (1991) 358-362},
Publisher = {Pontificia Universidad Cat{\'o}lica del Per{\'u};2014-03-12},
Title = {Respuesta a "Nota critica sobre native lords of Quito in the age of the incas''}}
Address = {Quito Ecuador},
Author = {Fernando Montenegro},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:25:44 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:25:44 +0000},
Publisher = {Ediciones Abya-Yala},
Title = {Las mitas en la Real Audiencia de Quito : su aplicaci{\'o}n en los obrajes y transici{\'o}n hacia el concertaje},
Year = {1985}}
Address = {Quito},
Author = {Aquiles R P{\'e}rez T},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:25:43 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:25:43 +0000},
Publisher = {Imp. del Ministerio del Tesoro},
Title = {Las mitas el la Real Audiencia de Quito.},
Year = {1947}}
Address = {[Madrid]},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:24:59 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:24:59 +0000},
Institution = {Archivo General de Indias.},
Publisher = {Servicio Nacional de Microfilm Direcci{\'o}n General de Archivos y Bibliotecas},
Title = {Audiencia de Santa F{\'e}. Visitas a{\~n}os 1564-1570 : [legajos justicia 639, 647 y 648].},
Year = {1978}}
Author = {Susan Elizabeth Ram{\'\i}rez},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:24:01 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:24:01 +0000},
Issn = {1478-0542},
Journal = {History Compass},
Number = {3},
Pages = {800--836},
Title = {Recent Research on the Andes before Independence: Ethnohistory, Social History, and Revolt and Revolution},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Susan Elizabeth Ram{\'\i}rez},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:23:57 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:23:57 +0000},
Pages = {106--123},
Title = {Institutions of the Spanish American Empire in the Hapsburg Era},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Kris Lane},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:23:52 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:23:52 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/01440390008575296"},
Issn = {0144-039X},
Journal = {Slavery & Abolition},
Number = {1},
Pages = {73--95},
Title = {The transition from Encomienda to slavery in seventeenth-century Barbacoas (Colombia)},
Volume = {21},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Sevilla},
Author = {Javier Ortiz de la Tabla Ducasse},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:23:40 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:23:40 +0000},
Isbn = {9788400073688},
Publisher = {Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos},
Title = {Los encomenderos de Quito, 1534-1660 : origen y evoluci{\'o}n de una elite colonial},
Year = {1993}}
Address = {Albuquerque},
Author = {Chad T Black},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:22:47 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:22:47 +0000},
Isbn = {9780826349231},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Title = {The limits of gender domination : women, the law, and political crisis in Quito, 1765-1830},
Year = {2010}}
Address = {Quito ;Lima},
Author = {Bernard Lavall{\'e}},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:22:40 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:22:40 +0000},
Edition = {2. ed.},
Isbn = {9789978842317},
Publisher = {Corporaci{\'o}n Editora Nacional ;;Instituto Franc{\'e}s de Estudios Andinos},
Title = {Quito y la crisis de la Alcabala (1580-1600)},
Year = {1997}}
Address = {Quito},
Author = {Federico Gonzalez Suarez},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:21:57 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:21:57 +0000},
Publisher = {Ed. de la Cultura Ecuatoriana},
Title = {Historia general de la Rep{\'u}blica del Ecuador},
Year = {1970}}
Address = {Quito},
Author = {Federico Gonzalez Suarez},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:21:56 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:21:56 +0000},
Publisher = {Ed. de la Cultura Ecuatoriana},
Title = {Historia general de la Rep{\'u}blica del Ecuador},
Year = {1969}}
Address = {Guayaquil [u.a.]},
Author = {Federico Gonzalez Suarez},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:21:53 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:21:53 +0000},
Edition = {2. ed.},
Title = {Historia general de la Republica del Ecuador},
Year = {1970}}
Address = {Norman :},
Author = {Linda Newson},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:18:40 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:18:40 +0000},
Isbn = {9780585118505},
Journal = {Life and death in early colonial Ecuador},
Publisher = {University of Oklahoma Press,},
Year = {1995}}
Address = {[Quito?]},
Author = {Jorge Salvador Lara},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:17:15 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:17:15 +0000},
Publisher = {Corporaci{\'o}n Editora Nacional},
Title = {La Revoluci{\'o}n de Quito, 1809-1822, seg{\'u}n los primeros relatos e historias por autores extranjeros},
Year = {1982}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Jorge Salvador Lara},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:17:14 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:17:14 +0000},
Isbn = {9788471004376},
Publisher = {Editorial MAPFRE},
Title = {Quito},
Year = {1992}}
Address = {Philadelphia},
Author = {John Smolenski},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:16:23 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:16:23 +0000},
Isbn = {9780812238952},
Publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press},
Title = {New World orders : violence, sanction, and authority in the colonial Americas},
Year = {2005}}
Address = {Austin},
Author = {Kimberly Gauderman},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:16:21 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:16:21 +0000},
Edition = {1st ed.},
Isbn = {9780292705555},
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Title = {Women's lives in colonial Quito : gender, law, and economy in Spanish America},
Year = {2003}}
Address = {Otavalo Ecuador ;Quito},
Author = {Cristobal Land{\'a}zuri N},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:16:01 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:16:01 +0000},
Edition = {1. ed.},
Isbn = {9789978720776},
Publisher = {Instituto Otavale{\~n}o de Antropolog{\'\i}a ;;Ediciones del Banco Central del Ecuador},
Title = {Los curacazgos pastos prehispanicos : agricultura y comercio, siglo XVI},
Year = {1995}}
Address = {Quito-Ecuador},
Author = {Crist{\'o}bal Land{\'a}zuri N},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:15:55 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:15:55 +0000},
Publisher = {MARKA ;ABYA-YALA},
Title = {Visita y numeraci{\'o}n de los pueblos del valle de los chillos, 1551-1559},
Year = {1990}}
Address = {Quito},
Author = {Crist{\'o}bal Land{\'a}zuri N},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:15:44 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:15:44 +0000},
Edition = {1. ed.},
Isbn = {9789978366448},
Publisher = {FONSAL},
Title = {Sociedad y pol{\'\i}tica en Quito : aportes a su estudio entre los a{\~n}os 1800-1850},
Year = {2010}}
Address = {New York :},
Author = {Ross Jamieson},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:15:13 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:15:13 +0000},
Isbn = {9780306471728},
Journal = {Domestic architecture and power the historical archaeology of colonial Ecuador},
Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers,},
Year = {2002}}
Address = {Quito},
Author = {Jacinto Jijon y Caamano},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:14:27 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:14:27 +0000},
Institution = {Academia Nacional de Historia, Quito.},
Publisher = {Impr. de la Universidad Central},
Title = {Quito y la independencia de America : discurso leido en la sesion solemne celebrada por la Academia Nacional de Historia ... en conmemoracion del I centenario de la batalla de Pichincha.},
Year = {1922}}
Address = {Quito Ecuador},
Author = {Jacinto Jij{\'o}n y Caama{\~n}o},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:14:24 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:14:24 +0000},
Publisher = {Editorial ecuatoriana},
Title = {El Ecuador interandino y occidental antes de la conquista castellana,},
Year = {1940}}
Address = {Quito},
Author = {Jacinto Jij{\'o}n y Caama{\~n}o},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:14:22 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:14:22 +0000},
Institution = {Academia Nacional de Historia, Quito.},
Publisher = {Universidad Central},
Title = {Quito y la independencia de Am{\'e}rica},
Year = {1922}}
Address = {Quito},
Author = {CAAMA{\~N}O Jacinto JIJ{\'O}N Y},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:14:20 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:14:20 +0000},
Title = {Sebasti{\'a}n de Benalc{\'a}zar.},
Year = {1936}}
Address = {Quito Ecuador},
Author = {Tamara Estupi{\~n}{\'a}n Viteri},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:13:19 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:13:19 +0000},
Isbn = {9789978722855},
Publisher = {Ediciones del Banco Central del Ecuador},
Title = {Diccionario b{\'a}sico del comercio colonial quite{\~n}o},
Year = {1997}}
Address = {Quito Ecuador},
Author = {Tamara Estupi{\~n}{\'a}n Viteri},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:13:01 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:13:01 +0000},
Isbn = {9789978722961},
Publisher = {Ediciones del Banco Central del Ecuador},
Title = {El mercado interno en la Audiencia de Quito},
Year = {1997}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {Agust{\'\i}n Cueva},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:11:21 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:11:21 +0000},
Edition = {1. ed. en espa{\~n}ol.},
Publisher = {Siglo Veintiuno Editores},
Title = {El desarrollo del capitalismo en Am{\'e}rica Latina : ensayo de interpretaci{\'o}n hist{\'o}rica},
Year = {1977}}
Address = {New Brunswick N.J.},
Author = {Agust{\'\i}n Cueva},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:11:13 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:11:13 +0000},
Isbn = {9780878553389},
Publisher = {Transaction Books},
Title = {The process of political domination in Ecuador},
Year = {1982}}
Address = {Albuquerque},
Author = {Luis Fernando Calero},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:10:30 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:10:30 +0000},
Edition = {1st ed.},
Isbn = {9780826317728},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Title = {Chiefdoms under siege : Spain's rule and native adaptation in the southern Colombian Andes, 1535-1700},
Year = {1998}}
Address = {Albuquerque},
Author = {Gabrielle G Palmer},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:09:26 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:09:26 +0000},
Edition = {1st ed.},
Isbn = {9780826309303},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Title = {Sculpture in the Kingdom of Quito},
Year = {1987}}
Address = {Madison},
Author = {John Leddy Phelan},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:09:24 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:09:24 +0000},
Publisher = {University of Wisconsin Press},
Title = {The Kingdom of Quito in the seventeenth century : bureaucratic politics in the Spanish Empire},
Year = {1967}}
Address = {Cambridge ;;New York},
Author = {Kenneth J Andrien},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:09:22 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:09:22 +0000},
Isbn = {9780521481250},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {The kingdom of Quito, 1690-1830 : the state and regional development},
Year = {1995}}
Address = {Chapel Hill},
Author = {David G Basile},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:08:25 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:08:25 +0000},
Publisher = {University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Dept. of Geography},
Title = {Tillers of the Andes : farmers and farming in the Quito Basin},
Year = {1974}}
Address = {Cambridge [England] ;;New York},
Author = {Suzanne Austin Alchon},
Date-Added = {2014-11-11 20:00:57 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-11 20:00:57 +0000},
Isbn = {9780521401869},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {Native society and disease in colonial Ecuador},
Year = {1991}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Timothy J Henderson},
Date-Added = {2014-11-09 17:34:03 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-09 17:34:03 +0000},
Edition = {1st ed.},
Isbn = {9780809061204},
Publisher = {Hill and Wang},
Title = {A glorious defeat : Mexico and its war with the United States},
Year = {2007}}
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Javier Auyero},
Date-Added = {2014-11-06 01:38:31 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-11-06 01:38:31 +0000},
Isbn = {9780822352594},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Title = {Patients of the state : the politics of waiting in Argentina},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {James Kirker},
Date-Added = {2014-06-11 17:07:30 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-06-11 17:07:30 +0000},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {Adventures to China Americans in the Southern oceans, 1792-1812.},
Year = {1970}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {John Demos},
Date-Added = {2014-06-11 16:06:11 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-06-11 21:23:59 +0000},
Edition = {First edition.},
Isbn = {9780679455103},
Publisher = {Alfred A. Knopf},
Title = {The Heathen School : a story of hope and betrayal in the age of the early Republic},
Year = {2014}}
Address = {Albuquerque},
Author = {Kris E Lane},
Date-Added = {2014-02-01 17:18:34 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-02-01 17:18:34 +0000},
Edition = {[1st ed.].},
Isbn = {9780826323569},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Title = {Quito 1599 : city and colony in transition},
Year = {2002}}
Address = {Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ;;New York},
Author = {Frank Salomon},
Date-Added = {2014-02-01 17:18:26 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-02-01 17:18:26 +0000},
Isbn = {9780521302999},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {Native lords of Quito in the age of the Incas : the political economy of north-Andean chiefdoms},
Year = {1986}}
Author = {Lovell, W. George},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:28 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:28 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769337},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {152-155},
Title = {In Memoriam: Jan de Vos, 1936--2011},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Umberger, Emily},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:27 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:27 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769336},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {149-151},
Title = {A Gift of Angels: The Art of Mission San Xavier del Bac},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Solari, Amara},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:26 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:26 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769335},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {148-149},
Title = {Maya Christians and Their Churches in Sixteenth-Century Belize},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {P{\'e}rez Flores, Jos{\'e} Luis and Varela, Sergio Gonz{\'a}lez},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:26 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:26 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769334},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {126-147},
Title = {Los murales del Convento de Ixmiquilpan, M{\'e}xico, y la imagen de guerra occidental},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Williams, Linda K.},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:25 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:25 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769333},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {98-125},
Title = {Modalities of Representation: Symbol and Narrative in 16th-Century Murals at the Convent of Izamal, Yucat{\'a}n},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Frassani, Alessia},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:24 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:24 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769332},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {67-97},
Title = {The Convento of Yanhuitlan and its Altarpiece: Patronage and the Making of a Colonial Iconography in 16th-Century Mixteca Alta},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Aguilar-Moreno, Manuel},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:24 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:24 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769331},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {39-66},
Title = {Transculturation in Art: Sculpture in the Posa Chapels at the Monastery of Calpan, Mexico},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Guilliem Arroyo, Salvador},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:23 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:23 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769329},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {19-38},
Title = {The Discovery of the Caja de Agua of Tlatelolco: Mural Painting from the Dawn of New Spain},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Qui{\~n}ones Keber, Eloise},
Date-Added = {2013-12-06 18:32:21 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-12-06 18:32:21 +0000},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2013.769327},
Eprint = {},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {1},
Pages = {2-18},
Title = {Introductory Essay. Art and Evangelization: Creating A New Art in 16th-Century Mexican Missions},
Url = {},
Volume = {22},
Year = {2013},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Chapel Hill},
Author = {Gregory P Downs},
Date-Added = {2013-11-26 15:26:16 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-11-26 15:26:16 +0000},
Isbn = {9780807834442},
Publisher = {Univ. of North Carolina Press},
Title = {Declarations of dependence : the long reconstruction of popular politics in the South, 1861 - 1908},
Year = {2011}}
Address = {Cambridge, Mass. :},
Author = {Alexander Galloway},
Date-Added = {2013-10-07 19:09:35 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-10-07 19:09:57 +0000},
Isbn = {9780262273428},
Publisher = {MIT Press,},
Title = {Protocol how control exists after decentralization},
Year = {2004}}
Address = {Oxford ;;New York},
Author = {Robert Woods},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:42:30 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:42:30 +0000},
Isbn = {9780199542758},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {Death before birth : fetal health and mortality in historical perspective},
Year = {2009},
Address = {Oxford; New York Oxford University Press},
Author = {Christopher Hamlin},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:41:47 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:41:47 +0000},
Isbn = {9780199546244},
Title = {Cholera: The Biography},
Year = {2009},
Address = {Oxford ;;New York :},
Author = {Bill McGuire},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:41:01 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:41:22 +0000},
Isbn = {9780191517044},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press,},
Title = {Global catastrophes a very short introduction},
Year = {2005},
Address = {New York},
Author = {Bruce H Collier},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:40:15 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:40:15 +0000},
Isbn = {9780195089974},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {Charles Babbage and the engines of perfection},
Year = {1998},
Address = {New York, NY :},
Author = {Leonardo L{\'o}pez Luj{\'a}n},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:38:57 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:39:22 +0000},
Isbn = {9780198039693},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press,},
Title = {Tenochtitl{\'a}n},
Year = {2005},
Address = {Oxford ;;New York},
Author = {William Braxton Irvine},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:35:49 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:35:49 +0000},
Isbn = {9780195188622},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {On desire : why we want what we want},
Year = {2006},
Address = {Oxford ;;New York :},
Author = {Rand Wilcox},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:34:00 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:34:53 +0000},
Isbn = {9780198043010},
Journal = {Basic statistics understanding conventional methods and modern insights},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press,},
Title = {Basic statistics understanding conventional methods and modern insights},
Year = {2009},
Address = {Oxford ;;New York},
Author = {Richard Archer},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:31:01 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:31:01 +0000},
Isbn = {9780195382471},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {As if an enemy's country : the British occupation of Boston and the origins of revolution},
Year = {2010},
Address = {Oxford},
Author = {Jack Copeland},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 22:30:15 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 22:30:15 +0000},
Isbn = {9780198250807},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {The Essential Turing : seminal writings in computing, logic, philosophy, artificial intelligence, and artificial life plus the secrets of Enigma},
Year = {2004},
Address = {New York},
Author = {Umberto Albarella},
Date-Added = {2013-08-26 20:49:49 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-26 20:50:45 +0000},
Isbn = {9780199207046},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press},
Title = {Pigs and humans : 10,000 years of interaction},
Year = {2007},
Author = {David Harvey},
Date-Added = {2013-08-10 16:10:49 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-10 16:10:49 +0000},
Isbn = {9781781681220},
Title = {A companion to Marx's Capital.},
Year = {2013}}
Address = {London ;;New York},
Author = {David Harvey},
Date-Added = {2013-08-10 16:10:14 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-10 16:10:14 +0000},
Isbn = {9781844673582},
Publisher = {Verso},
Title = {A companion to Marx's Capital},
Year = {2010}}
Author = {Lutz, Mark},
Date-Added = {2013-08-07 15:42:14 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-07 15:42:14 +0000},
Publisher = {O'Reilly Media},
Title = {Learning python},
Year = {2013}}
Address = {Cambridge Mass.},
Author = {Marshall H McLuhan},
Date-Added = {2013-08-06 21:07:47 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-08-06 21:07:47 +0000},
Edition = {1st MIT Press ed.},
Isbn = {9780262631594},
Publisher = {MIT Press},
Title = {Understanding media : the extensions of man},
Year = {1994}}
Author = {Harvey, David},
Date-Added = {2013-07-25 14:57:54 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-07-25 14:59:37 +0000},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {A Brief History of Neoliberalism},
Year = {2005}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Josep Maria Fradera},
Date-Added = {2013-07-07 22:17:42 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-07-07 22:17:42 +0000},
Isbn = {9780857459336},
Publisher = {Berghahn Books},
Title = {Slavery and antislavery in Spain's Atlantic empire},
Year = {2013}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {C Vann Woodward},
Date-Added = {2013-06-30 14:56:38 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-06-30 14:56:38 +0000},
Isbn = {9780195030754},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {Region, race, and Reconstruction : essays in honor of C. Vann Woodward},
Year = {1982}}
Address = {New Haven CT},
Author = {Martha Elizabeth Hodes},
Date-Added = {2013-06-30 14:38:27 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-06-30 14:38:27 +0000},
Isbn = {9780300069709},
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Title = {White women, Black men : illicit sex in the nineteenth-century South},
Year = {1997}}
Author = {George Dyson},
Date-Added = {2013-06-11 14:41:46 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-06-11 14:41:46 +0000},
Isbn = {0375422773},
Publisher = {Pantheon},
Title = {Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Gold, Matthew K.},
Booktitle = {Debates in the digital humanities},
Date-Added = {2013-06-09 12:20:48 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-06-09 12:23:36 +0000},
Editor = {Gold, Matthew K.},
Keywords = {Digital Humanities; DH},
Pages = {ix-xvi},
Publisher = {University of Minnesota Press},
Title = {The Digital Humanities Moment},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {Minneapolis},
Author = {Matthew K Gold},
Date-Added = {2013-06-09 12:18:28 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-06-09 12:18:28 +0000},
Isbn = {9780816677948},
Publisher = {Univ Of Minnesota Press},
Title = {Debates in the digital humanities},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {Durham [N.C.]},
Author = {Ksenija Bilbija},
Date-Added = {2013-04-30 19:05:37 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-04-30 19:05:37 +0000},
Isbn = {9780822350255},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Title = {Accounting for violence : marketing memory in Latin America},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Toby Miller},
Date-Added = {2013-03-27 14:36:44 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-03-27 14:36:44 +0000},
Isbn = {9781439909829},
Title = {Blow up the humanities},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {Frankfurt ;;New York},
Author = {Stefan B Kirmse},
Date-Added = {2013-03-22 18:11:17 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-03-22 18:12:26 +0000},
Isbn = {9783593394930},
Keywords = {Law, {IMPERIALISM}},
Publisher = {Campus Verlag},
Title = {One law for all? : Western models and local practices in (post-)imperial contexts},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Bush, Vannevar and Think, As We May},
Date-Added = {2013-02-25 19:13:23 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-25 19:13:23 +0000},
Journal = {As We May Think},
Number = {1},
Pages = {101--108},
Title = {The Atlantic Monthly},
Volume = {176},
Year = {1945}}
Date-Added = {2013-02-25 19:09:49 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-25 19:09:49 +0000},
Description = {Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.},
Referrer = {default},
Robots = {noodp, noydir}}
Address = {Cambridge Mass. ;;London},
Author = {Vincent Mosco},
Date-Added = {2013-02-25 16:35:36 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-25 16:35:36 +0000},
Isbn = {9780262134392},
Publisher = {MIT},
Title = {The digital sublime : myth, power, and cyberspace},
Year = {2005}}
Date-Added = {2013-02-25 16:30:47 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-25 16:30:47 +0000}}
Address = {Baltimore},
Author = {George P Landow},
Date-Added = {2013-02-24 14:23:31 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-24 14:23:31 +0000},
Edition = {[3rd ed.].},
Isbn = {9780801882562},
Publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press},
Title = {Hypertext 3.0 : critical theory and new media in an Era of Globalization},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Maribel Alvarez},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 17:29:21 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 17:29:21 +0000},
Issn = {1096-2492},
Journal = {Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies},
Number = {1},
Pages = {205--230},
Title = {Food, Poetry, and Borderlands Materiality: Walter Benjamin at the taquer{\'\i}a},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2006}}
Address = {Mexico},
Author = {James B Herndon},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 17:28:38 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 17:28:38 +0000},
Institution = {Herndon/Vehling Collection.},
Publisher = {Imprenta de Galvan a cargo de Mariano Arevalo},
Title = {El cocinero mexicano, {\'o}, Coleccion de las mejores recetas para guisar al estilo americano : y de las mas selectas segun el metodo de las cocinas espa{\~n}ola, italiana, francesa e inglesa. Con los},
Year = {1831}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico D.F.},
Author = {Cristina Barros},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 17:28:32 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 17:28:32 +0000},
Edition = {1a ed.},
Isbn = {9789701848753},
Publisher = {CONACULTA Culturas Populares},
Title = {El cocinero mexicano : M{\'e}xico, 1831},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Ocampo, Melchor,},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 17:24:07 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 17:24:44 +0000},
Isbn = {"},
Journal = {Obras completas.},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {M{\'e}xico,},
Title = {Obras completas.},
Year = {1900},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 16:35:09 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 16:35:32 +0000},
Issn = {1552-8014},
Journal = {Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research},
Keywords = {chancho},
Number = {3},
Pages = {397--420},
Title = {Regionalism and the Institution of the Yucatecan Gastronomic Field},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2010}}
Address = {Westport Conn.},
Author = {Janet Alberto Long},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 16:33:06 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 16:35:41 +0000},
Isbn = {9780313324314},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {Greenwood Press},
Title = {Food culture in Mexico},
Year = {2005}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {Salvador Novo},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 16:25:38 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 16:35:50 +0000},
Edition = {[1. ed.]},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {Editorial Porr{\'u}a},
Title = {Cocina mexicana o, Historia gastron{\'o}mica de la ciudad de M{\'e}xico.},
Year = {1967}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Jessica B Harris},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 15:30:45 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 15:32:42 +0000},
Edition = {1st U.S. ed.},
Isbn = {9781596913950},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {Bloomsbury},
Title = {High on the hog : a culinary journey from Africa to America},
Year = {2011}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Frederick Douglass Opie},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 15:30:31 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 15:32:32 +0000},
Isbn = {9780231146388},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {Columbia University Press},
Title = {Hog & hominy : soul food from Africa to America},
Year = {2008}}
Address = {Oxford ;;New York},
Author = {Jeffrey M Pilcher},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 15:30:15 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 15:32:27 +0000},
Isbn = {9780199740062},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {Planet taco : a global history of Mexican food},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {Oxford ;;New York},
Author = {Jeffrey M Pilcher},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 15:30:13 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 15:32:08 +0000},
Isbn = {9780199729937},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {The Oxford handbook of food history},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {New York NY},
Author = {Jeffrey M Pilcher},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 15:30:10 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 15:31:43 +0000},
Isbn = {9780415311458},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {Routledge},
Title = {Food in world history},
Year = {2006}}
Address = {Albuquerque},
Author = {Jeffrey M Pilcher},
Date-Added = {2013-02-09 15:30:06 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-09 15:32:15 +0000},
Isbn = {9780826318725},
Keywords = {chancho},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Title = {Que vivan los tamales! : food and the making of Mexican identity},
Year = {1998}}
Address = {Durham NC},
Author = {Angel Charles Rama},
Date-Added = {2013-01-31 20:37:42 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-02-01 13:11:48 +0000},
Isbn = {9780822317579},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Title = {The lettered city},
Year = {1996}}
Address = {Toronto ;;Buffalo},
Author = {Peter Gose},
Date-Added = {2013-01-31 20:37:21 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-01-31 20:37:21 +0000},
Isbn = {9780802098764},
Publisher = {University of Toronto Press},
Title = {Invaders as ancestors : on the intercultural making and unmaking of Spanish colonialism in the Andes},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506074},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {735--736},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Matriti},
Author = {Machicado y Rossillo, Manuel and Vallarna, Francisco Mar{\'\i}a de and Ferraris, Lucius},
Edition = {Secunda editio a multis},
Keywords = {Colonies, Colonies Administration, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW},
Publisher = {ex typographia P. Marin},
Title = {Additiones Legales Hispanic{\ae} Ad Bibliothecam R.p. Fr. Lucii Ferraris, Per Alphabeticum Auctoris Ordinem Distribut{\ae}, Hodiernis, Antiquisque Ordinationibus, Tam Castell{\ae}, Quam Indiarum Acommodat{\ae}. Opus Utilissimum, Et Necessarium Omnibus Rr. Archiepiscopis, R. Episcopis ... \& Utriusque Juris Professoribus},
Year = {1783}}
Author = {Guti{\'e}rrez, Joseph Marcos},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Compendio de las varias resoluciones de Antonio G{\'o}mez},
Year = {1789}}
Address = {Indianapolis, New York},
Author = {Greene, Laurence},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .W226},
Publisher = {The Bobbs-Merrill Company},
Title = {The Filibuster; the Career of William Walker},
Year = {1937}}
Author = {Spell, J. R.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505773},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {104--123},
Title = {Fern{\'a}ndez de Lizardi as a Pamphleteer},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {R., J. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506053},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {501--502},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Panduro, Lorenzo Herv{\'a}s y and (Madrid), Imprenta de la Administraci{\'o}n del Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia and Guerra, Melchor Garc{\'\i}a, Imprenta de la Administraci{\'o}n del Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia (Madrid), Francisco},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {El hombre f{\'\i}sico o anatom{\'\i}a humana f{\'\i}sico-filos{\'o}fica},
Year = {1800}}
Author = {Beyersdorff, Margot.},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/K6I9MTPC/42.3beyersdorff.html:text/html},
Issn = {1542-4278},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 42, Number 3, 2007},
Number = {3},
Pages = {129--160},
Shorttitle = {Covering the Earth},
Title = {Covering the Earth: Mapping the Walkabout in Andean Pueblos de Indios},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {42},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Raynal and (Guillaume-Thomas-Fran{\c c}ois), Raynal and Justamond, John Obadiah},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the},
Year = {1783}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Rocha, Carolina and Seminet, Georgia},
Isbn = {9781137030863 1137030860},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
Shorttitle = {Representing history, class, and gender in Spain and Latin America},
Title = {Representing history, class, and gender in Spain and Latin America : children and adolescents in film},
Year = {2012}}
File = {George Monbiot -- The Lairds of Learning:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/V7ZJ3TDK/the-lairds-of-learning.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {George Monbiot -- The Lairds of Learning},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-01},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Impresso en Sevilla},
Author = {{\{Spain\}} and {\{Spain\}} and {\{Seville} (Spain)\}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies Discovery and exploration History Sources, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT3745 .A28 1679},
Publisher = {[s.n},
Shorttitle = {Traslados De Quatro Cedulas Reales De Su Magestad, Tocantes {\`a} La Contribucion Y Repartimiento De Averias Para La Dotacion Y Caudal Fixo De Los Despachos De Las Reales Armadas Y Flotas De La Carrera De Las Indias},
Title = {Traslados De Quatro Cedulas Reales De Su Magestad, Tocantes {\`a} La Contribucion Y Repartimiento De Averias Para La Dotacion Y Caudal Fixo De Los Despachos De Las Reales Armadas Y Flotas De La Carrera De Las Indias: Y Capitulos Y Assiento Sobre Ello, Ajustados En Virtud De Orden De Su Magestad, Cometido Y Executado Por Los Se{\~n}ores Marqu{\`e}s De Fuente-El-Sol, Presidente De La Real Casa De La Contratacion De Sevilla, Loren{\c c}o Andr{\`e}s Garcia, Y Don Ioseph De Beytia Linage, Tesorero, Y Juezes Oficiales Reales De La Dicha Casa, Con El Consulado De Sevilla, En Nombre Del Comercio Della},
Year = {1679}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2506047},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {494--496},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Salvucci, Richard},
Doi = {10.2307/1007926},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {219--231},
Shorttitle = {Economic Growth and Change in Bourbon Mexico},
Title = {Economic Growth and Change in Bourbon Mexico: A Review Essay},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {51},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {de Hurtado, Liliana Regalado},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916022000023396},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {305--315},
Title = {Reflexi{\'o}n sobre el cuerpo en el virreinato del Per{\'u}.},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Dombrowski, Daniel A.},
Issn = {00225037},
Journal = {Journal of the History of Ideas},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = mar,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan. - Mar., 1988 / Copyright {\copyright} 1988 University of Pennsylvania Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {151--156},
Title = {St. Augustine, Abortion, and Libido Crudelis},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Volume = {49},
Year = {1988},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505690},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {758--759},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Syllabus : Digital History:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/N8FNTF7A/syllabus.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Syllabus : Digital History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Williams, Mary Wilhelmine},
Doi = {10.2307/2505963},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {415--418},
Title = {The College Course in Hispanic American History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Schmidt, Ben},
Journal = {Sapping Attention},
Keywords = {Comparisons, Dunning, Featured},
Month = nov,
Shorttitle = {Sapping Attention},
Title = {Sapping Attention: Compare and Contrast},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-04-15},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505937},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {1--4},
Title = {Editorial Note},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505937},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {1--4},
Title = {Editorial Note},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lockhart, James},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0804738106},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {Of Things of the Indies},
Title = {Of Things of the Indies: Essays Old and New in Early Latin American History},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Freyre, Gilberto},
Doi = {10.2307/2506062},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0038},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {597--630},
Title = {Social Life in Brazil in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {In this paper I use a corpus of the writings of the Society for the Reformation of Manners to look at the discursive construction of attitudes to bad language in English. Using this corpus of texts as an example of a moral panic about language I use keywords to explore moral panic rhetoric, the formation of spirals of signification and the impact of both on attitudes to bad language in English in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Mcenery, Tony},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGICAL} linguistics, bad language, convergence, {DISCOURSE}, {DISCOURSE} analysis, {DISCOURSE} analysis, Literary, {DISCURSIVE} practices, {ENGLISH} language, keywords, {LANGUAGE} \& languages, {LINGUISTIC} analysis (Linguistics), moral panics, moral reform, {RHETORIC}, spirals of signification},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {89--113},
Title = {The moral panic about bad language in England, 1691--1745.},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Marsilli, Mar{\'\i}a N.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 2005 / Copyright {\copyright} 2005 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {647--672},
Shorttitle = {{"I} Heard It through the Grapevine"},
Title = {{"I} Heard It through the Grapevine": Analysis of an Anti-Secularization Initative in the Sixteenth-Century Arequipan Countryside, 1584-1600},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {61},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Lanham, Md.},
Author = {Becker, Marc},
Isbn = {9781442207554 1442207558},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Rowman \& Littlefield Publishers},
Title = {Pachakutik indigenous movements and electoral politics in Ecuador},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2013-01-21},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Lockhart, James},
Isbn = {0804723176},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {The Nahuas After the Conquest},
Title = {The Nahuas After the Conquest: A Social and Cultural History of the Indians of Central Mexico, Sixteenth Through Eighteenth Centuries},
Year = {1994}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Scroggs, William O},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .S4},
Publisher = {The Macmillan company},
Title = {Filibusters and Financiers},
Year = {1916}}
Address = {Madrid, En la Imprenta real de la Gazeta},
Author = {Sol{\'o}rzano Pereira, Juan de and Valenzuela, Francisco Ramiro de and {\{Pre-1801} Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)\}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, Colonies Administration, History, Indians, Latin America, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {F1411 .S694},
Title = {Politica Indiana},
Year = {1776}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Historia de los vinculos y mayorazgos},
Year = {1805}}
Author = {Caneque, Alejandro},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0415944457},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Routledge},
Shorttitle = {The King's Living Image},
Title = {The King's Living Image: The Culture and Politics of Viceregal Power in Colonial Mexico},
Year = {2004}}
File = {DIS : Research : Hidden Histories:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/P95ITWAU/hiddenhistories.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{DIS} : Research : Hidden Histories},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-19},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Chartock, Sarah},
Doi = {10.1007/s12116-011-9090-3},
File = {SpringerLink - Studies in Comparative International Development (SCID), Volume 46, Number 3:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XB5KT3ER/l3715727p4484248.html:text/html},
Issn = {0039-3606, 1936-6167},
Journal = {Studies in Comparative International Development},
Month = aug,
Pages = {298--320},
Shorttitle = {How Movement Strength Matters},
Title = {How Movement Strength Matters: Social Movement Strength and the Implementation of Ethnodevelopment Policy in Ecuador and Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-15},
Volume = {46},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gootenberg, Paul},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0038},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1991 / Copyright {\copyright} 1991 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {109--157},
Shorttitle = {Population and Ethnicity in Early Republican Peru},
Title = {Population and Ethnicity in Early Republican Peru: Some Revisions},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {26},
Year = {1991},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The article focuses on fragile condition of the children. Many societies recognize children especially poor children-as among their most vulnerable members. Yet children continue to suffer neglect. Historiography has been no kinder to minors. In the case of Latin American historiography, until very recently children have fallen out of reach of the historian's pen. In part, lack of direct documentation hinders historians from entering into the lives of minors: children appear in the sidelines of colonial documents like criminal and ecclesiastical records, laws, and inheritance accounts. It is even difficult to estimate the possible number of youths present in the eighteenth century.},
Author = {Milton, Cynthia E.},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916042000210846},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CHILDREN}, {CONFIRMATION} records, {HISTORIANS}, {HISTORIOGRAPHY}, History, {JUVENILE} justice, Administration of, {LEGAL} status, laws, etc.},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {103--128},
Shorttitle = {Wandering waifs and abandoned babes},
Title = {Wandering waifs and abandoned babes: the limits and uses of juvenile welfare in eighteenth-century audiencia of quito.},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Analyzes the pithy texts left by Angela Batallas, regarding her personal experience as a slave and the political beliefs of the enslaved people who lived in Guayaquil, and the province of Guayas, Ecuador. How Simon Bolivar became involved in the cause of independence in his native Venezuela; History of the province of Guayas; Social conditions of enslaved women in Guayas.},
Author = {Townsend, Camilla},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {Ecuador, History, {SLAVERY}},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {105},
Shorttitle = {{`Half} my body free, the other half enslaved'},
Title = {{`Half} my body free, the other half enslaved': The politics of the slaves of Guayaquil at the end...},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1890}}
Author = {Gardanne, Joseph-Jacques and Xiorro, Juan Galisteo y and Tissot, Simon-Andr{\'e}-D.},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Aviso al pueblo acerca de su salud {\`o} Tratado de las enfermedades mas},
Year = {1795}}
Author = {H{\'e}bert, John R. and Abby L. Forgang},
Doi = {10.2307/1008056},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {299--313},
Shorttitle = {Small Particulars},
Title = {Small Particulars: Variant Titles and Dates to the Manuscript of Fray Diego Dur{\'a}n},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {55},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1788}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1786}}
Address = {Austin},
Author = {Garza Carvajal, Federico and Garza Carvajal, Federico},
Edition = {1st ed., rev. and updated ed},
Isbn = {0292701837},
Keywords = {History, Masculinity, Men, Mexico, Sex role, Spain, Trials (Sodomy)},
Lccn = {0029},
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Shorttitle = {Butterflies Will Burn},
Title = {Butterflies Will Burn: Prosecuting Sodomites in Early Modern Spain and Mexico},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Sloan, Kathryn A.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 2007 / Copyright {\copyright} 2007 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {615--648},
Shorttitle = {Disobedient Daughters and the Liberal State},
Title = {Disobedient Daughters and the Liberal State: Generational Conflicts over Marriage Choice in Working Class Families in Nineteenth-Century Oaxaca, Mexico},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Biblioteca Espa{\~n}ola Ec{\'o}nomico-pol{\'\i}tica},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Mullen, Lincoln},
File = {Chronicle of Higher Education Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/6TQ23NJT/36561.html:text/html},
Journal = {{ProfHacker}},
Month = oct,
Title = {Taking Better Notes in Zotero},
Type = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-10},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Collings, Harry T.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505798},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {194--198},
Title = {The Congress of Bol{\'\i}var},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505813},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {292--295},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505691},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {759--762},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Acosta, Alejandro Gonzalez},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul. - Dec., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {110},
Pages = {45--63},
Shorttitle = {Dos visiones de la Integracion Americana},
Title = {Dos visiones de la Integracion Americana: Comentarios Reales, del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y Cronica Mexicana, de Fernando Alvarado Tezozomoc},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This article traces a panoramic picture of the changes in family law in Italy during the last decade, with special reference to: the problems of adoption, divorce, abortion, and family counseling; the profound innovations introduced into the Civil Code in 1975 concerning relationships between spouses, between parents and children, and between children born in and out of wedlock; and the consequent problems of inheritance. The transformation of positive law is analyzed from a sociological point of view that explores both changes in the socioeconomic environment in which, and the political debate through which, they occurred. On the basis of a broad examination of relevant empirical research and theoretical studies, the authors conclude that, even though the reforms may represent normative innovations in the context of the plurality of family models in contemporary Italy, their practical efficacy is limited by the amount of social and economic support, which until now have been inadequate.},
Author = {Pocar, Valerio and Ronfani, Paola},
Issn = {00239216},
Journal = {Law \& Society Review},
Lccn = {0007},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Summer, 1978 / Copyright {\copyright} 1978 Law and Society Association},
Number = {4},
Pages = {607--643},
Shorttitle = {Family Law in Italy},
Title = {Family Law in Italy: Legislative Innovations and Social Change},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Volume = {12},
Year = {1978},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ma{\~n}es, Senen Vilanova y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Materia criminal forense},
Year = {1827}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505953},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {152--174},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Pomeranz, Kenneth},
Edition = {Revised},
Isbn = {0691090106},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Princeton University Press},
Shorttitle = {The Great Divergence},
Title = {The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy.},
Year = {2001}}
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Manuel Silvestre and Rom{\'a}n, Blas},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Libreria de jueces},
Year = {1774}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Lanning, John Tate and Valle, Rafael Heliodoro and {\{Spain\}} and {\{Real} y Pontificia Universidad de M{\'e}xico\}},
Keywords = {Letters patent, Mexico},
Lccn = {KGF3604.R43 N49 1946},
Publisher = {Impr. Universitaria},
Title = {Reales C{\'e}dulas De La Real Y Pontificia Universidad De M{\'e}xico De 1551 a 1816},
Year = {1946}}
Address = {Malden, {MA}},
Author = {Popkin, Jeremy D},
Isbn = {9781405198202 1405198206 9781405198219 1405198214},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell},
Title = {A concise history of the Haitian revolution},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Weber, David J.},
Isbn = {0300059175},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jul,
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Title = {The Spanish Frontier in North America},
Year = {1994}}
Author = {Thrift, Nigel},
Month = jul,
Title = {Do We Really Need More Journals?},
Type = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-07-18},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The article focuses on a lawsuit filed by a servant against his master, a priest in the local Augustinian monastery. Servant's basic argument, however, is certainly plausible. The case reflects both the real abuses that often occurred and the resolve of the enslaved to resist brutality wherever they met it, whether from exacting secular figures, or the Christian God's representatives here on earth. Specifically, it provides evidence of early legal action by the enslaved, a resistance strategy that African and Afro-criollo captives would carry to its frill extent throughout the colonial era and beyond.},
Author = {Bryant, Sherwin K.},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916042000210800},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{ACTIONS} \& defenses, {CIVIL} procedure, Colonies, {CRUELTY}, {PARTIES} to actions, {PRACTICE} of law},
Lccn = {0010},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {7--46},
Shorttitle = {Enslaved rebels, fugitives, and litigants},
Title = {Enslaved rebels, fugitives, and litigants: the resistance continuum in colonial quito.},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Marina, Francisco Martinez},
Lccn = {0011},
Title = {Teor{\'\i}a de las Cortes {\'o} Grandes Juntas Nacionales de los reinos de Le{\'o}n y},
Year = {1813}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {Lebr{\'o}n y Cuervo, Josepf and {\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {1540-1810, Mexico, Politics and government, Tax protests and appeals},
Lccn = {KGF4605 .L437 1779},
Publisher = {Imprenta nueva madrile{\~n}a de {D.F.} de Z{\'u}{\~n}iga y Ontiveros},
Title = {Apologia Juridica De Los Derechos Que Tiene El Se{\~n}or Conde De Santiago Del Pueblo De Calimaya, Marqu{\'e}s De Salinas, Adelantado De Las Islas Filipinas ... Para Percibir Los Tributos Del Mismo Pueblo Y Sus Anexos, Contra La Parte Del Real Fisco, Y La Del Se{\~n}or Duque De Terra-Nova, Marques Del Valle De Oaxaca},
Year = {1779}}
Author = {L{\'o}pez, Antonio Javier P{\'e}rez y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Teatro de la legislaci{\'o}n Universal de Espa{\~n}a e Indias, por orden cronol{\'o}gico},
Year = {1791}}
Author = {Lowy, Michael and Duggan, Penelope},
Issn = {0094-{582X}},
Journal = {Latin American Perspectives},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: Che Guevara and His Legacy / Full publication date: Jul., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Sage Publications, Inc.},
Number = {4},
Pages = {76--88},
Title = {Marxism and Romanticism in the Work of Jose Carlos Mariategui},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-03-31},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {New Mexico: Bibliography:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/AMPIQ4MV/bibliography.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {New Mexico: Bibliography},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-09},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Lavedan, Antonio and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado de los usos, abusos, propiedades y virtudes del tabaco, caf{\'e}, t{\'e} y},
Year = {1796}}
Author = {Pierson, W. W.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505878},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {619--621},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Perez, Vicente Vizcaino},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado de la jurisdicci{\'o}n ordinaria para direcci{\'o}n y gu{\'\i}a de los alcaldes},
Year = {1802}}
Abstract = {The woes of finance have threatened to eviscerate what is public in the university and collapse the space in which the humanities could be imagined. This essay seeks to look at finance's effects otherwise, through the social logic of the derivative, to discern ways in which the humanities might be recharged through a critical engagement with administrative labor.},
Author = {Martin, Randy},
Issn = {0734-6018},
Journal = {Representations},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: The Humanities and the Crisis of The Public University / Full publication date: Fall 2011 / Copyright {\copyright} 2011 University of California Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {156--176},
Shorttitle = {Taking an Administrative Turn},
Title = {Taking an Administrative Turn: Derivative Logics for a Recharged Humanities},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-17},
Volume = {116},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Topic Modeling Toolbox:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/UTAJ8UF3/toolbox.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_data/toolbox.htm},
Title = {Topic Modeling Toolbox},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-02-25},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Tuscaloosa},
Author = {Gudmundson, Lowell and Lindo-Fuentes, H{\'e}ctor and Inc, {NetLibrary},},
Isbn = {0585320209},
Keywords = {Central America Economic conditions., Central America History 1821-1951., Electronic books., Liberalism Central America History 19th century.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {University of Alabama Press},
Title = {Central America, 1821-1871 liberalism before liberal reform},
Year = {1995}}
Author = {Whitaker, Arthur P.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505942},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {71--75},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Industrial Origins of the Digital Age | HASTAC:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/KDF3EAQ5/industrial-origins-digital-age.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Industrial Origins of the Digital Age {\textbar} {HASTAC}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Estranged Labour, Marx, 1844:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/M85TRXFT/labour.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Estranged Labour, Marx, 1844},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-08},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Saether, Steinar},
Issn = {0003-1615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0008},
Number = {4},
Pages = {475},
Title = {Bourbon Absolutism and Marriage Reform in Late Colonial Spanish America},
Volume = {59},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Lima, Sociedad Acad{\'e}mica de Amantes de and peruano, Mercurio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Mercurio peruano de historia, literatura, y noticias p{\'u}blicas que da {\'a} luz},
Year = {1792}}
File = {html-to-tag-cloud-kwic output - 2010/11/05-13:51:15:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/VN2TTCPB/html-to-tag-cloud-kwic.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{file:///Users/chadblack/programming-historian/html-to-tag-cloud-kwic.html}},
Title = {html-to-tag-cloud-kwic output - 2010/11/05-13:51:15},
Url = {file:///Users/chadblack/programming-historian/html-to-tag-cloud-kwic.html},
Urldate = {2010-11-05},
Author = {Unzueta, Fernando},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0013},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {35--72},
Shorttitle = {Periodicos y formacion nacional},
Title = {Periodicos y formacion nacional: Bolivia en sus primeros anos},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {35},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Pacheco, Bernardo},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Suma moral, escrita en breve compendio},
Year = {1767}}
Author = {Lafaye, George},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Principios de cirugia},
Year = {1761}}
Abstract = {This article presents information related to the narrative poems of Pedro de Ona, who was the Chief Magistrate of the province of Yauyos (1608-1610) and one of the Viceroyalty's most important poets. Despite Ona's vivid description of the earthquake, which he witnessed an earthquake while he was visiting the city of Lima. Jose Toribio Medina infers from the absence of any other surviving record that it must have been a minor one. One could almost find confirmation of Medina's observation in the glee with which the poetic voice sets out to find other poetic destinies.},
Author = {Ortega, Francisco A.},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916042000301511},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{AUTHORS}, {CITIES} \& towns, {EARTHQUAKES}, {POETRY}, {POETS}},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {213--241},
Title = {Catastrophe, Ambivalent Praises, and Liminal Figurations in Pedro de O{\~n}a's Temblor de Lima de 1609.},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Larson, Brooke and Harris, Olivia and Tandeter, Enrique},
Isbn = {0822316331},
Keywords = {Andes Region Economic conditions., Andes Region History., Economic conditions, Economic history., Ethnohistory Andes Region., History, Economic, Indians of South America Andes Region Economic conditions., Indians of South America Andes Region Migrations., Indians of South America Commerce Andes Region., Mercantile system Andes Region History.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Ethnicity, markets, and migration in the Andes},
Title = {Ethnicity, markets, and migration in the Andes : at the crossroads of history and anthropology},
Year = {1995}}
Author = {Scott, Joan W.},
Issn = {00028762},
Journal = {The American Historical Review},
Lccn = {1815},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Dec., 1986 / Copyright {\copyright} 1986 American Historical Association},
Number = {5},
Pages = {1053--1075},
Shorttitle = {Gender},
Title = {Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-11-10},
Volume = {91},
Year = {1986},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Tissot, Samuel Auguste Andr{\'e} David},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Tratado de las enfermedades mas frequentes de las gentes del campo},
Year = {1781}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Robertson, James A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506069},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {726--728},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Matriti},
Author = {Sol{\'o}rzano Preira, Juan de},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, Colonies Administration, History, Indians, Latin America, {LAW}, Spain, To 1830},
Lccn = {F1411 .S68},
Publisher = {F. Martinez},
Title = {D. Philip},
Year = {1629}}
Author = {Susan Verdi Webster},
File = {67.1.webster.pdf:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/7DAVTV49/67.1.webster.pdf:application/pdf;Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/CKEF8ECR/67.1.webster.html:text/html},
Issn = {1533-6247},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 67, Number 1, July 2010},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--30},
Shorttitle = {The Devil and the Dolorosa},
Title = {The Devil and the Dolorosa: History and Legend in Quito's Capilla de Cantu{\~n}a},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-08-26},
Volume = {67},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Schurz, William Lytle},
Doi = {10.2307/2505753},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {74--76},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {The Digital Humanities as Thunderdome | Digital Humanities Specialist:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/99EBZ7HF/the-digital-humanities-as-thunderdome.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {The Digital Humanities as Thunderdome {\textbar} Digital Humanities Specialist},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ben Vinson {III}},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0007},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue: The African Diaspora in the Colonial Andes / Full publication date: Jul., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--18},
Shorttitle = {Introduction},
Title = {Introduction: African (Black) Diaspora History, Latin American History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Montevideo, Uruguay},
Author = {Rela, Walter},
Isbn = {9974393175},
Keywords = {16th century, Colonization, Discovery and exploration, Explorers, {GOVERNORS}, History, Rio de la Plata Region (Argentina and Uruguay)},
Lccn = {F2841 .R55 2001},
Publisher = {Club Espa{\~n}ol},
Shorttitle = {Espa{\~n}a En El R{\'\i}o De La Plata},
Title = {Espa{\~n}a En El R{\'\i}o De La Plata: Descubrimiento Y Poblamientos, 1516-1588},
Year = {2001}}
Author = {{O'Hara}, John F. and Bates, Edwin and Martin, Percy Alvin and Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506091},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {112--125},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Guevara, Ernesto Che},
Edition = {Mti},
Isbn = {1920888101},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Ocean Press},
Shorttitle = {The Motorcycle Diaries (Movie Tie-in Edition)},
Title = {The Motorcycle Diaries (Movie Tie-in Edition) : Notes on a Latin American Journey},
Year = {2004}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {Coss{\'\i}o, Jos{\'e} Lorenzo and {\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Constitutional law, History, Mexico, Wars of Independence, 1810-1821},
Lccn = {F1232 .C84 1946},
Publisher = {Editor Vargas Rea},
Series = {Biblioteca aportaci{\'o}n hist{\'o}rica},
Shorttitle = {Decreto N{\'u}mero 19 De {"El} Supremo Congreso Americano Gubernativo a Nombre Del Sr. D. Fernando S{\'e}ptimo"},
Title = {Decreto N{\'u}mero 19 De {"El} Supremo Congreso Americano Gubernativo a Nombre Del Sr. D. Fernando S{\'e}ptimo": Conferencia Le{\'\i}da En La Sociedad Mexicana De Geograf{\'\i}a Y Estad{\'\i}stica El Martes 22 De Octubre De 1946},
Year = {1946}}
Author = {Landa, Esteban de Terralla y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Lima por dentro y fuera en consejos econ{\'o}micos, saludables, pol{\'\i}ticos y},
Year = {1798}}
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Earle, Rebecca},
Isbn = {9780822340638 0822340631 9780822340843 0822340844},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {The return of the native},
Title = {The return of the native : Indians and myth-making in Spanish America, 1810-1930},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Phelan, John Leddy},
Edition = {First Edition first Printing},
Publisher = {Univ of Wisconsin Press},
Shorttitle = {The Kingdom of Quito in the Seventeenth Century},
Title = {The Kingdom of Quito in the Seventeenth Century: Bureaucratic Politics in the Spanish Empire},
Year = {1967}}
Author = {Lyon, Eugene},
Edition = {First},
Isbn = {0813007771},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Publisher = {University Press of Florida},
Shorttitle = {The Enterprise of Florida},
Title = {The Enterprise of Florida: Pedro Menendez de Aviles and the Spanish Conquest of 1565-1568},
Year = {1983}}
Author = {Bordeu, Th{\'e}ophile and Castro, Jos{\'e} Ignacio Carballo Nu{\~n}ez de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Idioma natural de el cuerpo humano},
Year = {1768}}
Abstract = {Given their ease of use and capability for interactivity, new media are seen as having the potential to make visible previously marginalized voices. The online presence of the writing of history is increasing, and this potential would be a welcome development for the field as it would create a much richer set of easily available historical perspectives. However, this article suggests that the achievement of this promise is fraught with difficulty and that a more likely outcome is a mapping of the status quo in historical representation onto the new media. To illustrate this, I present an analysis of the Wikipedia accounts of Singaporean and Philippine history. For Singapore, alternative historical visions are not as developed as those for the Philippines, and this is reflected in the nature of the respective Wikipedia accounts. I suggest that a possible means to achieve something more of the promise of digital media for history is for information professionals to take a keener interest in Wikipedia, with an eye to helping include accounts of documented historical perspectives that are ignored by mainstream historiographical traditions.},
Author = {Luyt, Brendan},
Doi = {10.1002/asi.21531},
Issn = {1532-2890},
Journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
Language = {en},
Month = jun,
Number = {6},
Pages = {1058--1065},
Shorttitle = {The nature of historical representation on Wikipedia},
Title = {The nature of historical representation on Wikipedia: Dominant or alterative historiography?},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {Bele{\~n}a, Eusebio Buenaventura and Montemayor y C{\'o}rdova de Cuenca, Juan Francisco de and Gonz{\'a}lez, Mar{\'\i}a del Refugio and {\{New} Spain\} and {\{New} Spain\}},
Edition = {1a ed. facsimilar},
Isbn = {9685801320},
Keywords = {1540-1810, Cases, Criminal law, {LAW}, Law reports, digests, etc, Mexico, Politics and government Sources, Sources},
Lccn = {KGF290 .R43 1981},
Number = {n{\'u}m. 27-28},
Publisher = {Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico, Instituto de Investigaciones Jur{\'\i}dicas},
Series = {Serie A, Fuentes. b) Textos y estudios legislativos},
Title = {Recopilaci{\'o}n Sumaria De Todos Los Autos Acordados De La Real Audiencia Y Sala Del Crimen De Esta Nueva Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1981}}
Author = {Roberts, Peter},
File = {Roberts:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/CFK2FEPE/576.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Keywords = {article, electronic publishing, information technology, Internet acceptance, Internet as a sea of information, medium of communication, peer review, print-based publishing vs. electronic environments, scholarly communication, scholarly publishing, serials in cyberspace},
Month = apr,
Note = {In the international academic community the Internet has received a mixed reception. This paper addresses the Internet and scholarly publishing.},
Title = {Scholarly publishing, peer review and the Internet},
Type = {text},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-09},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506096},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {202--210},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506072},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {731--733},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Susan L. Smith},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/T4A3BITK/21.1.smith.html:text/html},
Issn = {1527-2036},
Journal = {Journal of Women's History},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 21, Number 1, Spring 2009},
Number = {1},
Pages = {145--153},
Shorttitle = {Transgressive Reproduction},
Title = {Transgressive Reproduction: Cultural Anxieties about Women and Gender in the Near and Distant Past},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-12-29},
Volume = {21},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The paper examines three directions of grammaticalization by subjectification. Using the general cline Grammar {\textgreater} Discourse and Discourse {\textgreater} Grammar or Grammar ↔ Discourse, Spanish shows three types of diachronic subjectification, going in three different directions: (1) Grammar {\textgreater} Grammar; (2) Grammar {\textgreater} Discourse; (3) Grammar {\textgreater} Discourse {\textgreater} and again Grammar. Directions 1 and 2 are well known; direction 3, as far as I know, is unknown in the literature about grammaticalization. (1) Initiates in the Grammar, at the textual-syntactic level, and continues to function in the Grammar, with a different distribution and different syntactic-semantic properties as regards its etymon. (2) Begins in the Grammar, cancels the syntactic and morphological capacities of the etymon, produces syntactic isolation and widening of scope and results in the creation of autonomous forms which work at the discourse level. (3) Begins in the Grammar, goes to the Discourse via the cancellation of the morphological and syntactic capacities of the objective form, widens its scope and results in an autonomous form. Once it has operated in the Discourse, it returns to the Grammar, narrowing its scope, taking a new grammatical role again, and paradigmatizing with other forms. The form preserves the subjective meaning of the second stage. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Company Company, Concepci{\'o}n},
Doi = {10.1075/jhp.9.1.03com},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {directionality, {DISCOURSE} theory (Communication), {ELOCUTION}, {GRAMMAR}, Comparative \& general -- Grammaticalization, {GRAMMAR}, Comparative \& general -- Syntax, grammaticalization, historical syntax, {INFORMATION} theory, {LANGUAGE} \& languages -- Ability testing, {LECTURES} \& lecturing, {SEMANTICS}, Spanish, {SPANISH} language -- Study \& teaching, subjectification},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {2},
Pages = {200--224},
Title = {The directionality of grammaticalization in Spanish.},
Volume = {9},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Thompson, I. A. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2592434},
Issn = {0013-0117},
Journal = {The Economic History Review},
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1968 / Copyright {\copyright} 1968 Economic History Society},
Number = {2},
Pages = {244--267},
Series = {New Series},
Title = {A Map of Crime in Sixteenth-Century Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-12-26},
Volume = {21},
Year = {1968},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Paquette, Gabriel},
Edition = {1st},
Isbn = {1403985944},
Lccn = {0013},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
Title = {Enlightenment, Governance and Reform in Spain and its Empire 1759-1808},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Marks, Patricia H.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 2004 / Copyright {\copyright} 2004 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {519--558},
Shorttitle = {Confronting a Mercantile Elite},
Title = {Confronting a Mercantile Elite: Bourbon Reformers and the Merchants of Lima, 1765-1796},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {60},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1787}}
Address = {New York, Norton},
Author = {1972, Karl Marx . and 1972, Friedrich Engels 1820-1895. and Tucker, Robert C},
Isbn = {0393099652},
Keywords = {Bolshevism, Communism., Communist movements, Leninism, Maoism, Marxism, Social democracy, Socialism., Socialist movements, Trotskyism},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {The Marx-Engels reader.},
Year = {1972}}
File = {Counting on Google Books - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/K49SKRWW/125735.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {Counting on Google Books - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-12-22},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Campos, Manuel Torres},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Bibliograf{\'\i}a espa{\~n}ola contempor{\'a}nea del derecho y de la pol{\'\i}tica},
Year = {1883}}
File = {Introduction to Karl Marx, Module on Fetishism:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/7AJ5CIK3/marxfetishism.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Introduction to Karl Marx, Module on Fetishism},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-08},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Sigal, Pete},
Isbn = {0292777531},
Lccn = {0030},
Month = jun,
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Shorttitle = {From Moon Goddesses to Virgins},
Title = {From Moon Goddesses to Virgins: The Colonization of Yucatecan Maya Sexual Desire},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Bassols, Ram{\'o}n L{\'a}zaro de Dou y de and (Madrid), Benito Garc{\'\i}a y Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a and (Madrid), Real Colegio de Cirug{\'\i}a de San Carlos},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Instituciones del derecho P{\'u}blico General de Espa{\~n}a con noticia del},
Year = {1803}}
Abstract = {The article examines two episodes from Shakespeare, one from Julius Caesar and the other one from Othello, in order to shed light on the nature of a type of deception often used by a speaker in discourse meant to persuade a hearer to adopt a particular course of action. Drawing on the episodes, two conceptual distinctions are proposed, one between overt and covert intentions and the other between first-order and second-order intentions. It is argued that the distinctions make it possible to formulate a structured framework for analyzing the type of deception in question. The model proposed also draws on Gricean maxims, emphasizing the role of the maxims of Quality and Quantity, first part. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Rudanko, Juhani},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{ACADEMIC} writing, {COMMUNICATION} -- Research, {CONTENT} analysis (Communication), {DECEPTION}, {DISCOURSE} analysis, drama, {EPIGRAMS}, Gricean maxims, information manipulation, {INFORMATION} theory, {MAXIMS}, persuasion, Shakespeare, {SHAKESPEARE}, William, 1564-1616 -- In literature},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {109--126},
Shorttitle = {Concepts for analyzing deception in discourse intended to be persuasive},
Title = {Concepts for analyzing deception in discourse intended to be persuasive: Two case studies from Shakespearean drama.},
Volume = {8},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Viader, Jos{\'e} Antonio and Peiracs, Josep Antoni ( Viader i and Payrachs, Jos{\'e} Antonio Viader y and Oliva, Narciso and {NadalNarc{\'\i}s}, Oliva i},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso medico-moral de la informacion del feto por el alma desde su},
Year = {1785}}
Abstract = {Comments on Peruvian scholars Gabriela Ramos' perspective on Taki Onqoy, an Andean resistance against colonial abuses. Ramos' analysis of informaciones' testimonies as evidence of Indian agency, rebellion, millennarian vision; Ramos' attention to textual problems inside the informaciones; Nature of the Taki Onqoy movement.},
Author = {Heilman, Jaymie},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160220133718},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, {ANDES} Region, Colonies, History, {SOCIAL} movements, {SOUTH} America},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {123--138},
Shorttitle = {A Movement Misconstrued?},
Title = {A Movement Misconstrued? A Response to Gabriela Ramos's Interpretation of Taki Onqoy.},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Todorov, Tzvetan},
Isbn = {0806131373},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {University of Oklahoma Press},
Shorttitle = {The Conquest of America},
Title = {The Conquest of America: The Question of the Other},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Serulnikov, Sergio},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0023},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: May, 1996 / Copyright {\copyright} 1996 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {189--226},
Shorttitle = {Disputed Images of Colonialism},
Title = {Disputed Images of Colonialism: Spanish Rule and Indian Subversion in Northern Potos{\'\i}, 1777-1780},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {76},
Year = {1996},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This article proposes a theory of information need for information retrieval ({IR).} Information need traditionally denotes the start state for someone seeking information, which includes information search using an {IR} system. There are two perspectives on information need. The dominant, computer science perspective is that the user needs to find an answer to a well-defined question which is easy for the user to formulate into a query to the system. Ironically, information science's best known model of information need (Taylor, 1968) deems it to be a ``black box''---unknowable and nonspecifiable by the user in a query to the information system. Information science has instead devoted itself to studying eight adjacent or surrogate concepts (information seeking, search and use; problem, problematic situation and task; sense making and evolutionary adaptation/information foraging). Based on an analysis of these eight adjacent/surrogate concepts, we create six testable propositions for a theory of information need. The central assumption of the theory is that while computer science sees {IR} as an information- or answer-finding system, focused on the user finding an answer, an information science or user-oriented theory of information need envisages a knowledge formulation/acquisition system.},
Author = {Cole, Charles},
Doi = {10.1002/asi.21541},
Issn = {1532-2890},
Journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
Language = {en},
Month = jul,
Number = {7},
Pages = {1216--1231},
Title = {A theory of information need for information retrieval that connects information to knowledge},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {[s.l},
Author = {Raudales Soto, Julio},
Keywords = {1821-1951, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .R38},
Publisher = {s.n.]},
Shorttitle = {Cinco Ej{\'e}rcitos Y Un Objetivo Com{\'u}n},
Title = {Cinco Ej{\'e}rcitos Y Un Objetivo Com{\'u}n: Ensayo},
Year = {1976}}
Address = {London ; New York},
Author = {Borris, Kenneth and Sebastian), G. S Rousseau (George},
Isbn = {9780415403214},
Keywords = {Gays Europe History., Gays Identity., Homosexuality Europe History., Homosexuality in literature.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0005},
Publisher = {Routledge},
Title = {The sciences of homosexuality in early modern Europe},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Dunn, W. E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2518432},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {177--183},
Title = {The Post-War Attitude of Hispanic America toward the United States},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {{'For} decades bibliographic data has been stored in non-relational databases, and thousands of libraries in developing countries still use {ISIS} databases to run their {OPACs.} Fast forward to 2010 and the {NoSQL} movement has shown that non-relational databases are good enough for Google, and Facebook. Meanwhile, several Open Source {NoSQL} systems have appeared.
This paper discusses the data model of one class of {NoSQL} products, semistructured, document-oriented databases exemplified by Apache {CouchDB} and {MongoDB}, and why they are well-suited to collective cataloging applications. Also shown are the methods, tools, and scripts used to convert, from {ISIS} to {CouchDB}, bibliographic records of {LILACS}, a key Latin American and Caribbean health sciences index operated by the Pan-American Health Organization.'},
Author = {{\{Luciano} Ramalho\}},
Keywords = {Issue 13},
Language = {en},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {The {Code4Lib} Journal},
Shorttitle = {From {ISIS} to {CouchDB}},
Title = {From {ISIS} to {CouchDB:} Databases and Data Models for Bibliographic Records},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-24},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Tag Cloud Viewer, {SEASR} Analytics},
File = {Tag Cloud Viewer:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/8HNGXDJG/Tag Cloud Viewer.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Future of the Andean Past (163)},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {[Nashville},
Author = {Ratterman, Elleanore Callaghan. [from old catalog and Scroggs, William O},
Keywords = {Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .R23},
Title = {Documents. I. With Walker in Nicaragua. The Reminiscences of Elleanore (Callaghan) Ratterman. {II.} Walker-Heiss Papers. Some Diplomatic Correspondence of the Walker Regime in Nicaragua},
Year = {1916}}
File = {The Chiquita Papers:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2CKTVA63/index.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\textasciitilde}{nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB340/index.htm}},
Title = {The Chiquita Papers},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Guevara, Ernesto Che},
Isbn = {1920888934},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Ocean Press},
Shorttitle = {Che},
Title = {Che: The Diaries of Ernesto Che Guevara},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Beirich, Heidi Ly},
Keywords = {Civil-military relations, Spain},
Lccn = {0001},
Note = {External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... Dissertation: Thesis ({M.A.)--San} Diego State University, 1994. Language: English Named Corp: Spain. Ej{\'e}rcito -- Political activity. Geographic: Spain -- History -- Bourbons, 1700- Spain -- History -- Charles {III}, 1759-1788. Spain -- History -- Charles {IV}, 1788-1808. Spain -- Armed Forces -- History. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (leaves 157-162). Class Descriptors: {LC:} {DP192} Responsibility: by Heidi Ly Beirich. Material Type: Thesis/dissertation (deg); Manuscript (mss) Date of Entry: 19950316 Update: 20041231 Provider: {OCLC}},
Shorttitle = {The Birth of Spanish Militarism},
Title = {The Birth of Spanish Militarism: The Bourbon Military Reforms, 1766-1808},
Year = {1994}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506019},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {100--105},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Black, Chad Thomas},
Doi = {10.1080/03612759.2011.599252},
Issn = {0361-2759, 1930-8280},
Journal = {History: Reviews of New Books},
Month = oct,
Pages = {117--118},
Shorttitle = {A Review of {``Into} the Archive},
Title = {A Review of {``Into} the Archive: Writing and Power in Colonial Peru''},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Volume = {39},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Current modes of thinking on the part of the powerful are often particularly evident in legal cases handled during periods of flux, when authorities are by their own admission intent on establishing new rules and are not necessarily prone to resort to custom. The present study of social authorities' visions of violent transgression therefore focuses on two especially interesting periods of Ecuadorian history: 1780-82, and 1824-27. The first period represents the most intensive application of Bourbon Reforms. The second period unfolded after some degree of normality had been re-established at the end of the Independence wars.},
Author = {Borchart de moreno, Christiana},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916042000210855},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {Colonies, {IMPERIALISM}, {LAW}, {POLITICAL} doctrines, {RULES}, {VIOLENCE}},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {129--144},
Shorttitle = {Words and wounds},
Title = {Words and wounds: gender relations, violence, and the state in late colonial and early Republican Ecuador.},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Sol{\'o}rzano Pereira, Juan de and {\{Pre-1801} Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)\}},
Keywords = {Colonies, Colonies Administration, History, Indians, Latin America, {LAW}, Spain, To 1830},
Lccn = {F1411 .S69},
Publisher = {D. Diaz de la Carrera},
Title = {Politica Indiana. Sacada En Lengva Castellana De Los Dos Tomos Del Derecho, I Govierno Mvnicipal De Las Indias Occidentales},
Year = {1648}}
Author = {Chamosa, O.},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {1},
Pages = {71},
Shorttitle = {Indigenous or Criollo},
Title = {Indigenous or Criollo: The myth of white Argentina in Tucum{\'a}n's Calchaqu{\textbackslash}'ı Valley},
Volume = {88},
Year = {2008}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Zamora y Coronado, Jos{\'e} Mar{\'\i}a},
Keywords = {Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT2680 .Z366 1844},
Publisher = {Impr. de Alegria y Charlain},
Shorttitle = {Biblioteca De Legislaci{\'o}n Ultramarina},
Title = {Biblioteca De Legislaci{\'o}n Ultramarina: En Forma De Diccionario Alfab{\'e}tico},
Year = {1844}}
Author = {Pateman, Carole and Mills, Charles},
Isbn = {0745640044},
Lccn = {0039},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {Polity},
Title = {The Contract and Domination},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Francis, J. Michael},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {445--453},
Shorttitle = {Language and the {"True} Conversion" to the Holy Faith},
Title = {Language and the {"True} Conversion" to the Holy Faith: A Document from the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Rome, Italy},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1784}}
Author = {Masdeu, Juan Francisco},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Historia critica de Espa{\~n}a, y de la Cultura Espa{\~n}ola},
Year = {1792}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505934},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {355--363},
Title = {Central American and Mexican Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Stavig, Ward},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {529--562},
Shorttitle = {Continuing the Bleeding of These Pueblos Will Shortly Make Them Cadavers},
Title = {Continuing the Bleeding of These Pueblos Will Shortly Make Them Cadavers: The Potosi Mita, Cultural Identity, and Communal Survival in Colonial Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {56},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {por los Herederos de don Joseph de la Puerta},
Title = {Dialogos del medico y el practicante},
Year = {1761}}
Author = {Sweet, William W.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505962},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {411--415},
Title = {Hispanic American History from the Student Standpoint},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lewin, Linda},
Doi = {10.2307/1007241},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0031},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1992 / Copyright {\copyright} 1992 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {351--396},
Shorttitle = {Natural and Spurious Children in Brazilian Inheritance Law from Colony to Empire},
Title = {Natural and Spurious Children in Brazilian Inheritance Law from Colony to Empire: A Methodological Essay},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {48},
Year = {1992},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {15 Basic Terminal Commands for Mac OS X. | OSX86 Basics:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/Q3QFHCZZ/basic-terminal-commands-for-mac-os-x.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {15 Basic Terminal Commands for Mac {OS} X. {\textbar} {OSX86} Basics},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-11-23},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {One of the most prominent and maybe less known manifestations of the relations between Europe and America in the {XVIth} century, undoubtly is the influence of the Flemish art on the painting of the incipient Americas, which is highlighted with the importation of paintings from Flandes and Holland during the period 1540-1600 and of etchings from 1560 to the latter {XVIIIth} century, which served as models for the American painters: European, creoles, mestizos and indian during the three centuries of viceroyship period. The Bolivian, Cuzquenian and Ecuadorian repositories are filled with paintings that originated from the Flemish etchings. /// Una de las manifestaciones m{\'a}s destacadas y quiz{\'a}s menos conocidas de la relaci{\'o}n entre Europa y Am{\'e}rica en el siglo {XVI}, es sin duda la influencia del arte flamenco sobre la pintura de la naciente Am{\'e}rica que se destaca con la importaci{\'o}n de cuadros de Flandes y Holanda durante el periodo 1540-1600 y la de grabados a partir de 1560 hasta fines del siglo {XVIII} que hicieron de modelos para los pintores americanos: europeos, criollos, mestizos e indios durante los tres siglos del periodo virreinal. Los repositorios bolivianos, cuzque{\~n}os y ecuatorianos se hallan llenos de pinturas que tuvieron como origen los grabados de Flandes.},
Author = {Mesa, Jos{\'e} de},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan. - Jun., 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {117},
Pages = {61--82},
Title = {La influencia de Flandes en la pintura del Area Andina},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Albuquerque},
Author = {Lindo-Fuentes, H{\'e}ctor and Ching, Erik Kristofer},
Isbn = {9780826350817 {082635081X} 9780826350824 0826350828},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Shorttitle = {Modernizing minds in El Salvador},
Title = {Modernizing minds in El Salvador : education reform and the Cold War, 1960-1980},
Year = {2012}}
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1785}}
Author = {Veitch, Edward and Tracey, R. R. S.},
Issn = {{0002919X}},
Journal = {The American Journal of Comparative Law},
Lccn = {0010},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Autumn, 1974 / Copyright {\copyright} 1974 American Society of Comparative Law},
Number = {4},
Pages = {652--696},
Title = {Abortion in the Common Law World},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Volume = {22},
Year = {1974},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {L{\'o}pez, Ana M.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue: Latin American Film History / Full publication date: Oct., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {197--203},
Shorttitle = {The State of Things},
Title = {The State of Things: New Derections in Latin Ameriacn Film History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Pellicer, Casiano},
Lccn = {0061},
Title = {Tratado historico sobre el origen y progresos de la comedia y del},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Doi = {10.2307/2505843},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {47--53},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {C{\'e}lis, Isidoro Perez de and Cano, Benito},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Filosof{\'\i}a de las costumbres},
Year = {1793}}
Abstract = {assigning topic/etc. to survey from wikipedia},
Author = {Boggs, Jeremy},
Journal = {clioweb},
Keywords = {teaching},
Month = apr,
Title = {Assigning Wikipedia in a {US} History Survey},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-03-13},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Jones, C. K. and Lima, Manoel de Oliveira and Freyre, Gilberto},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505952},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {142--151},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Doi = {10.2307/2518435},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {191--192},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505967},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {456--457},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Durham [{N.C.]}},
Author = {Cervone, Emma},
Isbn = {9780822351757 0822351757 9780822351894 0822351897},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Long live Atahualpa},
Title = {Long live Atahualpa : indigenous politics, justice, and democracy in the Northern Andes},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Castro, Pedro de Villar y Bermudez de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso imparcial o demostraci{\'o}n de los justos l{\'\i}mites a que se extienden y},
Year = {1802}}
Address = {Salta},
Author = {Cornejo, Atilio and Vergara, Miguel Angel},
Edition = {Ed. oficial},
Keywords = {Argentina Salta (Province), History Sources, Land grants, Salta (Argentina : Province)},
Lccn = {F2958 .C6},
Publisher = {Imp. San Mart{\'\i}n},
Series = {Documentos para la historia de Salta en el siglo {XVI}},
Title = {Mercedes De Tierras Y Solares (1583-1589)},
Year = {1938}}
File = {Syllabus « Survey of Modern Latin America:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/DS4PKBCD/syllabus.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Syllabus « Survey of Modern Latin America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Brown, Vera Lee},
Doi = {10.2307/2505718},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {333--336},
Title = {Introduction},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {James, Herman G.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505765},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {92--94},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1883}}
Author = {Draper, Susana},
Isbn = {9780822962250 {082296225X}},
Language = {English},
Shorttitle = {Afterlives of confinement},
Title = {Afterlives of confinement : spatial transitions in postdictatorship Latin America},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505741},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {218--219},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{O'Scanlan}, Timoteo and Rolden, Andr{\'e}s Barrio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Practica moderna de la inoculacion},
Year = {1784}}
Author = {Herv{\'a}s, Lorenzo},
Lccn = {0008},
Title = {Histor{\'\i}a de la vida del hombre},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Varflora, Ferm{\'\i}n Arana de and Congress), Pre-1801 Imprint Collection (Library of},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Hijos de Sevilla ilustres en santidad, letras, armas, artes, {\`o} dignidad},
Year = {1791}}
Address = {Lewiston, {NY}},
Author = {Jones, John A and Lera, Javier San Jos{\'e} and Le{\'o}n, Luis de},
Isbn = {0773481788},
Keywords = {Marriage Early works to 1800.},
Language = {spa ; eng},
Lccn = {0006},
Publisher = {E. Mellen Press},
Shorttitle = {A bilingual edition of Fray Luis de Le{\'o}n's La perfecta casada},
Title = {A bilingual edition of Fray Luis de Le{\'o}n's La perfecta casada : the role of married women in sixteenth-century Spain},
Year = {1999}}
File = {Digital History Hacks (2005-08): Teaching Young Historians to Search, Spider and Scrape:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/F5GPAXJD/teaching-young-historians-to-search.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Digital History Hacks (2005-08): Teaching Young Historians to Search, Spider and Scrape},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-11-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Febrero, Jos{\'e}},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Librer{\'\i}a de Escribanos, abogados y jueces},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Rodr{\'\i}guez, Venancio Colomera y},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Imp. de P. de la Llana},
Title = {Paleograf{\'\i}a castellana},
Year = {1862}}
Abstract = {This article provides an account of the steps involved in adapting {IBM's} Languageware natural language processing software to a large corpus of highly non-standard 17th century documents. It examines the challenges encountered as part of this process, and outlines the approach adopted to provide a robust and reusable tool for the linguistic analysis of early modern source texts.},
Author = {Sweetnam, Mark S. and Fennell, Barbara A.},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/fqr050},
Issn = {0268-1145, 1477-4615},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Language = {en},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {39--54},
Shorttitle = {Natural language processing and early-modern dirty data},
Title = {Natural language processing and early-modern dirty data: applying {IBM} Languageware to the 1641 depositions},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-12-11},
Volume = {27},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Alfonso and (Kingdom), Castile and Espa{\~n}ola, Real Academia and Historia, Real Academia de la},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Las siete partidas del Rey Don Alfonso el sabio},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Villarroel, Diego de Torres},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tomo {IV}},
Year = {1751}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Ar{\'o}stegui, Mateo de},
Keywords = {Mexico, Taxation},
Lccn = {HJ2287.M4 A54},
Number = {6},
Publisher = {J. Porr{\'u}a},
Series = {Documentos para la historia del M{\'e}xico colonial},
Title = {Moderaci{\'o}n De Doctrinas De La Real Corona Administradas Por Las {\'O}rdenes Mendicantes, 1623},
Year = {1959}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505888},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {692--706},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Ecuador},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Imprenta de gobierno, por J. Campuzano},
Title = {Primer rejistro autentico nacional de la republica del Ecuador},
Year = {1840}}
Author = {Bassols, Ramon Ll{\`a}tzer de Dou i de and Bassols, Ram{\'o}n L{\'a}zaro de Dou y de and (Madrid), Benito Garc{\'\i}a y Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a and (Madrid), Real Colegio de Cirug{\'\i}a de San Carlos},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Instituciones del derecho p{\'u}blico general de Espa{\~n}a, con noticia del},
Year = {1801}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505757},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0050},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {104--129},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Williams, Derek},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Nov., 2003 / Copyright {\copyright} 2003 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Shorttitle = {Popular Liberalism and Indian Servitude},
Title = {Popular Liberalism and Indian Servitude: The Making and Unmaking of Ecuador's Antilandlord State, 1845-1868},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {83},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Appleby, Joyce and Hunt, Lynn and Jacob, Margaret},
Isbn = {0393312860},
Lccn = {0672},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {W. W. Norton \& Company},
Title = {Telling the Truth about History},
Year = {1995}}
Howpublished = {},
Journal = {Criminal Intent},
Keywords = {Uncategorized},
Language = {English},
Month = jan,
Title = {Normalized Compression Distance Algorithms},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-31},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Valle, Rafael Heliodoro},
Doi = {10.2307/2506078},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} news / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {777--784},
Title = {George Ephraim Squier},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James A.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505810},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {265--275},
Title = {The Need for Co{\"o}perative Bibliography},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Ecuador},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Codigo penal y codigo de enjuiciamientos en materia criminal de la Republica},
Year = {1872}}
Author = {Shepherd, William R.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505670},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0010},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {270--298},
Title = {Bolivar and the United States},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Cox, Isaac Joslin},
Doi = {10.2307/2505926},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {284--286},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505728},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {491--492},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Boston},
Author = {Walker, William},
Keywords = {1821-1951, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1523 .D47},
Publisher = {{S.A.} Bent \& Co},
Shorttitle = {The Destiny of Nicaragua},
Title = {The Destiny of Nicaragua: Central America as It Was, Is, and May Be},
Year = {1856}}
Author = {Castro, Alfredo Lozano},
Isbn = {9978221018, 9789978221013},
Lccn = {0002},
Publisher = {Editorial Abya Yala},
Title = {Quito, ciudad milenaria},
Year = {1991}}
Author = {Buchan, William and Alcedo, Antonio de and Buchan, Jorge},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Medicina domestica {\'o} Tratado completo del metodo de precaver y curar las},
Year = {1785}}
Author = {Chandler, Charles Lyon},
Doi = {10.2307/2505707},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {385--387},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Leys, Felipe Argenti and Mar{\'\i}n, Pedro},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discursos politicos, y economicos sobre el estado actual de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1777}}
Abstract = {This work presents a concise socio-historical account of the Cuban Revolution of 1959, an event that continues to spark debate 50 years later. It balances a comprehensive overview of the political and economic events of the revolution with a look at the revolution's social impact, and provides an on-the-ground look at the lives of ordinary people. It also features both {U.S.} and Cuban perspectives to provide a complete and well-rounded look at the revolution and its repercussions, and encourages students to understand history through the viewpoint of individuals living it.},
Address = {Chichester, West Sussex, {U.K.;} Malden, {MA}},
Author = {Chomsky, Aviva},
Isbn = {9781405187749 1405187743 9781405187732 1405187735},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell},
Title = {A history of the Cuban Revolution},
Year = {2011}}
File = {DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: The Productive Unease of 21st-century Digital Scholarship:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/HKZR332Z/000055.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{DHQ:} Digital Humanities Quarterly: The Productive Unease of 21st-century Digital Scholarship},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-29},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Kr{\"u}ggeler, Thomas},
Doi = {10.2307/1008111},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 1999 / Copyright {\copyright} 1999 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {161--189},
Shorttitle = {Indians, Workers, and the Arrival of {"Modernity"}},
Title = {Indians, Workers, and the Arrival of {"Modernity":} Cuzco, Peru (1895-1924)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {56},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lipsett-Rivera, Sonya},
Doi = {10.2307/1007773},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {511--539},
Shorttitle = {De Obra Y Palabra},
Title = {De Obra Y Palabra: Patterns of Insults in Mexico, 1750-1856},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {54},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lima, Sociedad Acad{\'e}mica de Amantes de and peruano, Mercurio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Mercurio peruano de historia, literatura, y noticias p{\'u}blicas que da {\'a} luz},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {R{\'\i}o, Ignacio Jord{\'a}n de Ass{\'o} y del and Rodr{\'\i}guez, Miguel de Manuel y and Palacios, Joaqu{\'\i}n Mar{\'\i}a and Alb{\'a}n, Miguel de Manuel y Rodr{\'\i}guez, Joaqu{\'\i}n Mar{\'\i}a Palacios, Tom{\'a}s},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Instituciones del Derecho Civil de Castilla},
Year = {1806}}
Author = {Crompton, Louis},
Doi = {10.1300/J082v06n01_03},
File = {The Myth of Lesbian Impunity Capital Laws from 1270 to 1791:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ET8JTFXV/Crompton - 1981 - The Myth of Lesbian Impunity Capital Laws from 127.pdf:application/pdf;The Myth of Lesbian Impunity Capital Laws from 1270 to 1791 - Journal of Homosexuality:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/JJ3UUBFB/content~db=all.html:text/html},
Issn = {0091-8369},
Journal = {Journal of Homosexuality},
Lccn = {0076},
Number = {1},
Pages = {11},
Title = {The Myth of Lesbian Impunity Capital Laws from 1270 to 1791},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-10-20},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1981},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Hunefeldt, Christine},
Isbn = {0816049181},
Lccn = {0006},
Note = {Access: External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... More About This In: Books in Print (Publication status and optional reviews) Language: English Contents: Ancient civilizations (10,000 {B.C.-c.} {A.D.} 1440) -- The Inca : the building of an empire (1440-1532) -- Conquest and the beginnings of colonial life (1532-1568) -- Colonial Peru (1568-1700) -- Colonial institutions and the Bourbon reforms (1700-1780) -- Revolts and the wars for independence (1780-1826) -- The long struggle for stability (1826-1843) -- The age of guano (1843-1879) -- The War of the Pacific and after (1879-1900) -- The 20th century : first decades (1900-1929) -- Depression and conflict (1929-1948) -- Dictatorships and reform (1948-1968) -- Agrarian reform and the Shining Path (1968-1990) -- New structures and Fujimori (1990-2003). Access: Materials specified: Table of contents Geographic: Peru -- History -- Juvenile literature. Peru -- History. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-291) and index. General Info: National bibliography no: {GBA469093} Class Descriptors: {LC:} F3431; Dewey: 985 Responsibility: Christine Hunefeldt. Vendor Info: Baker \& Taylor Baker \& Taylor Baker and Taylor {YBP} Library Services ({BKTY} {BKTY} {BTCP} {YANK)} 45.00 19.95 Status: active active Material Type: Adolescent (shs); Internet resource (url) Date of Entry: 20030827 Update: 20100126 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {Facts on File},
Title = {A Brief History of Peru},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Ghosh, Durba},
Issn = {0002-8762},
Journal = {The American Historical Review},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: June 2012 / Copyright {\copyright} 2012 American Historical Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {772--793},
Title = {Another Set of Imperial Turns?},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-07-05},
Volume = {117},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {In the first decades of the twentieth century, Bolivian intellectuals and politicians debated how the country's Indian population should be incorporated into social and political life as the nation became increasingly integrated internally and forged stronger links to the world market. Public health was central to this discussion because of elite fears of contagion due to greater contact between Indians and non-Indians and the realization that if Indians were to be productive members of society, then their physical well-being had to be considered. This study examines the proposals of two Bolivian doctors, Jaime Mendoza and Nestor Morales, for improving the health of the native population in the context of the larger national debate about ethnicity and citizenship.},
Author = {Zulawski, Ann},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0014},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {107--129},
Shorttitle = {Hygiene and {"The} Indian Problem"},
Title = {Hygiene and {"The} Indian Problem": Ethnicity and Medicine in Bolivia, 1910-1920},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {35},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505700},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {843--872},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1883}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Krippner-Mart{\'\i}nez, James},
Doi = {10.2307/1007371},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {177--197},
Shorttitle = {The Politics of Conquest},
Title = {The Politics of Conquest: An Interpretation of the Relaci{\'o}n de Michoac{\'a}n},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {47},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Seed, Patricia},
Isbn = {0521497574},
Lccn = {0272},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {Ceremonies of Possession in Europe's Conquest of the New World, 1492-1640},
Year = {1995}}
Author = {Norris, Jim},
Doi = {10.2307/1007923},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {151--171},
Shorttitle = {The Franciscans in New Mexico, 1692-1754},
Title = {The Franciscans in New Mexico, 1692-1754: Toward a New Assessment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {51},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {R., J. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505927},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {286--287},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505694},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {767--768},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Basics | History 697 | History & New Media | Paula Petrik | George Mason University:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/TDGSAHX5/index.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Basics {\textbar} History 697 {\textbar} History \& New Media {\textbar} Paula Petrik {\textbar} George Mason University},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Leon, Pedro de Ciezade},
Isbn = {0822321467},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Title = {The Discovery and Conquest of Peru},
Year = {1999}}
Address = {Hanover, {NH}},
Author = {Iggers, Georg G. and Inc, {NetLibrary},},
Isbn = {0585370796},
Keywords = {Electronic books., Historiography History 20th century., History Methodology., History Philosophy., History, Modern Philosophy},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Wesleyan University Press, published by University Press of New England},
Title = {Historiography in the twentieth century from scientific objectivity to the postmodern challenge},
Year = {1997}}
Author = {Bol{\'\i}var, Sim{\'o}n and Blanco, Jos{\'e} F{\'e}lix},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Documentos para la historia de la vida p{\'u}blica del libertador de Colombia},
Year = {1875}}
Author = {Chasteen, John Charles},
Edition = {Reprint},
Isbn = {0195392361},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Oxford University Press, {USA}},
Shorttitle = {Americanos},
Title = {Americanos: Latin America's Struggle for Independence},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {R., J. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506054},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {502--503},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Herv{\'a}s, Lorenzo},
Lccn = {0008},
Title = {Histor{\'\i}a de la vida del hombre},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Cussen, C. L},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0004},
Number = {3},
Pages = {417--448},
Shorttitle = {The Search for Idols and Saints in Colonial Peru},
Title = {The Search for Idols and Saints in Colonial Peru: Linking Extirpation and Beatification},
Volume = {85},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Powers, Karen Vieira},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0009},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 1995 / Copyright {\copyright} 1995 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {31--56},
Shorttitle = {The Battle for Bodies and Souls in the Colonial North Andes},
Title = {The Battle for Bodies and Souls in the Colonial North Andes: Intraecclesiastical Struggles and the Politics of Migration},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {75},
Year = {1995},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The present paper underscores the importance of examining the original manuscripts and their context(s) of production, with specific reference to the wealth of documentary material produced in connection with the Salem witchcraft outbreak of 1692. The background to this study is an international project to publish a chronologically structured edition of this material. One central aspect of this work is a reassessment of the role of scribes in the production of these documents. As shown in the paper, scribal profiles can be reconstructed by means of linguistic and pal{\ae}ographic analysis. Specifically, the linguistic and scribal features of two relevant genres (depositions and indictments) are explored here in the light of the 1692 Salem documents. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Hiltunen, Risto and Peikola, Matti},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {colonial period, {CONTENT} analysis (Communication), courtroom discourse, {DISCOURSE} analysis, {DISCOURSE} markers, handwriting, {LANGUAGE} arts, legal genres, Literature, {MANUSCRIPTS}, Research, {SCRIBES}, {SOCIAL} sciences -- Research, {WITCHCRAFT}},
Lccn = {0007},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {43--68},
Shorttitle = {Trial discourse and manuscript context},
Title = {Trial discourse and manuscript context: Scribal profiles in the Salem witchcraft records.},
Volume = {8},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Wolford, J},
Issn = {0094-0798},
Journal = {{ORAL} {HISTORY} {REVIEW}},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {1},
Pages = {161--162},
Shorttitle = {Burton, Archive Stories},
Title = {Burton, Archive Stories: Facts, Fictions, and the Writing of History},
Volume = {34},
Year = {2007}}
File = {INKE Administrative Structure, Omnibus Document | Siemens | New Knowledge Environments:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/Q4S7M3B9/245.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {{INKE} Administrative Structure, Omnibus Document {\textbar} Siemens {\textbar} New Knowledge Environments},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-02},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {The Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany},
Year = {1810}}
Author = {Ojeda, Tom{\'a}s Thayer},
Doi = {10.2307/2506094},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {176--197},
Title = {The Manuscripts Section of the Biblioteca Nacional of Chile. [Translation]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505945},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {82--83},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Appleby, Joyce and Hunt, Lynn and Jacob, Margaret},
Isbn = {0393312860},
Keywords = {{HISTORIOGRAPHY}},
Lccn = {0672},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {W. W. Norton \& Company},
Title = {Telling the Truth about History},
Year = {1995}}
Author = {Smith, Adam and Yrujo, marqu{\copyright}♭s de Carlos Mart{\copyright}Ưnez de Yrujo y Tac{\copyright}đn Casa and Condorcet, marquis de Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Compendio de la obra inglesa intitulada riqueza de las naciones},
Year = {1803}}
File = {Assignments « Survey of Modern Latin America:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/6FPFQGDU/assignments.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Assignments « Survey of Modern Latin America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robledo, Alfonso},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505800},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} news / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {202--204},
Title = {Eulogy on Henry Clay [Translation]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Managua, Nicaragua, Centro Am{\'e}rica},
Author = {Rollins, Clinton and Figueroa, Guillermo and Ortega, Arturo and Cuadra Pasos, Carlos},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .W23},
Publisher = {Editorial Nuevos Horizontes},
Title = {William Walker},
Year = {1945}}
Abstract = {This article is based on a research effort on historical anthropology and political philosophy closely linked to European expansion towards the Atlantic. It includes a discussion of the historical and theoretical problems of the figure of the American {"Indian"}, the invention of the term, and their subsequent subjection and exploitation in settlements of converted {"Indians"} in the vice-regal period in Peru (sixteenth century). European domination produced a massive biosocial hybridization that hierarchized colonial society in two opposing poles: the indigenous world and that of Spaniards. In this context, native societies became incorporated into a political and economic system that transformed individuals into full-fledged members of the new State being constructed; docile, disciplined members transformed into cheap labor who were crowded together in the lower echelons of the social structure, and thus the origin and development of new forms of domination could be envisioned. /// Este art{\'\i}culo se basa en una investigaci{\'o}n sobre antropolog{\'\i}a hist{\'o}rica y filosof{\'\i}a pol{\'\i}tica estrechamente vinculada con la expansi{\'o}n europea hacia el Atl{\'a}ntico. En ella se plantearon los problemas hist{\'o}ricos y te{\'o}ricos de la figura del "indio" americano, su invenci{\'o}n as{\'\i} como su posterior sometimiento y explotaci{\'o}n en las reducciones de "indios" del Per{\'u} virreinal (siglo {XVI).} La dominaci{\'o}n europea produjo una masiva hibridaci{\'o}n biosocial que jerarquiz{\'o} la sociedad colonial en dos polos opuestos: el mundo ind{\'\i}gena y el espa{\~n}ol. En este contexto, las sociedades abor{\'\i}genes se vieron incorporadas a un sistema pol{\'\i}tico-econ{\'o}mico que transform{\'o} a los individuos en miembros cabales del nuevo Estado en construcci{\'o}n; miembros d{\'o}ciles, disciplinados, transformados en mano de obra barata que se agolpaba en los escalafones inferiores de la estructura social, vislumbr{\'a}ndose el origen y desarrollo de nuevas formas de dominaci{\'o}n.},
Author = {Rosa, Alexandre Coello De La},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul. - Dec., 1995 / Copyright {\copyright} 1995 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {120},
Pages = {85--107},
Title = {G{\'e}nesis y desarrollo de las relaciones de poder en el Per{\'u} virreinal (Siglo {XVI)}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1995},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Buenos Aires},
Author = {{\{Cabildo} Eclesi{\'a}stico de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina)\} and Actis, Francisco C},
Keywords = {Buenos Aires (Argentina), Church history Sources},
Lccn = {BX1463.B8 C37 1943},
Number = {1-},
Publisher = {s.n.},
Series = {Junta de Historia Eclesi{\'a}stica Argentina},
Title = {Actas Y Documentos Del Cabildo Eclesi{\'a}stico De Buenos Aires},
Year = {1943}}
Abstract = {{"Examines} the movement for labor reform among domestic workers in Latin America. Explores how domestic workers' mobilization, strategic alliances, and political windows of opportunity can lead to improved rights"--Provided by publisher.},
Address = {University Park, Pa.},
Author = {Blofield, Merike},
Isbn = {9780271053271 0271053275},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Pennsylvania State University Press},
Shorttitle = {Care work and class},
Title = {Care work and class : domestic workers' struggle for equal rights in Latin America},
Year = {2012}}
File = {Tools, Techniques & Culture / Winter 2011 University of Victoria / Digital Humanities One Fifty:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XMTAU9XS/150.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Tools, Techniques \& Culture / Winter 2011 University of Victoria / Digital Humanities One Fifty},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-26},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Pierson, W. W.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506028},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {255--257},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {L{\'o}pez, Antonio Xavier P{\'e}rez y and {SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Teatro de la legislacion universal de Espa{\~n}a {\'e} Indias},
Year = {1791}}
Author = {Carri{\'o}n, Julio.},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/AHB4RW55/42.3carrion.html:text/html},
Issn = {1542-4278},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Note = {Volume 42, Number 3, 2007},
Number = {3},
Pages = {222--234},
Shorttitle = {Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Andes},
Title = {Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Andes: State Weakness, Hybrid Regimes, and Societal Responses},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {42},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Employment | Common Dreams:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/PB6JWHTE/30-4.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Employment {\textbar} Common Dreams},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-08},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {I'm having an interesting discussion with Lisa Rhody about the significance of topic modeling at different scales that I'd like to follow up with some examples. I've been doing to...},
File = {Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/MVUJGDHJ/what-kinds-of-topics-does-topic-modeling-actually-produce.html:text/html},
Journal = {The Stone and the Shell},
Title = {What kinds of ``topics'' does topic modeling actually produce?},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-04-15},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Congreso, Ecuador. and Ecuador},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Actas del Congresso ecuatoriano de 1833},
Year = {1891}}
Author = {Deusen, Nancy E. van},
Doi = {10.2307/1008441},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 1999 / Copyright {\copyright} 1999 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--30},
Shorttitle = {The {'Alienated'} Body},
Title = {The {'Alienated'} Body: Slaves and Castas in the Hospital de San Bartolom{\'e} in Lima, 1680 to 1700},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {56},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505812},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {288--291},
Title = {Newspaper Files in the Library of the Pan American Union},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505772},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {103},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506080},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {790--791},
Title = {Back Matter},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Oxford, England},
Author = {Lynch, {\&\#32;John}},
Lccn = {0157},
Publisher = {Alden Mowbray Ltd.},
Title = {Spain under the Habsburgs},
Volume = {(vol. 2)},
Year = {1969}}
Address = {Stanford, Calif.},
Author = {Ca{\~n}izares-Esguerra, Jorge},
Isbn = {0804740844},
Keywords = {Historians Europe Attitudes., Historians Latin America Attitudes., Latin America History 18th century Historiography.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {How to write the history of the New World},
Title = {How to write the history of the New World : histories, epistemologies, and identities in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world},
Year = {2001}}
Abstract = {Indigenous peoples of Ecuador have organized and mobilized over the past thirty years, partly to reshape their identities after centuries of domination. This research is a preliminary effort to explore the contemporary complexity of that identity. Best viewed as a quantitative case study, this analysis uses responses from seventy-six indigenous college students to a self-administered questionnaire. The authors found that indigenous students with greater "acculturation experiences" with mestizo culture were more strident in rejecting elements of that culture than were their colleagues who had had fewer encounters with mestizo elements of Ecuadorian society. While the tendency to identify oneself ethnically by rejecting the dominant culture represents only one dimension of ethnic identity (maintaining distinctiveness), the authors consider the findings important for future research on the dynamics of the process of ethnic identification.},
Author = {Beck, Scott H. and Mijeski, Kenneth J.},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0017},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {1},
Pages = {119--137},
Title = {Indigena Self-Identity in Ecuador and the Rejection of Mestizaje},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {35},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ryan, Michael A.},
Isbn = {0801449847},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Cornell Univ Pr},
Shorttitle = {A Kingdom of Stargazers},
Title = {A Kingdom of Stargazers: Astrology and Authority in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon},
Year = {2011}}
Address = {Berkeley, Calif.},
Author = {Melzer, Sara E and Norberg, Kathryn and Inc, {NetLibrary},},
Isbn = {0585079080},
Keywords = {Body, Human Symbolic aspects France., Despotism France., Electronic books., France Civilization Political aspects., France Court and courtiers Social life and customs., France History Bourbons, 1589-1789., Symbolism in politics France.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {University of California Press},
Title = {From the royal to the republican body incorporating the political in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France},
Year = {1998}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Wright, I. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505702},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {333--361},
Shorttitle = {Rescates},
Title = {Rescates: With Special Reference to Cuba, 1599-1610},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2505752},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {74},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
Author = {Ann), Elizabeth A. Clark (Elizabeth},
Isbn = {0674015169},
Keywords = {Christian literature, Early History and criticism., Historical criticism, Historiography., History Authorship, History Criticism, History Historiography, History Philosophy., History, Modern Philosophy},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0072},
Publisher = {Harvard University Press},
Shorttitle = {History, theory, text},
Title = {History, theory, text : historians and the linguistic turn},
Year = {2004}}
File = {Words by Tony Judt | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/N5G5XKKD/words.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\_source=feedburner\&utm\_medium=feed\&utm\_campaign=Feed\%3A+nyrblog+\%28NYRblog\%29\&utm\_content=Google+Reader}},
Title = {Words by Tony Judt {\textbar} {NYRblog} {\textbar} The New York Review of Books},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-05},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Thurner, M.},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {2},
Pages = {247},
Title = {Jorge Basadre's" Peruvian History of Peru," or the Poetic Aporia of Historicism},
Volume = {88},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505808},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {257--259},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Yupangui, Diego De Castro Titu Cusi and Yupanqui, Diego De Castro Titu Cusi},
Edition = {Bilingual},
Isbn = {0872208281},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Hackett Pub Co},
Title = {History of How the Spaniards Arrived in Peru (Relas{\'y}{\'y}ion de como los Espa{\'y}{\'y}oles Entraron en el Peru), Dual-Language Edition},
Year = {2006}}
Address = {Austin},
Author = {Richardson, Chad and Pisani, Michael J},
Isbn = {9780292739277 0292739273 9780292739291 {029273929X}},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Title = {The informal and underground economy of the South Texas border},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Zulawski, Ann},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0026},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {93--113},
Shorttitle = {Social Differentiation, Gender, and Ethnicity},
Title = {Social Differentiation, Gender, and Ethnicity: Urban Indian Women in Colonial Bolivia, 1640-1725},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505727},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {489--491},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Barr, Juliana},
Isbn = {0807857904},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {The University of North Carolina Press},
Shorttitle = {Peace Came in the Form of a Woman},
Title = {Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and Spaniards in the Texas Borderlands},
Year = {2007}}
Address = {[n.p},
Author = {Scroggs, William O},
Keywords = {1810-1899, 19th century, Americans, Cuba, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .S43},
Title = {William Walker's Designs on Cuba},
Year = {1914}}
Author = {Edney, Matthew H.},
Isbn = {0226184889},
Month = may,
Publisher = {University Of Chicago Press},
Shorttitle = {Mapping an Empire},
Title = {Mapping an Empire: The Geographical Construction of British India, 1765-1843},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Young, Arthur N.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505705},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {381--383},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Doi = {10.2307/2505840},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--16},
Title = {Hispanic American Appreciations of the Monroe Doctrine},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505679},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {382--388},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Ortega, Casimiro G{\'o}mez and Soto, Antonio P{\'e}rez de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Epigramas latinos con su version castellana},
Year = {1771}}
Author = {Chapman, Charles E.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505764},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {84--91},
Title = {The United States and the Dominican Republic},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {This paper is intended to begin a discussion about the need for a future text analysis software tool to model a number of aspects of text analysis as it is practised by critics who are not computing humanists, and that have been barely considered by most developers. It begins by putting this analysis in the context of Douglas Englebart's famous model of computer--human interaction expressed originally by his Augment system. It continues by examining a number of examples of how technology (ranging from 3 × 5 cards to topic maps) is currently used to support critical analyses, and points out that an important aspect of the critical process, which is recognized at least in part by the 3 × 5 card model but not by mainstream humanities computing methods, is the sense of critical analysis as a process rather than merely the presentation of a finished product. The paper finishes by examining some of the underlying concepts present in text‐analysis tools used within the social sciences that attempt to deal with this temporal aspect of analysis, and proposes a need to examine the real practices of critics in the light of these issues.},
Author = {Bradley, John},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/18.2.185},
File = {Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/CX7UUS74/login.html:text/html},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Lccn = {0022},
Month = jun,
Number = {2},
Pages = {185 --207},
Shorttitle = {Finding a Middle Ground between {`Determinism'} and {`Aesthetic} Indeterminacy'},
Title = {Finding a Middle Ground between {`Determinism'} and {`Aesthetic} Indeterminacy': a Model for Text Analysis Tools},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-28},
Volume = {18},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Durham; London},
Author = {Way, John T},
Isbn = {9780822351207 {082235120X} 9780822351313 0822351315},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {The Mayan in the mall},
Title = {The Mayan in the mall : globalization, development and the making of modern Guatemala},
Year = {2012}}
Abstract = {One hundred years ago, Frederick Taylor and the pioneers of scientific management went into battle on {US} factory-floors. Armed with stopwatches and clipboards, they were fighting a war over measure. A century on and capitalist production has spread far beyond the factory walls and the confines of 'national economies'. Although capitalism increasingly seems to rely on 'cognitive' and 'immaterial' forms of labour and social cooperation, the war over measure continues. Armies of economists, statisticians, management-scientists, information-specialists, accountants and others are engaged in a struggle to connect heterogeneous concrete human activities on the basis of equal quantities of human labour in the abstract - that is, to link work and capitalist value. In this paper, we discuss contemporary capital's attempt to (re)impose the 'law of value' through its measuring of immaterial labour. Using the example of higher education in the {UK} - a 'frontline' of capitalist development - as our case-study, we explain how measuring takes places on various 'self-similar' levels of social organisation. We suggest that such processes are both diachronic and synchronic: socially-necessary labour-times of 'immaterial doings' are emerging and being driven down at the same time as heterogeneous concrete activities are being made commensurable. Alongside more overt attacks on academic freedom, it is in this way that neoliberalism appears on campus.},
Author = {De Angelis, Massimo and Harvie, David},
Doi = {10.1163/146544609X12469428108420},
File = {ingentaconnect 'Cognitive Capitalism' and the Rat-Race: How Capital Measures Imm...:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/V2IXBZKC/art00001.html:text/html},
Journal = {Historical Materialism},
Keywords = {{EDUCATION}, Immaterial Labour, Measure, Value-Theory},
Lccn = {0003},
Number = {3},
Pages = {3--30},
Shorttitle = {{'Cognitive} Capitalism' and the Rat-Race},
Title = {{'Cognitive} Capitalism' and the Rat-Race: How Capital Measures Immaterial Labour in British Universities},
Volume = {17},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Lamana, Gonzalo},
Isbn = {9780822342939},
Lccn = {0003},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Domination without dominance},
Title = {Domination without dominance : Inca-Spanish encounters in early colonial Peru},
Year = {2008}}
Abstract = {An essay is presented on the authorship of the Huarochir{\'\i} Manuscript ({HM).} The manuscript is a unique source on colonial Andean culture. It is the only colonial Quechua text of indigenous authorship that was written in the first decade of the 17th century. {HM} is a book-length account of the religious lore of the Huarochir{\'\i} province of the central Peruvian highlands.},
Author = {Durston, Alan},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160701644516},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{ESSAYS}, Latin America, {PERU} -- Literatures, {SIERRA} (Peru)},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {227--241},
Title = {Notes on the Authorship of the Huarochir{\'\i} Manuscript.},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Soluri, John},
Edition = {annotated edition},
Isbn = {0292712561},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Shorttitle = {Banana Cultures},
Title = {Banana Cultures: Agriculture, Consumption, and Environmental Change in Honduras and the United States},
Year = {2006}}
Address = {Masaya, Nicaragua},
Author = {Jamison, James Carson and Bola{\~n}os Geyer, Alejandro},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, History Personal narratives, Jamison, James Carson, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .J3518},
Publisher = {Bola{\~n}os Geyer},
Title = {Con Walker En Nicaragua},
Year = {1977}}
Author = {Estrada, Alvaro Fl{\'o}rez and Juign{\'e}, R.},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Introducci{\'o}n para la historia de la Revoluci{\'o}n de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1810}}
Author = {Smith, Peter H.},
Edition = {3},
Isbn = {0195320484},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Oxford University Press, {USA}},
Shorttitle = {Talons of the Eagle},
Title = {Talons of the Eagle: Latin America, the United States, and the World},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Hudson, Charles and Worth, Dr. John E. and Lyon, Eugene and Brain, Jeffrey P. and Hann, John H. and Crowley, Frances G. and Bost, David and Rubio, Rocio Sanchez and Shelby, Charmion and Kortright, Eduardo and Robertson, James A. and Hoffman, Paul},
Editor = {Clayton, Lawrence and Moore, Edward C. and Jr, Vernon James Knight},
Isbn = {0817308245},
Month = may,
Publisher = {University Alabama Press},
Shorttitle = {The De Soto Chronicles},
Title = {The De Soto Chronicles: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543},
Year = {1995}}
Author = {Martin, Percy Alvin},
Doi = {10.2307/2505845},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {56--59},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Charney, Paul},
Doi = {10.2307/1006802},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1991 / Copyright {\copyright} 1991 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {295--313},
Title = {The Implications of Godparental Ties between Indians and Spaniards in Colonial Lima},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {47},
Year = {1991},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Mexico, [M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Puga, Vasco de and Garc{\'\i}a Icazbalceta, Joaqu{\'\i}n and {\{Spain\}} and {\{El} Sistema postal de la Rep{\'u}blica Mexicana\}},
Lccn = {LAW <Mexico (Viceroyalty) 2 1878-79>},
Publisher = {En casa de P. Ocharte, J. M. Sandoval, impresor},
Title = {Prouisiones, Cedulas, Instrucciones De Su Magestad, Ordenan{\c c}as De Difuntos Y Audiencia Para La Buena Expedicion De Los Negocios Y Administracion De Justicia Y Gouernacion De Esta Nueua Espa{\~n}a, Y Para El Buen Tratamiento Y Conseruacion De Los Indios Dende El A{\~n}o De 1525 Hasta Este Presente De 63},
Year = {1563}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505946},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {83--85},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lima, Manoel de Oliveira},
Doi = {10.2307/2506044},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {488--489},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Alajuela, Costa Rica},
Author = {Bola{\~n}os Geyer, Alejandro and {\{Museo} Hist{\'o}rico Cultural Juan Santamar{\'\i}a\}},
Isbn = {9977953341},
Keywords = {1821-1948, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Costa Rica, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 B63 2000},
Number = {no. 4},
Publisher = {Museo Hist{\'o}rico Cultural Juan Santamar{\'\i}a},
Series = {Colecci{\'o}n Ruta de los h{\'e}roes, 1856-1857},
Shorttitle = {La Guerra Nacional De Centroam{\'e}rica Contra Los Filibusteros En 1856-1857},
Title = {La Guerra Nacional De Centroam{\'e}rica Contra Los Filibusteros En 1856-1857: Conversaciones Con El Doctor Alejandro Bola{\~n}os Geyer},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1801}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez Marina, Francisco},
Keywords = {Alfonso, {LAW}, Spain, Spain Castile, Spain Leon (Kingdom)},
Lccn = {KKT125 .M378 1808},
Publisher = {Impr. de la hija de D. J. Ibarra},
Title = {Ensayo Hist{\'o}rico Cr{\'\i}tico Sobre La Antigua Legislacion Y Principales Cuerpos Legales De Los Reynos De Leon Y Castilla, Especialmente Sobre El C{\'o}digo De D. Alonso El Sabio},
Year = {1808}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505974},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {525--541},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Swediaur, F. and Colomar, Bartolom{\'e}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado completo de los s{\'\i}ntomas, efectos, naturaleza y verdadero m{\'e}todo de},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Valle, Rafael Heliodoro},
Doi = {10.2307/2505792},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {634--638},
Title = {Cuban Authors and Thinkers},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fajardo, Diego Saavedra},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Idea de un principe politico christiano},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505909},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {257--259},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Betanzos, Juan de},
Edition = {First Edition},
Isbn = {0292755597},
Lccn = {0044},
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Title = {Narrative of the Incas},
Year = {1996}}
Author = {Losada, M. and Villasante, Manuel Losada and Varela, Consuelo and Cient{\'\i}ficas), Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones and Sevilla, Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos de and Indias, Archivo General de and Villasante, Manuel Losada},
Isbn = {8400075234, 9788400075231},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Actas del {II} centenario de don Antonio de Ulloa},
Year = {1748}}
Author = {Moya, Jose C.},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0520215265},
Lccn = {0159},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {University of California Press},
Shorttitle = {Cousins and Strangers},
Title = {Cousins and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 1850-1930},
Year = {1998}}
File = {Class Schedule « Survey of Modern Latin America:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/PGS336GC/schedule.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Class Schedule « Survey of Modern Latin America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {[Mexico City},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Aqueducts, Highway law, Law and legislation, Maintenance and repair Law and legislation, Mexico Mexico City, Roads},
Lccn = {KG76 KGF7645.2 Y57 1776 no. 6},
Publisher = {s.n},
Title = {Reglamento Formado De {\'O}rden Del Exm{\^o}. Se{\~n}or Virrey Conde De Revilla Gigedo, Para El M{\'e}todo Que Deber{\'a} Observarse En El Empedrado De Las Calles De M{\'e}xico, Y Su Conservacion},
Year = {1790}}
Author = {Ma{\~n}es, Senen Vilanova y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Materia criminal forense},
Year = {1827}}
Address = {Granada},
Author = {Hurtado Chamorro, Alejandro},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 H8},
Publisher = {Nicaragua},
Shorttitle = {William Walker},
Title = {William Walker: Ideales Y Prop{\'o}sitos; [un Ensayo Biogr{\'a}fico]},
Year = {1965}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
Abstract = {The population census of 1725-1740 was one of the few general censuses to occur in Peru during the colonial period. The census left a mass of detailed demographic data recording a unique moment when the population of the viceroyalty stood at its lowest historical level. It was the centerpiece of a major body of viceregal reform that affected levels of Indian tribute and the mita labor draft and permanently changed the base population subject to both levies, incorporating a large new sector previously partially or wholly exempt. It strongly influenced Peru's Indian and mestizo peoples throughout its execution and provoked the first major wave of popular unrest under the Bourbons. Yet despite the significance of the census, it remains largely unknown. This article provides a detailed introduction to the census as a major administrative reform and a source for demographic and other history.},
Author = {Pearce, Adrian J.},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0010},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2001 / Copyright {\copyright} 2001 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {69--104},
Title = {The Peruvian Population Census of 1725-1740},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {36},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {{SPAIN} and Pacheco, Joaqu{\'\i}n Francisco and Apezechea, Ferm{\'\i}n de la Puente y and Serna, Pedro G{\'o}mez de la and Mendoza, Francesco de Paula D{\'\i}az y and L{\'o}pez, Gregorio and (Kingdom), Castile},
Lccn = {0000},
Shorttitle = {Los codigos espa{\~n}oles concordados y anotados},
Title = {Los codigos espa{\~n}oles concordados y anotados: Nueva recopilaci{\'o}n : autos},
Year = {1851}}
Author = {Ojeda, Tom{\'a}s Thayer},
Doi = {10.2307/2506093},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {156--176},
Title = {La Secci{\'o}n de Manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Chile},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Partnoy, Alicia},
Edition = {2nd},
Isbn = {1573440299},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Cleis Press},
Shorttitle = {The Little School},
Title = {The Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival},
Year = {1998}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {R{\'\i}o, Ignacio del},
Isbn = {9683645542},
Lccn = {0011},
Note = {External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... Edition: 1. ed. Language: Spanish Abstract: {"Assesses} the local impact of the Bourbon reforms on northwest Mexico and sheds light on the effectiveness - or lack thereof - of the reform plan"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58. http: // Named Person: G{\'a}lvez, Jos{\'e} de, 1720-1787. Geographic: Nueva Vizcaya (New Spain) -- Politics and government. Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1540-1810. M{\'e}xico -- Pol{\'\i}tica y gobierno -- 1540 1810 Identifier: Sonora (M{\'e}xico: Estado); Historia; Colonia espa{\~n}ola, 1540-1810.; Sinaloa (M{\'e}xico: Estado); Historia; Colonia espa{\~n}ola, 1540-1810.; Espa{\~n}a; Colonias; Am{\'e}rica; Siglo {XVIII.} Note(s): Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico./ Includes bibliographical references (p. [225]-234). Class Descriptors: {LC:} F1261; Dewey: 972.1702 Responsibility: Ignacio del R{\'\i}o. Vendor Info: Puvill Libros ({PUVL)} \$16.51 Entry: 19960411 Update: 20081114 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico, Instituto de Investigaciones Hist{\'o}ricas},
Series = {Serie Historia novohispana ;; 55; Variation: Serie de historia novohispana ;; 55.},
Shorttitle = {La Aplicaci{\'o}n Regional De Las Reformas Borb{\'o}nicas En Nueva Espa{\~n}a},
Title = {La Aplicaci{\'o}n Regional De Las Reformas Borb{\'o}nicas En Nueva Espa{\~n}a: Sonora Y Sinaloa, 1768-1787},
Year = {1995}}
Address = {Caracas},
Author = {Morazzani de P{\'e}rez Enciso, Gisela and {\{Universidad} Central de Venezuela\} and {\{R{\'\i}o} de la Plata (Viceroyalty)\} and {\{New} Spain\} and {\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies Administration History Sources, History Sources, Intendants, Spain},
Lccn = {JV4066.I5 M62 1972},
Publisher = {Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Derecho},
Title = {Las Ordenanzas De Intendentes De Indias (cuadro Para Su Estudio)},
Year = {1972}}
Abstract = {We propose a new hybrid clustering framework to incorporate text mining with bibliometrics in journal set analysis. The framework integrates two different approaches: clustering ensemble and kernel-fusion clustering. To improve the flexibility and the efficiency of processing large-scale data, we propose an information-based weighting scheme to leverage the effect of multiple data sources in hybrid clustering. Three different algorithms are extended by the proposed weighting scheme and they are employed on a large journal set retrieved from the Web of Science ({WoS)} database. The clustering performance of the proposed algorithms is systematically evaluated using multiple evaluation methods, and they were cross-compared with alternative methods. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed weighted hybrid clustering strategy is superior to other methods in clustering performance and efficiency. The proposed approach also provides a more refined structural mapping of journal sets, which is useful for monitoring and detecting new trends in different scientific fields.},
Author = {Liu, Xinhai and Yu, Shi and Janssens, Frizo and Gl{\"a}nzel, Wolfgang and Moreau, Yves and De Moor, Bart},
Doi = {10.1002/asi.21312},
Issn = {1532-2890},
Journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
Language = {en},
Month = jun,
Number = {6},
Pages = {1105--1119},
Title = {Weighted hybrid clustering by combining text mining and bibliometrics on a large‐scale journal database},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Volume = {61},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real and Henares), Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial Literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1784}}
Author = {Drinot, Paulo},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2004 / Copyright {\copyright} 2004 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {89--113},
Shorttitle = {Madness, Neurasthenia, and {"Modernity"}},
Title = {Madness, Neurasthenia, and {"Modernity":} Medico-Legal and Popular Interpretations of Suicide in Early Twentieth-Century Lima},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {39},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {En Sevilla},
Author = {{\{Real} Academia de Buenas Letras de Sevilla\} and {\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {1759-1788, {AMERICA}, Colonies Economic policy Sources, Colonies Social policy Sources, {LAW}, Politics and government Sources, Sources, Spain},
Lccn = {DP199 .R43 1772},
Publisher = {Por Don Joseph Padrino y Sol{\`\i}s},
Shorttitle = {Estatutos De La Real Academia De Buenas Letras De Sevilla},
Title = {Estatutos De La Real Academia De Buenas Letras De Sevilla: Creada Bajo La Proteccion Del Rey N[uest]ro Se{\~n}or},
Year = {1772}}
Author = {Espa{\~n}ola, Real Academia and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Ortograf{\'\i}a de la lengua castellana},
Year = {1770}}
Author = {{CASTRO}, Pedro {VILLAR} Y {BERMUDEZ} {DE}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso imparcial {\'o} demostraci{\'o}n de los justos l{\'\i}mites {\'a} que se extienden y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Langer, Erick D. and Hames, Gina L.},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0009},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: May, 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {285--316},
Shorttitle = {Commerce and Credit on the Periphery},
Title = {Commerce and Credit on the Periphery: Tarija Merchants, 1830-1914},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {74},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Tortorici, Zeb.},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2EADNFWM/16.3tortorici.html:text/html},
Issn = {1535-3605},
Journal = {Journal of the History of Sexuality},
Lccn = {0003},
Note = {Volume 16, Number 3, July 2007},
Number = {3},
Pages = {355--372},
Shorttitle = {Masturbation, Salvation, and Desire},
Title = {Masturbation, Salvation, and Desire: Connecting Sexuality and Religiosity in Colonial Mexico},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-10-23},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This article studies the use of nominal terms and pronouns as a means to refer to a third party, as well as to the writer him/herself and the addressee in written interaction. The purpose is to discuss the concepts of person reference and social deixis by looking at how the interactants' social identities and interpersonal relationships are encoded in the use of referential terms in Late Modern English letters and journals. The results show that the term friend may be used when the writer has something to gain from it: an actual favour, a reciprocal act of solidarity, or an access to the addressee's/referent's in-group. In general, shifting between in-group/out-group membership appears to be a common function for the use of friend. The use of addressee- and self-oriented reference is in turn determined by the social and contextual aspects of appearance, attitude, and authority. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Nevala, Minna},
Doi = {10.1075/jhp.10.2.05nev},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{ATTITUDE} (Psychology), {DOMINANCE} (Psychology), {GRAMMAR}, Comparative \& general -- Deixis, {GRAMMAR}, Comparative \& general -- Nominals, {GRAMMAR}, Comparative \& general -- Pronoun, {PRAGMATICS}, {SOCIAL} factors, {SOCIOLINGUISTICS}, {SOLIDARITY}},
Lccn = {0003},
Number = {2},
Pages = {238--259},
Shorttitle = {Altering distance and defining authority},
Title = {Altering distance and defining authority: Person reference in Late Modern English.},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505986},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {89},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1887}}
Abstract = {Sentence clustering plays a pivotal role in theme-based summarization, which discovers topic themes defined as the clusters of highly related sentences to avoid redundancy and cover more diverse information. As the length of sentences is short and the content it contains is limited, the bag-of-words cosine similarity traditionally used for document clustering is no longer suitable. Special treatment for measuring sentence similarity is necessary. In this article, we study the sentence-level clustering problem. After exploiting concept- and context-enriched sentence vector representations, we develop two co-clustering frameworks to enhance sentence-level clustering for theme-based summarization---integrated clustering and interactive clustering---both allowing word and document to play an explicit role in sentence clustering as independent text objects rather than using word or concept as features of a sentence in a document set. In each framework, we experiment with two-level co-clustering (i.e., sentence-word co-clustering or sentence-document co-clustering) and three-level co-clustering (i.e., document-sentence-word co-clustering). Compared against concept- and context-oriented sentence-representation reformation, co-clustering shows a clear advantage in both intrinsic clustering quality evaluation and extrinsic summarization evaluation conducted on the Document Understanding Conferences ({DUC)} datasets.},
Author = {Cai, Xiaoyan and Li, Wenjie},
Doi = {10.1002/asi.21593},
Issn = {1532-2890},
Journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
Language = {en},
Month = oct,
Number = {10},
Pages = {2067--2082},
Title = {Enhancing sentence‐level clustering with integrated and interactive frameworks for theme‐based summarization},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Barrett, John},
Doi = {10.2307/2505913},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {263--285},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Python's optparse for human beings - Alex on Linux:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/RXC4T9AH/pythons-optparse-for-human-beings.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Python's optparse for human beings - Alex on Linux},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Context is a determining factor in language and plays a decisive role in polysemic words. Several psycholinguistically motivated algorithms have been proposed to emulate human management of context, under the assumption that the value of a word is evanescent and takes on meaning only in interaction with other structures. The predication algorithm (Kintsch, 2001), for example, uses a vector representation of the words produced by {LSA} (Latent Semantic Analysis) to dynamically simulate the comprehension of predications and even of predicative metaphors. The objective of this study was to predict some unwanted effects that could be present in vector-space models when extracting different meanings of a polysemic word (predominant meaning inundation, lack of precision, and low-level definition), and propose ideas based on the predication algorithm for avoiding them. Our first step was to visualize such unwanted phenomena and also the effect of solutions. We use different methods to extract the meanings for a polysemic word (without context, vector sum, and predication algorithm). Our second step was to conduct an analysis of variance to compare such methods and measure the impact of potential solutions. Results support the idea that a human-based computational algorithm like the predication algorithm can take into account features that ensure more accurate representations of the structures we seek to extract. Theoretical assumptions and their repercussions are discussed.},
Author = {{Jorge‐Botana}, Guillermo and Le{\'o}n, Jos{\'e} A and Olmos, Ricardo and {Hassan‐Montero}, Yusef},
Doi = {10.1002/asi.21355},
Issn = {1532-2890},
Journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
Language = {en},
Month = aug,
Number = {8},
Pages = {1706--1724},
Title = {Visualizing polysemy using {LSA} and the predication algorithm},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Volume = {61},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {[Mexico City},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Finance, Public, Law and legislation, New Spain},
Lccn = {KG76 KGF4550 .Y57 1776 no. 4},
Publisher = {s.n},
Title = {Reglamento De La Oficina General Y Demas Subalternas De La Administracion De Temporalidades Ocupadas En Esta Nueva Espa{\~n}a {\'a} Los Regulares De La Compa{\~n}ia Extinguida, Formado En Virtud De La Real Orden Siguiente Su Fecha Ll De Junio De 1784},
Year = {1787}}
Author = {Cohen, Daniel},
Journal = {Dan Cohen},
Month = jul,
Title = {The Ivory Tower and the Open Web: Introduction: Burritos, Browsers, and Books [Draft]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-07-28},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Cambridge ; New York},
Author = {Feinstein, C. H. and Thomas, Mark},
Isbn = {0521806631},
Keywords = {Historical models., History Methodology., History Models, History Statistical methods., Models, Historical},
Language = {English},
Lccn = {D16.17},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorttitle = {Making history count},
Title = {Making history count : a primer in quantitative methods for historians},
Year = {2002}}
File = {Embed your Google Reader items into your sites unobtrusively:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/MBEBTSP8/google-reader-badge.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Embed your Google Reader items into your sites unobtrusively},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-21},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {R., J. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505957},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0014},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {397},
Title = {[Introduction]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Dayton, Cornelia Hughes},
Issn = {00435597},
Journal = {The William and Mary Quarterly},
Lccn = {0037},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1991 / Copyright {\copyright} 1991 Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture},
Number = {1},
Pages = {19--49},
Series = {Third Series},
Shorttitle = {Taking the Trade},
Title = {Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth-Century New England Village},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Volume = {48},
Year = {1991},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Vidal, Domingo},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Cirugia forense, {\'o} Arte de hacer las relaciones chirurgico-legales},
Year = {1783}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1881}}
Address = {Stanford, Calif.},
Author = {Guti{\'e}rrez, Ram{\'o}n A.},
Isbn = {0804718164},
Keywords = {Condiciones sociales. Pueblo (Indios), Conducta sexual. Pueblo-Indianen. Machtsverhoudingen. Huwelijk, History. Pueblo Indians, Marriage, New Mexico, Sexual behavior. Pueblo (Indios), Social conditions. Pueblo Indians},
Lccn = {0401},
Note = {Access: External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... More About This In: Books in Print (Publication status and optional reviews) Language: English Contents: The Pueblo Indian world in the sixteenth century -- The Spanish conquest of New Mexico -- Seventeenth-century politics -- The reconquest of New Mexico -- Honor and social status -- Honor and virtue -- Honor and marriage -- Marriage and the church --Marriage, the empirical evidence -- The bourbon reforms on the Northern Frontier. Access: Materials specified: Publisher description Materials specified: Table of contents Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. [389]-415) and index. Class Descriptors: {LC:} {HQ835.N6;} Dewey: 306.85/09789 Responsibility: Ram{\'o}n A. Guti{\'e}rrez. Vendor Info: Baker \& Taylor Baker and Taylor {YBP} Library Services Baker \& Taylor ({BKTY} {BTCP} {YANK} {BKTY)} 61.00 \$49.50 (est.) 26.95 Status: active active Material Type: Internet resource (url) Date of Entry: 19900201 Update: 20080923 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {When Jesus Came, the Corn Mothers Went Away},
Title = {When Jesus Came, the Corn Mothers Went Away: Marriage, Sexuality, and Power in New Mexico, 1500-1846},
Year = {1991}}
Author = {Francis, J. Michael},
Isbn = {0271029366},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Trd)},
Shorttitle = {Invading Colombia},
Title = {Invading Colombia: Spanish Accounts of the Gonzalo Jimenez De Expedition of Conquest (Latin American Originals)},
Year = {2008}}
Address = {Philadelphia},
Author = {Chang, Derek},
Isbn = {9780812242188},
Keywords = {African Americans Missions History 19th century., American Baptist Home Mission Society History 19th century., Baptists Missions United States History 19th century., Chinese Americans Missions History 19th century., Evangelistic work United States History 19th century., Home missions United States History 19th century., Missionaries United States Attitudes History 19th century., Racism Religious aspects Baptists History 19th century., United States Race relations Religious aspects History 19th century., Whites United States Attitudes History 19th century.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press},
Shorttitle = {Citizens of a Christian nation},
Title = {Citizens of a Christian nation : Evangelical missions and the problem of race in the nineteenth century},
Year = {2010}}
Author = {Jamieson, Ross W.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue on Material Culture / Full publication date: Jan., 2004 / Copyright {\copyright} 2004 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {431--446},
Shorttitle = {Bolts of Cloth and Sherds of Pottery},
Title = {Bolts of Cloth and Sherds of Pottery: Impressions of Caste in the Material Culture of the Seventeenth Century Audiencia of Quito},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {60},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Student Resources | Words in Space:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XMCPZMG5/student-resources-2.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Student Resources {\textbar} Words in Space},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The article examines the expressions in the five plays to show that the scriptwriters of Andean plays incorporate European aesthetic ideas in the ritual enactments of history. The author examines as well the precursors of Indo-Hispanic drama with Spanish dramatic topoi as well the cultural environment to which the genre of {"Atawallpap} Wa{\~n}uynin" has emerged and continues to evolve.},
Author = {Beyersdorff, Margot},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160600958629},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{AESTHETICS}, {ART} genres, {ART}, Andean, drama, {DRAMATISTS}},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {161--182},
Shorttitle = {Theater on the High Road},
Title = {Theater on the High Road: Andean and Spanish Scriptwriters1 Representing the Indian.},
Volume = {15},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cobo, Father Bernabe},
Isbn = {{029273025X}},
Lccn = {0028},
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Shorttitle = {History of the Inca Empire},
Title = {History of the Inca Empire: An Account of the Indians' Customs and Their Origin, Together with a Treatise on Inca Legends, History, and Social Institutions},
Year = {1983}}
Author = {Latour, Bruno},
Isbn = {0199256055},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Oxford University Press, {USA}},
Shorttitle = {Reassembling the Social},
Title = {Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Childs, James B.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505951},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {134--141},
Title = {Hispanic American Government Documents in the Library of Congress},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Edge; DIGITAL MAOISM: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism By Jaron Lanier:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/N5H56MPM/lanier06_index.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_culture/lanier06/lanier06\_index.html},
Title = {Edge; {DIGITAL} {MAOISM:} The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism By Jaron Lanier},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-11},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Tucker, Robert C},
Edition = {2d ed..},
Isbn = {0393056848},
Keywords = {Bolshevism, Communism., Communist movements, Leninism, Maoism, Marxism, Social democracy, Socialism., Socialist movements, Trotskyism},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {1156},
Publisher = {Norton},
Title = {The Marx-Engels reader},
Year = {1978}}
Address = {Albuquerque, {N.M.}},
Author = {Black, Chad T},
Keywords = {Ecuador, {INDIGENOUS} peoples, Politics and government, {SOCIAL} movements, Social policy},
Lccn = {F1401},
Number = {32},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico, Latin American Institute},
Series = {Research paper series / Latin American Institute},
Shorttitle = {Making of an Indigenous Movement},
Title = {Making of an Indigenous Movement: Culture, Ethnicity, and Post-Marxist Social Praxis in Ecuador},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {{\{Sempere} y Guarinos, Juan\}},
Keywords = {Bourbons, 1700-1800, clothing laws, commerce, luxury, sumptuary law},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Imprenta Real},
Title = {Historia del luxo},
Year = {1788}}
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {207--224},
Title = {Ciencia, aventura y p{\'u}blico. La Condamine y los componentes de su relato de viaje al Ecuador.},
Volume = {8},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This essay considers the sharp disinvestment in public higher education in terms of the democratic requirement of a broadly educated citizenry.},
Author = {Brown, Wendy},
Issn = {0734-6018},
Journal = {Representations},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: The Humanities and the Crisis of The Public University / Full publication date: Fall 2011 / Copyright {\copyright} 2011 University of California Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {19--41},
Title = {The End of Educated Democracy},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-17},
Volume = {116},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Gomez, Antonio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Compendio de las varias resoluciones de Antoni G{\'o}mez en que se contiene todo},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Twinam, Ann},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0804731489},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {Public Lives, Private Secrets},
Title = {Public Lives, Private Secrets: Gender, Honor, Sexuality, and Illegitimacy in Colonial Spanish America},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Elizondo, Francisco Antonio and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Practica Universal Forense de los tribunales superiores de Espa{\~n}a y las},
Year = {1779}}
Address = {New York, Basic Books},
Author = {Geertz, Clifford},
Keywords = {Cultural anthropology, Cultural sociology, Culture., Ethnography, Ethnology., Races of man, Social anthropology, Sociology of culture},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {4364},
Title = {The interpretation of cultures; selected essays.},
Year = {1973}}
Author = {Muratori, Lodovico Antonio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Fuerza de la humana fantasia},
Year = {1777}}
Author = {Wright, I. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506095},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {197--202},
Title = {The Publications of the History Section, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Garofalo, Leo J.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue: The African Diaspora in the Colonial Andes / Full publication date: Jul., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {53--80},
Shorttitle = {Conjuring with Coca and the Inca},
Title = {Conjuring with Coca and the Inca: The Andeanization of Lima's Afro-Peruvian Ritual Specialists, 1580-1690},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Elizondo, Francisco Antonio de and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n and Henares), Joaqu{\'\i}n Ibarra, Biblioteca Complutense (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Practica universal forense de los tribunales de Espa{\~n}a, y de las indias},
Year = {1784}}
Address = {London},
Author = {{\{Great} Britain\} and Eyre, Charles and Strahan, William and {\{Jay} I. Kislak Collection (Library of Congress)\}},
Keywords = {Compensation (Law), East Florida, English colony, 1763-1784, Florida, Great Britain, History, Spanish colony, 1784-1821, To 1821},
Lccn = {KD1185.G743 A3837 1786},
Publisher = {Printed by C. Eyre and the executors of W. Strahan},
Title = {An Act for Appointing Commissioners to Enquire into the Losses of All Such Persons Who Have Suffered in Their Properties, in Consequence of the Cession of the Province of East Florida to the King of Spain},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Rippy, J. Fred},
Doi = {10.2307/2505956},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0016},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {363--396},
Title = {The Indians of the Southwest in the Diplomacy of the United States and Mexico, 1848-1853},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Doi = {10.2307/2505844},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {53--56},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Evans, Richard J.},
Edition = {[American ed.].},
Keywords = {Historical criticism, Historiography., History Authorship, History Criticism, History Historiography, History Philosophy., History Study and teaching., History, Modern Philosophy, World history Study and teaching},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0110},
Publisher = {{W.W.} Norton},
Title = {In defense of history},
Year = {1999}}
Address = {London},
Author = {Wood, Ellen Meiksins},
Edition = {[New ed.].},
Isbn = {1859843921},
Keywords = {Capitalism History.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0280},
Publisher = {Verso},
Shorttitle = {The origin of capitalism},
Title = {The origin of capitalism : a longer view},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Dorn, Glenn J.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 2004 / Copyright {\copyright} 2004 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {81--102},
Shorttitle = {{"Exclusive} Domination" or {"Short} Term Imperialism"},
Title = {{"Exclusive} Domination" or {"Short} Term Imperialism": The Peruvian Response to {U.S.-Argentine} Rivalry, 1946-1950},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {61},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Wheeler, John H},
Keywords = {Diplomatic and consular service, American, Diplomats, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Foreign relations, {HISTORIANS}, History, Nicaragua, North Carolina, Politics and government, Public officials, Social life and customs, Statistics, {UNITED} States, Walker, William, Washington ({D.C.)}},
Lccn = {0629HH},
Title = {John H. Wheeler Papers}}
Author = {{SPAIN} and Ej{\'e}rcito},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Sistema militar para Espa{\~n}a que proponia el Duque de Osuna quando se trat{\'o}},
Year = {1813}}
Address = {[Washington?},
Author = {Slidell, John},
Keywords = {1854-1861. [from old catalog], History, Kansas, Neutrality, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .S66},
Title = {The Arrest of William Walker},
Year = {1858}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
Author = {Pierson, William Whatley},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505947},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {85--87},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fuente, Ariel de la},
Isbn = {0822325969},
Lccn = {0030},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {Children of Facundo},
Title = {Children of Facundo: Caudillo and Gaucho Insurgency during the Argentine State-Formation Process},
Year = {2000}}
Abstract = {Most studies of civil society in Latin America have focused on urban social and political actors. In the Ecuadorian Andes, however, civil society has crystallized around the institutions of indigenous rural community that developed historically in opposition to white-meztizo urban administrative centers. This article explores the evolution of indigenous communal institutions in relation to local government and national politics by focusing on the canton of Otavalo in northern Ecuador. It is argued here that over the past thirty years, Andean communities in Ecuador have played an important role in the national processes of democratization and decentralization.},
Author = {Korovkin, Tanya},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0042},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2001 / Copyright {\copyright} 2001 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {37--67},
Shorttitle = {Reinventing the Communal Tradition},
Title = {Reinventing the Communal Tradition: Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, and Democratization in Andean Ecuador},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {36},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Biblioteca espa{\~n}ola econ{\'o}mico-politica},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Poniatowska, Elena},
Isbn = {1566393450},
Month = jul,
Publisher = {Temple University Press},
Shorttitle = {Nothing, Nobody},
Title = {Nothing, Nobody: The Voices Of the Mexico City Earthquake},
Year = {1995}}
Author = {Andrew, N. and Cleven, N.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505922},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {266--276},
Title = {Ministerial Order of Jos{\'e} de G{\'a}lvez Establishing a Uniform Duty on the Importation of Negro Slaves into the Indies; and Convention between Spain and the United Provinces Regulating the Return of Deserters and Fugitives in Their American Colonies},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {AV1003:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/5NGT43RX/av1003.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{AV1003}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Syllabus - HIST110S10:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/GSGIEKNK/syllabus.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Syllabus - {HIST110S10}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-05},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506033},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {263--264},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gonz{\'a}lez, Pedro Mar{\'\i}a and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado de las enfermedades de la gente de mar},
Year = {1805}}
Author = {Ecuador and Congreso and Salazar, Francisco Ignacio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Actas del Congreso ecuatoriano de 1832},
Year = {1890}}
Author = {Mois{\'e}s Arce and Roberta Rice},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/5H4TF3QN/44.1.arce.html:text/html},
Issn = {1542-4278},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0008},
Note = {Volume 44, Number 1, 2009},
Number = {1},
Pages = {88--101},
Title = {Societal Protest in Post-Stabilization Bolivia},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {44},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Febrero, Jos{\'e}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Febrero novisimo, {\'o} Libreria de jueces, abogados, escribanos y medicos},
Year = {1837}}
Author = {Castro, Pedro de Villar y Bermudez de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso imparcial o demostraci{\'o}n de los justos limites a que se extienden y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Arrom, Silvia Marina},
Edition = {1st Ed.},
Isbn = {0822325616},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {Containing the Poor},
Title = {Containing the Poor: The Mexico City Poor House, 1774--1871},
Year = {2001}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1788}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1788}}
Title = {Public data and metadata, Google style},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {El Espa{\~n}ol constitucional},
Year = {1819}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505881},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {624--626},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {2nd Paper: "All Things Considered" - HIST110S10:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/Q4HAGJJ5/2nd-paper-all-things-considered.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {2nd Paper: {"All} Things Considered" - {HIST110S10}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-05},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Lamana, Gonzalo},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160120049326},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {25--48},
Title = {Definir y dominar. Los lugares grises en el Cuzco hacia 1540. (Spanish)},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1885}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505698},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {783--799},
Title = {Hispanic American Bibliographies (Conclusion)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Acosta, Jos{\'e} de and C, D. A. V.},
Lccn = {0863},
Title = {Historia natural y moral de las Indias},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {Samudio, Nicolas Garc{\'\i}a},
Doi = {10.2307/2505932},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {330--347},
Title = {Colombian Literature},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Mart{\'\i}n and Palomino, Jean Dubuisson, Juan Bernab{\'e}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Anatomia completa del hombre, con todos los hallazgos, nuevas doctrinas y},
Year = {1764}}
Author = {Stephen J. Pyne},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XXNNQ6EG/11.1.pyne.html:text/html},
Issn = {1944-6438},
Journal = {Historically Speaking},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 11, Number 1, January 2010},
Number = {1},
Pages = {15--17},
Title = {Riding the Melt},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-01-31},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Poole, Stafford},
Doi = {10.2307/1007647},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0010},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1999 / Copyright {\copyright} 1999 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {359--389},
Shorttitle = {The Politics of Limpieza de Sangre},
Title = {The Politics of Limpieza de Sangre: Juan de Ovando and His Circle in the Reign of Philip {II}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {55},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Diaz, Arlene J.},
Isbn = {0803266405},
Lccn = {0019},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {University of Nebraska Press},
Title = {Female Citizens, Patriarchs, and the Law in Venezuela, 1786-1904},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Habermas, J{\"u}rgen},
Isbn = {0262581086},
Lccn = {3691},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {The {MIT} Press},
Shorttitle = {The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere},
Title = {The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society},
Year = {1991}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505875},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0007},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {586--610},
Title = {German Political Designs with Reference to Brazil},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Mintz, Sidney W.},
Isbn = {0140092331},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Penguin (Non-Classics)},
Shorttitle = {Sweetness and Power},
Title = {Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History},
Year = {1986}}
Author = {Bonells, Jaime and Lacaba, Ignacio},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Curso completo de anatom{\'\i}a del cuerpo humano},
Year = {1800}}
Address = {San Isidro [Argentina]},
Author = {Lima Gonz{\'a}lez Bonorino, Jorge F and Lux-Wurm, Hern{\'a}n Carlos and {\{Instituto} Hist{\'o}rico Municipal de San Isidro\}},
Isbn = {9879768825},
Keywords = {1535-1617, 1617-1776, Argentina, Discovery and exploration Spanish, History, Rio de la Plata Region (Argentina and Uruguay)},
Lccn = {F2841 .C54 2001},
Publisher = {Revista del Instituto Hist{\'o}rico Municipal de San Isidro},
Title = {Colecci{\'o}n De Documentos Sobre Los Conquistadores Y Pobladores Del R{\'\i}o De La Plata},
Year = {2001}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {L{\'o}pez, Antonio Xavier P{\'e}rez y and {SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Teatro de la legislacion universal de Espa{\~n}a {\'e} Indias},
Year = {1796}}
Author = {Villalba, Joaqu{\'\i}n de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Epidemiologia Espa{\~n}ola; o, historia cronologica de la pestes, contagios},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Andretta, Elisa},
Doi = {10.1163/157006511X592657},
File = {IngentaConnect Full Text PDF:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/QXT9FMKG/login.html:text/html;ingentaconnect Huguet-Termes, Teresa, Jon Arrizabalaga and Harold J. Cook, eds.,...:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/DAGQXEE7/art00004.html:text/html},
Journal = {Journal of Early Modern History},
Number = {6},
Pages = {561--563},
Shorttitle = {Huguet-Termes, Teresa, Jon Arrizabalaga and Harold J. Cook, eds., Health and Medicine in Hapsburg Spain},
Title = {Huguet-Termes, Teresa, Jon Arrizabalaga and Harold J. Cook, eds., Health and Medicine in Hapsburg Spain: Agents, Practices, Representations [Medical History Supplement 29] (London: The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at {UCL}, 2009), 158 pp., \$60.00, {ISBN} 978 0 85484 128 8.},
Volume = {15},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505991},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {144--151},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Editor = {Ziff, Trisha},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Abrams Image},
Shorttitle = {Che Guevara},
Title = {Che Guevara: Revolutionary and Icon},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y},
Lccn = {0032},
Title = {Historia del luxo, y de las leyes suntuarias de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1788}}
Abstract = {Focuses on naval officers Jorge Juan y Santacilia and Antonio de Ulloa's report of the Spanish Empire's rule over the Viceroyalty of Peru during the eighteenth century. Indictment of corruption and misrule; David Barry's edited edition of the manuscript called Noticias secretas de America; Creation of a governing ideology for the Bourbon state.},
Author = {Andrien, Kenneth J.},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {1548-1820, {ADMINISTRATION}, Colonies, History, {PERU}, {SOUTH} America, Spain, {VICEROYALTY}},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {175},
Title = {The Noticias secretas de America and the Construction of a Governing Ideology for the Spanish American Empire[a].},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Wurlitzer, Rudolph and Carr, Albert H. Z},
Edition = {1st ed},
Isbn = {0060551224},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Biography, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 W35 1987},
Publisher = {Perennial Library},
Title = {Walker},
Year = {1987}}
Author = {Hardy, Osgood},
Doi = {10.2307/2506025},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {195--226},
Title = {The Itata Incident},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Est{\'e}ban, Julian Maria Rubio Y},
Doi = {10.2307/2506039},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {393--415},
Title = {The First Diplomatic Negotiations with the Revolutionary Junta of Buenos Aires [Translation]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld and Jason Antrosio},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/Q5F96GA9/44.1.colloredo-mansfeld.html:text/html},
Issn = {1542-4278},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 44, Number 1, 2009},
Number = {1},
Pages = {132--157},
Shorttitle = {Economic Clusters or Cultural Commons?},
Title = {Economic Clusters or Cultural Commons?: The Limits of Competition-Driven Development in the Ecuadorian Andes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {44},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Wright, I. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505681},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {597--634},
Title = {The Dutch and Cuba, 1609-1643},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Ecuador},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Concordato celebrado entre su santidad el sumo pontifice Pio {IX} y el},
Year = {1866}}
Address = {Madison, Wis.},
Author = {Cooper, Frederick},
Isbn = {0299136809},
Keywords = {Africa Economic conditions., Africa Social conditions., Economic history Historiography., Latin America Economic conditions., Latin America Social conditions., Social history Historiography.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0039},
Publisher = {University of Wisconsin Press},
Shorttitle = {Confronting historical paradigms},
Title = {Confronting historical paradigms : peasants, labor, and the capitalist world system in Africa and Latin America},
Year = {1993}}
Author = {Simkins, Francis B.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505739},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {216--217},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Nacional, Ecuador. Congreso and Salazar), F. I. S. (Francisco Ignacio and Ecuador},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Actas del primer Congreso Constituyente del Ecuador(a{\~n}o de 1830)},
Year = {1893}}
Author = {(Spain), Real Academia de la Historia},
Lccn = {0027},
Title = {Memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia},
Year = {1817}}
Author = {Vega, Lope de},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Coleccion de las obras sueltas, assi en prosa, como en verso},
Year = {1776}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and Beneficencia, Administraci{\'o}n del Real Arbitrio de and Real, Imprenta},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1803}}
Address = {Oxford},
Author = {George), R. G. Collingwood (Robin and Dussen, W. J. van der},
Edition = {Rev. ed., with lectures 1926-1928..},
Keywords = {History Philosophy., History, Modern Philosophy},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0001},
Publisher = {Clarendon Press},
Title = {The idea of history},
Year = {1993}}
File = {Interactive Fiction: Playing, Studying and Writing Text Adventure Games (Dennis G. Jerz, Seton Hill University):/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/T7THTH6T/if.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Interactive Fiction: Playing, Studying and Writing Text Adventure Games (Dennis G. Jerz, Seton Hill University)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-12},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Niles, John Milton and States, Citizen of the United and [pseud, A citizen of the United States},
Lccn = {0006},
Title = {A View of South America and Mexico},
Year = {1827}}
Abstract = {The purpose of this paper is to describe the discourse strategies of the defendants of the Salem witchcraft trials in 1692. Evidence is derived from the original documents now being re-edited by an international team. A framework for the discussion is provided by politeness theory, although it cannot be applied as such to seventeenth-century courtroom circumstances. In four of the eight cases selected, the defendants followed successful discourse strategies and saved their lives; in another four, the strategies were less successful and the defendants had to die. Cooperativeness was vital for a successful defence. This included providing the court with details and admitting what the person was accused of but denying hurting other people intentionally. The defendant did not argue with the examiner but was humble and willing to help. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Kahlas-Tarkka, Leena and Rissanen, Matti},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{ACADEMIC} writing, {COLLOQUIAL} language, {COMMUNICATION} -- Research, {CONTENT} analysis (Communication), {CONVERSATION} analysis, conversational implicature, cooperative principle, {DISCOURSE} analysis, discourse strategies, {LECTURES} \& lecturing, Methodology, politeness, Salem witchcraft trials, {SOCIOLOGY}, {WITCHCRAFT}},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--24},
Shorttitle = {The sullen and the talkative},
Title = {The sullen and the talkative: Discourse strategies in the Salem examinations.},
Volume = {8},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Esteban, Julian Maria Rubio Y},
Doi = {10.2307/2506038},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {367--392},
Title = {La Primera Negociaci{\'o}n Diplom{\'a}tica Entablada con la Junta Revolucionaria de Buenos Aires},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Silverblatt, Irene Marsha},
Isbn = {0691022585},
Lccn = {0270},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Princeton University Press},
Title = {Moon, Sun and Witches},
Year = {1987}}
Author = {Perez, Vicente Vizcaino},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Codigo y practica criminal, arreglado a las leyes de Espa{\~n}a que para},
Year = {1797}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{Spain\}} and {\{Consejo} de Indias (Spain)\}},
Keywords = {Colonies, Colonies Administration, Indians, Latin America, {LAW}, Politics and government, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW <Europe Spain 2>},
Publisher = {Viuda de J. Ibarra, impresora},
Title = {Recopilacion De Leyes De Los Reynos De Las Indias, Mandadas Imprimir Y Publicar Por La Magestad Cat{\'o}lica Del Rey Don C{\'a}rlos {II.} Nuestro Se{\~n}or},
Year = {1791}}
Author = {Ecuador},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Coleccion de leyes decretos dados por el Congreso Constitucional de 1863},
Year = {1864}}
Author = {Cahill, David},
Doi = {10.2307/1008259},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 1995 / Copyright {\copyright} 1995 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {123--154},
Shorttitle = {Financing Health Care in the Viceroyalty of Peru},
Title = {Financing Health Care in the Viceroyalty of Peru: The Hospitals of Lima in the Late Colonial Period},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {52},
Year = {1995},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gal{\'a}n, Gilberto Prado},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul. - Dec., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {110},
Pages = {5--18},
Shorttitle = {Los Comentarios Reales},
Title = {Los Comentarios Reales: Un Asedio a la Magia Solar Incaica},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Lockhart, James and Schwartz, Stuart B.},
Edition = {Reprinted, 1995},
Isbn = {0521299292},
Lccn = {0170},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorttitle = {Early Latin America},
Title = {Early Latin America: A History of Colonial Spanish America and Brazil},
Year = {1983}}
Address = {Pittsburgh},
Author = {{O'Toole}, Rachel Sarah},
Isbn = {9780822961932 0822961938},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {University of Pittsburgh Press},
Shorttitle = {Bound lives},
Title = {Bound lives : Africans, Indians, and the making of race in colonial Peru},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Altholz, Josef L.},
File = {lordacton.pdf:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/SRXCAXN2/lordacton.pdf:application/pdf},
Issn = {{0018246X}},
Journal = {The Historical Journal},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = sep,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Sep., 1996 / Copyright {\copyright} 1996 Cambridge University Press},
Number = {3},
Pages = {723--736},
Title = {Lord Acton and the Plan of the Cambridge Modern History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-08-27},
Volume = {39},
Year = {1996},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Perry, Edward},
Doi = {10.2307/2505687},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {754--755},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Guy, Donna J.},
Isbn = {0803270488},
Lccn = {0162},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {University of Nebraska Press},
Shorttitle = {Sex and Danger in Buenos Aires},
Title = {Sex and Danger in Buenos Aires: Prostitution, Family, and Nation in Argentina},
Year = {1991}}
Author = {Alvarez, Jos{\'e} Mar{\'\i}a},
Lccn = {0022},
Title = {Instituciones de derecho real de Castilla y de Indias},
Year = {1854}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2505709},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {388--392},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505692},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {763--764},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Chilcote, Ronald H.},
Issn = {0094-{582X}},
Journal = {Latin American Perspectives},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Issue Title: Che Guevara and His Legacy / Full publication date: Jul., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Sage Publications, Inc.},
Number = {4},
Pages = {33--35},
Title = {Further Readings on Guevara},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-03-31},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Lewis, Samuel and Means, Philip Ainsworth and Bonham, Milledge L. and Schurz, William Lytle},
Doi = {10.2307/2505897},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {447--479},
Title = {Notes and Comments},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Wells, William V},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .W44},
Publisher = {Stringer and Townsend},
Title = {Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua; a History of the Central American War; and the Sonora and Kinney Expeditions, Including All the Recent Diplomatic Correspondence, Together with a New and Accurate Map of Central America, and a Memoir and Portrait of General William Walker},
Year = {1856}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1803}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {Colonies, Forestry law and legislation, {LAW}, Public lands, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW <Europe Spain 4 Forestry 1803>},
Publisher = {Imprenta Real},
Title = {Real Ordenanza Para El Gobierno De Los Montes Y Arbolados De La Jurisdicci{\'o}n De Marina},
Year = {1803}}
Author = {Fitzpatrick, Kathleen},
Chapter = {Commentary},
File = {Chronicle of Higher Education Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/FBMPCHTW/129132.html:text/html},
Issn = {0009-5982},
Journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Month = sep,
Title = {Do 'the Risky Thing' in Digital Humanities},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-25},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1788}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505950},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {100--133},
Title = {Hispanic American Bibliographies},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {The article discusses various reports published within the issue, including one on an analysis of Margaret Paston's late fifteenth century letters, another on the examination of Mary Pierrepont's letters on the eighteenth century courtship, and one on the sociopragmatic roles in courtship.},
Author = {Culpeper, Jonathan},
Doi = {10.1075/jhp.10.2.02cul},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{COURTSHIP}, {LETTERS}},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {2},
Pages = {179--186},
Shorttitle = {Historical sociopragmatics},
Title = {Historical sociopragmatics: An introduction.},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2506048},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {496--498},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and {\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {Administrative law, Ecclesiastical law, Finance, Mexico, Military law},
Lccn = {LAW},
Title = {Real Ordenanza Para El Establecimiento {\'E} Instruccion De Intendentes De Ex{\'e}rcito Y Provincia En El Reino De La Nueva-Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert I.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506029},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {257--259},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Rippy, J. Fred},
Doi = {10.2307/2505725},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {485--486},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bates, Edwin},
Doi = {10.2307/2506045},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {489--491},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {{'This} article discusses the challenges and solutions discovered for implementing the Memento protocol in a variety of browser environments. It describes the design and deployment of the client technologies which have been developed: a web application that functioned as a browser, an add-on for {FireFox} called {MementoFox}, a plugin for Internet Explorer and an Android-based client application. The design and technical solutions identified during the development will be of interest to those considering implementation of a Memento based platform, especially on the client side, however the interactions are also important for building conformant server-side systems.'},
Author = {{\{Robert} Sanderson\}},
Keywords = {Issue 13},
Language = {en},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {The {Code4Lib} Journal},
Title = {Implementing Time Travel for the Web},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-24},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506022},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {119--122},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real and Henares), Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1787}}
Author = {Parker, David S.},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 1992 / Copyright {\copyright} 1992 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {47--72},
Shorttitle = {White-Collar Lima, 1910-1929},
Title = {White-Collar Lima, 1910-1929: Commercial Employees and the Rise of the Peruvian Middle Class},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {72},
Year = {1992},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ciencias, Sociedad de Medicina y and Sevilla},
Lccn = {0012},
Title = {Memorias academicas de la Real Sociedad de Medicina, y dem{\`a}s Ciencias de},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio and Delamolli{\`e}re, Jean-Baptiste and Piestre, {\'E}tienne},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Diccionario espa{\~n}ol e ingles},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Guijarro, Francisco},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Buen uso de la teolog{\'\i}a moral},
Year = {1793}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506082},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--3},
Title = {Editorial Announcements},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Davenport, Frances G.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505842},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {41--46},
Title = {Agreement by Ferdinand and Isabella Respecting the Town and Fortress of Lumbier, in Navarre},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Thomas, Julia Adeney},
Issn = {0002-8762},
Journal = {The American Historical Review},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: June 2012 / Copyright {\copyright} 2012 American Historical Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {794--803},
Shorttitle = {Comment},
Title = {Comment: Not Yet Far Enough},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-07-05},
Volume = {117},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Martin, Percy Alvin},
Doi = {10.2307/2505960},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {404--408},
Title = {The Teaching of Hispanic American History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {[Gran Canaria, etc},
Author = {Morales Padr{\'o}n, Francisco},
Keywords = {Canary Islands, Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW <Europe Spain Colonies Canary Islands 2 1566-1709>},
Number = {193-195},
Publisher = {Cabildo Insular, etc.]},
Series = {Publicaciones de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos de Sevilla},
Title = {Cedulario De Canarias},
Year = {1970}}
Author = {Vald{\'e}s, Manuel Antonio and Mi{\~n}{\'o}n, Mariano de Z{\'u}{\~n}iga y Ontiveros, Francisco Guerra, (,},
Lccn = {0012},
Title = {Gazetas de Mexico},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Paquette, Gabriel},
Edition = {1st},
Isbn = {1403985944},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
Title = {Enlightenment, Governance and Reform in Spain and its Empire 1759-1808},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Driscoll, Mark},
File = {Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/RJ9DTSX3/21.1.driscoll.html:text/html},
Issn = {1053-1920},
Journal = {Postmodern Culture},
Number = {1},
Shorttitle = {Looting the Theory Commons},
Title = {Looting the Theory Commons: Hardt and Negri's Commonwealth},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-11},
Volume = {21},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Pineo, Ronn F.},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0009},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Nov., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {609--637},
Shorttitle = {Misery and Death in the Pearl of the Pacific},
Title = {Misery and Death in the Pearl of the Pacific: Health Care in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1870-1925},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {70},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Buenos Aires},
Author = {Acevedo, J. E and Loredo, M. V},
Edition = {2. ed., corr. y aumentada},
Keywords = {Colonies, History, Indians of South America, Latin America, {LAW}, Legal status, laws, etc, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT2680 .A924 1942},
Publisher = {Lacort},
Title = {Derecho Indiano, Adaptado Especialmente Al Programa Vigente En La Facultad De Derecho De Buenos Aires},
Year = {1942}}
Author = {Volk, Steven},
File = {:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/9UFFBZI9/bibideas.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\textasciitilde}latam/bibs/bibideas.html},
Keywords = {bibliography, colonial period, history of ideas},
Title = {Bibliography on History of Ideans in Colonial Latin America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-02-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506098},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {223--238},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Pardo, O. F},
Journal = {Comparative studies in society and history},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {01},
Pages = {79--109},
Shorttitle = {How to Punish Indians},
Title = {How to Punish Indians: Law and Cultural Change in Early Colonial Mexico},
Volume = {48},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Davis, Mike},
Isbn = {1859843824},
Month = jul,
Publisher = {Verso},
Shorttitle = {Late Victorian Holocausts},
Title = {Late Victorian Holocausts: El Ni{\~n}o Famines and the Making of the Third World},
Year = {2002}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Escriche, Joaqu{\'\i}n and Rodr{\'\i}guez de San Miguel, Juan Nepomuceno},
Edition = {2. ed., corregida y aumentada},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Spain, Spanish, Terminology},
Lccn = {KKT26 .E818 1842},
Publisher = {Libreria de Calleja {\'e} Hijos},
Shorttitle = {Diccionario Razonado De Legislacion Civil, Penal, Comercial Y Forense},
Title = {Diccionario Razonado De Legislacion Civil, Penal, Comercial Y Forense: {\'O} Sea, Resumen De Las Leyes, Usos, Practicas Y Costumbres, Como Asimismo De Las Doctrinas De Los Jurisconsultos, Dispuesto Por Orden Alfab{\'e}tico De Materias, Con La Esplicaci{\'o}n De Los T{\'e}rminos Del Derecho},
Year = {1842}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Historia natural, general y particular},
Year = {1806}}
Author = {Villalba, Joaqu{\'\i}n de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Epidemiologia Espa{\~n}ola; o, historia cronologica de la pestes, contagios},
Year = {1802}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505699},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {814--842},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lallement, Guillaume N. and Venezuela and Colombia},
Lccn = {0045},
Title = {Historia de la Rep{\'u}blica de Colombia},
Year = {1827}}
Author = {Manning, William R.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505751},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {72--73},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {1540-1810, Economic conditions, Gazettes, Mexico, Politics and government},
Lccn = {KGF16 .A215},
Publisher = {D. Manuel Ant{\'o}nio Valdes},
Title = {Gazeta De M{\'e}xico},
Year = {1784}}
File = {What will the future history of today look like? |},
Howpublished = {{generation/?utm\_source=feedburner\&utm\_medium=feed\&utm\_campaign=Feed\%3A+Activehistoryca+\\%29}},
Title = {What will the future history of today look like? {\textbar} {}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-26},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Morning, Ann},
Doi = {10.1007/s11113-007-9062-5},
File = {:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/TGBRTRU3/login.html:text/html},
Issn = {0167-5923, 1573-7829},
Journal = {Population Research and Policy Review},
Month = feb,
Pages = {239--272},
Shorttitle = {Ethnic Classification in Global Perspective},
Title = {Ethnic Classification in Global Perspective: A Cross-National Survey of the 2000 Census Round},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-21},
Volume = {27},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y},
Lccn = {0032},
Title = {Historia del luxo},
Year = {1788}}
Author = {Wright, Irene A.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505938},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {5--8},
Title = {The Archives of the Indies at Seville},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert I. and Farabee, William Curtis and R., J. A. and Winton, George B.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505697},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {771--782},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Cambridge England},
Author = {Novick, Peter},
Isbn = {0521357454},
Keywords = {Historiography United States., Objectivity.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0919},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorttitle = {That noble dream},
Title = {That noble dream : the "objectivity question" and the American historical profession},
Year = {1988}}
Author = {Bassols, Ramon Ll{\`a}tzer de Dou i de and Bassols, Ram{\'o}n L{\'a}zaro de Dou y de and (Madrid), Benito Garc{\'\i}a y Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a and (Madrid), Real Colegio de Cirug{\'\i}a de San Carlos},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Instituciones del derecho p{\'u}blico general de Espa{\~n}a, con noticia del},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Baretti, Giuseppe Marc' Antonio and Nourse, F. (Francis) Wingrave, Charles},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {A dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish},
Year = {1794}}
Author = {Charney, Paul},
Doi = {10.2307/1008415},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {379--407},
Shorttitle = {A Sense of Belonging},
Title = {A Sense of Belonging: Colonial Indian Cofradias and Ethnicity in the Valley of Lima, Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {54},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Black, Chad},
Issn = {1060-9164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {273--298},
Shorttitle = {Between Prescription and Practice},
Title = {Between Prescription and Practice: Licensure and Women's Legal Identity in Bourbon Quito, 1765-1810},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1788}}
Address = {Cuzco, Per{\'u}},
Author = {{O'Phelan}, Scarlett},
Isbn = {{848387024X}},
Keywords = {Opstanden},
Lccn = {0022},
Note = {External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... Language: Spanish Abstract: {"Anthology} of six essays on the indigenous uprisings of 1780-82 by a leading authority. Three of the essays do not appear to have been previously published: no. 3, on elite trade and power in Cuzco following the uprisings; no. 5, on the ritual calendar of the uprisings; and no. 6, on the relationship between the uprisings and the Bourbon reforms. Essay no. 2, previously published, deals with the Inca nobility's attitude toward and role in the rebellion"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58. http: // Geographic: Peru -- History -- Insurrection of Tupac Amaru, 1780-1781. {PERU} -- {HISTORIA} -- {INSURRECCION} {DE} {TUPAC-AMARU}, 1780-1784. {BOLIVIA} -- {HISTORIA} -- {INSURRECCION} {DE} {TUPAC-CATARI}, 1780-1781. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-237). Class Descriptors: {LC:} F3444; Dewey: 985.03 Responsibility: Scarlett {O'Phelan} Godoy. Entry: 19960405 Update: 20090412 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos {"Bartolom{\'e}} de las Casas"},
Series = {Archivos de historia andina,; 20;},
Shorttitle = {La Gran Rebeli{\'o}n En Los Andes},
Title = {La Gran Rebeli{\'o}n En Los Andes: De T{\'u}pac Amaru a T{\'u}pac Catari},
Year = {1995}}
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Yannakakis, Yanna},
Isbn = {9780822341420},
Keywords = {Indians of Mexico Mexico Oaxaca (State) Government relations., Intercultural communication Mexico., Mediators (Persons) Mexico., Oaxaca (Mexico : State) Politics and government., Spain Colonies Administration.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0003},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {The art of being in-between},
Title = {The art of being in-between : native intermediaries, Indian identity, and local rule in colonial Oaxaca},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Stokes, Susan C.},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0029},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1991 / Copyright {\copyright} 1991 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {75--101},
Shorttitle = {Politics and Latin America's Urban Poor},
Title = {Politics and Latin America's Urban Poor: Reflections from a Lima Shantytown},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {26},
Year = {1991},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Perry, Mary Elizabeth},
Doi = {10.1300/J082v16n01_04},
Issn = {0091-8369},
Journal = {Journal of Homosexuality},
Lccn = {0014},
Number = {1},
Pages = {67},
Title = {The {``Nefarious} Sin'' in Early Modern Seville},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-07-19},
Volume = {16},
Year = {1989},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Amy E. Earhart and Andrew Jewell, Editors},
Title = {The American Literature Scholar in the Digital Age},
Url = {},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Oxford},
Edition = {Hardcover},
Isbn = {1405103213},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Professional},
Series = {Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture},
Title = {Companion to Digital Humanities (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture)},
Url = {},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ma{\~n}es, Senen Vilanova y},
Lccn = {0015},
Title = {Materia criminal forense},
Year = {1827}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Gonz{\'a}lez, Mar{\'\i}a del Refugio},
Edition = {1. ed},
Isbn = {9683649033},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies Administration Sources, History Sources, Mexico, Mining law, Spain},
Lccn = {KGF3920 .N49 1996},
Number = {n{\'u}m. 58},
Publisher = {Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico},
Series = {Serie C--Estudios hist{\'o}ricos},
Title = {Ordenanzas De La Miner{\'\i}a De La Nueva Espa{\~n}a Formadas Y Propuestas Por Su Real Tribunal},
Year = {1996}}
File = {The 100 Greatest Novels:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/9Q2VG5VE/OneHundredGreatestNovels.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {The 100 Greatest Novels},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-14},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Doi = {10.2307/2505669},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0013},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {239--269},
Title = {The Recognition of the Hispanic American Nations by the United States},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Castro, Pedro de Villar y Bermudez de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso imparcial {\'o} demostraci{\'o}n de los justos limites {\'a} que se extienden y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Gleick, James},
Isbn = {0375423729},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Pantheon},
Shorttitle = {The Information},
Title = {The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Schwartz, Stuart B.},
Isbn = {0312393555},
Lccn = {0018},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {{Bedford/St.} Martin's},
Shorttitle = {Victors and Vanquished},
Title = {Victors and Vanquished: Spanish and Nahua Views of the Conquest of Mexico},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Schonwalder, Gerd},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {73--102},
Shorttitle = {Local Politics and the Peruvian Left},
Title = {Local Politics and the Peruvian Left: The Case of El Agustino},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {33},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {{O'Hara}, John F.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505961},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {408--411},
Title = {What to Teach and How to Teach it in Hispanic American History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {London},
Author = {Carr, Edward Hallett and William), R. W Davies (Robert},
Edition = {2nd ed. / edited by {R.W.} Davies..},
Keywords = {History Philosophy., History, Modern Philosophy},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0018},
Publisher = {Macmillan},
Shorttitle = {What is history?},
Title = {What is history? : the George Macaulay Trevelyan lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge January-March 1961},
Year = {1985}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Delgado, Jaime and {\{New} Spain\}},
Isbn = {8473171500},
Keywords = {Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel, History, Mexico, Wars of Independence, 1810-1821},
Lccn = {F1232 .D387 1984},
Number = {n{\'u}m. 43},
Publisher = {Ediciones J. Porr{\'u}a Turanzas},
Series = {Colecci{\'o}n {"Chimalistac"} de libros y documentos acerca de la Nueva Espa{\~n}a},
Title = {La Audiencia De M{\'e}xico Ante La Rebeli{\'o}n De Hidalgo Y El Estado De Nueva Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1984}}
Address = {Ann Arbor},
Author = {Herzog, Tamar},
Isbn = {9780472113750},
Lccn = {0009},
Publisher = {University of Michigan Press},
Shorttitle = {Upholding justice},
Title = {Upholding justice : society, state, and the penal system in Quito (1650---1750)},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505729},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {492--493},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Dunn, W. E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505966},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {454--455},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Westport, Conn},
Author = {Carr, Albert H. Z},
Isbn = {0837183286},
Keywords = {Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 C3 1975},
Publisher = {Greenwood Press},
Title = {The World and William Walker},
Year = {1975}}
Author = {Feijoo, Benito Jer{\'o}nimo},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Teatro critico universal},
Year = {1765}}
File = {The Gamera Homepage:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/SE7EV6AX/},
Howpublished = {},
Keywords = {document analysis, python},
Title = {The Gamera Homepage},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-12-19},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Wayne, Pa},
Author = {Rosengarten, Frederic},
Isbn = {0910702012},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 R67},
Publisher = {Haverford House},
Shorttitle = {Freebooters Must Die!},
Title = {Freebooters Must Die!: The Life and Death of William Walker, the Most Notorious Filibuster of the Nineteenth Century},
Year = {1976}}
Author = {Guevara, Ernesto Che},
Isbn = {0980429277},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {Ocean Press},
Shorttitle = {Latin America Diaries},
Title = {Latin America Diaries: The Sequel to The Motorcycle Diaries},
Year = {2011}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505796},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {i--xxiv},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Loche, Sebasti{\'a}n and Gimbernat, Antonio de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Descripci{\'o}n y dise{\~n}o de un feto gemelo abortado por una mujer en Barcelona},
Year = {1807}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505901},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {501--508},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real and Henares), Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1786}}
File = {» Calendar Introduction to Digital Humanities:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/TZ62IW9A/calendar.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {» Calendar Introduction to Digital Humanities},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Buenos Aires},
Author = {Pe{\~n}a, Enrique},
Keywords = {1535-1617, Argentina, Buenos Aires (Argentina), History Sources, Mendoza, Pedro de},
Lccn = {F2841 .P425},
Publisher = {Imprenta Angel Curtolo},
Title = {Documentos Relativos a La Expedici{\'o}n De Don Pedro De Mendoza Y Acontecimientos Ocurridos En Buenos Aires Desde 1536 a 1541},
Year = {1936}}
Author = {Charles F. Walker},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/5PR3IUTM/43.2.walker.html:text/html},
Issn = {1086-{315X}},
Journal = {Eighteenth-Century Studies},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 43, Number 2, Winter 2010},
Number = {2},
Pages = {275--276},
Title = {Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Studies, 1530-1900 (review)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-01-31},
Volume = {43},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Getting Started with MALLET and Topic Modeling « Electric Archaeology: Digital Media for Learning and Research:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ZR8JPW23/getting-started-with-mallet-and-topic-modeling.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Getting Started with {MALLET} and Topic Modeling « Electric Archaeology: Digital Media for Learning and Research},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-27},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1784}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
File = {Small Projects & Limited Datasets | Lisa @ Work:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/VVHRNZEG/small-projects-limited-datasets.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Small Projects \& Limited Datasets {\textbar} Lisa @ Work},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-04-15},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Castile and (Kingdom), Castile and L{\'o}pez, Gregorio and {SPAIN} and (Kingdom, Castile and Alfonso},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Las siete partidas del Sabio Rey Don Alonso el nono, nueuamente glosadas pro},
Year = {1555}}
Author = {Cordeiro Rosa, Debora},
Isbn = {9780739172971 0739172972},
Language = {English},
Title = {Trauma, memory and identity in five Jewish novels from the Southern Cone},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Diamond, Jared},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0393061310},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jul,
Publisher = {{W.W.} Norton \& Co.},
Shorttitle = {Guns, Germs, and Steel},
Title = {Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1803}}
File = {A Companion to Digital Literary Studies:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/FZRUXT33/view.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\&doc.view=print\&\&toc.depth=1\&}},
Title = {A Companion to Digital Literary Studies},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-26},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505806},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {254--255},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Ballano, Antonio and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Diccionario de medicina y cirug{\'\i}a o Biblioteca manual m{\'e}dico-quir{\'u}rgica},
Year = {1806}}
Author = {Trelles, Carlos M.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505930},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {324--328},
Title = {Bibliograf{\'\i}a Antillana},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Bonells, Jaime and Lacaba, Ignacio},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Curso Completo de Anatom{\'\i}a del Cuerpo Humano},
Year = {1797}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1803}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Sears, Louis Martin},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505762},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {25--44},
Title = {French Opinion of the Spanish-American War},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Spain), Real Academia Nacional de Medicina},
Lccn = {0007},
Title = {Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina},
Year = {1883}}
Abstract = {The article reviews several books including {"Titu} Cusi: A 16th-century Account of the Conquest," by Titu Cusi Yupanqui, {"An} Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru," by Titu Cusi Yupanqui, and {"The} Jesuit and the Incas: The Extraordinary Life of Padre Blas Valera {SJ}," by Sabine Hyland.},
Author = {Mumford, Jeremy},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160802025540},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{BOOKS} -- Reviews, {NONFICTION}},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {125--141},
Title = {The Inca Legend in Colonial Peru.},
Volume = {17},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Hoffman, Paul E.},
Isbn = {0253340195},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Indiana University Press},
Title = {Florida's Frontiers},
Year = {2001}}
Author = {Tav{\'a}rez, David},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {413--444},
Shorttitle = {The Passion According to the Wooden Drum},
Title = {The Passion According to the Wooden Drum: The Christian Appropriation of a Zapotec Ritual Genre in New Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/RMHW4T56/22936.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{ProfHacker} - The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-04},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505774},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {124--133},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {The microblogging site Twitter generates a constant stream of communication, some of which concerns events of general interest. An analysis of Twitter may, therefore, give insights into why particular events resonate with the population. This article reports a study of a month of English Twitter posts, assessing whether popular events are typically associated with increases in sentiment strength, as seems intuitively likely. Using the top 30 events, determined by a measure of relative increase in (general) term usage, the results give strong evidence that popular events are normally associated with increases in negative sentiment strength and some evidence that peaks of interest in events have stronger positive sentiment than the time before the peak. It seems that many positive events, such as the Oscars, are capable of generating increased negative sentiment in reaction to them. Nevertheless, the surprisingly small average change in sentiment associated with popular events (typically 1\% and only 6\% for Tiger Woods' confessions) is consistent with events affording posters opportunities to satisfy pre-existing personal goals more often than eliciting instinctive reactions.},
Author = {Thelwall, Mike and Buckley, Kevan and Paltoglou, Georgios},
Doi = {10.1002/asi.21462},
Issn = {1532-2890},
Journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
Language = {en},
Month = feb,
Number = {2},
Pages = {406--418},
Title = {Sentiment in Twitter events},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{\{Center} for History and New Media\}},
Howpublished = {\_start\_guide},
Title = {Zotero Quick Start Guide},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505759},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {Administrative law, Early works to 1800, {LAW}, Law reports, digests, etc, Politics and government Sources, Sources, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW},
Publisher = {Por D. Joachin Ibarra, Impresor de Camara de {S.M.}, a expensas de la Real Compa{\~n}ia de Impresores, i Libreros del Reino},
Title = {Tomo Primero[-Quarto] De Autos-Acordados},
Year = {1777}}
Author = {Pott, Percivall and Cascar{\'o}n, Francisco Javier},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Nuevo m{\'e}todo de tratar las fracturas y dislocaciones},
Year = {1787}}
Address = {Barcelona},
Author = {Ostos, Juan Miralles},
Edition = {3a. ed. en M{\'e}xico..},
Keywords = {Conquerors Mexico Biography., Conquerors Spain Biography., Cort{\'e}s, Fernando, 1485-1547, Cort{\'e}s, Hern{\'a}n, 1485-1547., Cort{\'e}s, Hernando, 1485-1547, Cortez, Fernand, 1485-1547, Cort{\'e}z, Hern{\'a}n, 1485-1547, De Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del Valle, 1485-1547, Mexico History Conquest, 1519-1540., Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del Valle de, 1485-1547, Valle de Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del, 1485-1547, Valle, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del, 1485-1547},
Language = {spa},
Lccn = {0014},
Publisher = {Tusquets Editores},
Shorttitle = {Hern{\'a}n Cort{\'e}s},
Title = {Hern{\'a}n Cort{\'e}s : inventor de M{\'e}xico},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Elizondo, Francisco Antonio de and Henares), Pedro Mar{\'\i}n, Biblioteca Complutense (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Practica Universal Forense de los tribunales de Espa{\~n}a y de las Indias},
Year = {1789}}
File = {Blackboard: A Tale Of 2 Companies | Gilfus Education Group:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/MDD7PXGH/blackboard-a-tale-of-2-companies.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Blackboard: A Tale Of 2 Companies {\textbar} Gilfus Education Group},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This study is situated in the transitional period from colonial to national state and focuses on the final trends of the series of reforms carried out by the Bourbons, which brought substantial modifications in the policy, the administration, and the economy, thus innovating rules at the bureaucratic system. The paper specifically observes the impact of the {"Real} ordenanza para el establecimiento e instrucci{\'o}n de intendentes" (1782), by virtue of which the intendencias of Lima, Arequipa, Cuzco, Huamanga, Huancavelica, Puno, Tarma, and Trujillo were created in the viceroyalty of Peru. The analysis is centered at the mechanisms of adequacy of intendencias to the newly-created prefecturas, which were erected as heads of the departamentos after the foundation of the Republic. What role did the municipalities, as immediate expression of the civic will, play and how did the tradition inherited by the church participate? Could the functionaries and employees of the incipient national state maintain neutrality in the performance of their duties? By attempting to resolve such questions, the present contribution points out the liberal features which marked the public administration in Peru during the first half of the nineteenth century. /// Este trabajo se sit{\'u}a en el periodo de tr{\'a}nsito de la Colonia a la Rep{\'u}blica y enfoca los tramos finales de la serie de reformas borb{\'o}nicas, que conllevaron modificaciones sustanciales en la pol{\'\i}tica, la administraci{\'o}n y la econom{\'\i}a, innovando las reglas al interior del aparato burocr{\'a}tico. De manera espec{\'\i}fica, se observa el impacto de la {"Real} ordenanza para el establecimiento e instrucci{\'o}n de intendentes" (1782), en virtud de la cual se crearon dentro del virreinato del Per{\'u} las intendencias de Lima, Arequipa, Cuzco, Huamanga, Huancavelica, Puno, Tarma y Trujillo. El an{\'a}lisis est{\'a} centrado en los mecanismos de adecuaci{\'o}n de dichas intendencias a las prefecturas, que vinieron a erigirse en cabezas de los departamentos tras la fundaci{\'o}n de la Rep{\'u}blica. {¿Qu{\'e}} papel cumplieron los municipios, expresi{\'o}n de la inmediata voluntad ciudadana, y c{\'o}mo intervino la tradici{\'o}n legada por la Iglesia? {¿Pudieron} los funcionarios y empleados del incipiente Estado mantener la neutralidad en el desempe{\~n}o de sus tareas? A tales cuestiones trata de responder la presente contribuci{\'o}n, se{\~n}alando en definitiva los rasgos liberales que caracterizaron a la administraci{\'o}n p{\'u}blica del Per{\'u} durante la primera mitad del siglo {XIX.}},
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Teodoro Hampe and Montero, Jos{\'e} F. G{\'a}lvez},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul. - Dec., 1999 / Copyright {\copyright} 1999 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {125},
Pages = {105--132},
Shorttitle = {De la intendencia al departamento (1810-1830)},
Title = {De la intendencia al departamento (1810-1830): Los cambios en la administraci{\'o}n p{\'u}blica regional del Per{\'u}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Alcocer, Jos{\'e} Miguel Guridi y and Mu{\~n}oz, Juan Bautista},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Apolog{\'\i}a de la aparicion de nuestra se{\~n}ora de Guadalupe de M{\'e}jico, en},
Year = {1820}}
Author = {Figueredo, Fidelino de},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505941},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {47--70},
Title = {The Geographical Discoveries and Conquests of the Portuguese},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Chapman, Charles E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506011},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {8--23},
Title = {The Founding of the Review},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {En Madrid},
Author = {{\{Consejo} de Indias (Spain)\} and {\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {F1411 .S698},
Publisher = {La viuda de Iuan Gon{\c c}alez},
Title = {Ordenanzas Del Consejo Real De Las Indias},
Year = {1636}}
Author = {Villar, Pedro Berm{\'u}dez del},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso imparcial, {\'o} demostracion de los justos limites {\'a} que se extienden},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {de la Rosa, Alexandre Coello},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160500075193},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {55--81},
Shorttitle = {M{\'a}s all{\'a} del Incario},
Title = {M{\'a}s all{\'a} del Incario: Imperialismo e historia en Jos{\'e} de Acosta, {SJ} (1540-1600). (Spanish)},
Volume = {14},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Arrazola, Lorenzo and G{\'o}mez de la Serna, Pedro and Manresa y Navarro, Jos{\'e} Mar{\'\i}a},
Keywords = {Administrative law, Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT25 .A773 1848},
Publisher = {Tip. gen. de d. A. Rius y Rossell},
Title = {Enciclopedia Espa{\~n}ola De Derecho Y Administraci{\'o}n, {\'O} Nuevo Teatro Universal De La Legislaci{\'o}n De Espa{\~n}a E Indias},
Year = {1848}}
Author = {Iriarte, Tom{\'a}s de and (Madrid), Imprenta Real and (Madrid), S. Castillo, Imprenta Real (Madrid), Moreno Tejada, Escuela de Veterinaria},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Lecciones instructivas sobre la historia y la geograf{\'\i}a},
Year = {1794}}
Abstract = {Small-scale gold mining in {Portovelo--Zaruma}, Southern Equador, performed by mercury amalgamation and cyanidation, yields 9--10\&\#xa0;t of gold/annum, resulting in annual releases of around 0.65\&\#xa0;t of inorganic mercury and 6000\&\#xa0;t of sodium cyanide in the local river system. The release of sediments, cyanide, mercury, and other metals present in the ore such as lead, manganese and arsenic significantly reduces biodiversity downstream the processing plants and enriches metals in bottom sediments and biota. However, methylmercury concentrations in sediments downstream the mining area were recently found to be one order of magnitude lower than upstream or in small tributaries. In this study we investigated cyanide, bacterial activity in water and sediment and mercury methylation potentials in sediments along the Puyango river watershed, measured respectively by in-situ spectrophotometry and incubation with {3H-leucine} and {203Hg2+.}
Free cyanide was undetectable ({\&lt;\&\#xa0;1\&\#xa0;μg·L−\&\#xa0;1)} upstream mining activities, reached {280\&\#xa0;μg·L−\&\#xa0;1} a few km downstream the processing plants area and was still detectable about 100\&\#xa0;km downstream. At stations with detectable free cyanide in unfiltered water, 50\% of it was dissolved and 50\% associated to suspended particles. Bacterial activity and mercury methylation in sediment showed a similar spatial pattern, inverse to the one found for free cyanide in water, i.e. with significant values in pristine upstream sampling points (respectively 6.4 to {22\&\#xa0;μgC·mg\&\#xa0;wet} weight−\&\#xa0;1·h−\&\#xa0;1 and 1.2 to 19\% of total {203Hg·g\&\#xa0;dry} weight−\&\#xa0;1·day−\&\#xa0;1) and undetectable downstream the processing plants, returning to upstream values only in the most distant downstream stations. The data suggest that free cyanide oxidation was slower than would be expected from the high water turbulence, resulting in a long-range inhibition of bacterial activity and hence mercury methylation. The important mercury fluxes resultant from mining activities raise concerns about its biomethylation in coastal areas where many mangrove areas have been converted to shrimp farming.},
Author = {Guimaraes, Jean Remy Dav{\'e}e and Betancourt, Oscar and Miranda, Marcio Rodrigues and Barriga, Ramiro and Cueva, Edwin and Betancourt, Sebasti{\'a}n},
Doi = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.08.021},
File = {ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ARP84CNE/science.html:text/html;ScienceDirect Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/DMTJCCJR/S0048969711008850.html:text/html},
Issn = {0048-9697},
Journal = {Science of The Total Environment},
Keywords = {Cyanidation, Puyango river, Radiotracers, Sediment, Water},
Month = nov,
Number = {23},
Pages = {5026--5033},
Title = {Long-range effect of cyanide on mercury methylation in a gold mining area in southern Ecuador},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-10},
Volume = {409},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Wright, I. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506065},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {709--717},
Title = {Our Lady of Charity},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Recopilacion de leyes de los reinos de las Indias, mandadas imprimir y},
Year = {1841}}
Author = {Sherwell, Guillermo A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505672},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {317--324},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gomez, Antonio and Guti{\'e}rrez, Jos{\'e} Marcos and Cano, Benito},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Compendio de las varias resoluciones de Antonio Gomez},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Carlin, A. Roberta and Dodge, Meredith},
Isbn = {1581125712, 9781581125719},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Publisher = {Universal-Publishers},
Title = {A Paleographic Guide to Spanish Abbreviations 1500-1700},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505948},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {88},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Rowe, Erin Kathleen.},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XW3ZSHAW/92.4rowe.html:text/html},
Issn = {1534-0708},
Journal = {The Catholic Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Note = {Volume 92, Number 4, October 2006},
Number = {4},
Pages = {574--596},
Shorttitle = {The Spanish Minerva},
Title = {The Spanish Minerva: Imagining Teresa of Avila as Patron Saint in Seventeenth-Century Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-12-29},
Volume = {92},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505917},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {338--347},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1884}}
Abstract = {Based on the files of the cause for beatification and canonization, as well as the social origin and objectives of the agents that promoted it, it is possible to clearly observe the Creole roots of this phenomenon. In different contexts --imaginary, artistic, political, and social--evidence can be gathered to ratify the image of Santa Rosa de Lima as a symbol or culmination of emerging Creole nationalism. /// Los expedientes de la causa de beatificaci{\'o}n y canonizaci{\'o}n, as{\'\i} como la procedencia social y los objetivos de los agentes que la fomentaron, permiten observar claramente las ra{\'\i}ces criollistas del fen{\'o}meno. En diferentes {\'a}mbitos --lo imaginario, lo art{\'\i}stico, lo pol{\'\i}tico, lo social-- se pueden acumular evidencias para ratificar, en fin, la imagen de Santa Rosa de Lima como s{\'\i}mbolo o coronaci{\'o}n del emergente nacionalismo criollo.},
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Teodoro Hampe},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan. - Dec., 1996 / Copyright {\copyright} 1996 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {121},
Pages = {7--26},
Title = {Santa Rosa de Lima y la identidad criolla en el Per{\'u} colonial (Ensayo de interpretaci{\'o}n)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1996},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505929},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {297--324},
Title = {Hispanic American Bibliographies (Continued)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Balsera, Viviana Diaz},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Unknown},
Title = {The Pyramid Under the Cross. Franciscan Discources of Evangelization and the Nahua Christian Subject in Sixteenth-Century Mexico.},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Velasco, Sherry},
Isbn = {0826517501},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press},
Title = {Lesbians in Early Modern Spain},
Year = {2011}}
Address = {Managua, Nicaragua},
Author = {Walker, William},
Keywords = {1821-1951, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History Sources, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .G83 1976},
Number = {{6A}},
Publisher = {Fondo de Promoci{\'o}n Cultural},
Series = {Colecci{\'o}n cultural Banco de Am{\'e}rica. Serie Fuentes hist{\'o}ricas},
Title = {La Guerra En Nicaragua Seg{\'u}n Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1855-1857 = The War in Nicaragua as Reported by Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1855-1857},
Year = {1976}}
Author = {Restall, Matthew and Sousa, Lisa and Terraciano, Kevin},
Isbn = {{052101221X}},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorttitle = {Mesoamerican Voices},
Title = {Mesoamerican Voices: Native Language Writings from Colonial Mexico, Yucatan, and Guatemala},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1884}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505940},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {21--46},
Title = {The Policy of Spain Toward Its Revolted Colonies, 1820-1823},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {M{\'e}gico},
Author = {Escriche, Joaqu{\'\i}n and Rodr{\'\i}guez de San Miguel, Juan Nepomuceno},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Spain, Spanish},
Lccn = {KGF102 .E83 1837},
Publisher = {Impreso en la oficina de Galvan, a cargo de M. Arevalo},
Title = {Diccionario Razonado De Legislacion Civil, Penal, Comercial Y Forense, {\'O} Sea Resumen De Las Leyes, Usos, Pr{\'a}cticas Y Costumbres, Como Asimismo De Las Doctrinas De Los Jurisconsultos, Dispuesto Por {\'O}rden Alfab{\'e}tico De Materias, Con La Esplicacion De Los T{\'e}rminos Del Derecho},
Year = {1837}}
Author = {Febrero, Jos{\'e}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Febrero novisimo, {\'o} libreria de jueces, abogados, escribanos y medicos},
Year = {1837}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Colecci{\'o}n legislativa de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1820}}
Author = {Mumford, J. R},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0004},
Number = {1},
Pages = {5},
Shorttitle = {Litigation as Ethnography in Sixteenth-Century Peru},
Title = {Litigation as Ethnography in Sixteenth-Century Peru: Polo de Ondegardo and the Mitimaes},
Volume = {88},
Year = {2008}}
Address = {Buenos Aires},
Author = {Sabsay, Fernando L and Battini Vidal, Juan Tom{\'a}s},
Keywords = {Argentina, History, {LAW}},
Lccn = {KHA290 .A744 1975},
Publisher = {La Ley},
Series = {La Sociedad argentina},
Title = {Argentina Documental, 1806-1912},
Year = {1975}}
Author = {Locke, John and Alvarez, Manuel and Alvarez, Manuel},
Lccn = {0164},
Title = {Educaci{\'o}n de los ni{\~n}os},
Year = {1797}}
Author = {Plenck, Joseph Jakob von and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Higrolog{\'\i}a [sic] del cuerpo humano {\'o} Doctrina qu{\'\i}mico-fisiol{\'o}gica de los},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Berry, Albert},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0009},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {31--59},
Title = {International Trade, Government, and Income Distribution in Peru Since 1870},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Dean, Carolyn},
Isbn = {0822348071},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {A Culture of Stone},
Title = {A Culture of Stone: Inka Perspectives on Rock},
Year = {2010}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505787},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {584--585},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {E - TextEditor | The power of TextMate on Windows:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/GDNH9JX7/},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {E - {TextEditor} {\textbar} The power of {TextMate} on Windows},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-24},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {1540-1810, Economic conditions, Economics, Gazettes, Government, Mexico, Politics, Politics and government},
Lccn = {KGF16 .A2152},
Publisher = {Rolston-Bain},
Series = {Colecci{\'o}n Documenta Novae Hispaniae},
Title = {Gazeta De M{\'e}xico},
Year = {1983}}
Author = {Martin, Percy Alvin and Jones, Grosvenor M. and Means, Philip Ainsworth and Hole, Myra C.},
Doi = {10.2307/2518442},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {202--233},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Sergio Serulnikov},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/63U942M5/43.3.serulnikov.html:text/html},
Issn = {1542-4278},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Note = {Volume 43, Number 3, 2008},
Number = {3},
Pages = {137--165},
Shorttitle = {{``Las} Proezas de la Ciudad y su Ilustre Ayuntamiento''},
Title = {{``Las} Proezas de la Ciudad y su Ilustre Ayuntamiento'': Simbolismo pol{\'\i}tico y pol{\'\i}tica urbana en Charcas a fines del siglo {XVIII}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {43},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {"A Modest Proposal for Scholarly Publishi" by Shawn Martin:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/4NGZ3RNN/18.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{"A} Modest Proposal for Scholarly Publishi" by Shawn Martin},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-09},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ketty Wong},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/SEJXIFME/.html:text/html},
Issn = {1536-0199},
Journal = {Latin American Music Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {{\textless}p{\textgreater}Volume 32, Number 1, {Spring/Summer} 2011{\textless}/p{\textgreater}},
Number = {1},
Pages = {59--87},
Shorttitle = {The Song of the National Soul},
Title = {The Song of the National Soul: Ecuadorian Pasillo in the Twentieth Century},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-18},
Volume = {32},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Shepherd, William R.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505939},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {9--20},
Title = {A Reminiscence of Simancas},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Williams, Mary Wilhelmine},
Doi = {10.2307/2506087},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {102--104},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bell, Rudolph M.},
File = {renaissancesexualityflorentine.pdf:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/K8HDMNDK/renaissancesexualityflorentine.pdf:application/pdf},
Issn = {00344338},
Journal = {Renaissance Quarterly},
Lccn = {0002},
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Autumn, 1987 / Copyright {\copyright} 1987 The University of Chicago Press},
Number = {3},
Pages = {485--511},
Shorttitle = {Renaissance Sexuality and the Florentine Archives},
Title = {Renaissance Sexuality and the Florentine Archives: An Exchange},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-08-27},
Volume = {40},
Year = {1987},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Managua, Nicaragua},
Author = {Bautista Lara, Francisco Javier},
Isbn = {9992491310},
Keywords = {19th century, 20th century, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Politics and government, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .B29 2006},
Publisher = {Lea Grupo Editorial},
Shorttitle = {A 150 A{\~n}os De La Batalla De San Jacinto},
Title = {A 150 A{\~n}os De La Batalla De San Jacinto: 14 De Septiembre 1856-2006: Trece Ensayos Y Una Ficci{\'o}n Desde La Historia Y Actualidad De Nicaragua},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y and Real, Imprenta},
Lccn = {0032},
Title = {Historia del luxo y de las leyes suntuarias de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1788}}
Author = {Bassols, Ram{\'o}n L{\'a}zaro de Dou y de and (Madrid), Benito Garc{\'\i}a y Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a and (Madrid), Real Colegio de Cirug{\'\i}a de San Carlos},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Instituciones del derecho P{\'u}blico General de Espa{\~n}a con noticia del},
Year = {1803}}
Address = {n.p.},
Author = {{\{Spain\}} and Nesmith, Fisher H. [from old catalog and {\{Philippine} Islands\}},
Keywords = {Colonies, Land tenure, {LAW}, Law and legislation, Philippines, Spain},
Lccn = {KPM658 .A28},
Title = {Spanish Land Law}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505678},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0139},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {371--382},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {The goal of this paper is to show how many Spanish and Creole families of the Anciet Government of Popayan, territory of the Viceroyalty of the New Kingdom of Granada built up big fortunes during the second half of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, using the black slave works' force, not only for mining but also for farming. In this way the slaves helped to increase the Spanish Crown's public treasury and therefore to create a wealthy social class formed by Spaniards and Creoles, whose sons would take part in the Colombian Independence. /// Este estudio tiene por objeto presentar c{\'o}mo muchas familias espa{\~n}olas y criollas de la Antigua Gobernaci{\'o}n de Popay{\'a}n, Territorio del Virreinato del Nuevo Reino de Granada, amasaron grandes capitales durante la segunda mitad del siglo {XVIII} y comienzos del siglo {XIX}, utilizando para ello la fuerza del trabajo de esclavos negros, la cual no s{\'o}lo se emple{\'o} para el laboreo de las minas, sino para el trabajo de las haciendas, contribuyendo de esta manera al incremento del erario de la corona espa{\~n}ola y por supuesto a la formaci{\'o}n de una clase social pudiente, conformada por espa{\~n}oles y criollos, cuyos hijos tomar{\'\i}an parte en la independencia colombiana.},
Author = {Gonz{\'a}lez, Gerardo Andrade},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul. - Dec., 1995 / Copyright {\copyright} 1995 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {120},
Pages = {35--66},
Shorttitle = {El negro},
Title = {El negro: Factor esencial de la econom{\'\i}a colonial en la gobernaci{\'o}n de Popay{\'a}n del Nuevo Reino de Granada},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1995},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506088},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {104--105},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
Author = {Duany, Andres and Plater-Zyberk, Elizabeth and Kreiger, Alex and Lennertz, William R and Design, Harvard University. Graduate School of and Mass.), Gund Hall Gallery (Cambridge,},
Edition = {2nd ed..},
Isbn = {{084781436X}},
Keywords = {Cities and towns United States., City planning United States.},
Language = {English},
Lccn = {NA9051},
Publisher = {Harvard University Graduate School of Design ; New York},
Title = {Towns and town-making principles},
Year = {1992}}
Author = {Fouquet, Madame and Fouquet, Marie and Olaso, Francisco Monroy y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Obras medico-chirurgicas de Madama Fouquet},
Year = {1750}}
Author = {Leavitt, Sturgis E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505990},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {116--143},
Shorttitle = {Chilean Literature},
Title = {Chilean Literature: A Bibliography of Literary Criticism, Biography, and Literary Controversy},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1890}}
Abstract = {Letter writing has always been a situated activity. A letter consists of written communication typically addressed to one or more named recipients, and identifies the sender and conveys a message, even if it is just to say that the message is included in an enclosure. The material circumstances of letter writing have naturally changed with time, as have its discursive practices. A basic means of written communication, letter writing has contributed to the rise of other, more specialised genres intended for larger audiences such as the newspaper, the scientific article and the epistolary novel. Specialisation as such is not a recent phenomenon in the history of letter writing, which has generated diverse epistolary subgenres ranging from the New Testament letters to medieval verse love epistles. In the sixteenth century, letter-writing advice of various kinds started to appear in printed manuals, which became a means of disseminating epistolary conventions in European vernaculars. Letters provide material for the study of language variation and change in the past. It may be argued, for instance, that official correspondence has had a key role in setting written language norms in many language communities.},
Author = {Nevalainen, Terttu},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGICAL} linguistics, {DISCURSIVE} practices, {INTERPERSONAL} communication, {LANGUAGE} \& languages, {LETTER} writing, {WRITTEN} communication},
Lccn = {0079},
Number = {2},
Pages = {181--191},
Title = {Letter writing.},
Volume = {5},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {We show how in colonial Potos{\'\i} (present-day Bolivia) social and political stability was achieved through the self-organization of society through the repetition of religious rituals. Our analysis shows that the population of Potos{\'\i} develops over the time a series of cycles of rituals and miracles as a response to social upheaval and natural disasters and that these cycles of religious performance become crucial mechanisms of cooperation among different ethnic and religious groups. Our methodology starts with a close reading and annotation of the Historia de Potos{\'\i} by Bartolom{\'e} Arzans. Then, we model the religious cycles of miracles and rituals and store all social and cultural information about the cycles in a multirelational graph database. Finally, we perform graph analysis through traversals queries in order to establish facts concerning social networks, historical evolution of behaviors, types of participation of miraculous characters according to dates, parts of the city, ethnic groups, etc. It is also important to note that the religious activity at the group level gave native communities a way to participate in the social life. It also guaranteed that the city performed its role as producer of silver in the global economic structure of the Spanish empire. This case proves the importance of religion as a mechanism of stability and self-organization in periods of social or political turbulence. The multidisciplinary methodology combining traditional humanistic techniques with graph analysis shows a great potential for other sociological, historical, and literary problems.},
Author = {Su{\'a}rez, Juan Luis and V{\'a}squez, Shiddarta and Sancho-Caparrini, Fernando},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/fqr043},
Issn = {0268-1145, 1477-4615},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Language = {en},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {25--38},
Shorttitle = {The Potos{\'\i} principle},
Title = {The Potos{\'\i} principle: religious prosociality fosters self-organization of larger communities under extreme natural and economic conditions},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-12-11},
Volume = {27},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505946},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {83--85},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Spallarossa, Juan de and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {en la Imprenta Real},
Title = {Br{\'u}xula esf{\'\i}gmico-m{\'e}dica o sea Directorio de los pulsos para conocer las afecciones generales y particulares del cuerpo humano y para el acierto de la pr{\'a}ctica ...},
Year = {1787}}
Author = {Bertodano, edited by Jos{\'e} Antonio Abreu y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Coleccion de los tratados de paz, alianza, neutralidad, garantia ... hechos},
Year = {1740}}
Address = {[Washington},
Author = {Doolittle, James Rood},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Chile, Filibuster war, 1855-1860. [from old catalog], History, Nicaragua, Paulding, Hiram, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .D69},
Publisher = {Buell \& Blanchard, printers},
Title = {Justification of Commodore Paulding's Arrest of Walker and His Command at Punta Arenas},
Year = {1858}}
Author = {L{\'o}pez, Antonio Xavier P{\'e}rez y and {SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Teatro de la Legislacion Universal de Espa{\~n}a {\'e} Indias},
Year = {1798}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505788},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {585},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Vayo, Estanislao de Cosca (},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Historia de la vida y reinado de Fernando {VII} de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1842}}
Author = {Nuttall, Zelia and Polk, James K. and Buchanan, James},
Doi = {10.2307/2505790},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} editorial / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {601--602},
Title = {Communication},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Navarrete, Pedro Fern{\'a}ndez},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Conservacion de monarquias y discursos politicos sobre la gran consulta que},
Year = {1792}}
File = {:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/TCCK3PMT/ch10_abstraction-ladder.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_abstraction-ladder.gif},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-05},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2505777},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {509--534},
Title = {Indian Legislation in Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {This article explores the sources of Ecuador's boom in flower exports since the late 1980s. In that boom, fresh cut flower exports rose from almost nothing to 9 percent of the country's nonpetroleum export earnings. This research addresses whether trade liberalization and macroeconomic reforms played a decisive role in stimulating the export boom or whether changes in the global flower market created Ecuador's comparative advantage in flower exports independent of the policy regime. The article surveys the many changes in economic policy toward agriculture in general, flower cultivation, nontraditional exports, international trade, and macroeconomic stability. Growth rates in traditional and non-traditional exports are examined to see if they correlate with changes in key policies. The article also examines how the restructuring of the global flower market affected Ecuador's floriculture industry. /// Este art{\'\i}culo explora el origen del auge de la exportaci{\'o}n de flores del Ecuador desde los {\'u}ltimos a{\~n}os de la d{\'e}cada del 80. En este auge, las exportaciones de flores frescas crecieron hasta constituir un 9 por ciento de las ganancias de las exportaciones no petroleras. Esta investigaci{\'o}n se propone examinar si la liberalizaci{\'o}n del comercio y las reformas macroecon{\'o}micas jugaron un papel decisivo en el impulso del auge exportador, {\'o} si cambios en el mercado internacional de flores crearon la ventaja comparativa del Ecuador independientemente del r{\'e}gimen de las pol{\'\i}ticas econ{\'o}micas. Este art{\'\i}culo examina la gran cantidad de cambios en la pol{\'\i}tica econ{\'o}mica hacia el sector agricultor en general, en el cultivo de las flores, en las exportaciones no tradicionales, en el comercio internacional y en la estabilidad macroecon{\'o}mica. A su vez, se examina el ritmo de crecimiento de las exportaciones tradicionales y no tradicionales para determinar si ambos se correlacionan con los cambios en pol{\'\i}ticas claves. Por {\'u}ltimo, este art{\'\i}culo tambi{\'e}n examina de qu{\'e} manera la reestructuraci{\'o}n del mercado internacional de flores afect{\'o} la industria de la floricultura ecuatoriana.},
Author = {Sawers, Larry},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0010},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2005 / Copyright {\copyright} 2005 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {40--67},
Shorttitle = {Nontraditional or New Traditional Exports},
Title = {Nontraditional or New Traditional Exports: Ecuador's Flower Boom},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {40},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Sejournant, N. de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Dictionaire espagnol-fran{\c c}ois et fran{\c c}ois-espagnol},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Hoskins, Halford L.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505726},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {487--489},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
Address = {[Mexico City},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and {\{New} Spain\} and {\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Law and legislation, Mexico, Public buildings},
Lccn = {KG76 KGF3368 .Y57 1776 no. 5},
Publisher = {s.n},
Title = {Reglamento Que Ha De Observarse En Las Obras Materiales Del Edificio Del Real Palacio, Segun Lo Resuelto En Acuerdo De La Junta Superior De Real Hacienda De 23 De Agosto De 1811},
Year = {1811}}
Abstract = {Historians agree that early modern Spaniards' sexual behavior deviated significantly from norms set forth in royal and canon law. The question of how Spaniards resolved the tensions between their sexual norms as encoded in law and their nonnormative sexual behaviors has yet to be addressed. This essay argues that seventeenth-century Spaniards mitigated such tension by using laws and legal systems to transform deviant behavior into acceptable behavior when it was culturally expedient. Specifically, early modern Spaniards used "seduction by promise of marriage" litigation to transform dishonorable women who had committed premarital sexual transgressions into honorable women, victims of a sexual transgression perpetrated against them. Seduction trials mitigated the bloodiest consequences of the honor code and tacitly allowed Spanish men and women more leeway in their sexual comportment. Seventeenth-century Spaniards proved themselves aware of the law's possibilities for refashioning behavioral realities, and they exploited them to the hilt.},
Author = {Dyer, Abigail},
File = {JSTOR Full Text PDF:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/CU4MQPTK/Dyer - 2003 - Seduction by Promise of Marriage Law, Sex, and Cu.pdf:application/pdf},
Issn = {03610160},
Journal = {The Sixteenth Century Journal},
Lccn = {0001},
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: Marriage in Early Modern Europe / Full publication date: Summer, 2003 / Copyright {\copyright} 2003 The Sixteenth Century Journal},
Number = {2},
Pages = {439--455},
Shorttitle = {Seduction by Promise of Marriage},
Title = {Seduction by Promise of Marriage: Law, Sex, and Culture in Seventeenth-Century Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-10-20},
Volume = {34},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bonells, Jaime and Lacaba, Ignacio},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Curso Completo de Anatom{\'\i}a del Cuerpo Humano},
Year = {1797}}
Address = {En Pamplona},
Author = {{\{Navarre} (Kingdom)\} and Chavier, Antonio and Baraibar de Haro, Felipe. [from old catalog},
Keywords = {Dialects Navarre. [from old catalog], Dictionaries. [from old catalog], Glossaries, vocabularies, etc. [from old catalog], {LAW}, Navarre (Kingdom) [from old catalog], Spanish language},
Lccn = {LAW <Europe Spain Navarre 1>},
Publisher = {Por Longas},
Title = {Fueros Del Reyno De Navarra, Desde Su Creacion, Hasta Su Feliz Union Con El De Castilla},
Year = {1815}}
Author = {Guti{\'e}rrez, Jos{\'e} Marcos and (Madrid), Benito Garc{\'\i}a y Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a},
Lccn = {0008},
Title = {Pr{\'a}ctica criminal de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1806}}
Address = {Stanford, Calif},
Author = {Milton, Cynthia E},
Isbn = {9780804751780},
Keywords = {18th century, Economic assistance, Domestic, Ecuador, History, Indians of South America, Poor, Poverty, To 1809},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {The Many Meanings of Poverty},
Title = {The Many Meanings of Poverty: Colonialism, Social Compacts, and Assistance in Eighteenth-Century Ecuador},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Hill, Ruth},
Isbn = {0826514928, 9780826514929},
Lccn = {0012},
Publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press},
Title = {Hierarchy, commerce and fraud in Bourbon Spanish America},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Tompkins, Jane},
Journal = {The Georgia review},
Keywords = {critical writing, pedagogy},
Lccn = {0025},
Number = {3},
Pages = {585--590},
Title = {Fighting Words: Unlearning to Write the Critical Essay},
Url = {},
Volume = {42},
Year = {1988},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Abstract = {In this work we present an automatic method for the extraction of time periods related to ontological concepts from the Web. The method consists of two parts: an Information Extraction phase and a Semantic Representation phase. In the Information Extraction phase, temporal information about events that are associated with the target instance are extracted from Web documents. The resulting distribution is normalized and a model is fit to it. This distribution is then converted into a Semantic Representation in the second phase. We present the method and describe experiments where time periods for four different types of concepts are extracted and converted to a time representation vocabulary, based on the {TIMEX2} annotation standard.},
Author = {de Boer, Viktor and van Someren, Maarten and Wielinga, Bob J},
Doi = {10.1002/asi.21378},
Issn = {1532-2890},
Journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
Language = {en},
Month = sep,
Number = {9},
Pages = {1888--1908},
Title = {Extracting historical time periods from the Web},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Volume = {61},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Sarthe, Jacques Louis Moreau de la and Balmis, Francisco Javier and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Tratado hist{\'o}rico y pr{\'a}ctico de la vacuna},
Year = {1803}}
Author = {Nuttall, Zelia},
Doi = {10.2307/2505686},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {743--753},
Title = {Royal Ordinances Concerning the Laying out of New Towns},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1803}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1785}}
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Mart{\'\i}n ( and (, Imprenta Real and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Cirugia moderna, tratado de operaciones chirurgicas que antes andaba separado},
Year = {1747}}
Address = {Washington, {D.C}},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {Microfilm 84/10004 <LL>},
Publisher = {Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service},
Title = {Spanish Legal Documents (15th-19th Centuries)},
Year = {1987}}
File = {Computer Programming for Everybody:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/G6C3DDPS/cp4e.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Computer Programming for Everybody},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-12},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Boerhaave, Hermann and ( and Swieten, Gerard and Paul, Franc̜ois},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado de las enfermedades de los ni{\~n}os},
Year = {1787}}
Address = {Buenos Aires},
Author = {{\{Argentine} Republic\}},
Keywords = {1515-1535, 1535-1617, Argentina, History Sources},
Lccn = {F2841 .D62},
Publisher = {Talleres {S.A}},
Title = {Documentos Hist{\'o}ricos Y Geogr{\'a}ficos Relativos a La Conquista Y Colonizaci{\'o}n Rioplatense},
Year = {1941}}
Author = {Manning, Patrick},
Isbn = {1403961190},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
Shorttitle = {Navigating World History},
Title = {Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Tissot, Samuel Auguste Andr{\'e} David},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Aviso {\'a} los literatos y poderosos acerca de su salud},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Jones, C. K. and Lima, Manoel de Oliveira and Freyre, Gilberto},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505952},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {142--151},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robledo, Alfonso},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505799},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} news / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {199--202},
Title = {Elogio a Henry Clay},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Editor = {Karush, Matthew B. and Chamosa, Oscar},
Isbn = {0822347385},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {The New Cultural History of Peronism},
Title = {The New Cultural History of Peronism: Power and Identity in Mid-Twentieth-Century Argentina},
Year = {2010}}
Author = {Ruiz, V{\'\i}ctor Peralta},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160701336048},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {49--70},
Title = {Un patronazgo frustrado. El ilustrado peruano Jos{\'e} Eusebio Llano Zapata en Lima y C{\'a}diz a trav{\'e}s de su correspondencia (1743-1780).},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ecuador},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Recopilaci{\'o}n de leyes del Ecuador},
Year = {1903}}
Author = {Ecuador and Constitution},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Documento de oro},
Year = {1913}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Abel, Richard and Newlin, Lyman W},
Isbn = {0471219290},
Keywords = {Communication in learning and scholarship History 20th century., Libraries and publishing History 20th century., Scholarly publishing History 20th century.},
Language = {English},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Wiley},
Shorttitle = {Scholarly publishing},
Title = {Scholarly publishing : books, journals, publishers, and libraries in the twentieth century / edited by Richard E. Abel, Lyman W. Newlin ; editors-in-chief, Katina Strauch, Bruce Strauch.},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2505892},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {415--425},
Title = {Race and Society in the Andean Countries},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Alajuela, Costa Rica},
Author = {Acu{\~n}a Ortega, V{\'\i}ctor H},
Isbn = {9789977953656},
Keywords = {1821-1948, Costa Rica, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Foreign relations, History, Nicaragua, {UNITED} States, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .A39 2008},
Number = {no. 16},
Publisher = {Museo Hist{\'o}rico Cultural Juan Santamar{\'\i}a},
Series = {11 de abril, cuadernos de cultura},
Shorttitle = {Memorias Comparadas},
Title = {Memorias Comparadas: Las Versiones De La Guerra Contra Los Filibusteros En Nicaragua, Costa Rica Y Estados Unidos (siglos {XIX-XXI)}},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505884},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {628--631},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Chapman, Charles E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505894},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {435--441},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Rippy, J. Fred},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505761},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {2--24},
Title = {Britain's Role in the Early Relations of the United States and Mexico},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Durston, A.},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {1},
Pages = {41},
Shorttitle = {Native-Language Literacy in Colonial Peru},
Title = {Native-Language Literacy in Colonial Peru: The Question of Mundane Quechua Writing Revisited},
Volume = {88},
Year = {2008}}
Abstract = {site for kfitz's book},
Author = {Fitzpatrick, Kathleen},
Title = {Planned Obsolescence},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Pastor, Manuel and Wise, Carol},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0044},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1992 / Copyright {\copyright} 1992 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {83--117},
Shorttitle = {Peruvian Economic Policy in the 1980s},
Title = {Peruvian Economic Policy in the 1980s: From Orthodoxy to Heterodoxy and Back},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {27},
Year = {1992},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Harlow, England ; New York},
Author = {Iggers, Georg G. and Wang, Q. and Mukherjee, Supriya},
Edition = {1st ed..},
Isbn = {9780582096066},
Keywords = {Historiography History.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Pearson Longman},
Title = {A global history of modern historiography},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Cormon, Fran{\c c}ois},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Sobrino aumentado, o nuevo diccionario de las lenguas espa{\~n}ola, Francesa y},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Truett, Samuel},
Edition = {illustrated edition},
Isbn = {0300143311},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Shorttitle = {Fugitive Landscapes},
Title = {Fugitive Landscapes: The Forgotten History of the {U.S.-Mexico} Borderlands},
Year = {2008}}
Abstract = {This essay analyzes the social and economic forces behind the push for online education (especially in public universities), the discourses that support it, and the sometimes surprising discursive alliances that form among critics of the university. It also considers the opportunities as well as the risks of digital humanities and calls for increasing digital literacy on the part of humanists.},
Author = {Guerlac, Suzanne},
Issn = {0734-6018},
Journal = {Representations},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: The Humanities and the Crisis of The Public University / Full publication date: Fall 2011 / Copyright {\copyright} 2011 University of California Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {102--127},
Shorttitle = {Humanities 2.0},
Title = {Humanities 2.0: E-Learning in the Digital World},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-17},
Volume = {116},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Guti{\'e}rrez, Jos{\'e} Marcos and (Madrid), Benito Garc{\'\i}a y Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a},
Lccn = {0000},
Shorttitle = {Pr{\'a}ctica criminal de Espa{\~n}a},
Title = {Pr{\'a}ctica criminal de Espa{\~n}a: (1804. {XIV}, 412 p.)},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Mond, Rebecca Earle},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0020},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 1993 / Copyright {\copyright} 1993 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {99--124},
Shorttitle = {Indian Rebellion and Bourbon Reform in New Granada},
Title = {Indian Rebellion and Bourbon Reform in New Granada: Riots in Pasto, 1780-1800},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {73},
Year = {1993},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505680},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {800--813},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {El Espa{\~n}ol constitucional},
Year = {1818}}
Address = {Bogot{\'a}, Colombia},
Author = {Sim{\'o}n, Pedro and Friede, Juan},
Keywords = {16th century, {AMERICA}, Caribbean Area, {COLOMBIA}, Colonies, Discovery and exploration Spanish, Early accounts to 1600, History, Indians, Latin America, Spain, To 1600, To 1810},
Lccn = {F1411 .S59 1981},
Number = {v. 103-108},
Publisher = {Banco Popular},
Series = {Biblioteca Banco Popular},
Title = {Noticias Historiales De Las Conquistas De Tierra Firme En Las Indias Occidentales},
Year = {1981}}
Author = {Piquer, Andr{\'e}s},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Tratado de calenturas},
Year = {1788}}
File = {Building Skills in Python --- S.Lott v4.1 Site:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ZCN5R965/python.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_lott/books/python.html},
Title = {Building Skills in Python --- {S.Lott} v4.1 Site},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-29},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This paper discusses the methodology of conceptual history, a branch of the study of the history of political thought which focuses on the changing meanings of political concepts over the course of time. It is suggested here that methodological disputes among historians of political thought frequently arise out of differing theories of language and meaning and that historians should be more open-minded to the idea of combining various research strategies in their work. Conceptual history, for instance, can be viewed as the combination of historical versions of semantics and pragmatics. While the study of the macro-level semantic changes in the language of politics can reveal interesting long-term trends and innovative uses of language, a contextual analysis of speech acts is also needed when the rhetorical aspects of conceptual change are traced. This interaction of semantic and pragmatic analysis in conceptual history is illustrated by examples originating from eighteenth-century political preaching. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Ihalainen, Pasi},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {conceptual history, {HISTORIANS}, {HISTORICAL} analysis, {HISTORICAL} linguistics, historical pragmatics, historical semantics, {HISTORY} -- Research, {LANGUAGE} \& history, {LANGUAGE} \& languages, {PHILOSOPHY}, political concepts, political preaching, {PRAGMATICS}, {SEMANTICS}, {SPEECH}},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {115--143},
Shorttitle = {Between historical semantics and pragmatics},
Title = {Between historical semantics and pragmatics: Reconstructing past political thought through conceptual history.},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506070},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {728--729},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {The article focuses on the contribution of women to the economic prosperity of colonial Spanish America. The breadth of women's commercial activities has, indeed, attracted the attention of numerous historians. Because Spanish American society commonly is considered to be highly centralized and patriarchal, women's control over and use of economic resources remains mysteriously disconnected from gender norms that subordinated women to men in other arenas. Women's participation in the colonial economy has, in fact, been recognized as one of the most difficult aspects of women's lives to integrate into a patriarchal model.},
Author = {Gauderman, Kimberly},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916042000210819},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{BUSINESS}, {INTERNATIONAL} economic integration, {SCHOLARS}, {SOCIETIES}, {SPANISH} Americans, Women},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {47--63},
Shorttitle = {A loom of her own},
Title = {A loom of her own: women and textiles in seventeenth-century quito.},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Leavitt, Sturgis E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506077},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {760--776},
Shorttitle = {Chilean Literature},
Title = {Chilean Literature: A Bibliography of Literary Criticism, Biography, and Literary Controversy. Part {IV}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {My objective in this article is to examine the relationship between perception and classification in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Andes, focusing in particular on the Nuevo Reino de Granada (today, Colombia). During the first century of colonization, the visual identification of members of ethnoracial categories --- indios, mestizos, mulattos, negros, and Spaniards --- transformed over time and space in the Atlantic context. I argue in this article that we may be confining ourselves to a conceptual straitjacket if we limit our interpretation of terms like ``indio'' or ``mulato'' to their ethnic or racial dimensions as part of a self-enclosed system of classification, because such usages were embedded in broader schemes of perception and categorization that both antedated the Spanish invasion of the Americas and continued to be employed on the Iberian Peninsula. In particular, ethnoracial categories interacted in a complex relationship with the ways that observers reacted to the physiognomy of the individuals who bore these labels, so that the fluidity of classification can be seen as deriving in part from the interpretation of visual cues.},
Author = {Rappaport, Joanne},
Doi = {10.1215/00182168-1416648},
File = {Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/J226V7XK/login.html:text/html},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Number = {4},
Pages = {601 --631},
Shorttitle = {{``Asi} lo pares{\c c}e por su aspeto''},
Title = {{``Asi} lo pares{\c c}e por su aspeto'': Physiognomy and the Construction of Difference in Colonial Bogot{\'a}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-30},
Volume = {91},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lancaster, Roger N.},
Doi = {10.2307/1007500},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0012},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 1997 / Copyright {\copyright} 1997 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--16},
Shorttitle = {Sexual Positions},
Title = {Sexual Positions: Caveats and Second Thoughts on {"Categories"}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {54},
Year = {1997},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Roth, Michael S.},
Chapter = {The Chronicle Review},
Issn = {0009-5982},
Journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Month = jan,
Title = {Beyond Critical Thinking},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-26},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1787}}
Author = {Donald A. Yerxa},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/F37GSMKU/11.1.yerxa01.html:text/html},
Issn = {1944-6438},
Journal = {Historically Speaking},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 11, Number 1, January 2010},
Number = {1},
Pages = {34--35},
Shorttitle = {Cahokia},
Title = {Cahokia: An Interview with Timothy R. Pauketat},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-01-31},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cordova, Don Fernando Melgarejo De},
Doi = {10.2307/2506026},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {227--248},
Title = {The Spanish Version of Sir Anthony Shirley's Raid of Jamaica, 1597},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Alb{\'a}n, J. P. V. and Lipsett-Rivera, S. and Ayala, S. R.},
File = {Google Scholar Linked Page:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/AZUHCRZN/books.html:text/html},
Lccn = {0025},
Publisher = {Scholarly Resources, Incorporated},
Title = {Propriety and permissiveness in Bourbon Mexico},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Espinosa, Isidro F{\'e}lix de and Arricivita, Juan Domingo},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Chronica Apostolica, y seraphica de todos los colegios de propaganda {FIDE} de},
Year = {1746}}
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Observaciones sobre las Cortes y sobre las leyes fundamentales de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1810}}
Author = {Cunningham, Charles H.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506012},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {24--39},
Title = {The Institutional Background of Spanish American History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Francois, Marie},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue on Material Culture / Full publication date: Jan., 2004 / Copyright {\copyright} 2004 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {325--362},
Shorttitle = {Cloth and Silver},
Title = {Cloth and Silver: Pawning and Material Life in Mexico City at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {60},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Andrew, N. and Cleven, N.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505804},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {247--249},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Vald{\'e}s, Manuel Antonio and Arrue, Mariano de Z{\'u}{\~n}iga y Ontiveros, Francisco Guerra, (, Vargas},
Lccn = {0012},
Title = {Gazetas de Mexico},
Year = {1797}}
Author = {(Spain), Consejo de Indias},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Recopilacion de leyes de los reynos de las Indias},
Year = {1774}}
File = {Networked Computing: Storage, Communication, and Processing : Charles Severance : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ABVXHN4H/NetworkedComputingStorageCommunicationAndProcessing.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {Networked Computing: Storage, Communication, and Processing : Charles Severance : Free Download \& Streaming : Internet Archive},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-14},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Variation and change in relativization strategies has been well documented (e.g. Ball 1996: 46, Biber and Clark 2002, Biber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad and Finegan 1999, Johansson 2006, Lehmann 2002). Certain types of relative clause, namely that-relatives and zero relatives, were difficult to retrieve from plain-text corpora. Studies therefore either relied on manual extraction of data or a subset of possible relativization strategies. In some text types, however, the zero relative is an important member of the class of possible relativizers. Recent advances in syntactic annotation should have made that-relatives and zero relatives more accessible to automatic retrieval. In this article, we test precision and recall of searches on a modest-sized corpus, i.e. scientific texts from {ARCHER} (A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers), as a preliminary to future work on the large corpora which are increasingly becoming available. The parser retrieved some false positives and at the same time missed some relevant data. We discuss structural reasons for both kinds of shortcoming as well as the possibilities and limitations of parser adaptation.},
Author = {Hundt, Marianne and Denison, David and Schneider, Gerold},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/fqr049},
Issn = {0268-1145, 1477-4615},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Language = {en},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {3--16},
Title = {Retrieving relatives from historical data},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-12-11},
Volume = {27},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Trelles, Carlos M.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505988},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {99--107},
Title = {Estudio de la Bibliograf{\'\i}a Cubana Sobre la Doctrina de Monroe},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Aiton, Arthur S. and Mecham, J. Lloyd},
Doi = {10.2307/2506057},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {553--567},
Title = {The Archivo General de Indias},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2518444},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0170},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {235--264},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Issn = {0094-{582X}},
Journal = {Latin American Perspectives},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Issue Title: Che Guevara and His Legacy / Full publication date: Jul., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Sage Publications, Inc.},
Number = {4},
Pages = {1--2},
Title = {Front Matter},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-03-31},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505746},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {i--vii},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505850},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0170},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {84--103},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Obreg{\'o}n, T. Esquivel},
Doi = {10.2307/2505903},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {135--172},
Title = {Factors in the Historical Evolution of Mexico},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Nashville},
Author = {Cohn, Deborah N},
Isbn = {9780826518040 0826518044 9780826518057 0826518052},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press},
Title = {The Latin American literary boom and {U.S.} nationalism during the Cold War},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {Boulder},
Author = {Rodr{\'\i}guez O., Jaime E},
Isbn = {1555874762},
Keywords = {Politieke geschiedenis},
Lccn = {0016},
Note = {External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... More About This In: Books in Print (Publication status and optional reviews) Language: English Contents: Mexico in the age of democratic revolutions / Jaime E. Rodriguez O. -- Del paternalismo autoritario al autoritarismo burocr{\'a}tico : los {\'e}xitos y fracasos de Jos{\'e} de Galvez (1764-1767) / Felipe Castro Guti{\'e}rrez -- La reforma institucional en ciernes : la gesti{\'o}n de Pedro Corbal{\'a}n como intendente de Real Hacienda en Sonora y Sinaloa (1770-1787) / Ignacio del Rio -- The Bourbon reforms, city councils, and the struggle for power in Yucat{\'a}n, 1770-1796 / Robert W. Patch -- Ignaciao Adalid, un equilibrista novohispano / Virginia Guedea -- The transition from colony to nation : new Spain, 1820-1821 / Jaime E. Rodriguez O. -- Mier y la constituci{\'o}n de M{\'e}xico / Andr{\'e}s Lira Gonz{\'a}lez --Issues and factions in the constituent Congress, 1823-1824 / David M. Quinlan. El federalismo en la construcci{\'o}n de los estados / Hira de Gortari Rabiela -- Clerics as politicians : church, state, and political power in independent Mexico / Anne Staples -- Hombres de bien in the Age of Santa Anna / Michael P. Costeloe -- What goes around comes around : political change and continuity in Mexico, 1750-1850 / Christon I. Archer -- The emperor goes to the tailor / Barbara A. Tenenbaum. Geographic: Mexico -- History -- Spanish colony, 1540-1810. Mexico -- History -- 19th century. M{\'e}xico -- Historia -- Per{\'\i}odo colonial, 1540-1810. M{\'e}xico -- Historia -- Siglo {XIX.} Mexique -- Histoire -- 1540-1810 (Colonie espagnole) Mexique -- Histoire -- 19e si{\`e}cle. Identifier: Mexico; History,1519-1867 Note(s): Chiefly English, some Spanish./ Includes bibliographical references (p. 303-319) and index. Class Descriptors: {LC:} F1231; Dewey: 972/.02 Responsibility: edited by Jaime E. Rodr{\'\i}guez O. Vendor Info: Baker and Taylor {YBP} Library Services Baker \& Taylor ({BTCP} {YANK} {BKTY)} \$35.00 (est.) 42.00 Status: active Entry: 19930907 Update: 20090915 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {Lynne Rienner},
Title = {Mexico in the Age of Democratic Revolutions, 1750-1850},
Year = {1994}}
Address = {Hanover, {NH}},
Author = {Iggers, Georg G. and Inc, {NetLibrary},},
Isbn = {0585370796},
Keywords = {Electronic books., Historiography History 20th century., History Methodology., History Philosophy., History, Modern Philosophy},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0207},
Publisher = {Wesleyan University Press, published by University Press of New England},
Title = {Historiography in the twentieth century from scientific objectivity to the postmodern challenge},
Year = {1997}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505771},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {100--102},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Mexico City},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and G{\'a}lvez, Bernardo de and Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo},
Keywords = {History, Law and legislation History, Local government, Mexico, Provincias Internas (New Spain)},
Lccn = {KG76 KGF3180 .Y57 1776 no. 1},
Publisher = {s.n.},
Title = {Instruccion Formada En Virtud De Real Orden De {S.M.}, Que Se Dirige Al Se{\~n}or Comandante General De Provincias Internas Don Jacobo Ugarte Y Loyola Para Gobierno Y Puntual Observancia De Este Superior Gefe Y De Sus Inmediatos Subalternos},
Year = {1786}}
Abstract = {Focuses on the stories of women from Charcas (Bolivia) in order to discover traditional roles and transgressions of the colonial elite of Charcas from 1550 to 1600. History of Charcas and La Plata; Transcendence of Jeronima de Penalosa over traditional female roles; Implications of divorce for Ana de Cabrera y Cordoba.},
Author = {Presta, Ana Mar{\'\i}a},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160020007701},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{BOLIVIA}, History, Social conditions, Women},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {237--262},
Shorttitle = {Portraits of Four Women},
Title = {Portraits of Four Women: Traditional Female Roles and Transgressions in Colonial Elite Families in Charcas, 1550-1600.},
Volume = {9},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Chapman, Charles E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506108},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {209--230},
Title = {A Description of Certain Legajos in the Archivo General de Indias. Part I},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Colombia},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {C{\'o}digo civil colombiano expedido por el Congresso de 1873 y adoptado por la},
Year = {1895}}
Author = {Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David) and Gardanne, Jacques-Joseph de. - and Mar{\'\i}n, Pedro and Gardane, Joseph Jacques de and Xiorro, Juan Galisteo y and Louis, Antoine and ( and Hirzel, Hans Caspar and Mar{\'\i}n, Pedro},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado de las enfermedades mas frequentes de las gentes del campo},
Year = {1776}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0006},
Title = {Prontuario de las leyes y decretos del Rey nuestro Se{\~n}or Don Jos{\'e} Napoleon I},
Year = {1810}}
Author = {Lichtenfels, Friedrich Wilhelm Scanzoni von and Santana, Francisco and Figueroa, Henri Dor, Francisco Santana, Carlos Bailly-Bailli{\`e}re, August Socin, Antonio Fern{\'a}ndez Carril, Nicol{\'a}s Escolar,},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Tratado pr{\'a}ctico de las enfermedades de los {\'o}rganos sexuales de la mujer},
Year = {1862}}
Address = {Washington, {D.C}},
Author = {Bourke, John Gregory},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies Administration History, Colonies History, Discovery and exploration Spanish, History, Indians of Central America, Indians of South America, Indians, Treatment of, {LAW}, Legal status, laws, etc. History, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW},
Publisher = {Judd \& Detweiler, printers},
Title = {The Laws of Spain in Their Application to the American Indians},
Year = {1894}}
Address = {Durham, {NC}},
Author = {Rosas, Gilberto},
Isbn = {9780822352259 0822352257 9780822352372 0822352370},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Barrio Libre},
Title = {Barrio Libre : criminalizing states and delinquent refusals of the new frontier},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {Glasgow},
Author = {Hamnett, Brian R},
Keywords = {History, Local officials and employees, Mexico},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... Language: English Geographic: Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1540-1810. Mexico -- Officials and employees -- History. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references. Class Descriptors: {LC:} {JL1226} 1700; Dewey: 325/.346/0972 Responsibility: by Brian R. Hamnett. Entry: 19801002 Update: 20090702 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Glasgow},
Series = {Occasional papers - Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Glasgow ;; no. 26; Variation: Occasional papers (University of Glasgow. Institute of Latin American Studies) ;; no. 26.},
Shorttitle = {The Mexican Bureaucracy Before the Bourbon Reforms, 1700-1770},
Title = {The Mexican Bureaucracy Before the Bourbon Reforms, 1700-1770: A Study in the Limitations of Absolutism},
Year = {1979}}
Author = {Donahue, D.},
Journal = {Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America},
Lccn = {0004},
Number = {1},
Pages = {105--119},
Shorttitle = {Dressing Up and Dressing Down},
Title = {Dressing Up and Dressing Down: Clothing and Class Identity in the Novelas Ejemplares.},
Volume = {24},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2505880},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {622--624},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Coy, Owen C. and Jones, C. K. and Chandler, Charles L.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506107},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {192--208},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python! --- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/39NS82KJ/latest.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python! --- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-12-13},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Uribe, Victor M.},
Doi = {10.2307/1008261},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 1995 / Copyright {\copyright} 1995 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {175--210},
Shorttitle = {Kill All the Lawyers!},
Title = {Kill All the Lawyers!: Lawyers and the Independence Movement in New Granada, 1809-1820},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {52},
Year = {1995},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat and Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat and Yrujo, Carlos Mart{\'\i}nez de Yrujo y Tac{\'o}n Casa and Smith, Adam and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Compendio de la obra inglesa intitulada Riqueza de las naciones},
Year = {1792}}
Address = {San Francisco},
Author = {{\{California} (Province)\} and Neve, Felipe de and Johnson, John Everett and Lewis, Oscar and {\{Spain\}} and {\{New} Spain\} and {\{Grabhorn} Press\}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, California, Colonies, Colonies Administration, History Sources, Spain, To 1846},
Lccn = {KFC78 .N4813 1929 LLAB},
Publisher = {The Grabhorn press},
Title = {Regulations for Governing the Province of the Californias, Approved by His Majesty by Royal Order, Dated October 24, 1781},
Year = {1929}}
Author = {Connelly, Thomas},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Diccionario nuevo de las dos lenguas espa{\~n}ola {\'e} inglesa},
Year = {1797}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Doi = {10.2307/2506014},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {70--91},
Title = {The Recognition of the Spanish Colonies by the Motherland},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Thurner, Mark},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0016},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1993 / Copyright {\copyright} 1993 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {41--82},
Shorttitle = {Peasant Politics and Andean Haciendas in the Transition to Capitalism},
Title = {Peasant Politics and Andean Haciendas in the Transition to Capitalism: An Ethnographic History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {28},
Year = {1993},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Melchor and Cruz, Guillermo Feli{\'u}},
Lccn = {0016},
Title = {Memoria hist{\'o}rica sobre la Revoluci{\'o}n de Chile},
Year = {1848}}
File = {Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | Exploring the digital humanities:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/8G5SVXKZ/},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Digital Scholarship in the Humanities {\textbar} Exploring the digital humanities},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-17},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505940},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {21--46},
Title = {The Policy of Spain Toward Its Revolted Colonies, 1820-1823},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506037},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {298--324},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Altamira, Rafael},
Doi = {10.2307/2505955},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {356--362},
Title = {American Institutions in Public Education in Spain [Translation]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Villars, Dominique and (Madrid), Imprenta Real and Lavedan, Antonio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Principios de Medicina y de cirug{\'\i}a},
Year = {1807}}
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Moehn, Frederick},
Isbn = {9780822351412 0822351412 9780822351559 0822351552},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Contemporary Carioca},
Title = {Contemporary Carioca : technologies of mixing in a Brazilian music scene},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Boutelou, Claudio and Boutelou, Esteban and Guerra, Esteban Boutelou, Ferm{\'\i}n Villalpando, Francisco},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Tratado de las flores en que se explica el m{\'e}todo de cultivar las que sirven},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Szasz, Ferenc M.},
Isbn = {0826338836},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Shorttitle = {Larger Than Life},
Title = {Larger Than Life: New Mexico in the Twentieth Century},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Garcia, Gregorio and Z{\'u}{\~n}iga, Andr{\'e}s Gonz{\'a}lez de Barc{\'\i}a Carballido y},
Lccn = {0062},
Title = {Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo mundo},
Year = {1725}}
Address = {Amberes},
Author = {Sol{\'o}rzano Pereira, Juan de},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, Colonies Administration, History, Indians, Latin America, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {F1411 .S691},
Publisher = {H. y C. Verdussen},
Title = {Politica Indiana},
Year = {1703}}
Author = {Walker, Charles F.},
Isbn = {9780822341895},
Lccn = {0010},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {Shaky Colonialism},
Title = {Shaky Colonialism: The 1746 Earthquake-Tsunami in Lima, Peru, and Its Long Aftermath},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Cangiamila, Francesco and Castellot, Joaquin},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Embriologia Sagrada, o Tratado de la obligacion que tienen los curas},
Year = {1774}}
Author = {Juan, Jorge and Ulloa, Antonio de and Adams, John},
Lccn = {0008},
Title = {A Voyage to South America},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Cohen, Dan},
File = {The Atlantic Print View:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/8DINM7F4/245577.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Journal = {The Atlantic},
Month = sep,
Title = {The Fight Over the Future of Digital Books},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-24},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Herv{\'a}s, Lorenzo},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Histor{\'\i}a de la vida del hombre},
Year = {1794}}
Author = {Margaret R. Ewalt},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XNPDT2R6/43.2.ewalt.html:text/html},
Issn = {1086-{315X}},
Journal = {Eighteenth-Century Studies},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 43, Number 2, Winter 2010},
Number = {2},
Pages = {267--274},
Title = {How Eighteenth-Century Spain and Spanish America Challenge Scholarly Models of Modernity and Postmodern Enlightenment Paradigms},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-01-31},
Volume = {43},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bard, Harry Erwin},
Doi = {10.2307/2506106},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {190--191},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Pearce, Adrian J.},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Nov., 1999 / Copyright {\copyright} 1999 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {669--702},
Shorttitle = {Huancavelica 1700-1759},
Title = {Huancavelica 1700-1759: Administrative Reform of the Mercury Industry in Early Bourbon Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {79},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Williams, Mary Wilhelmine and Squire, E. George and Clayton, John M.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505893},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {426--434},
Title = {Letters of E. George Squire to John M. Clayton, 1849-1850},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Moreira, Jacinto Calero y and Lima, Sociedad Acad{\'e}mica de Amantes de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Mercurio peruano de historia, literatura y noticias},
Year = {1791}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505766},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {94--95},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bandelier, Fanny R.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505969},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {459--462},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Doi = {10.2307/2505877},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {618--619},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505740},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {217--218},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Larri{\'a}tegui, F{\'e}lix Col{\'o}n de and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n and (Madrid), Imprenta Real and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Juzgados militares de Espa{\~n}a y sus indias},
Year = {1817}}
Abstract = {Due to its demographic, historical and economical composition, during the colonial period the Puna of Jujuy formed part of a larger region (together with the south of present Bolivia and the north of Chile). As a consequence of the formation of the national states, the Puna was administratively separated from this region, and integrated into a state which would orient its production towards economical spaces different from the colonial one. The present story concerns two existing images of the Puna: that of a homogeneous and a stable region, only disrupted by the creation of the capitalist labour market. The case here presented is similar to that of other marginal regions, which do not feature rich sources enabling the construction of analytical models. Thus, often uncritically, they stand out as tributary to the models constructed for central regions. /// La puna de Jujuy formaba parte, en el periodo colonial, de una regi{\'o}n mayor (con el sur de la actual Bolivia y el norte chileno) por su composici{\'o}n demogr{\'a}fica, su historia y su econom{\'\i}a. Como consecuencia de la formaci{\'o}n de los estados nacionales, la puna qued{\'o} administrativamente separada de esta regi{\'o}n, integr{\'a}ndose a un estado que inexorablemente ir{\'a} orientando su producci{\'o}n hacia espacios econ{\'o}micos diferentes al colonial. Nuestro relato seguir{\'a} el hilo de dos im{\'a}genes de la puna que se construyeron desde la perspectiva del Estado Nacional: la de una regi{\'o}n homog{\'e}nea y estable, s{\'o}lo conmovida por la creaci{\'o}n del mercado capitalista de trabajo. El caso que exponemos aqu{\'\i} es el de muchas otras regiones marginales, que carecen de fuentes ricas para construir modelos de an{\'a}lisis y por ello son tributarias, muchas veces de una manera acr{\'\i}tica, de los modelos construidos para las regiones centrales.},
Author = {Montero, Raquel Gil},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul. - Dec., 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {127},
Pages = {7--34},
Shorttitle = {Las fronteras y la formaci{\'o}n de los estados nacionales},
Title = {Las fronteras y la formaci{\'o}n de los estados nacionales: El caso de la Puna de Jujuy (Actual Argentina) entre 1770 y 1870},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cap{\'o}-Rodr{\'\i}guez, Pedro},
Doi = {10.2307/2505874},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {543--585},
Title = {Some Historical and Political Aspects of the Government of Porto Rico},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Recopilacion de leyes de los reinos de las indias, mandadas imprimir y},
Year = {1841}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {Bele{\~n}a, Eusebio Buenaventura and Montemayor y C{\'o}rdova de Cuenca, Juan Francisco de and Gonz{\'a}lez, Mar{\'\i}a del Refugio and {\{New} Spain\} and {\{New} Spain\}},
Edition = {2. ed. facsimilar},
Isbn = {{968362152X}},
Keywords = {Cases, Criminal law, {LAW}, Mexico, Sources},
Lccn = {KGF290 .R43 1991},
Number = {n{\'u}m. 27-28},
Publisher = {Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico, Instituto de Investigaciones Jur{\'\i}dicas},
Series = {Serie A--Fuentes. b), Textos y estudios legislativos},
Title = {Recopilaci{\'o}n Sumaria De Todos Los Autos Acordados De La Real Audiencia Y Sala Del Crimen De Esta Nueva Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1991}}
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1785}}
Address = {Havre},
Author = {Bernal de {O'Reilly}, Antonio},
Keywords = {Diplomatic and consular service, Spanish, Foreign relations Law and legislation, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT2608 .B476 1864},
Publisher = {Impr. de Alfonso Lemale},
Shorttitle = {Practica Consular De Espa{\~n}a},
Title = {Practica Consular De Espa{\~n}a: Formulario De Cancillerias Consulares Y Coleccion De Decretos, Reales Ordenes Y Documentos Diversos},
Year = {1864}}
Author = {Chandler, Charles Lyon},
Doi = {10.2307/2505958},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {398},
Title = {The Teaching of Hispanic American History From the Practical Standpoint},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Mecham, J. Lloyd},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505763},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {45--83},
Title = {The Real de Minas as a Political Institution. A Study of a Frontier Institution in Spanish Colonial America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Mexico, [M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Puga, Vasco de and Garc{\'\i}a Icazbalceta, Joaqu{\'\i}n and {\{Spain\}} and {\{El} Sistema postal de la Rep{\'u}blica Mexicana\}},
Lccn = {LAW <Mexico (Viceroyalty) 2 1878-79>},
Publisher = {En casa de P. Ocharte, J. M. Sandoval, impresor},
Title = {Prouisiones, Cedulas, Instrucciones De Su Magestad, Ordenan{\c c}as De Difuntos Y Audiencia Para La Buena Expedicion De Los Negocios Y Administracion De Justicia Y Gouernacion De Esta Nueua Espa{\~n}a, Y Para El Buen Tratamiento Y Conseruacion De Los Indios Dende El A{\~n}o De 1525 Hasta Este Presente De 63},
Year = {1563}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505948},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {88},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Sherwell, Guillermo A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505906},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {243--254},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {`Studied for Action': How do we do digital? « Early Modern Post:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/UFZPJBIH/`studied-for-action'-how-do-we-do-digital.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\%e2\%80\%98studied-for-action\%e2\%80\%99-how-do-we-do-digital/},
Title = {{`Studied} for Action': How do we do digital? « Early Modern Post},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-27},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2505782},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {576--579},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505693},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {764--767},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Altman, Ida},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 2007 / Copyright {\copyright} 2007 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {587--614},
Title = {The Revolt of Enriquillo and the Historiography of Early Spanish America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Larrinaga, Jos{\'e} Pastor de and Gabuti, Antonio Zea, Miguel Canal y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Apologia de los cirujanos del Per{\'u}},
Year = {1791}}
Author = {Cook, James W.},
Issn = {0002-8762},
Journal = {The American Historical Review},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: June 2012 / Copyright {\copyright} 2012 American Historical Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {746--771},
Shorttitle = {The Kids Are All Right},
Title = {The Kids Are All Right: On the {``Turning''} of Cultural History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-07-05},
Volume = {117},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Durston, A.},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {1},
Pages = {41},
Shorttitle = {Native-Language Literacy in Colonial Peru},
Title = {Native-Language Literacy in Colonial Peru: The Question of Mundane Quechua Writing Revisited},
Volume = {88},
Year = {2008}}
File = {Site Stats ‹ parezco y digo --- WordPress:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/GZ5DWIPZ/index.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\&blog=3594723\&view=postviews\&numdays=-1\&summarize},
Title = {Site Stats ‹ parezco y digo --- {WordPress}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-21},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Brown, Vera Lee},
Doi = {10.2307/2505723},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {474--483},
Title = {Conclusion},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Valle, Rafael Heliodoro},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505811},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {276--287},
Title = {Mexican Books and Pamphlets of 1922},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Ullrick, Laura F.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505778},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {535--565},
Title = {Morillo's Attempt to Pacify Venezuela},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Lincoln},
Author = {Fowler, Will},
Isbn = {9780803225428 0803225423},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {University of Nebraska Press},
Shorttitle = {Malcontents, rebels, and pronunciados},
Title = {Malcontents, rebels, and pronunciados : the politics of insurrection in nineteenth-century Mexico},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Colecci{\'o}n legislativa de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1819}}
Abstract = {The Chymistry of Isaac Newton project, an online scholarly edition of Newton's alchemical manuscripts, has engaged in a process to include a number of core alchemical symbols into the Unicode standard, a standard for digital representation of characters and symbols from the world's languages, scripts, and writing systems. Our article explores the relationship between information technology standardization and humanities research. We discuss Newton's engagement with alchemy and explore the graphic dimensions of alchemical discourse. We illustrate this discussion with examples of Newton's use of alchemical symbols. We examine Unicode itself, particularly a core Unicode principle distinguishing between the abstract character and the image or glyph of the character, and we discuss the tensions between this core principle and the representation of graphic, symbolic, and pictorial discourse. We describe our experience with the Unicode proposal process and illustrate again---this time with an organizational scheme for the symbols---how the technical standardization process forced a reexamination of our historical materials. Our conclusions reemphasize the potential for mutually beneficial relationships between certain types of information technology standardization and humanities research and suggest that study of the graphic qualities of alchemical discourse, especially in light of competing theories of text represented by standards like Unicode, may contribute to our understanding of the increasingly graphic, iconic, and pictorial nature of information and communication.},
Author = {Walsh, John A. and Hooper, Wallace Edd},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/fqr038},
Issn = {0268-1145, 1477-4615},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Language = {en},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {55--79},
Shorttitle = {The liberty of invention},
Title = {The liberty of invention: alchemical discourse and information technology standardization},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-12-11},
Volume = {27},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Academic publishers make Murdoch look like a socialist | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/3XN9D8JZ/academic-publishers-murdoch-socialist.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\&type=article},
Title = {Academic publishers make Murdoch look like a socialist {\textbar} George Monbiot {\textbar} Comment is free {\textbar} The Guardian},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-01},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cap{\'o}-Rodr{\'\i}guez, Pedro},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505944},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {79--82},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505915},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {311--314},
Title = {Bibliography of the Mexican Revolution},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505770},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {99--100},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505758},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {129--133},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bonells, Jaime and Lacaba, Ignacio},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Curso Completo de Anatom{\'\i}a del Cuerpo Humano},
Year = {1799}}
Author = {Casas, Bartolome de Las},
Edition = {1st},
Isbn = {0140445625},
Lccn = {0084},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Penguin Classics},
Title = {Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Mittermaier, Carl Joseph Anton},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado de la prueba en materia criminal, {\'o} esposicion comparada de los},
Year = {1853}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505873},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {i--xxxi},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Identifying Your Interests and Establishing a Research Plan | Words in Space:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/NTSAHXX6/identifying-your-interests-and-establishing-a-research-plan.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Identifying Your Interests and Establishing a Research Plan {\textbar} Words in Space},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Corpora and Vector Spaces --- gensim documentation:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/GNWTGVW7/tut1.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Corpora and Vector Spaces --- gensim documentation},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-02-25},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {{O'Connor}, Erin},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 2002 / Copyright {\copyright} 2002 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {87--106},
Shorttitle = {Widows' Rights Questioned},
Title = {Widows' Rights Questioned: Indians, the State, and Fluctuating Gender Ideas in Central Highland Ecuador, 1870-1900},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {59},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Kuznesof, E. and Oppenheimer, R.},
File = {Google Scholar Linked Page:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/VKTWEZSN/215.html:text/html},
Journal = {Journal of family history},
Lccn = {0045},
Number = {3},
Pages = {215},
Shorttitle = {The family and society in nineteenth-century Latin America},
Title = {The family and society in nineteenth-century Latin America: An historiographical introduction},
Volume = {10},
Year = {1985}}
Author = {Booy, Theodoor de},
Doi = {10.2307/2505749},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {55--61},
Title = {On the Possibility of Determining the First Landfall of Columbus by Archaeological Research},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Jaffe, Catherine M. and Lewis, Elizabeth Franklin},
Isbn = {0807133892},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {Louisiana State University Press},
Shorttitle = {Eve's Enlightenment},
Title = {Eve's Enlightenment: Women's Experience in Spain and Spanish America, 1726-1839},
Year = {2009}}
Abstract = {Examines how slaves rejected the Spanish colonial project by preserving their identities through a number of strategies in Nueva Granada. Ironies of the colonial system; Multivalence of slave identity; Slave strategy of outright rebellion to flight; Self-manumission of slaves; Manipulation of the legal system to accommodation; Systematic exclusion of particular races and social groups.},
Author = {France, Ren{\'e}e Soulodre-La},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160120049353},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{BOOKS} -- Reviews, Latin America, {SLAVERY}, {SLAVES} -- Emancipation, {SOCIAL} groups},
Lccn = {0010},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {87--103},
Title = {Socially Not So Dead! Slave Identities in Bourbon Nueva Granada.},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {In the last decade, historians have paid renewed attention to the idea of honor in early modern Europe and elsewhere, but until now, the focus has been primarily on individuals. However, this issue seeks to explore the idea of institutional honor and the question of whether a government could possess a sense of honor and what that would mean for its workings and its impact on its subjects. The themes that emerge in these essays are abduction and sexual misbehavior---where honor and sexual crime could be touchstones for the legitimacy of power. If everyone felt honored, then the hierarchical distribution of power could seem fair; but if the subjects of empire felt humiliated, the power that acted on them would become illegitimate. All of these articles see honor, not as a structure, but as a resource that both state and subject could invoke in a crisis.},
Author = {Taylor, Scott},
Doi = {10.1163/157006511X576998},
File = {ingentaconnect Honor in the Early Modern Eastern Mediterraneanan Introduction:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2B7TSMK8/art00001.html:text/html},
Journal = {Journal of Early Modern History},
Keywords = {Abduction, Honor, Mediterranean, Ottoman Empire, Sexual Crime, Venetian Empire},
Number = {4},
Pages = {301--310},
Title = {Honor in the Early Modern Eastern Mediterraneanan Introduction},
Volume = {15},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Wood, Stephanie Gail},
Isbn = {0806134860},
Lccn = {0037},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {University of Oklahoma Press},
Shorttitle = {Transcending Conquest},
Title = {Transcending Conquest: Nahua Views of Spanish Colonial Mexico},
Year = {2003}}
File = {The Little Book on CoffeeScript:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/T2ZHNGKD/coffeescript.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {The Little Book on {CoffeeScript}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-10},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The article discusses the epistolary writings of Jesuit Juan Pablo Viscado y Guzm\&n which argued that Spanish American creoles had fostered an intimacy with the Indian population because they shared customs and attitudes. In his {"Letter} to Spanish Americans." the theme of childhood recurred as a central topic. He portrayed Spain as a distant father and America was the son. The son is then set free by natural light.},
Author = {Premo, Bianca},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160500315193},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{ATTITUDE} (Psychology), {CREOLES}, {INTIMACY} (Psychology), {JESUITS}, {LETTERS}, {UNITED} States},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {231--261},
Shorttitle = {{`Misunderstood} Love'},
Title = {{`Misunderstood} Love': Children and Wet Nurses, Creoles and Kings in Lima's Enlightenment1.},
Volume = {14},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Sevilla},
Author = {Vila Vilar, Enriqueta and Sarabia Viejo, Mar{\'\i}a Justina and Flores Moscoso, Angeles and Hern{\'a}ndez-D{\'\i}az Tapia, Mar{\'\i}a Concepci{\'o}n and {\{New} Spain\}},
Isbn = {8400059883},
Keywords = {History Sources Bibliography Catalogs, History, Local Sources Bibliography Catalogs, Mexico, Spanish colony, 1540-1810},
Lccn = {Z1426 F1231 .C37 1985},
Number = {310, {\textless}354- {\textgreater} (no. general)},
Publisher = {Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient{\'\i}ficas : Excma. Diputaci{\'o}n Provincial de Sevilla},
Series = {Publicaciones de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos},
Title = {Cartas De Cabildos Hispanoamericanos},
Year = {1985}}
Address = {San Jose, Costa Rica},
Author = {Roche, James Jeffrey and Peralta, Manueal Carazo},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster war, 1855-1860. [from old catalog], Filibusters. [from old catalog], History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1438 .R677},
Publisher = {Imprenta nacional},
Title = {Historia De Los Filbusteros},
Year = {1908}}
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {63--80},
Title = {La cultura del libro en el Virreinato del Per{\'u} en tiempos de Felipe {II.}},
Volume = {9},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Freire, Paulo},
Edition = {New rev. 20th-Anniversary ed..},
Isbn = {0826406114},
Keywords = {Critical humanism in education, Critical pedagogy., Education Philosophy., Freire, P. (Paulo), 1921-, Freire, Paulo, 1921-, Neves Freire, Paulo Reglus, 1921-, Popular education Philosophy., Radical pedagogy},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {1343},
Publisher = {Continuum},
Title = {Pedagogy of the oppressed},
Year = {1993}}
Author = {Knight, Patricia},
Issn = {03092984},
Journal = {History Workshop},
Lccn = {0029},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Autumn, 1977 / Copyright {\copyright} 1977 Oxford University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {57--68},
Title = {Women and Abortion in Victorian and Edwardian England},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Year = {1977},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {[Albuquerque {N.M.]}},
Author = {Black, Chad},
Lccn = {0006},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Latin American Institute},
Shorttitle = {Making of an indigenous movement},
Title = {Making of an indigenous movement : culture, ethnicity, and post-Marxist social praxis in Ecuador},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Wright, I. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505689},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {756--758},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lane, Kris},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0010},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: The African Experience in Early Spanish America / Full publication date: Oct., 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {225--246},
Shorttitle = {Captivity and Redemption},
Title = {Captivity and Redemption: Aspects of Slave Life in Early Colonial Quito and Popay{\'a}n},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {57},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Several Latin American countries have experienced the emergence of neopopulist politicians who eschew ties to traditional parties and orient their campaigns toward the atomized poor. This article examines the role of television in the electoral success of these politicians. Using survey data, I assess the impact of television exposure on vote choice in the 1989 election of Fernando Collor de Mello in Brazil, the 2000 election of Alberto Fujimori in Peru, and the 2001 election of Alejandro Toledo in Peru. These cases achieve variation on two predictors of media effects: the presence of a neopopulist outsider and biased television coverage of the campaign. Statistical analysis confirms our theoretical expectations of media effects in the first two elections (where coverage was biased) but not in the third. These findings suggest that bias is the more reliable predictor of television's impact on Latin American presidential elections, rather than the presence of a neopopulist candidate. /// Varios pa{\'\i}ses latinoamericanos han experimentado el surgimiento de pol{\'\i}ticos neopopulistas que evaden conexi{\'o}n alguna con los partidos tradicionales y orientan sus campa{\~n}as hacia poblaciones pobres, no organizadas. Este art{\'\i}culo examina el rol de la televisi{\'o}n en el {\'e}xito electoral de dichos pol{\'\i}ticos. En base a resultados de encuestas se determina el efecto de la cobertura televisiva en la definici{\'o}n del voto en la elecci{\'o}n de Fernando Collor de Mello en Brasil en 1989, Alberto Fujimori en Per{\'u} en 2000, y Alejandro Toledo en Per{\'u} en 2001. Estos casos var{\'\i}an con respecto a dos variables indicativas de efectos medi{\'a}ticos: la presencia de un candidato neopopulista independiente y una cobertura televisiva sesgada de la campa{\~n}a electoral. An{\'a}lisis estad{\'\i}sticos confirman las expectativas te{\'o}ricas sobre efectos medi{\'a}ticos en las dos primeras elecciones, donde la cobertura fue sesgada, pero no en la tercera. Este hallazgo sugiere que la cobertura sesgada, y no la presencia de un candidato neopopulista, es la variable indicativa m{\'a}s confiable de un efecto televisivo en las elecciones presidenciales latinoamericanas.},
Author = {Boas, Taylor C.},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0021},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2005 / Copyright {\copyright} 2005 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {27--49},
Shorttitle = {Television and Neopopulism in Latin America},
Title = {Television and Neopopulism in Latin America: Media Effects in Brazil and Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {40},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {L{\'a}rraga, Francisco and Gros{\'\i}n, Francisco Santos y and {Mart{\'\i}nManuel} and Santiago, Convento de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Promptuario de la theologia moral},
Year = {1780}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2518438},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {196--198},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Barca, Pedro Calder{\'o}n de la},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Autos sacramentales, alegoricos, y historiales},
Year = {1760}}
Abstract = {This paper draws on the trial section of the Sociopragmatic Corpus to explore the interaction of judges and defendants in the English courtroom (1640--1760). I show that defendants tended to be more actively involved in their defence than defendants are today, because of: (i) the absence of legal counsel (although this was changing during our period), and (ii) a perceived need that defendants should demonstrate their own innocence, via their response(s) to evidence given against them. I also reveal that the judges' role differed from the role adopted by judges today. Rather than presiding over the court, they were actively involved in the trial's production. Moreover, several of the treason trials within the corpus suggest that their interaction with defendants did not follow a question--answer format. Consequently, I propose that we might need to study more than questions and answers to fully appreciate the dynamics of the historical courtroom. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Archer, Dawn},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {answers, courtroom discourse, {DEFENDANTS}, {DISCOURSE}, {DISCOURSE} analysis, Early Modern English, {ENGLISH} language, {EVIDENCE}, {GRAMMAR}, Comparative \& general -- Interrogative, historical discourse analysis, {JUDGES}, {PRAGMATICS}, questions, {TREASON}, {TRIALS}},
Lccn = {0004},
Number = {2},
Pages = {181--211},
Shorttitle = {(Re)initiating strategies},
Title = {(Re)initiating strategies: Judges and defendants in Early Modern English courtrooms.},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Google Python Class Day 1 Part 3:
Dicts and Files.
By Nick Parlante.
Support materials and exercises:},
Author = {{\{GoogleDevelopers\}}},
Keywords = {google, language, programming, python, tutorial},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = mar,
Title = {Google Python Class Day 1 Part 3},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-01-05},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505710},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {392--394},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Guardino, Peter},
Isbn = {0822335204},
Lccn = {0021},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {The Time of Liberty},
Title = {The Time of Liberty: Popular Political Culture in Oaxaca, 1750--1850},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505756},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {96--104},
Title = {Hispano-Americana in the Library of Congress},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Heather Flynn Roller},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/3WPGAWV3/66.4.roller.html:text/html},
Issn = {1533-6247},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 66, Number 4, April 2010},
Number = {4},
Pages = {435--467},
Title = {Colonial Collecting Expeditions and the Pursuit of Opportunities in the Amazonian Sert{\~a}o, c. 1750--1800},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-08-26},
Volume = {66},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Sanders, James E.},
Isbn = {0822332248},
Lccn = {0029},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {Contentious Republicans},
Title = {Contentious Republicans: Popular Politics, Race, and Class in Nineteenth-Century Colombia},
Year = {2004}}
Address = {[New York},
Author = {Scroggs, William O},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .S33},
Title = {William Walker and the Steamship Corporation in Nicaragua},
Year = {1905}}
Author = {Astruc, Jean and Xiorro, F{\'e}lix Galisteo y},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Tratado de las enfermedades ven{\'e}reas},
Year = {1791}}
Author = {Dayton, Cornelia Hughes},
Doi = {10.2307/2937996},
File = {Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth-Century New England Village:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/JTQ4DMA9/Dayton - 1991 - Taking the Trade Abortion and Gender Relations in:;taking the trade.pdf:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/A8SXA3FQ/taking the trade.pdf:application/pdf},
Issn = {00435597},
Journal = {The William and Mary Quarterly},
Lccn = {0030},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1991 / Copyright {\copyright} 1991 Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture},
Number = {1},
Pages = {19--49},
Series = {Third Series},
Shorttitle = {Taking the Trade},
Title = {Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth-Century New England Village},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-05-18},
Volume = {48},
Year = {1991},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {On Building:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/6ACBBSXQ/on-building.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {On Building},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-11},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {O, Jaime E. Rodr{\'\i}guez},
Doi = {10.2307/1007370},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {161--176},
Shorttitle = {Two Revolutions},
Title = {Two Revolutions: France 1789 and Mexico 1810},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {47},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Arrom, Silvia},
Isbn = {0822325616},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Containing the Poor},
Title = {Containing the Poor: The Mexico City Poor House, 17741871},
Year = {2001}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505970},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {462},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Drinot, Paulo},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Oct., 2005 / Copyright {\copyright} 2005 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {245--270},
Shorttitle = {Food, Race and Working-Class Identity},
Title = {Food, Race and Working-Class Identity: Restaurantes Populares and Populism in 1930s Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ma{\~n}es, Senen Vilanova y and Alb{\'a}n, Tom{\'a}s},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Materia criminal forense o tratado universal te{\'o}rico y pr{\'a}ctico de los},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Castro, Enrique Villar y Bermudez de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso imparcial o demostraci{\'o}n de los justos limites a que se extienden y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {(Spain), Real Academia de la Historia},
Lccn = {0027},
Title = {Memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia},
Year = {1796}}
File = {[Topic-models] LDA implementation in Python - C/C++ Wrapper:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/FI6XGRX7/000796.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {[Topic-models] {LDA} implementation in Python - {C/C++} Wrapper},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-02-25},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Walker, Charles},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0010},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 2003 / Copyright {\copyright} 2003 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Shorttitle = {The Upper Classes and Their Upper Stories},
Title = {The Upper Classes and Their Upper Stories: Architecture and the Aftermath of the Lima Earthquake of 1746},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {83},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {html-to-tag-cloud-kwic output - 20101105-134802:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/MRQWW7A3/html-to-tag-cloud-kwic.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{file:///Users/chadblack/programming-historian/html-to-tag-cloud-kwic.html\#}},
Title = {html-to-tag-cloud-kwic output - 20101105-134802},
Url = {file:///Users/chadblack/programming-historian/html-to-tag-cloud-kwic.html#},
Urldate = {2010-11-05},
Address = {En Madrid},
Author = {{\{Consejo} de Indias (Spain)\} and {\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {F1411 .S698},
Publisher = {La viuda de Iuan Gon{\c c}alez},
Title = {Ordenanzas Del Consejo Real De Las Indias},
Year = {1636}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Lessig, Lawrence},
Edition = {[2nd ed.].},
Isbn = {9780465039142},
Publisher = {Basic Books},
Shorttitle = {Code},
Title = {Code : version 2.0},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Stavig, Ward},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Nov., 1995 / Copyright {\copyright} 1995 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {597--622},
Shorttitle = {{"Living} in Offense of Our Lord"},
Title = {{"Living} in Offense of Our Lord": Indigenous Sexual Values and Marital Life in the Colonial Crucible},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {75},
Year = {1995},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Guaman Poma: Writing and Resistance in Colonial Peru. Por {ROLENA} {ADORNO.} Second edition, with a new introduction. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000. Pp. lix, 194. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Petrocchi, Marco Curatola},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160032000153238},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {251--258},
Shorttitle = {El c{\'o}dice ilustrado (1615/1616) de Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala},
Title = {El c{\'o}dice ilustrado (1615/1616) de Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala: hacia una nueva era de lectura. (Spanish)},
Volume = {12},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Kessell, John L.},
Isbn = {0806134844},
Lccn = {0017},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {University of Oklahoma Press},
Shorttitle = {Spain in the Southwest},
Title = {Spain in the Southwest: A Narrative History of Colonial New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and Californi},
Year = {2003}}
Address = {Baton Rouge},
Author = {Fisher, John Robert and Kuethe, Allan J. and 1946-, Anthony {McFarlane}},
Isbn = {{080711569X}},
Keywords = {Colombia Economic conditions., Colombia History War of Independence, 1810-1822., Colombia Politics and government To 1810., Government, Resistance to Colombia History., Government, Resistance to Peru History., Peru Economic conditions., Peru History War of Independence, 1820-1829., Peru Politics and government 1548-1820., Spain Colonies America Economic policy.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0024},
Publisher = {Louisiana State University Press},
Title = {Reform and insurrection in Bourbon New Granada and Peru},
Year = {1990}}
Author = {Martin, Percy Alvin},
Doi = {10.2307/2506083},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {4--48},
Title = {Causes of the Collapse of the Brazilian Empire},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1886}}
Author = {Ramirez, Susan Elizabeth},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 2005 / Copyright {\copyright} 2005 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {47--63},
Shorttitle = {Amores Prohibidos},
Title = {Amores Prohibidos: The Consequenses of the Clash of Juridical Norms in Sixteenth Century Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {San Jos{\'e}},
Author = {Guier, Enr{\'\i}que},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 G8},
Publisher = {Costa Rica},
Title = {William Walker},
Year = {1971}}
Author = {Rippy, J. Fred},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505767},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {95--96},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506060},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {594--595},
Title = {Back Matter},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Inman, Samuel Guy},
Doi = {10.2307/2505682},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {635--676},
Title = {The Monroe Doctrine and Hispanic America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Moreira, Jacinto Calero y and Lima, Sociedad Acad{\'e}mica de Amantes de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Mercurio peruano de historia, literatura y noticias},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {Tone, John Lawrence},
Isbn = {0807857211},
Lccn = {0030},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {The University of North Carolina Press},
Shorttitle = {The Fatal Knot},
Title = {The Fatal Knot: The Guerrilla War in Navarre and the Defeat of Napoleon in Spain},
Year = {2005}}
File = {Paula Petrik | George Mason University:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/CANK277T/},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Paula Petrik {\textbar} George Mason University},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Real Estudio de Medicina Pr{\'a}ctica and Madrid, Hospital General de and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Ordenanzas que {S.M.} manda observar para la ense{\~n}anza de la medicina pr{\'a}ctica},
Year = {1795}}
Author = {Robertson, James A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2518441},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {201},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Premo, Bianca},
Issn = {1060-9164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {231--261},
Shorttitle = {{'Misunderstood} Love'},
Title = {{'Misunderstood} Love': Children and Wet Nurses, Creoles and Kings in Lima's Enlightenment},
Volume = {14},
Year = {2005}}
Abstract = {Presents information on the Dissident Scripture. Hispanic association; Lives and miracles in the moralized Coronica of the Order of San Agustin in Peru.},
Author = {Arias, Santa},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160120093778},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {189--208},
Shorttitle = {Escritura disidente},
Title = {Escritura disidente: agencia criolla, vidas y milagros en la Cor{\'o}nica moralizada de la Orden de San Agust{\'\i}n en el Per{\'u} de Antonio de la Calancha.},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505971},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {462--463},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505754},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {76--79},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {This article presents information related to Antonio de Ulloa, the great Spanish writer and scientist and another friend, Juan de Alasta, and the travails he had suffered since Ulloa departed Peru aboard the Soledad on 19 November 1764. Ulloa had made Alasta's acquaintance while serving as governor of Huancavelica and superintendent of the royal mercury mines located there. He learned from his correspondents that Alasta had gone mad. Now, insanity and mercury have a long relationship. On the surface Alasta's appears to be a brief anecdote from the history of mental illness in eighteenth-century Peru. Visiting Lima aid far from his family in Huancavelica, Alasta became enmeshed in a legal dispute.},
Author = {Brown, Kendall W.},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916042000301502},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{GOVERNORS}, History, {MENTAL} illness, {PERU}, {PSYCHOLOGY}, Pathological, {PUBLIC} officers},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {199--211},
Title = {The Curious Insanity of Juan de Alasta and Antonio de Ulloa's Governorship of Huancavelica.},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y},
Lccn = {0170},
Title = {Biblioteca espa{\~n}ola},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Panduro, Lorenzo Herv{\'a}s y and (Madrid), Imprenta de la Administraci{\'o}n del Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia and Guerra, Melchor Garc{\'\i}a, Imprenta de la Administraci{\'o}n del Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia (Madrid), Francisco},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {El hombre f{\'\i}sico o anatom{\'\i}a humana f{\'\i}sico-filos{\'o}fica},
Year = {1800}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1885}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real and Henares), Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial Literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1784}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505949},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {89--99},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {DorfWiki: UweChristianPlachetka/EmpireRevisited:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/UVPXU8V3/wiki.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {{DorfWiki:} {UweChristianPlachetka/EmpireRevisited}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-17},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Brown, Vera Lee},
Doi = {10.2307/2505717},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {329--332},
Title = {Preface},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Stith, Richard},
Issn = {{0002919X}},
Journal = {The American Journal of Comparative Law},
Lccn = {0021},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Summer, 1987 / Copyright {\copyright} 1987 American Society of Comparative Law},
Number = {3},
Pages = {513--558},
Title = {New Constitutional and Penal Theory in Spanish Abortion Law},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Volume = {35},
Year = {1987},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505918},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {348},
Title = {Back Matter},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Blogging Ottinger (tim) :: Use VIM Like a Pro:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/NI4WB2BS/use-vim-like-a-pro.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Blogging Ottinger (tim) :: Use {VIM} Like a Pro},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-11-23},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cueto, Marcos},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0012},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 1992 / Copyright {\copyright} 1992 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--22},
Shorttitle = {Sanitation from above},
Title = {Sanitation from above: Yellow Fever and Foreign Intervention in Peru, 1919-1922},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {72},
Year = {1992},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ra{\'u}l Necochea L{\'o}pez},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2MV22Z8B/43.2.lopez.html:text/html},
Issn = {1542-4278},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 43, Number 2, 2008},
Number = {2},
Pages = {34--56},
Shorttitle = {Priests and Pills},
Title = {Priests and Pills: Catholic Family Planning in Peru, 1967--1976},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {43},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ecuador and nacional, Ecuador. Asamblea and 1852 and Constitution},
Lccn = {0008},
Title = {Constituci{\'o}n de la rep{\'u}blica del Ecuador},
Year = {1852}}
Author = {Hanger, Kimberly S.},
Doi = {10.2307/1007771},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {483--489},
Shorttitle = {Introduction. Words and Deeds},
Title = {Introduction. Words and Deeds: Racial and Gender Dialogue, Identity, and Conflict in the Viceroyalty of New Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {54},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Cassuto, Leonard},
Chapter = {Advice},
File = {Chronicle of Higher Education Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2QX8HDNI/128916.html:text/html},
Issn = {0009-5982},
Journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Month = sep,
Title = {Demystifying the Dissertation Proposal},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-15},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {{"Several} biographies of Am{\'e}rico Paredes have been published over the last decade, yet they generally overlook the paradoxical nature of his life's work. Embarking on an in-depth, critical exploration of the significant body of work produced by Paredes, Jos{\'e} E. Lim{\'o}n (one of Paredes's students and now himself one of the world's leading scholars in Mexican American studies) puts the spotlight on Paredes as a scholar/citizen who bridged multiple arenas of Mexican American cultural life during a time of intense social change and cultural renaissance. Serving as a counterpoint to hagiographic commentaries, Am{\'e}rico Paredes challenges and corrects prevailing readings by contemporary critics of Paredes's Asian period and of such works as the novel George Washington G{\'o}mez, illuminating new facets in Paredes's role as a folklorist and public intellectual. Lim{\'o}n also explores how the field of cultural studies has drifted away from folklore, or "the poetics of everyday life," while he examines the traits of Mexican American expressive culture. He also investigates the scholarly paradigm of ethnography itself, a stimulating inquiry that enhances readings of Paredes's best-known study, {"With} His Pistol in His Hand," and other works. Underscoring Paredes's place in folklore and Mexican American literary production, the book questions the shifting reception of Paredes throughout his academic career, ultimately providing a deep hermeneutics of widely varied work. Offering new conceptions, interpretations, and perspectives, Am{\'e}rico Paredes gives this pivotal literary figure and his legacy the critical analysis they deserve."--Publisher's website.},
Address = {Austin},
Author = {Lim{\'o}n, Jos{\'e} Eduardo},
Isbn = {9780292738775 0292738773 9780292738782 0292738781},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Shorttitle = {Am{\'e}rico Paredes},
Title = {Am{\'e}rico Paredes : culture and critique},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {Philadelphia, {PA}},
Author = {Dando-Collins, Stephen},
Isbn = {9780306816079},
Keywords = {1815-1861, Businessmen, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, Foreign relations, History, Military relations, Nicaragua, Nicaragua Canal (Nicaragua), {UNITED} States, Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .D36 2008},
Publisher = {Da Capo Press},
Shorttitle = {Tycoon's War},
Title = {Tycoon's War: How Cornelius Vanderbilt Invaded a Country to Overthrow America's Most Famous Military Adventurer},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506089},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {105--107},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Backer, Stephanie Fink De},
Isbn = {9004191399},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {Brill Academic Pub},
Shorttitle = {Widowhood in Early Modern Spain},
Title = {Widowhood in Early Modern Spain: Protectors, Proprietors, and Patrons},
Year = {2010}}
Author = {Laura R. Bass and Amanda Wunder},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/KPHH7DV4/77.1.bass.html:text/html},
Issn = {1553-0639},
Journal = {Hispanic Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 77, Number 1, Winter 2009},
Number = {1},
Pages = {97--144},
Shorttitle = {The Veiled Ladies of the Early Modern Spanish World},
Title = {The Veiled Ladies of the Early Modern Spanish World: Seduction and Scandal in Seville, Madrid, and Lima},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-12-29},
Volume = {77},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bonells, Jaime and Lacaba, Ignacio and Vila, Ignacio Lacaba y},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Curso completo de anatom{\'\i}a del cuerpo humano},
Year = {1797}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505916},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0050},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {315--338},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Williams, Mary Wilhelmine},
Doi = {10.2307/2506030},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {259--260},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505899},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {481--491},
Title = {Suggestions for, and Advantages of, a Pan-American Bibliographical Association},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Connelly, Thomas},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Diccionario nuevo de las dos lenguas espa{\~n}ola {\'e} inglesa},
Year = {1797}}
Abstract = {Scholarship on the decade-long rule of Alberto Fujimori emphasizes the surprising popularity and support for Fujimori's rule. This essay, which analyzes the politics of fear in Fujimori's Peru, suggests that this presents a partial view of the nature of Fujimori's authority. Drawing on a Gramscian conceptualization of power, it explains how coercion achieved a consensual fa{\c c}ade by manipulating fear and creating a semblance of order in a context of extreme individual and collective insecurity. It traces the roots of this insecurity in the economic crisis and political violence of the 1980s and 1990s, and explains how the Fujimori regime manipulated fear and insecurity to buttress its authoritarian rule. This essay also complements existing studies on Peruvian civil society, which point to economic factors, such as the economic crisis of the 1980s and neoliberal reforms, to explain civil society weakness. This paper explores the political factors that contributed to this process, particularly the deployment of state power to penetrate, control and intimidate civil society. /// La literatura acerca de la d{\'e}cada de gobierno de Alberto Fujimori enfatiza la sorpresiva popularidad y amplio apoyo a su orden. Este ensayo, que analiza la pol{\'\i}tica del miedo durante su r{\'e}gimen, sugiere que esta observaci{\'o}n presenta una visi{\'o}n parcial de la naturaleza de la autoridad de Fujimori. En base a conceptualizaciones Gramscianas de poder, explica como la coerci{\'o}n adquiri{\'o} un aspecto consensual a partir de la manipulaci{\'o}n del miedo y la creaci{\'o}n de un orden ficticio en un contexto de extrema inseguridad individual y colectiva. El ensayo halla las ra{\'\i}ces de esta inseguridad en la crisis econ{\'o}mica y violencia pol{\'\i}tica de los ochenta y noventa, y explica como el gobierno de Fujimori manipul{\'o} el miedo y la inseguridad para fomentar su orden autoritario. Asimismo, este ensayo complementa los estudios disponibles sobre la sociedad civil peruana, los cuales enfatizan factores econ{\'o}micos, como la crisis econ{\'o}mica de los ochenta y las reformas neoliberales, en la explicaci{\'o}n del debilitamiento de la sociedad civil. Aqu{\'\i} en cambio se exploran los factores pol{\'\i}ticos que contribuyeron a este proceso, particularmente el uso del poder estatal en la penetraci{\'o}n, control e intimidaci{\'o}n de la sociedad civil.},
Author = {Burt, Jo-Marie},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0012},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {32--62},
Shorttitle = {{"Quien} habla es terrorista"},
Title = {{"Quien} habla es terrorista": The Political Use of Fear in Fujimori's Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {41},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Quiroz, Alfonso W.},
Doi = {10.2307/1006685},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 1991 / Copyright {\copyright} 1991 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {447--476},
Title = {Financial Development in Peru under Agrarian Export Influence, 1884-1950},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {47},
Year = {1991},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {R., J. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505976},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--2},
Title = {Editorial Announcement},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bergin, Thomas J. and Haigh, Thomas},
Doi = {10.1109/MAHC.2009.107},
Issn = {1058-6180},
Journal = {{IEEE} Annals of the History of Computing},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = oct,
Number = {4},
Pages = {26--41},
Title = {The Commercialization of Database Management Systems, 1969\&amp;\#x2013;1983},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-10-14},
Volume = {31},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Kuykendall, Ralph S. and Hackett, Charles W. and Jones, C. K. and Freyre, Gilberto},
Doi = {10.2307/2505987},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {90--98},
Shorttitle = {Notes and Comment},
Title = {Notes and Comment: An American Ship-Builder for Spanish California},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fajardo, Manuel Palacio},
Lccn = {0022},
Title = {Outline of the Revolution in Spanish America, Or, An Account of the Origin},
Year = {1817}}
Author = {Perez, Vicente Vizcaino and {SPAIN} and {SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Codigo y pr{\'a}ctica criminal, arreglado a las leyes de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1797}}
File = {Minimising reading from and writing to disk in Python for a memory-heavy operation - Stack Overflow:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/RTB6FNPP/minimising-reading-from-and-writing-to-disk-in-python-for-a-memory-heavy-operatio.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Minimising reading from and writing to disk in Python for a memory-heavy operation - Stack Overflow},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-14},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Linhares, Conde de and Guezzi, D. Carlos Jos{\'e}},
Doi = {10.2307/2506040},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {416--443},
Title = {Piezas Justificativas. Correspondencia de Guezzi con el Conde de Linhares},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505676},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {331--351},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {No More Plan B:A Very Modest Proposal for Graduate Programs in History:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/TSSD7IIQ/1110pre1.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {No More Plan {B:A} Very Modest Proposal for Graduate Programs in History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Observers have argued that as indigenous peoples become more acculturated and their reserves more populous, they begin to exploit tropical rain forests much as colonists and other outsiders do. The history of changes in land use between 1950 and 1980 among the Shuar, an indigenous group in the Ecuadorian Amazon, would appear to support this convergence thesis. The Shuar began to clear land, plant pastures, and acquire cattle, much like their mestizo competitors for land. Using survey and remote-sensing data for a later period, from 1987 to 1997, we demonstrate that convergence has given way to divergence in land-use trends among the two groups. While mestizo smallholders throughout the region continue to rely on cattle ranching, Shuar smallholders close to roads have begun to reforest their lands and cultivate former garden crops like coffee and cacao as cash crops. These recent trends in Shuar land use suggest that even when Amerindians become more acculturated, they still maintain more biologically diverse landscapes than their mestizo neighbors.},
Author = {Rudel, Thomas K. and Bates, Diane and Machinguiashi, Rafael},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0019},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2002 / Copyright {\copyright} 2002 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {1},
Pages = {144--159},
Shorttitle = {Ecologically Noble Amerindians?},
Title = {Ecologically Noble Amerindians? Cattle Ranching and Cash Cropping among Shuar and Colonists in Ecuador},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {37},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Jameson, J. Franklin},
Doi = {10.2307/2506010},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {2--7},
Title = {A New American Historical Journal},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gaddis, John Lewis},
Isbn = {0195171578},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {Oxford University Press, {USA}},
Shorttitle = {The Landscape of History},
Title = {The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past},
Year = {2004}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505794},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {664--683},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Discusses the colonial convents of Cuzco, Peru. Role played by locutorios; Details on the three convents of Cuzco; Why locutorios were considered the most heavily trafficked places in the center of colonial Spanish American cities; Information on the terms that are to be met before one enters a Cuzco convent.},
Author = {Burns, Kathryn},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CONVENTS}, {CUZCO} (Peru), {PERU}},
Lccn = {0007},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {185},
Shorttitle = {Nuns, Kurakas, and credit},
Title = {Nuns, Kurakas, and credit: The spiritual economy of seventeenth-century Cuzco.},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1997},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505714},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {450--470},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lavedan, Antonio and Congress), Elizabeth Robins Pennell Collection (Library of},
Lccn = {0006},
Title = {Tratado de los usos, abusos, propiedades y virtudes del tabaco, caf{\'e}, t{\'e} y},
Year = {1796}}
Author = {Harris, Richard},
Issn = {0094-{582X}},
Journal = {Latin American Perspectives},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: Che Guevara and His Legacy / Full publication date: Jul., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Sage Publications, Inc.},
Number = {4},
Pages = {19--32},
Title = {Reflections on Che Guevara's Legacy},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-03-31},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Scardaville, Michael C.},
File = {JSTOR Full Text PDF:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/DKFAJNCQ/Scardaville - 1994 - (Hapsburg) Law and (Bourbon) Order State Authorit.pdf:application/pdf},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Apr., 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {501--525},
Shorttitle = {(Hapsburg) Law and (Bourbon) Order},
Title = {(Hapsburg) Law and (Bourbon) Order: State Authority, Popular Unrest, and the Criminal Justice System in Bourbon Mexico City},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-10-20},
Volume = {50},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {BBC News - Colombia imprisons ex-spy chief Jorge Noguera:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/DV8THT42/world-latin-america-14910863.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{BBC} News - Colombia imprisons ex-spy chief Jorge Noguera},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Salazar, Pedro Franco},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Restauracion pol{\'\i}tica, econ{\'o}mica y militar de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1812}}
Address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
Author = {Grafton, Anthony},
Edition = {[Rev. ed.]..},
Isbn = {0674902157},
Keywords = {Bibliographical citations., Bibliographical references, Citation of sources, Citations, Bibliographical, Footnotes, Bibliographical, References, Bibliographical},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0178},
Publisher = {Harvard University Press},
Shorttitle = {The footnote},
Title = {The footnote : a curious history},
Year = {1997}}
Author = {Cahill, David},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0014},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1996 / Copyright {\copyright} 1996 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {67--110},
Shorttitle = {Popular Religion and Appropriation},
Title = {Popular Religion and Appropriation: The Example of Corpus Christi in Eighteenth-Century Cuzco},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {31},
Year = {1996},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Chapman, Charles E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505677},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {352--371},
Title = {A Description of Certain Legajos in the Archivo General de Indias. Part {II} (Conclusion)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Golbien, Charles Le and Davin, Diego and Jesuitas and Andrade, Jos{\'e} and ( and Gonz{\'a}lez, Jos{\'e} and Rodriguez, Manuel and Mar{\'\i}n, Lorenzo and Fernandez, Manuel and Fernandez, Manuel},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Cartas edificantes, y curiosas, escritas de las missiones estrangeras, y de},
Year = {1757}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505716},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {325--328},
Title = {Front Matter},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Leavitt, Sturgis E. and Bolton, Herbert E. and Chapman, Charles E. and Priestley, Herbert I.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505848},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {63--77},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Rodr{\'\i}guez San Pedro, Joaqu{\'\i}n and Fernandez Chorot, Antonio and Piera, Eduardo and Piera, Arturo and Gonzalez Junguitu, Manuel},
Keywords = {Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT2680 .R637 1865},
Publisher = {Impr. de los Se{\~n}ores Viote, Cubas y Vicente [etc.]},
Title = {Legislacion Ultramarina},
Year = {1865}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505795},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {684--685},
Title = {Back Matter},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {1810-1821, Gazettes, Mexico, Politics and government},
Lccn = {KGF16 .A216},
Publisher = {En la imprenta de Arizpe},
Title = {Gazeta Del Gobierno De M{\'e}xico Del},
Year = {1810}}
Author = {Brown, Vera Lee},
Doi = {10.2307/2505720},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {351--386},
Title = {Chapter {II.} Anglo-Spanish Relations in America, 1763-1770},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Perl-Rosenthal, Nathan},
Issn = {0002-8762},
Journal = {The American Historical Review},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: June 2012 / Copyright {\copyright} 2012 American Historical Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {804--813},
Shorttitle = {Comment},
Title = {Comment: Generational Turns},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-07-05},
Volume = {117},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {AN INTRODUCTION TO MARX'S THEORY OF ALIENATION:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/T4QA8WRM/cox.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-08},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506105},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {186--190},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/BRIQZBUN/35698.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\&utm\_source=wc\&utm\_medium=enq},
Title = {{ProfHacker} - The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-02},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Anderson, Jon Lee},
Edition = {Revised Edition},
Isbn = {{080214411X}},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {Grove Press},
Shorttitle = {Che Guevara},
Title = {Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life},
Year = {2010}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1893}}
Author = {R{\'\i}o, Ignacio Jord{\'a}n de Ass{\'o} y del and Rodr{\'\i}guez, Miguel de Manuel y and Johnston, Lewis Farley Clogstown and Palacios, Joaqu{\'\i}n Mar{\'\i}a},
Lccn = {0027},
Title = {Institutes of the civil law of Spain},
Year = {1825}}
Author = {Sevilla, Real Sociedad de Medicina y dem{\'a}s Ciencias de},
Lccn = {0012},
Title = {Memorias acad{\'e}micas de la Real Sociedad de Medicina y dem{\'a}s Ciencias de Sevilla},
Year = {1791}}
Address = {R{\'\i}o Cuarto, Rep{\'u}blica Argentina},
Author = {Bordese, Mar{\'\i}a Ester},
Edition = {1. ed},
Isbn = {9789506654825},
Keywords = {18th century, Argentina C{\'o}rdoba (Province), Brigands and robbers, Criminal justice, Administration of, History, Rogues and vagabonds, Social control},
Lccn = {HV9960.A72 C688 2008},
Publisher = {Centro de Investigaciones Hist{\'o}ricas, Universidad Nacional de R{\'\i}o Cuarto},
Series = {Serie Documentos para la historia de la regi{\'o}n de R{\'\i}o Cuarto},
Shorttitle = {Vagos, Cuatreros Y Ociosos},
Title = {Vagos, Cuatreros Y Ociosos: Documentos Para El Estudio De La Campa{\~n}a Del R{\'\i}o Cuarto (siglo {XVIII)}},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Doi = {10.2307/2518436},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {192--194},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Ward, Bernardo},
Lccn = {0037},
Title = {Proyecto econ{\'o}mico},
Year = {1787}}
Abstract = {The article focuses on one of the few cases in which the involvement of a caste of African origin in a public ceremony is documented in the historical record. These are the festivities organized by the mulattos of Lima, Peru, on the occasion of the birth of Prince Baltasar Carlos in 1631, where they staged a version of the abduction of Helen and the fall of Troy. The author examines the growing importance of mulattos in the social, economic and political life of the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru.},
Author = {Mart{\'\i}n, Jos{\'e} R. Jouve},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160701644490},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CASTE}, Latin America, {LIMA} (Peru), {PERU}, {RACIALLY} mixed people, {RITES} \& ceremonies, {SOCIAL} acceptance, {SOCIAL} classes, {SOCIAL} interaction},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {179--201},
Shorttitle = {Public Ceremonies and Mulatto Identity in Viceregal Lima},
Title = {Public Ceremonies and Mulatto Identity in Viceregal Lima: A Colonial Reenactment of the Fall of Troy (1631).},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Pierson, William Whatley},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505801},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {205--231},
Title = {The Political Influences of an Interoceanic Canal, 1826-1926},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Millot, Jacques-Andr{\'e} and Pompa, Ger{\'o}nimo},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Historia fisiologica de la generacion humana, o arte de procrear el sexo que},
Year = {1836}}
File = {La Siete Cruces y su hist{\'o}rico recorrido:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/JKUZ2QTV/Cruces-historico-recorrido_0_590941023.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\_0\_590941023.html}},
Title = {La Siete Cruces y su hist{\'o}rico recorrido},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Rodriguez, Antonio Jos{\'e}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Nuevo aspecto de teolog{\'\i}a m{\'e}dico-moral y ambos derechos o paradoxas f{\'\i}sico},
Year = {1787}}
Author = {Bemis, Samuel Flagg},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505736},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {211--212},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Organized Networks / In Praise of Concept Production: Formats, Schools and Non-Representational Media Studies:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/Z5QAWZDU/},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Organized Networks / In Praise of Concept Production: Formats, Schools and Non-Representational Media Studies},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-08},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Hassig, Ross},
Edition = {2},
Isbn = {0806137932},
Lccn = {0039},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {University of Oklahoma Press},
Title = {Mexico And the Spanish Conquest},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Dunn, W. E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506067},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {721--722},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Capegui, Jos{\'e} Maria Ots},
Doi = {10.2307/2505701},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {281--332},
Title = {Don Manuel Josef de Ayala y la Historia de Nuestra Legislacion de Indias [Don Manuel Josef de Ayala and the History of Our Legislation for the Indies]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Premo, Bianca},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {63--93},
Shorttitle = {From the Pockets of Women},
Title = {From the Pockets of Women: The Gendering of the Mita, Migration and Tribute in Colonial Chucuito, Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {57},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Academic Sandbox (the blog) » My Scholars' Lab Talk About n-Dimensional Archives:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/T2VMRQXN/blog.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Academic Sandbox (the blog) » My Scholars' Lab Talk About n-Dimensional Archives},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-19},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Stavig, Ward},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {77--111},
Shorttitle = {Ambiguous Visions},
Title = {Ambiguous Visions: Nature, Law, and Culture in Indigenous-Spanish Land Relations in Colonial Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {80},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The article discusses the effort of Bishop Baltazar Jaime Mart{\'I}nez Compa{\~n}{\'o}n in proposing public schools and implementing an educational system for native children in Peru in the 18th century. It is stated that Compa{\~n}{\'o}n aims to integrate the non-elite children more fully into effective colonial life, increase their numbers, health, and productivity, as well as to teach them to be obedient supporters of church and state. He believes that education was a means to turn native rebels into productive citizens.},
Author = {Ramirez, Susan E.},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160802025482},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CHILDREN}, {CHURCH} \& state, {EDUCATION}, {EIGHTEENTH} century, {HEALTH} \& hygiene, {INDIGENOUS} children, {PERU}, {PUBLIC} schools, {SCHOOLS}},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {73--99},
Shorttitle = {To Serve God and King},
Title = {To Serve God and King: The Origins of Public Schools for Native Children in Eighteenth-century Northern Peru.},
Volume = {17},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Miguel, Vicente Tofi{\~n}o de San and Elam, H. D. and family, Camden and Woollcombe, Kenneth and Lyell, James P R and Mar{\'\i}n, Joaqu{\'\i}n Ibarra y},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Descripciones de las Islas Pithiusas y Baleares},
Year = {1787}}
Author = {Ma{\~n}es, Senen Vilanova y},
Lccn = {0015},
Title = {Materia criminal forense},
Year = {1827}}
Author = {Bandelier, Fanny R.},
Doi = {10.2307/2518433},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {184--188},
Title = {The Bill of Fare on a Spanish Fleet, 1770},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {writing machines » Syllabus:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/JCKUZS6G/syllabus.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {writing machines » Syllabus},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes and Siscar, Gregorio Mayans y},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Vida, y hechos del ingenioso Cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha},
Year = {1750}}
Author = {Forner, Juan Pablo and Burgos, Miguel de},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Reflexiones sobre el modo de escribir la historia de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1816}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Rabasa, Jos{\'e}},
Isbn = {0822325675},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {Writing Violence on the Northern Frontier},
Title = {Writing Violence on the Northern Frontier: The Historiography of Sixteenth-Century New Mexico and Florida and the Legacy of Conquest},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Wilder, Gary},
Issn = {0002-8762},
Journal = {The American Historical Review},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: June 2012 / Copyright {\copyright} 2012 American Historical Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {723--745},
Shorttitle = {From Optic to Topic},
Title = {From Optic to Topic: The Foreclosure Effect of Historiographic Turns},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-07-05},
Volume = {117},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506034},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {264--265},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505805},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {250--253},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Melo, Mario},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505809},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {260--264},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Stevenson, William Bennet},
Lccn = {0024},
Title = {A historical and descriptive narrative of twenty years' residence in South},
Year = {1825}}
Author = {Mexico and N, C. V. and Spain, New and (Viceroyalty), Peru and Peru},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Ordenanzas de miner{\'\i}a y colleccion [!] de las ordenes y decretos de esta},
Year = {1864}}
Author = {Weikard, Melchior Adam and (Madrid), Imprenta Real and Ca{\~n}ete, Joaqu{\'\i}n Serrano},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Elementos de medicina practica fundados sobre el sistema de Brown},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Vega, Garcilaso de la and Azara, Jos{\'e} Nicol{\'a}s de},
Lccn = {0027},
Title = {Obras de Garcilaso de la Vega},
Year = {1788}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505785},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {584},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bol{\'\i}var, Sim{\'o}n and Blanco, Jos{\'e} F{\'e}lix},
Lccn = {0065},
Title = {Documentos para la historia de la vida p{\'u}blica del libertador de Colombia},
Year = {1876}}
Author = {Twitchell, Ralph Emerson},
Lccn = {0055},
Title = {The Spanish archives of New Mexico},
Year = {1914}}
Address = {Urbana},
Author = {Nader, Helen},
Isbn = {0252028686},
Keywords = {Mendoza family., Power (Social sciences) Spain., Spain History 711-1516., Spain History Arab period, 711-1492, Women History Renaissance, 1450-1600.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {University of Illinois Press},
Shorttitle = {Power and gender in Renaissance Spain},
Title = {Power and gender in Renaissance Spain : eight women of the Mendoza family, 1450-1650},
Year = {2004}}
Abstract = {The inability of computing humanists to break into the mainstream of literary critical scholarship may be attributed to the prevalence of scientific methodologies and metaphors in humanities computing research---methodologies and metaphors that are wholly foreign not only the language of literary criticism, but to its entire purpose. Breaking out of this unfortunate misalignment entails reaching for more appropriate paradigms. The `algorithmic criticism' here proposed rejects the empiricist vision of the computer as a means by which critical interpretations may be verified, and instead seeks to locate computational processes within the rich tradition of interpretive endeavours (usually aligned more with art than criticism), which seek not to constrain meaning, but to guarantee its multiplicity. Computational processes, which are perhaps more conformable to this latter purpose, may be usefully viewed as ways of providing the necessary conditions for interpretive insight. Algorithmic criticism seeks, therefore, in the narrowing forces of constraint embodied and instantiated in the strictures of algorithmic processing, an analogue to the liberating potentialities of art and the ludic values of humanistic inquiry. It proposes that we reconceive computer‐assisted text analysis as an activity best employed not in the service of a heightened critical objectivity, but as one that embraces the possibilities of that deepened subjectivity upon which critical insight depends.},
Author = {Ramsay, Stephen},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/18.2.167},
File = {Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/H7H4NP2P/login.html:text/html},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Month = jun,
Number = {2},
Pages = {167 --174},
Shorttitle = {Special Section},
Title = {Special Section: Reconceiving Text Analysis},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-28},
Volume = {18},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Cox, Isaac Joslin},
Doi = {10.2307/2506017},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {96--99},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {The paper investigates whether the notion of impoliteness worked out for synchronic pragmatics is also applicable in diachronic pragmatics. An analysis of two Early Modern English court trial records demonstrates that the answer is positive provided some new dimensions are added. My model of impoliteness cuts across the following axes: structural, semantic, and pragmatic. Structural impoliteness ranges from words and phrases to portions of texts, thus the syntactic dimension cuts across the complexity dimension. The semantic/pragmatic dimension includes numerous non-literal meanings of impoliteness. An utterance can be judged as impolite on the basis of its surface representations (``overt impoliteness''), or the impoliteness of an expression has to be inferred and takes the form of an implicature (``covert impoliteness''). Thus, the final interpretation would depend both on the speaker's intention when producing an utterance, its (perlocutionary) effect(s) on the addressee, and the overall context. Finally, all these variables cut across the socio-historical dimension. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {(covert/overt) impoliteness, address forms, courtroom discourse, {DISCOURSE}, {DISCOURSE} markers, Early Modern English, {ENGLISH} language, {ORAL} communication, {POLITENESS} (Linguistics), {PRAGMATICS}, {QUESTIONING}, questioning strategies, {SEMANTICS}, speech act network, {SPEECH} acts (Linguistics)},
Lccn = {0004},
Number = {2},
Pages = {213--243},
Title = {Impoliteness in Early Modern English courtroom discourse.},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Surkis, Judith},
Issn = {0002-8762},
Journal = {The American Historical Review},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: June 2012 / Copyright {\copyright} 2012 American Historical Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {700--722},
Shorttitle = {When Was the Linguistic Turn?},
Title = {When Was the Linguistic Turn? A Genealogy},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-07-05},
Volume = {117},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Jos{\'e} Quer y and Quer, Joseph and Ortega, Casimiro G{\'o}mez},
Lccn = {0051},
Title = {Flora espa{\~n}ola},
Year = {1784}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{Spain\}} and {\{Consejo} de Indias (Spain)\}},
Keywords = {Colonies, Colonies Administration, Indians, Latin America, {LAW}, Politics and government, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW <Europe Spain Colonies 2 1750>},
Publisher = {A. Balbas},
Title = {Recopilacion De Leyes De Los Reynos De Las Indias. Mandadas Imprimir, Y Publicar Por La Magestad Catolica Del Rey Don Carols {II}, Nuestro Se{\~n}or. Va Dividida En Quatro Tomos, Con El Indice General, Y Al Principio De Cada Tomo El Indice Especial De Los Titulos, Que Contiene},
Year = {1756}}
Address = {San Jos{\'e}},
Author = {Obreg{\'o}n Lor{\'\i}a, Rafael},
Edition = {2. ed},
Keywords = {1821-1948, 19th century, Americans, Costa Rica, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .O2 1976},
Publisher = {Editorial Costa Rica},
Series = {Biblioteca Patria ; 13},
Title = {Costa Rica Y La Guerra Del 56 = La Campa{\~n}a Del Tr{\'a}nsito, 1856-1857},
Year = {1976}}
Author = {Williams, Derek.},
File = {Project MUSE Full Text PDF:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/WJTA2QE8/Williams - 2003 - Popular Liberalism and Indian Servitude The Makin.pdf:application/pdf;Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/SFVTSS4J/83.4williams.html:text/html},
Issn = {1527-1900},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0004},
Note = {83:4, November 2003},
Number = {4},
Pages = {697--733},
Shorttitle = {Popular Liberalism and Indian Servitude},
Title = {Popular Liberalism and Indian Servitude: The Making and Unmaking of Ecuador's Antilandlord State, 1845-1868},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-05-28},
Volume = {83},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Goulard, Thomas},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memoria a cerca de las enfermedades de la uretra y de un remedio espec{\'\i}fico},
Year = {1768}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505849},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {78--83},
Title = {The Oliveira Lima Collection of Hispanoamericana},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Ayala, Felipe Guaman Poma De},
Edition = {Abridged},
Isbn = {0872208419},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {Hackett Pub Co},
Title = {The First New Chronicle and Good Government},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Elsey, Brenda},
Isbn = {0292726309},
Month = jul,
Publisher = {University of Texas Press},
Shorttitle = {Citizens and Sportsmen},
Title = {Citizens and Sportsmen: F{\'u}tbol and Politics in Twentieth-Century Chile},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Peloso, V.},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {The Anonymous Lima Census of 1860}}
File = {Economic Manuscripts: Theories of Surplus-Value by Karl Marx 1863:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/HT4IX56K/theories-surplus-value.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Economic Manuscripts: Theories of Surplus-Value by Karl Marx 1863},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-07-01},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2506049},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {498--499},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {[M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Revilla Gigedo, Juan Francisco G{\"u}emes y Horcasitas},
Keywords = {Mexico Veracruz (State), Military law},
Lccn = {LAW <Mexico (Viceroyalty) 4 Military 1969>},
Publisher = {Editorial Citlaltepetl},
Series = {Colecci{\'o}n Suma veracruzana},
Title = {Forzados De Veracruz, 1755},
Year = {1969}}
Author = {Black, Chad},
Lccn = {0001},
Shorttitle = {The making of an indigenous movement},
Title = {The making of an indigenous movement : meaning and materiality in Ecuador},
Year = {1999}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Green, Anna and Troup, Kathleen},
Isbn = {0814731279},
Keywords = {Historians., Historiographers, Historiography History 20th century., History Philosophy., History, Modern Philosophy},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0012},
Publisher = {New York University Press},
Shorttitle = {The houses of history},
Title = {The houses of history : a critical reader in twentieth-century history and theory},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Penyak, Lee M.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 2003 / Copyright {\copyright} 2003 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {59--85},
Title = {Obstetrics and the Emergence of Women in Mexico's Medical Establishment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {60},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The article focuses on the production of botanical illustrations by the Royal Botanical Expedition of Spain to the New Kingdom of Granada under the direction of Spanish physician, Jos{\'e} Celestino Mutis. It seeks to explain the apparent oddity of the botanical expedition as a painting and the differences between the American-painted images and those created by the contemporary European botanical illustrators.},
Author = {Bleichmar, Daniela},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160600607499},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{BOTANICAL} illustration, {FLOWERS} in art, {MUTIS}, Jose Celestino, 1732-1808, {PAINTING}, Spain},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {81--104},
Shorttitle = {Painting as Exploration},
Title = {Painting as Exploration: Visualizing Nature in Eighteenth-Century Colonial Science*.},
Volume = {15},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Tucson},
Author = {Barber, Russell J. and Berdan, Frances},
Isbn = {0816518475},
Keywords = {Ethnohistory Methodology., Ethnohistory Research.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {University of Arizona Press},
Shorttitle = {The emperor's mirror},
Title = {The emperor's mirror : understanding cultures through primary sources},
Year = {1998}}
Author = {Congreso, Ecuador. and Salazar, Francisco Ignacio and Ecuador},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Actas del Congreso ecuatoriano de 1831, precedidas de una introducci{\'o}n hist{\'o}rica},
Year = {1888}}
Author = {Fish, Adam},
File = {Forget Steve Jobs | Savage Minds:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/TX8FGHJ2/forget-steve-jobs.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{jobs/?utm\_source=feedburner\&utm\_medium=feed\&utm\_campaign=Feed\%3A+savageminds+\%28Savage+Minds\%3A+Notes+and+Queries+in+Anthropology+\%3F+A+Group+Blog\%29}},
Journal = {Savage Minds},
Month = aug,
Title = {Forget Steve Jobs {\textbar} Savage Minds},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-31},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Carr, Albert H. Z},
Edition = {1st ed.},
Keywords = {Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 C3},
Publisher = {Harper \& Row},
Title = {The World and William Walker},
Year = {1963}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1802}}
Abstract = {The article discusses the topics published within the issue, including courtroom discourse, characteristics of legal language, and issues and problems relating courtroom discourse from a historical perspective.},
Author = {Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{DISCOURSE} analysis, {PREFACES}},
Lccn = {0001},
Number = {2},
Pages = {163--179},
Shorttitle = {Historical courtroom discourse},
Title = {Historical courtroom discourse: Introduction.},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505695},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {768--769},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Zorrilla, Francisco de Rojas and Moreto, Agust{\'\i}n and Amescua, Antonio Mira de and Guevara, Luis V{\'e}lez de and Godinez, Felipe and S{\'a}nchez, Felipe and C{\'a}ncer, Jer{\'o}nimo and Castro, Guill{\'e}n de and Benavente, Luis Qui{\~n}ones de and Antonio, Juan San and Castillo, Diego Ramos del and Castilla, Antonio de},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Antonio Francisco de Zafra},
Title = {Autos sacramentales y al Nacimiento de Christo, con sus loas y entremeses ...},
Year = {1675}}
Author = {Valle, Juan Fern{\'a}ndez del},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Cirug{\'\i}a forense, general y particular},
Year = {1797}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico, {D.F.}},
Author = {Alvarado G{\'o}mez, Armando},
Isbn = {9682951674},
Keywords = {1540 1810, Alimentos, Abastos de, Guanajuato, Historia},
Lccn = {0002},
Note = {External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... Edition: 1. ed. Language: Spanish (Mexico) : Unnumbered) Abstract: {"Studies} the nature, sources, and movement of supplies to the town of Guanajuato in the last decades of the colonial period. Examines the impact of the Bourbon economic reforms on one of the richest towns of New Spain. A strong study of internal colonial trade based on archival sources"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58. http: // Geographic: Guanajuato (Mexico) -- Commerce -- History. Guanajuato (Mexico) -- Commercial policy -- History. Mexico -- Commerce -- History. Mexico -- Commercial policy -- History. M{\'e}xico -- Comercio -- Historia -- 1540 1810. M{\'e}xico -- Pol{\'\i}tica comercial -- Historia -- 1540 1810. Identifier: Guanajuato (M{\'e}xico); Comercio; Historia; 1777-1810.; Comercio; Guanajuato (M{\'e}xico); Historia; 1777-1810. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-165). Class Descriptors: {LC:} {HF3240.G83;} Dewey: 380.1097241 Responsibility: Antonio Armando Alvarado G{\'o}mez. Vendor Info: Puvill Libros ({PUVL)} \$15.11 Entry: 19960411 Update: 20081115 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {Instituto Nacional de Antropolog{\'\i}a e Historia},
Series = {Colecci{\'o}n Biblioteca del {INAH;} Serie Historia / Instituto Nacional de Antropolog{\'\i}a e Historia; Variation: Serie Historia (Instituto Nacional de Antropolog{\'\i}a e Historia},
Shorttitle = {Comercio Interno En La Nueva Espa{\~n}a},
Title = {Comercio Interno En La Nueva Espa{\~n}a: El Abasto En La Ciudad De Guanajuato, 1777-1810},
Year = {1995}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506081},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {i--vi},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Spain), Real Academia de la Historia},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Colecci{\'o}n de documentos in{\'e}ditos para la historia de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1852}}
Author = {Cruz, Anne J.},
Isbn = {0802044395, 9780802044396},
Lccn = {0249},
Publisher = {University of Toronto Press},
Title = {Discourses of poverty},
Year = {1999}}
Abstract = {The article discusses Francisco Toledo's campaign against the Vilcabamba Incas of Peru in mid-sixteenth century. Philip {II} of Spain sent Toledo to Cuzco to reform colonial administration. This was partly because of the Dominican friar Bartolome de Casas' treaties read by Philip {II} condemning the usurpation of the rights and wealth of the Incas. Philip {II} instructed Toledo to deal peacefully with Tito Cusi, the Inca leader. However, Toledo's desire to deny the legitimacy of the Inca dynastic line and his objection in the granting of rights and property to the Incas led scholars to believe that Toledo purposely provoked the Incas to violate the Capitulations of Acobamba and started a war. In the course of Toledo's campaign against the Incas, Cusi died and beheaded his brother Tupa Amaru.},
Author = {Julien, Catherine},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160701644524},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {1548-1820, {ABUSE} of, {ANDES} Region, Colonies, History, {INCAS}, Indians of South America, {INDIGENOUS} peoples, Latin America, {PERU}, {POLITICAL} atrocities, Spain, {VILCABAMBA} Site (Peru)},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {243--272},
Title = {Francisco de Toledo and His Campaign against the Incas.},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Academia stronger with new media | The Daily Beacon:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/FFVN8F7A/academia-stronger-new-media.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Academia stronger with new media {\textbar} The Daily Beacon},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-01-20},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
Author = {Troup, Kathleen},
Isbn = {0814731279},
Lccn = {0012},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {{NYU} Press},
Shorttitle = {The Houses of History},
Title = {The Houses of History: A Critical Reader in Twentieth-Century History and Theory},
Year = {1999}}
File = {News: 'No More Plan B' - Inside Higher Ed:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/EQ5PG27C/leaders_of_history_association_call_for_new_view_of_the_job_market.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_of\_history\_association\_call\_for\_new\_view\_of\_the\_job\_market},
Title = {News: {'No} More Plan B' - Inside Higher Ed},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {CR.1.2_1601.xml.html - output - 2010-11-04-17:54.02:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/SWT8BVUD/CR.1.2_1601.xml.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{file:///Users/chadblack/programming-historian/CR.1.2\_1601.xml.html}},
Title = {{CR.1.2\_1601.xml.html} - output - 2010-11-04-17:54.02},
Url = {file:///Users/chadblack/programming-historian/CR.1.2_1601.xml.html},
Urldate = {2010-11-04},
Author = {Christie, Emerson B.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505912},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {260--262},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Nouzeilles, Gabriela and Montaldo, Graciela and Kirk, Robin and Starn, Orin},
Isbn = {{082232914X}},
Lccn = {0012},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {The Argentina Reader},
Title = {The Argentina Reader: History, Culture, Politics},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Monceau, M. Duhamel du and Ortega, Casimiro G{\'o}mez de and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n and Reino, Real Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a de Impresores y Libreros del and (Madrid), Casimiro G{\'o}mez de Ortega, Joaqu{\'\i}n Ibarra, Real Colegio de Farmacia de San Fernando},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Tratado del cuidado y aprovechamiento de los montes y bosques},
Year = {1774}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1883}}
Author = {Scott, James C.},
Isbn = {0300078153},
Month = feb,
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Shorttitle = {Seeing Like a State},
Title = {Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Author Centrality Analysis, {SEASR} Analytics},
File = {Author Centrality Analysis:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/X7NRJ82H/Author Centrality Analysis.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Future of the Andean Past (163)},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506009},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1},
Title = {A Letter from President Wilson},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {R., J. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505675},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {329--330},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Alajuela, Costa Rica},
Author = {Molina Vargas, Silvia Elena and Gonz{\'a}lez Ayala, Eduardo},
Edition = {1. ed},
Isbn = {9789977953663},
Keywords = {1821-1948, Costa Rica, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .M655 2008},
Number = {18},
Publisher = {Museo Hist{\'o}rico Cultural Juan Santamar{\'\i}a},
Series = {11 de abril, cuadernos de cultura},
Shorttitle = {Dos Formas De Recordar},
Title = {Dos Formas De Recordar: Estados Unidos-Nicaragua: Confrontaci{\'o}n De Las Memorias Sobre La Toma De La V{\'\i}a Del Tr{\'a}nsito (diciembre 1856-Enero 1857)},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505750},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {62--71},
Title = {The English Attack on Cartagena in 1741; And Plans for an Attack on Panama},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Langer, Erick D.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 2002 / Copyright {\copyright} 2002 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {33--63},
Shorttitle = {The Eastern Andean Frontier (Bolivia and Argentina) and Latin American Frontiers},
Title = {The Eastern Andean Frontier (Bolivia and Argentina) and Latin American Frontiers: Comparative Contexts (19th and 20th Centuries)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {59},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Analyzes the production of literacy in a colonial context as a multifaceted phenomenon, and economic realities which impacted upon the lives of the native peoples in Northern Ecuador and southern Columbia. Information on the ways literate skills and technology were distributed and employed in the colonial era; Interpretation of documents in terms of their written contents; Ceremonial acceptance of documents containing the king's seal and his signature.},
Author = {Rappaport, Joanne and Cummins, Tom},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{COLOMBIA}, Ecuador, {INDIGENOUS} peoples, {LITERACY}},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {7},
Shorttitle = {Between images and writing},
Title = {Between images and writing: The ritual of the King's Quillca.},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Benavides, Maria},
Doi = {10.2307/1007168},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {419--436},
Title = {The Franciscan Church of Yanque (Arequipa) and Andean Culture},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {50},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Elizondo, Francisco Antonio and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Practica Universal Forense de los tribunales superiores de Espa{\~n}a y las},
Year = {1778}}
Author = {Lavedan, Antonio and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Tratado de las enfermedades epid{\'e}micas, p{\'u}tridas, malignas, contagiosas y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Saforcada, Juan Antonio Pellicer y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Carta historico-apologetica que en defensa del marques de Mondexar examina},
Year = {1793}}
Author = {G{\'a}lvez, Jos{\'e} Joaqu{\'\i}n Granados y},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Tardes americanas},
Year = {1778}}
Abstract = {This study examines the practices of scribes who recorded the examinations of those accused of witchcraft in Salem in 1692. The data consists of 68 records of examinations held between March and October 1692 and in January 1693. Each record is coded for two features: use of contextual commentary and evaluative adjectives or adverbs which suggest attitudes and values of the scribes and reflect the pragmatic context. Records are also coded according to presentation in direct discourse or reported discourse. Records presented in direct discourse and those occurring in the early period of the trials contain the greatest number of both contextual commentary and evaluative/subjective adjectives or adverbs. The analysis reveals that the majority of the records are written by four identified scribes. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Doty, Kathleen L.},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{COMMUNICATION} -- Research, context and ideology, {DISCOURSE} analysis, {DISCOURSE} markers, {PRAGMATICS}, reported speech, Salem witchcraft, scribal practices, {SCRIBES}, {SOCIAL} sciences -- Research, {TALES}, trial discourse, {WITCHCRAFT}, {WITCHES}},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {25--41},
Shorttitle = {Telling tales},
Title = {Telling tales: The role of scribes in constructing the discourse of the Salem witchcraft trials.},
Volume = {8},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Roden, Claudia},
Isbn = {0061969621},
Month = jun,
Publisher = {Ecco},
Title = {The Food of Spain},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Ecuador and Noboa, Aurelio},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Recopilaci{\'o}n de leyes del Ecuador},
Year = {1901}}
Author = {Akin, James},
Keywords = {1830-1840, Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Maccumsey, Mathias. {McElwee}, Thomas B. Pennsylvania. Prison and jails. Religion, Lithographs},
Lccn = {PGA - Akin--Implements},
Title = {Implements of Torture, and Their Dangerous Effects. Illustrated},
Year = {1835}}
Author = {S{\'a}mano, Mariano Gonzalez de and (Madrid), Agust{\'\i}n Gaspar, Escuela Normal Central de Maestros},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Compendio hist{\'o}rico de la Medicina Espa{\~n}ola},
Year = {1830}}
Abstract = {The article focuses on the history of Zaruma, a gold-mining camp in southern Ecuador, focusing specifically on labor. First exploited in the 1550s, Zaruma was at various times worked by indigenous encomienda charges and mitayos, slaves of African descent, and indebted, mostly mestizo peons. Marginal creole families were engaged in small-scale excavation by the eighteenth century, and an apparently unimplemented plan from the Bourbon era later called for uncompensated convict labor. Due to seemingly intractable problems of labor supply, however, Zaruma never boomed in colonial times.},
Author = {Lane, Kris},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916042000210828},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CONVICT} labor, {GOLD} mines \& mining, {LABOR}, {LABOR} supply, {MESTIZOS}, {MITA} (Labor), {SLAVES}},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {65--84},
Shorttitle = {Unlucky strike},
Title = {Unlucky strike: gold and labor in Zaruma, Ecuador, 1699-1820.},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bassols, Ram{\'o}n L{\'a}zaro de Dou y de and (Madrid), Benito Garc{\'\i}a y Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a and (Madrid), Real Colegio de Cirug{\'\i}a de San Carlos},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Instituciones del derecho p{\'u}blico general de Espa{\~n}a, con noticia del},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506052},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {500--501},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0520239806},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {University of California Press},
Shorttitle = {Facundo},
Title = {Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism, First Complete English Translation},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Brady, Mathew B},
Keywords = {1850-1860, Photographic prints, Portrait photographs, Walker, William},
Lccn = {BIOG FILE - Walker, William, 1824-1860 [item]},
Title = {William Walker, Three-Quarter Length Studio Portrait, Standing, Left Arm Resting on Pedestal, Facing Slightly Right},
Year = {1855}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1788}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Ree Jones, Ricardo and {\{Spain\}}},
Edition = {1a ed},
Isbn = {9685806225},
Keywords = {Law and legislation History Sources, Local finance, Local government, Mexico},
Lccn = {KGF3180.A31786 A7 1984},
Number = {1},
Publisher = {Universidad Nacional Aut{\'o}noma de M{\'e}xico, Instituto de Investigaciones Hist{\'o}ricas},
Series = {Serie facsimilar Nueva Espa{\~n}a},
Title = {Real Ordenanza Para El Establecimiento E Instrucci{\'o}n De Intendentes De Ej{\'e}rcito Y Provincia En El Reino De La Nueva Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1984}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1881}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505910},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {259},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Mumford, Jeremy},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {1},
Pages = {150--165},
Shorttitle = {The Taki Onqoy and the Andean Nation},
Title = {The Taki Onqoy and the Andean Nation: Sources and Interpretations},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {33},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cortes, Hernan and Pagden, Anthony},
Isbn = {0300090943},
Lccn = {0109},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Title = {Letters from Mexico},
Year = {2001}}
Author = {Colombier and Muxica, Rafael Urbiquiain y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Biblioteca universal de medicina y cirug{\'\i}a pr{\'a}cticas, medicina militar {\'o}},
Year = {1805}}
Address = {Lake Saint Louis, Mo},
Author = {Bola{\~n}os Geyer, Alejandro},
Isbn = {0962085812},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Biography, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, {UNITED} States, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 B65 1988},
Publisher = {A. Bola{\~n}os-Geyer},
Title = {William Walker, the Gray-Eyed Man of Destiny},
Year = {1988}}
Address = {Alajuela, Costa Rica},
Author = {Escobar, Francisco},
Isbn = {9977953023},
Keywords = {1821-1951, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, History Causes, Nicaragua, Strategic aspects, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1438 .E76 1984},
Number = {5},
Publisher = {Museo Hist{\'o}rico Cultural Juan Santamar{\'\i}a},
Series = {11 de abril, cuadernos de cultura},
Shorttitle = {La Campa{\~n}a Nacional},
Title = {La Campa{\~n}a Nacional: Reflexiones De Un Soci{\'o}logo},
Year = {1984}}
Author = {Mu{\~n}oz, Juan Bautista},
Lccn = {0475},
Title = {Historia del nuevo-mundo},
Year = {1793}}
Issn = {0002-8762},
Journal = {The American Historical Review},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: June 2012 / Copyright {\copyright} 2012 American Historical Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {698--699},
Title = {Introduction},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-07-05},
Volume = {117},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505887},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0050},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {667--691},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1883}}
Author = {Perez, Vicente Vizcaino and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Codigo y pr{\'a}ctica criminal},
Year = {1797}}
Abstract = {This essay analyzes the impact of an indigenous counterpublic sphere in contemporary Bolivia, arguing that it functions as an arena of differential consciousness for Aymara intellectuals and activists. In examining the work carried out by the Aymara nongovernmental organization known as the Taller de Historia Oral Andina ({THOA)}, the essay highlights this sphere's importance as both a discursive and territorial arena where agency is expressed in the collaborative spirit of community. {THOA's} work is significant in strategically formulating a methodology of decolonization based on revisionist Andean historiography, territorial demands, and collective political action.},
Author = {Stephenson, Marcia},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0020},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2002 / Copyright {\copyright} 2002 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {99--118},
Shorttitle = {Forging an Indigenous Counterpublic Sphere},
Title = {Forging an Indigenous Counterpublic Sphere: The Taller de Historia Oral Andina in Bolivia},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {37},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cristian Berco},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/CSFETDCN/17.3.berco.html:text/html},
Issn = {1535-3605},
Journal = {Journal of the History of Sexuality},
Lccn = {0001},
Note = {Volume 17, Number 3, September 2008},
Number = {3},
Pages = {351--376},
Shorttitle = {Producing Patriarchy},
Title = {Producing Patriarchy: Male Sodomy and Gender in Early Modern Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-12-29},
Volume = {17},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1786}}
Abstract = {This volume, part of the {*Cambridge} History of the Native Peoples of the Americas*, is the first major survey of research on the indigenous peoples of South America from the earliest peopling of the continent to the present since Julian Steward's {*Handbook} of South American Indians* was published half a century ago. Although this volume concentrates on continental South America, peoples in the Caribbean and lower Central America who were linguistically or culturally connected are also discus sed. The volume's emphasis is on self-perceptions of the indigenous peoples of South America at various times and under differing situations.},
Author = {Salomon, Frank},
Isbn = {9780521630764},
Keywords = {History / Native American, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / Native American Studies},
Language = {en},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Constituci{\'o}n politica de la Monarquia Espa{\~n}ola, promulgada en Cadiz, a 19 de},
Year = {1836}}
Address = {Paris},
Author = {Nicaise, Auguste},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .N56},
Publisher = {L. Hachette; [etc., etc.]},
Title = {Les Flibustiers Am{\'e}ricains},
Year = {1861}}
Author = {Landers, Jane},
Isbn = {0252067533},
Month = may,
Publisher = {University of Illinois Press},
Title = {Black Society in Spanish Florida},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Presnell, Jenny L.},
Isbn = {0195176510},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Oxford University Press, {USA}},
Shorttitle = {The Information-Literate Historian},
Title = {The Information-Literate Historian: A Guide to Research for History Students},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Dunn, W. E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2518440},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {199--201},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Using Multiple Vocabularies in Microdata | Jeni's Musings:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/BNB4WC5V/161.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Using Multiple Vocabularies in Microdata {\textbar} Jeni's Musings},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {{McCann}, James C.},
Isbn = {0674025571},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Harvard University Press},
Shorttitle = {Maize and Grace},
Title = {Maize and Grace: Africa's Encounter with a New World Crop, 1500-2000},
Year = {2007}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{Castile\}} and {\{R.} Academia de la historia, Madrid. [from old catalog]\}},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT142 1384},
Publisher = {Imprenta real},
Title = {Las Siete Partidas Del Rey Don Alfonso El Sabio, Cotejados, Con Varios Codices Antiguos Por La Real Academia De La Historia},
Year = {1807}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506056},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {522--552},
Title = {Hispanic American Bibliographies},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Guatemala},
Author = {Alem{\'a}n-Bola{\~n}os, Gustavo},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .A5},
Title = {Centenario De La Guerra Nacional De Nicaragua Contra Walker},
Year = {1956}}
Abstract = {This article evaluates 38 bills seeking to expand women's rights in Chile and finds that the successful ones often originated with the Executive National Women's Ministry ({SERNAM)}, did not threaten existing definitions of gender roles, and did not require economic redistribution. These factors (plus the considerable influence of the Catholic Church) correlate in important ways, and tend to constrain political actors in ways not apparent from an examination of institutional roles or ideological identity alone. In particular, the Chilean left's strategic response to this complex web of interactions has enabled it to gain greater legislative influence on these issues over time.},
Author = {Blofield, Merike H. and Haas, Liesl},
Issn = {{1531426X}},
Journal = {Latin American Politics and Society},
Lccn = {0017},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Autumn, 2005 / Copyright {\copyright} 2005 Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Miami},
Number = {3},
Pages = {35--68},
Shorttitle = {Defining a Democracy},
Title = {Defining a Democracy: Reforming the Laws on Women's Rights in Chile, 1990-2002},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Volume = {47},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Topic Modeling:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XW22DR4X/topics.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Topic Modeling},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-02-25},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506051},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {499--500},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {(1810-1813), Spain. Cortes},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Discusion del proyecto de decreto sobre el tribunal de la Inquisicion},
Year = {1813}}
Abstract = {Graphic accounts of attempts to limit fertility are provided by an analysis of the inquests and trials concerning one hundred British Columbian women who, between 1886 and 1939, had recourse to abortion. Given the limitations of the sources the entire impact of the criminalization of abortion cannot be determined, but this paper-in revealing the negotiations of wives and husbands, single women and single men, doctors and patients, police and public-reveals the ways in which the law made such relationships difficult.},
Author = {{McLaren}, Angus},
Issn = {00224529},
Journal = {Journal of Social History},
Lccn = {0006},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Summer, 1993 / Copyright {\copyright} 1993 Peter N. Stearns},
Number = {4},
Pages = {797--816},
Shorttitle = {Illegal Operations},
Title = {Illegal Operations: Women, Doctors, and Abortion, 1886-1939},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Volume = {26},
Year = {1993},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Cartas edificantes y curiosas},
Year = {1754}}
Author = {L{\'o}pez, Antonio Xavier P{\'e}rez y and {SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Teatro de la legislacion universal de Espa{\~n}a {\'e} Indias},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {Landrum, Shane},
Howpublished = {},
Journal = {cliotropic},
Keywords = {Digital History},
Language = {English},
Month = oct,
Title = {Learning from cliometrics},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-10-26},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{Spain\}} and {\{Pre-1801} Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)\}},
Keywords = {Colonies, Finance, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {JL1200 .A2 1786},
Publisher = {De {\'o}rden de Su Magestad},
Title = {Real Ordenanza Para El Establecimiento {\'E} Instruccion De Intendentes De Ex{\'e}rcito Y Provincia En El Reino De La Nueva-Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Swieten, Gerard and Boerhaave, Herman and Segarra, Antonio and Doblado, Antonio Segarra, Jose},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Disertacion historica sobre la inflamacion y sus remedios, segun el},
Year = {1772}}
Author = {Matthew, Laura E. and Oudijk, Michel R.},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0806138548},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {University of Oklahoma Press},
Shorttitle = {Indian Conquistadors},
Title = {Indian Conquistadors: Indigenous Allies in the Conquest of Mesoamerica},
Year = {2007}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505715},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {470--489},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {This paper state the thesis of the Inca's "quite{\~n}ismo", for then to express that with repugnance he was compeled to fight against his brother at Huascar, gathering his army in the same place as his father done, is to say between the {"Panecillo"} and the marshes of Turubamba. The "atahualpistas" troops were commanded by General Calcuchima. After Huascar was made prisoner as consequence of his defeat at Quipaipan, Cusco was conquered by the victorious. But this situation lasted no much: the long-bearded Spanish were sailing near the coasts of Atacames and Mambi. Soon the triumpher inca should received to Pizarro and his companions at Cajamarca, who unexpectedly made him prisoner, judged him immediatly and killed him without wait the full reception of the famous ransome. Violent indigenous reactions were obviously produced. Before, and now with more reason and study, the irregularity of the process and death of the Inca Atahualpa is considered, which bones were secretely exhumed and carry out to Quito. At his time, Benalcazar received an abundant ransom and was the first of the Spanish captains who perceived the importance of the quite{\~n}a region. He was one of the endavoured conquerors of the Pacific Ocean, "encomendero" and godfather of Almagro. He also actively participated in the Conquest of Nicaragua and expected to govern a territory of his own. Finally, Rumi{\~n}ahui was one of the great indigenous generals which troops kept on vigilant. The followers of Atahualpa called him {"Rostro} de Piedra" or {"Ojo} de Piedra", for his constancy, energy and accuracy in his beligerant actions. Together with Calcuchimac and Quisquis he constituted the more elocuent and brilliant triunvirat in that crucial moment in the crack of the Incaic Empire. /// Sienta la tesis del quite{\~n}ismo del Inca, para afirmar luego que con repugnancia se ve obligado a guerrear contra su hermano en Huascar, reuniendo su ej{\'e}rcito en el lugar que lo hac{\'\i}a su padre, o sea entre el Panecillo y las ci{\'e}nagas de Turubamba. Comandaba las tropas atahualpistas el General Calcuchima. Apresado Huascar como consecuencia de su derrota en Quipaipan, Cusco es tomado por los victoriosos. Mas esta situaci{\'o}n dura poco: los espa{\~n}oles barbudos navegaban en las Costas de Atacames y Manab{\'\i}. Pronto el inca triunfador recibir{\'\i}a en Cajamarca a Pizarro y sus acompa{\~n}antes, quienes en un golpe de mano lo apresan, juzgan inmediatamente y le dan muerte sin esperar la recepci{\'o}n total del c{\'e}lebre rescate. Obviamente, se produjeron reacciones violentas ind{\'\i}genas. Antes y con mayor raz{\'o}n y estudio ahora se considera la irregularidad del proceso y muerte del Inca Atahualpa, cuyos restos fueron secretamente exhumados y llevados a Quito. Benalc{\'a}zar a su turno, recibi{\'o} cuantioso rescate y fue el primero de los capitanes espa{\~n}oles en percibir la importancia de la regi{\'o}n quite{\~n}a. Era uno de los esforzados descubridores del Oc{\'e}ano Pac{\'\i}fico, encomendero y compadre de Almagro. Hab{\'\i}a tambi{\'e}n participado activamente en la Conquista de Nicaragua y aspir{\'o} a gobernar territorio propio. Rumi{\~n}ahui, es finalmente uno de los grandes generales ind{\'\i}genas cuyas tropas se mantienen vigilantes. {"Rostros} de Piedra" u {"Ojo} de Piedra" le llamaban los de Atahualpa, por su constancia, energ{\'\i}a y acierto en sus acciones beligerantes. Junto con Calcuchimac y Quisquis constituye el triunvirato mas elocuente y l{\'u}cido en este momento inicial de la quiebra del imperio incaico.},
Author = {Lara, Jorge Salvador},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan. - Jun., 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {117},
Pages = {41--59},
Title = {Atahualpa, Rumi{\~n}ahui, Benalcazar},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This research note assesses how surnames in a Bolivian Quechua-speaking peasant community were transmitted and distributed from the early nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth to show that parish register data can allow anthropologists to uncover the impact and significance of larger political, economic, and historical processes at the local level. I argue that patterns of surname transmission underwent a momentous shift between the early 1800s and the mid-1900s, from high percentages of illegitimate infants carrying their fathers' surname to virtually none doing so, an upshot of sweeping changes in sociocultural practices spawned by the revolution and agrarian reform in 1952 and 1953. This transformation in the allocation of patronyms to baptized infants reflected a new importance attached by both peasants and church officials to legitimate birth status and its coupling with genealogical reckoning via surname transmission. Such a coupling was important for peasants in order to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity in the midst of shifting and uncertain contexts structuring access to land and resources. It was also important for parish church officials, who probably thought it necessary to adhere more closely to national legal codes in a revolutionary setting.},
Author = {Sanabria, Harry},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2001 / Copyright {\copyright} 2001 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {137--155},
Shorttitle = {Exploring Kinship in Anthropology and History},
Title = {Exploring Kinship in Anthropology and History: Surnames and Social Transformations in the Bolivian Andes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {36},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Vega, Garcilaso de la and Azara, Jos{\'e} Nicol{\'a}s de and Coromina and Rothensteiner, John Ernest and Beeston, Arthur and Beeston, Coromina, John Ernest Rothensteiner, Arthur},
Lccn = {0027},
Title = {Obras de Garcilaso de la Vega},
Year = {1804}}
Address = {San Salvador, El Salvador},
Author = {Due{\~n}as Van Severen, J. Ricardo},
Edition = {2. ed.},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .D8 1962},
Number = {v. 8},
Publisher = {Ministerio de Educaci{\'o}n, Direcci{\'o}n Gerneral de Publicaciones},
Series = {Colecci{\'o}n Historia},
Title = {La Invasi{\'o}n Filibustera De Nicaragua Y La Guerra Nacional},
Year = {1962}}
Address = {Durham, {NC}},
Author = {Paton, Diana and Forde, Maarit},
Isbn = {9780822351245 0822351242 9780822351337 0822351331},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Obeah and other powers},
Title = {Obeah and other powers : the politics of Caribbean religion and healing},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505846},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {59--60},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(, Real Sociedad de Medicina and Sevilla, Real Sociedad de Medicina y dem{\'a}s Ciencias de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorias academicas de la Real Sociedad de Medicina, y dem{\`a}s ciencias de Seuilla},
Year = {1766}}
Abstract = {In Presumptive Meanings: The Theory of Conversational Implicature, Levinson (2000) argues that in historical as well as synchronic work there is need to distinguish three types of pragmatic principles, which he labels the Q-, M-, and I- "heuristics". This is in contrast to Horn (1984a), who argues for two types of "principles": Q- and R-. In the present paper I argue that the proposed distinction between Q- and M- Heuristics is not necessary or consistently maintainable. Two of Levinson's examples are considered: the development of anaphora (reflexive -self in English), and constraints on innovations in word formation (e.g. informer/informant). The conclusion is that a single heuristic (Q, not both Q and M) is adequate, as proposed by Horn. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Traugott, Elizabeth Gloss},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{ANAPHORA} (Linguistics), {GENERAL} semantics, {HEURISTIC}, {LANGUAGE} \& languages, {LINGUISTICS}, {PHILOSOPHY}, {PRAGMATICS}},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--25},
Title = {A critique of Levinson's view of Q-and M-inferences in historical pragmatics.},
Volume = {5},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Leavitt, Sturgis E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506036},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {274--297},
Shorttitle = {Chilean Literature},
Title = {Chilean Literature: A Bibliography of Literary Criticism, Biography, and Literary Controversy. Part {II}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Morales, Edmundo},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0010},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {129--142},
Shorttitle = {The Guinea Pig in the Andean Economy},
Title = {The Guinea Pig in the Andean Economy: From Household Animal to Market Commodity},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {29},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Esdaile, Charles J.},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0300101120},
Lccn = {0012},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Title = {Fighting Napoleon},
Year = {2004}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Lessig, Lawrence},
Isbn = {1594200068},
Keywords = {Association de la r{\'e}gie th{\'e}{\^a}trale (France) United States., Intellectual property United States., Mass media United States., Technological innovations United States.},
Language = {English},
Lccn = {1158},
Publisher = {Penguin Press},
Shorttitle = {Free culture},
Title = {Free culture : how big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity},
Year = {2004}}
Journal = {Stumbling Through the Past},
Keywords = {Method},
Title = {Equipping Myself for a Day in the Archive},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-03-13},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Haring, C. H.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505734},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {141--191},
Title = {The Genesis of Royal Government in the Spanish Indies},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {[Mexico City},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Gamboa, Francisco Javier de},
Keywords = {Fines (Penalties), Mexico Mexico City},
Lccn = {KG76 KGF7690.7.P84 .Y57 1776 no. 12a},
Publisher = {s.n},
Title = {Auto Del Regente De La Audiencia De M{\'e}xico Sobre Penas De C{\'a}mara},
Year = {1793}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Doi = {10.2307/2518434},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {189--190},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Reimpressas en Madrid},
Author = {{\{Consejo} de Indias (Spain)\} and Minguet {\'e} Irol, Pablo and Barringer, Daniel Moreau and {\{Spain\}} and {\{Charcas} (Audiencia)\} and {\{Jay} I. Kislak Collection (Library of Congress)\}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT2680.A28 1747},
Publisher = {Por Antonio Marin},
Title = {Ordenanzas Del Consejo Real De Las Indias},
Year = {1747}}
Author = {Ramon C. Barquin},
Issn = {0023-8791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: 1976 / Copyright {\copyright} 1976 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {1},
Pages = {75--102},
Shorttitle = {Computation in Latin America},
Title = {Computation in Latin America: An Annotated Bibliography and Other Sources of Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-20},
Volume = {11},
Year = {1976},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Williams, Mary Wilhelmine},
Doi = {10.2307/2505876},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {611--617},
Title = {Letter from Colonel John T. Pickett, of the Southern Confederacy, to Senor Don Manuel De Zamacona, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mexico},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Pierson, William Whatley},
Doi = {10.2307/2506086},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {100--102},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Inman, Samuel Guy and Icazbalceta, Francisco Monterde Garc{\'\i}a},
Doi = {10.2307/2506076},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {737--759},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505786},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {584},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {The article deals with correspondence in natural history in the eighteenth century between England and North America. The corpus discussed consists of correspondence between John Bartram and Peter Collinson, and between Alexander Garden and John Ellis. The approach used in the study is qualitative and rhetorical; the main point considered is how the letters construct scientific centre and periphery in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world. A central concept is the "colonial exchange", whereby "raw materials" from the colonies -- in this case plant and animal specimens, along with proposed identifications and names -- are exchanged for "finished products", in this case codified scientific knowledge contained in publications. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Valle, Ellen},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{COLLINSON}, Peter, 1694-1768, {ELLIS}, John, {ENGLAND}, {INTERPERSONAL} communication, {LETTER} writing, {NATURAL} history, {NORTH} America, {WRITTEN} communication},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {2},
Pages = {313--336},
Title = {{"The} pleasure of receiving your favour".},
Volume = {5},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Acevedo, Manuel Eusebios and Colombia},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Comentario o anotaci{\'o}n de las leyes que contiene el libro titulado},
Year = {1853}}
Author = {Lima, Sociedad Acad{\'e}mica de Amantes de and peruano, Mercurio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Mercurio peruano de historia, literatura, y noticias p{\'u}blicas que da {\'a} luz},
Year = {1795}}
Author = {Grandin, Greg},
Isbn = {0805083235},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Holt Paperbacks},
Shorttitle = {Empire's Workshop},
Title = {Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Villars, Dominique and (Madrid), Imprenta Real and Lavedan, Antonio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Principios de Medicina y de cirug{\'\i}a},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Adelman, Jeremy},
Isbn = {0691142777},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Princeton University Press},
Title = {Sovereignty and Revolution in the Iberian Atlantic},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Tissot, Simon-Andr{\'e}-D. and ( and Gardanne, Joseph-Jacques and Xiorro, Juan Galisteo y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Aviso al pueblo acerca de su salud {\'o} Tratado de las enfermedades mas},
Year = {1790}}
Author = {Marshall, Thomas Maitland},
Doi = {10.2307/2505674},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {327--329},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Febrero, Jos{\'e}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Febrero novisimo, {\'o} libreria de jueces, abogados, escribanos y medicos},
Year = {1837}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505900},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0139},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {492--500},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Reading Effectively | Words in Space:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/CVWHHE7Q/reading-effectively.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Reading Effectively {\textbar} Words in Space},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Altamira, Rafael},
Doi = {10.2307/2505954},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {349--356},
Title = {Las Instituciones Americanas en la Instrucci{\^o}n P{\'u}blica de Espa{\~n}a},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Guti{\'e}rrez del Arroyo, Isabel. Guti{\'e}rrez del Arroyo and {\{Algunos} aspectos de la reformas pol{\'\i}ticas del siglo {XVIII} en la Nueva Espa{\~n}a.\}},
Isbn = {0847702065},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... More About This In: Books in Print (Publication status and optional reviews) Language: Spanish Contents: El reformismo ilustrado en Puerto Rico -- Algunos aspectos de las reformas pol{\'\i}ticas del siglo {XVIII} en la Nueva Espa{\~n}a. Abstract: {"Basically} an unrevised and much welcome reprint of El reformismo ilustrado en Puerto Rico, Guti{\'e}rrez del Arroyo's principal contribution to Puerto Rican history (see {HLAS} 19: 3766). That work, originally published in 1953, became a model for historians because of its use of sources, especially Secretary-to-the-Governor Pedro Tom{\'a}s de C{\'o}rdova's Memorias geogr{\'a}ficas, hist{\'o}ricas, econ{\'o}micas y estad{\'\i}sticas de la Isla de Puerto Rico. Author both relies on and questions C{\'o}rdova's account of the political, administrative, economic, and social impact of the Bourbon reforms and enlightened despotism in Puerto Rico"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58. http: // Geographic: Puerto Rico -- History -- 19th century. Puerto Rico -- Politics and government -- To 1898. Puerto Rico -- Economic conditions -- To 1898. Puerto Rico -- Social conditions. Mexico -- History -- Spanish colony, 1540-1810. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. [217]-225). Class Descriptors: {LC:} F1973; Dewey: 972.95/04 Responsibility: Isabel Guti{\'e}rrez del Arroyo. Entry: 19960514 Update: 20080330 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {R{\'\i}o Piedras, {P.R.} : Centro de Investigaciones Hist{\'o}ricas, Universidad de Puerto Rico : Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico},
Series = {Obras completas / Isabel Guti{\'e}rrez del Arroyo ;; v. 1; Variation: Guti{\'e}rrez del Arroyo, Isabel.; Works ;; v.1},
Title = {La Pol{\'\i}tica Y La Ilustraci{\'o}n / Guti{\'e}rrez Del Arroyo, Isabel. ; Reformismo Ilustrado En Puerto Rico.},
Year = {1995}}
File = {Stanford School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/H8XTQXQU/courseinfo.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Stanford School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-27},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {San Jos{\'e}, Costa Rica},
Author = {Roche, James Jeffrey},
Edition = {2a ed},
Keywords = {1821-1951, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1438 .R677 1980},
Number = {t{\'\i}tulo no. 9},
Publisher = {Ministerio de Cultura, Juventud y Deportes, Direcci{\'o}n de Publicaciones},
Series = {Serie Del rescate},
Title = {Historia De Los Filibusteros},
Year = {1980}}
Author = {Boutelou, Claudio and Boutelou, Esteban and Villalpando, Ferm{\'\i}n Tadeo and Guerra, Esteban Boutelou, Francisco},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado de la Huerta {\'o} m{\'e}todo de cultivar toda clase de hortalizas},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Muratori, Lodovico Antonio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Fuerza de la humana fantasia},
Year = {1777}}
Author = {Ca{\~n}izares-Esguerra, Jorge},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0804742804},
Lccn = {0027},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {Puritan Conquistadors},
Title = {Puritan Conquistadors: Iberianizing the Atlantic, 1550-1700},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Prescott, William H.},
File = {History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes/ By William H. Prescott:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/BQMWTPVI/PreConq.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes/ By William H. Prescott},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-02-12},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ma{\~n}es, Senen Vilanova y and Alb{\'a}n, Tom{\'a}s},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Materia criminal forense o tratado universal te{\'o}rico y pr{\'a}ctico de los},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Ciula, Arianna},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/fqr036},
Issn = {0268-1145, 1477-4615},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Language = {en},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {99--102},
Title = {Text Comparison and Digital Creativity. The Production of Presence and Meaning in Digital Text {ScholarshipWido} Van Peursen, Ernst D. Thoutenhoofd, Adriaan Van Der Weel (eds).},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-12-11},
Volume = {27},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Topik, Steven and Frank, Zephyr and Marichal, Carlos},
Isbn = {0822337665},
Month = jun,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {From Silver to Cocaine},
Title = {From Silver to Cocaine: Latin American Commodity Chains and the Building of the World Economy, 1500--2000},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1885}}
Abstract = {The article presents information on the evolution of pragmatic markers. Studies in the field of pragmatic markers centered on questions of synchronic relevance; fueled, however, by the upsurge of interest in historical linguistics, and in particular in the notion of grammaticalization, scholars are increasingly focusing on how pragmatic markers come into existence, and on how they evolve formally and functionally over time. The article touches briefly on possible approaches to historical pragmatic research in general. It defines and discusses a handful of theoretical notions that are usually considered to be of key importance in the study of the evolution of pragmatic markers.},
Author = {Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt and Rossari, Corinne},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {address terms, data, {DISCOURSE} markers, {GENERAL} semantics, {HISTORICAL} linguistics, {LANGUAGE} \& languages, Methodology, particles, {PHILOSOPHY}, Pragmatic markers, {PRAGMATICS}, {SEMANTICS}},
Lccn = {0005},
Number = {2},
Pages = {177--187},
Shorttitle = {The evolution of pragmatic markers},
Title = {The evolution of pragmatic markers: Introduction.},
Volume = {6},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Perez, Vicente Vizcaino and Ibarra, Viuda de},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {C{\'o}digo y pr{\'a}ctica criminal},
Year = {1797}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505742},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {219},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505992},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {152--153},
Title = {Back Matter},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Mauceri, Philip},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0055},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1995 / Copyright {\copyright} 1995 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {1},
Pages = {7--37},
Title = {State Reform, Coalitions, and the Neoliberal Autogolpe in Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {30},
Year = {1995},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Note-taking and Abstracting | Words in Space:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/CVAW8UZG/note-taking-and-abstracting.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Note-taking and Abstracting {\textbar} Words in Space},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-26},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{Spain\}} and {\{Consejo} de Indias (Spain)\} and {\{Spain\}}},
Edition = {5. {\'e}d},
Keywords = {Colonies, Colonies Administration, Indians, Latin America, {LAW}, Politics and government, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW <Europe Spain Colonies 2 1841>},
Publisher = {Boix},
Title = {Recopilacion De Leyes De Los Reinos De Las Indias},
Year = {1841}}
Author = {Stein, Stanley J. and Stein, Barbara H.},
Isbn = {0801873398},
Lccn = {0012},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {The Johns Hopkins University Press},
Shorttitle = {Apogee of Empire},
Title = {Apogee of Empire: Spain and New Spain in the Age of Charles {III}, 1759--1789},
Year = {2003}}
Address = {[San Juan, {P.R}},
Author = {{\{Spain\}} and Ferdinand and Isabella},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies Discovery and exploration History Sources, Columbus, Christopher, Ferdinand and Isabella, 1479-1516, History Sources, Law and legislation History Sources, Spain, Wheat trade},
Lccn = {KKT3745.A351493 A2 1961},
Publisher = {Casa del Libro]},
Shorttitle = {Real C{\'e}dula, Firmada En Barcelona En 1 De Junio Del 1493 Por Don Fernando De Arag{\'o}n ... Y Do{\~n}a Isabel De Castilla ... Concerniente Al Aprovisionamiento De Una Cierta Flota},
Title = {Real C{\'e}dula, Firmada En Barcelona En 1 De Junio Del 1493 Por Don Fernando De Arag{\'o}n ... Y Do{\~n}a Isabel De Castilla ... Concerniente Al Aprovisionamiento De Una Cierta Flota: Facs{\'\i}mil = Royal Decree, Signed at Barcelona June 1, 1493 by King Ferdinand of Aragon ... [and] Queen Isabella of Castille ... Concerning the Provisioning of a Certain Fleet: Facsimile},
Year = {1961}}
Author = {M., W. R.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506103},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {182--184},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Black, Chad},
Isbn = {0826349234},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Shorttitle = {The Limits of Gender Domination},
Title = {The Limits of Gender Domination: Women, the Law, and Political Crisis in Quito, 1765-1830},
Year = {2010}}
Author = {Dobson, Miriam and Ziemann, Benjamin},
Isbn = {0415429579},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Routledge},
Shorttitle = {Reading Primary Sources},
Title = {Reading Primary Sources: The Interpretation of Texts from 19th and 20th Century History},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Ackerman, Ralph H.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505724},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {484--485},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lichtenstein, Walter and Crampton, Ethel M. and Ullrick, Laura F.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505891},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {403--414},
Title = {Administration of Jos{\'e} Ballivi{\'a}n in Bolivia},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Barea, Manuel Fern{\'a}ndez and Moreno, Jos{\'e} de la Puerta, Francisco Vi{\~n}als y Torrero, Marcos Vi{\~n}als y Rubio, Nicol{\'a}s},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Dialogos del medico y el practicante},
Year = {1762}}
File = {Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat by Georg Lukacs:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/9FH8C3Q7/hcc05.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat by Georg Lukacs},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-08},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Weber, David J.},
Edition = {Brief},
Isbn = {0300140681},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Shorttitle = {The Spanish Frontier in North America},
Title = {The Spanish Frontier in North America: The Brief Edition},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Panduro, Lorenzo Herv{\'a}s y and ( and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Historia de la vida del hombre},
Year = {1794}}
Author = {Witten, Ian H. and Moffat, Alistair and Bell, Timothy C.},
Edition = {2 Sub},
Isbn = {1558605703},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
Shorttitle = {Managing Gigabytes},
Title = {Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and Images, Second Edition},
Year = {1999}}
Abstract = {The precarity of the humanities today is symptomatic of the broader reassessment of the value and utility of the public university. This helps explain the prevalent role of humanists in the recent struggles for public education, but it now also demands from humanists a new level of institutional engagement and reflexivity about the conditions of their labor.},
Author = {Lye, Colleen and Newfield, Christopher and Vernon, James},
Issn = {0734-6018},
Journal = {Representations},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: The Humanities and the Crisis of The Public University / Full publication date: Fall 2011 / Copyright {\copyright} 2011 University of California Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--18},
Title = {Humanists and the Public University},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-17},
Volume = {116},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Stevenson, William Bennet},
Lccn = {0024},
Title = {Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence in South},
Year = {1829}}
Author = {Krueger, Anne O.},
Issn = {0002-8282},
Journal = {The American Economic Review},
Lccn = {3866},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Jun., 1974 / Copyright {\copyright} 1974 American Economic Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {291--303},
Title = {The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-06-15},
Volume = {64},
Year = {1974},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505783},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {579--580},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{MacDonald}, Austin F.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505980},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {52--82},
Title = {The Government of Argentina},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {L{\'o}pez, Julian Pando y and (Madrid), Hospicio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Dos palabras a los que aman la verdad y la justicia},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Bryant, Sherwin K.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue: The African Diaspora in the Colonial Andes / Full publication date: Jul., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {81--112},
Shorttitle = {Finding Gold, Forming Slavery},
Title = {Finding Gold, Forming Slavery: The Creation of a Classic Slave Society, Popay{\'a}n, 1600-1700},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Premo, Bianca},
Doi = {10.1080/0144039X.2011.604922},
File = {Taylor & Francis Online :: An Equity Against the Law: Slave Rights and Creole Jurisprudence in Spanish America - Slavery & Abolition -:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ARNR9STI/0144039X.2011.html:text/html},
Issn = {0144-{039X}, 1743-9523},
Journal = {Slavery \& Abolition},
Month = sep,
Pages = {1--23},
Shorttitle = {An Equity Against the Law},
Title = {An Equity Against the Law: Slave Rights and Creole Jurisprudence in Spanish America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-30},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Mendoza, Antonio de},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Mexico},
Lccn = {Z241.3.A1 C6 vol. 5},
Publisher = {Ediciones Cultura Hisp{\'a}nica},
Series = {Collecci{\'o}n de incunables americanos, siglo {XVI}, vol. v},
Title = {Ordenanzas Y Copilaci{\'o}n De Leyes},
Year = {1945}}
Author = {Nazzari, M.},
File = {Google Scholar Linked Page:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/QPU9PJF4/books.html:text/html},
Lccn = {0017},
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {Disappearance of the dowry},
Title = {Disappearance of the dowry: women, families, and social change in S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil (1600-1900)},
Year = {1991}}
Author = {Esdaile, Charles J.},
Isbn = {0140273700},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Penguin Books Ltd},
Shorttitle = {The Peninsular War},
Title = {The Peninsular War: A New History},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Ramos, Gabriela},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160220133727},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {139--145},
Shorttitle = {Pol{\'\i}tica eclesi{\'a}stica, cultura e historia},
Title = {Pol{\'\i}tica eclesi{\'a}stica, cultura e historia: Crist{\'o}bal de Albornoz y el Taqui Onqoy, otra vez.},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Doi = {10.2307/2506085},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {99--100},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505712},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {414--442},
Title = {Hispanic American Bibliographies Prefatory Note},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Common measures of term importance in information retrieval ({IR)} rely on counts of term frequency; rare terms receive higher weight in document ranking than common terms receive. However, realistic scenarios yield additional information about terms in a collection. Of interest in this article is the temporal behavior of terms as a collection changes over time. We propose capturing each term's collection frequency at discrete time intervals over the lifespan of a corpus and analyzing the resulting time series. We hypothesize the collection frequency of a weakly discriminative term x at time t is predictable by a linear model of the term's prior observations. On the other hand, a linear time series model for a strong discriminators' collection frequency will yield a poor fit to the data. Operationalizing this hypothesis, we induce three time-based measures of term importance and test these against state-of-the-art term weighting models.},
Author = {Efron, Miles},
Doi = {10.1002/asi.21315},
Issn = {1532-2890},
Journal = {Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology},
Language = {en},
Month = jul,
Number = {7},
Pages = {1299--1312},
Title = {Linear time series models for term weighting in information retrieval},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-11},
Volume = {61},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505984},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {87--88},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Rodr{\'\i}guez de Fonseca, Bartolem{\'e} Agustin},
Keywords = {Canon law, Colonies, {LAW}, Roman law, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW <Roman 8 C>},
Publisher = {J. Ibarra, impresor de c{\'a}mara de S. M},
Shorttitle = {Digesto Te{\'o}rico-Pr{\'a}ctico, {\'O} Recopilacion De Los Derechos Comun, Real Y Can{\'o}nico, Por Los Libros Y T{\'\i}tulos Del Digesto},
Title = {Digesto Te{\'o}rico-Pr{\'a}ctico, {\'O} Recopilacion De Los Derechos Comun, Real Y Can{\'o}nico, Por Los Libros Y T{\'\i}tulos Del Digesto: Traduccion Literal Al Castellano De Todas Las Leyes Y P{\'a}rrafos Del Digesto, Expresion De Sus Concordantes Y Discordantes Con Las Del C{\'o}digo, Derecho Real De Espa{\~n}a {\'E} Indias, Y Cap{\'\i}tulos Can{\'o}nicos, Por El Orden De Su Antig{\"u}edad: Y La Exposicion De Todas Ellas, Hasta Las Neuvamente Recopiladas En El A{\~n}o De 1773},
Year = {1775}}
Author = {Fernandez, Andr{\'e}},
Issn = {10434070},
Journal = {Journal of the History of Sexuality},
Lccn = {0007},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 1997 / Copyright {\copyright} 1997 University of Texas Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {469--501},
Title = {The Repression of Sexual Behavior by the Aragonese Inquisition between 1560 and 1700},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-07-19},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1997},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Basingstoke England ; New York},
Author = {Paquette, Gabriel},
Isbn = {1403985944},
Keywords = {Spain Colonies America Administration., Spain Politics and government 1759-1788., Spain Politics and government 1788-1808., Spain Politics and government Historiography.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0005},
Publisher = {Plagrave Macmillan},
Title = {Enlightenment, governance, and reform in Spain and its empire, 1759-1808},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Rock, David},
Edition = {Rev Sub},
Isbn = {0520061780},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {University of California Press},
Shorttitle = {Argentina, 1516-1987},
Title = {Argentina, 1516-1987: From Spanish Colonization to Alphons{\'\i}n.},
Year = {1987}}
Abstract = {Focuses on the evolution of colonial-era text interpretation on the acclas group of women in colonial Peru. Use of women as commodities for trade; Discussion of narratives on inter-marriages; Discovery of a shift in representorial priorities.},
Author = {Graubart, Karen B.},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160020007693},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {History, {INTERMARRIAGE} in literature, {PERU}, Social conditions, Women},
Lccn = {0007},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {213--235},
Shorttitle = {Indecent Living},
Title = {Indecent Living: Indigenous Women and the Politics of Representation in Early Colonial Peru.},
Volume = {9},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Feijoo, Benito Jer{\'o}nimo and Montenegro, Benito Jer{\'o}nimo Feij{\'o}o y and Libreros, Real Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a de Impresores y and Libreros, Joachin Ibarra, Real Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a de Impresores y},
Lccn = {0014},
Title = {Theatro critico universal {\'o} discursos varios en todo g{\'e}nero de materias},
Year = {1769}}
Address = {Mexico},
Author = {{\{Spain\}} and Mendoza de Austria Moctesuma, Diego de and {\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Cort{\'e}s, Hern{\'a}n, History, Mendoza de Austria Moctesuma, Diego de, Mexico, Spanish colony, 1540-1810},
Lccn = {F1231.M537 S6 1944},
Publisher = {Vargas Rea},
Series = {Biblioteca Aportaci{\'o}n hist{\'o}rica},
Title = {Real Cedula De Nobleza De Don Diego De Mendoza De Austria Moctesuma Y Memorial Del Mismo Del A{\~n}o De 1541},
Year = {1944}}
Author = {Rampolla, Mary Lynn},
Edition = {Sixth Edition},
Isbn = {0312535031},
Month = may,
Publisher = {{Bedford/St.} Martin's},
Title = {A Pocket Guide to Writing in History},
Year = {2009}}
File = {H-LatAm: Syllabi:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/AEKPP8QZ/foote3200.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\textasciitilde}latam/syllabi/foote3200.html},
Title = {H-{LatAm:} Syllabi},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-05},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Feijoo, Benito Jer{\'o}nimo},
Lccn = {0007},
Title = {Cartas eruditas y curiosas, en que por la mayor parte se contin{\'u}a el},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Pierson, William Whatley},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505947},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {85--87},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Uribe, Manuel de Lardiz{\'a}bal y and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n},
Lccn = {0011},
Title = {Discurso sobre las penas, contrahido {\'a} las leyes criminales de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1782}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Doi = {10.2307/2505704},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {375--381},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test, {SEASR} Analytics},
File = {Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/836T795X/Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Future of the Andean Past},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Perez, Vicente Vizcaino},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Tratado de la jurisdicci{\'o}n ordinaria para direcci{\'o}n y gu{\'\i}a de los alcaldes},
Year = {1802}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and G{\'a}lvez, Bernardo de and {\{Pre-1801} Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)\}},
Keywords = {Mexico (City), Theater},
Lccn = {PN2312 .A3 1786},
Title = {[Reglamento Concerniente Al Teatro De M{\'e}xico Y La Representaci{\'o}n De Comedias, Etc},
Year = {1786}}
Address = {Stanford, Calif.},
Author = {Martin, Cheryl English},
Isbn = {0804725470},
Keywords = {Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Chihuahua) Estructura social, Chihuahua (Chihuahua) Frontier and pioneer life, Chihuahua. Koloniaal bestuur, Mexico, Siglo {XVIII.} Pioneros, Social structure},
Lccn = {0055},
Note = {Access: External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... More About This In: Books in Print (Publication status and optional reviews) Language: English Abstract: {"A} valuable addition to the historical literature on late colonial Mexico and the very modified impact of the Bourbon reforms. Solidly based on research in the well-preserved local archives, the author investigates how a large city on the northern frontier differed from other cities in New Spain. Particularly rich in materials on labor and ritual"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58. http: // Access: Materials specified: Publisher description Materials specified: Table of contents Geographic: Chihuahua (Chihuahua, Mexico) -- Social life and customs. Mexico -- History -- Spanish colony, 1540-1810. Chihuahua (Chihuahua, Mexico) -- Politics and government. Chihuahua (Chihuahua, Mexico) -- Economic conditions. Chihuahua (Chihuahua, Mexico) -- Race relations. M{\'e}xico -- Historia -- Colonia, 1540 1810. Chihuahua -- Pol{\'\i}tica y gobierno -- Siglo {XVIII.} Chihuahua -- Condiciones econ{\'o}micas -- Siglo {XVIII.} Chihuahua -- Relaciones {\'e}tnicas. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. [247]-256) and index. General Info: National bibliography no: {GB97-39184} Class Descriptors: {LC:} {F1391.C447;} Dewey: 972/.1602 Responsibility: Cheryl English Martin. Vendor Info: Baker and Taylor Baker \& Taylor Baker \& Taylor {YBP} Library Services ({BTCP} {BKTY} {BKTY} {YANK)} 46.00 22.95 Status: active active Material Type: Internet resource (url) Date of Entry: 19950403 Update: 20091016 Provider: {OCLC}},
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {Governance and Society in Colonial Mexico},
Title = {Governance and Society in Colonial Mexico: Chihuahua in the Eighteenth Century},
Year = {1996}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505973},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0050},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {490--524},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Rodr{\'\i}guez, Jaime E.},
Isbn = {0521626730},
Lccn = {0030},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {The Independence of Spanish America},
Year = {1998}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505889},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {i--xxxiii},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {S{\'a}ez, Lorenzo Guardiola and L{\'o}pez, Alfonso},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Corregidor perfecto y juez exactamente dotado de las calidades necesarias y},
Year = {1785}}
Abstract = {The article discusses on women participation in judicial proceedings of Spanish Quito in Ecuador in 1765 to 1810. A woman's decision to file a suit is determined by male relatives in the form of licensure given either by representation or written permission. Citing the court's decision favoring Ana Arguelles over her brother Eusevio Arguelles who contested paternal privilege when he controlled Ana's property in lieu of her absentee husband's debt to him. However, several court cases mentioned illustrate a woman's direct involvement in judicial proceedings without having to acquire license from their male relations. This illustrates the customary practices of Quito granting women access to the court and a contradiction to the patriarchal dominance of the Spanish rule.},
Author = {Black, Chad Thomas},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160701644532},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{ACTIONS} \& defenses, Colonies, {JUDGMENTS}, Latin America, {LAW} reports, digests, etc., {LEGAL} status, laws, etc., {PATRIARCHY}, Quito (Ecuador), {SELF-efficacy}, Spain, Women, {WOMEN'S} rights},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {273--298},
Shorttitle = {Between Prescription and Practice},
Title = {Between Prescription and Practice: Licensure and Women's Legal Identity in Bourbon Quito, 1765-1810.},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Osorio, Alejandra},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0009},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Aug., 2004 / Copyright {\copyright} 2004 Duke University Press},
Number = {3},
Shorttitle = {The King in Lima},
Title = {The King in Lima: Simulacra, Ritual, and Rule in Seventeenth-Century Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-05},
Volume = {84},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {[Mexico City},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Ladr{\'o}n de Guevara, Baltasar},
Keywords = {Fines (Penalties), Mexico Mexico City},
Lccn = {KG76 KGF7690.7.P84 .Y57 1776 no. 12B},
Publisher = {s.n},
Title = {Auto Del Regente De La Audiencia De M{\'e}xico Sobre Penas De C{\'a}mara},
Year = {1800}}
Address = {London},
Author = {Roche, James Jeffrey and Crockett, Davy},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1438 .R67},
Publisher = {T. F. Unwin},
Title = {The Story of the Filibusters},
Year = {1891}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Weber, Max and Swedberg, Richard},
Edition = {1st ed..},
Isbn = {9780393930689},
Keywords = {Capitalism Religious aspects Protestant churches., Protestant ethic, Protestant work ethic., Protestantism and capitalism},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0002},
Publisher = {{W.W.} Norton \& Co.},
Shorttitle = {The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism},
Title = {The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism : the Talcott Parsons translation interpretations},
Year = {2009}}
Address = {En Madrid},
Author = {{\{Consejo} de Indias (Spain)\} and {\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW},
Publisher = {Por Iulian de Paredes},
Title = {Ordenanzas Del Consejo Real De Las Indias},
Year = {1681}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real and Henares), Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial Literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1784}}
Address = {Albuquerque},
Author = {Black, Chad},
Isbn = {9780826349231},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Shorttitle = {The limits of gender domination},
Title = {The limits of gender domination : women, the law, and political crisis in Quito, 1765-1830},
Year = {2010}}
Address = {Freeport, {N.Y}},
Author = {Abdullah, Achmed and Pakenham, Thomas Compton},
Keywords = {Burton, Richard Francis, Gordon, Charles George, Lawrence, Henry Montgomery, Nicholson, John, Rhodes, Cecil, Walker, William},
Lccn = {DA531.1 .A2 1968},
Publisher = {Books for Libraries Press},
Series = {Essay index reprint series},
Title = {Dreamers of Empire},
Year = {1968}}
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Indice general de los libros prohibidos compuesto del indice {\'u}ltimo de los},
Year = {1844}}
File = {NINCH Guide to Good Practice:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/NCU7MRS8/V.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {{NINCH} Guide to Good Practice},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-17},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Weber, Professor David J.},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0300119917},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Shorttitle = {Barbaros},
Title = {Barbaros: Spaniards and Their Savages in the Age of Enlightenment},
Year = {2006}}
Keywords = {text mining},
Title = {Text Mining Overview},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506097},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {210--223},
Title = {Notes on Mexico and Central America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Boulder, Col.},
Author = {Dym, Jordana},
Isbn = {9780870818448},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Access: External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... More About This In: Books in Print (Publication status and optional reviews) Language: English Contents: Primary education in Bourbon San Salvador and Sonsonate, 1750-1808 /; Sajid Alfredo Herrera --; In the shadow of the great : church financiers' everyday resistance to the Bourbon reforms, Guatemala City, 1773-1821 /; Christophe Belaubre --; Bourbon reforms and city government in Central America, 1759-1808 /; Jordana Dym --; Between fidelity and pragmatism : Guatemala's commercial elite responds to Bourbon reforms on trade and contraband /; Gustavo Palma Murga --; State reform, popular resistance, and negotiation of rule in late Bourbon Guatemala : the Quetzaltenango Aguardiente monopoly, 1785-1807 /; Jorge H. Gonz{\'a}lez --; The establecimientos costeros of Bourbon Central America, 1787-1800 : problems and paradox in Spain's occupation of the Atlantic coast /; Doug Tompson --; {"Relaciones} il{\'\i}citas y matrimonios desiguales" : Bourbon reforms and the regulation of sexual mores in eighteenth-century Costa Rica /; Eugenia Rodr{\'\i}guez-S{\'a}enz --; A Bourbon reformer during the age of independence : Jos{\'e} de Bustamante in Central America, 1811-1818 /; Timothy Hawkins --; Guatemala City social elites on the eve of independence : internal structures and dynamics /; Michel Bertrand. Access: Materials specified: Table of contents only Named Person: Bourbon, House of. Bourbon, Maison de. Geographic: Central America -- Politics and government -- To 1821. Spain -- Colonies -- America -- Administration -- History. Am{\'e}rique centrale -- Politique et gouvernement -- Jusqu'{\`a} 1821. Espagne -- Colonies -- Am{\'e}rique -- Administration -- Histoire. Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-302) and index. General Info: National bibliography no: {GBA684066} Class Descriptors: {LC:} F1437; Dewey: 972.8/03 Responsibility: edited by Jordana Dym \& Christophe Belaubre. Vendor Info: {YBP} Library Services Baker and Taylor Baker \& Taylor ({YANK} {BTCP} {BKTY)} 60.00 Status: active Material Type: Internet resource (url) Date of Entry: 20061031 Update: 20080528 Provider: {OCLC} Chapter 2 In the Shadow of the Great: Church Financiers' Everyday Resistance to the Bourbon Reforms, Guatemala City, 1773-1821 - Christophe Belaubre ( 47 ) Chapter 3 Bourbon Reforms and City Government in Central America, 1759-1808 - Jordana Dym ( 75 ) Chapter 4 Between Fidelity and Pragmatism: Guatemala's Commercial Elite Responds to Bourbon Reforms on Trade and Contraband - Gustavo Palma Murga ( 101 ) Chapter 5 State Reform, Popular Resistance, and Negotiation of Rule in Late Bourbon Guatemala: The Quetzaltenango Aguardiente Monopoly, 1785-1807 - Jorge H. Gonzalez ( 129 ) Chapter 6 The Establecimientos Costeros of Bourbon Central America, 1787-1800: Problems and Paradox in Spain's Occupation of the Atlantic Coast - Doug Tompson ( 157 ) Chapter 7 {"Relaciones} Ilicitas y Matrimonios Desiguales": Bourbon Reforms and the Regulation of Sexual Mores in Eighteenth-Century Costa Rica - Eugenia Rodriguez-Saenz ( 185 ) Chapter 8 A Bourbon Reformer During the Age of Independence: Jose de Bustamante in Central America, 1811-1818 - Timothy Hawkins ( 211 )},
Publisher = {University Press of Colorado},
Title = {Politics, Economy, and Society in Bourbon Central America, 1759-1821 / Belaubre, Christophe.},
Year = {2007}}
Address = {En Madrid},
Author = {{\{Junta} de Guerra de Indias (Spain)\}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {F1411 .S698},
Publisher = {Por la viuda de Iuan Gonç̧alez},
Title = {Ordenanzas De La Junta De Guerra De Indias},
Year = {1636}}
Author = {Date Entities to Simile Timeline, {SEASR} Analytics},
File = {Date Entities to Simile Timeline:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/KF8VUFQV/Date Entities to Simile Timeline.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Future of the Andean Past},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Henares), Diego Davin, Manuela Negrete y Cepeda Campo Alange, Francisco Guerra, Anselmo Pinte{\~n}o, Manuel Fern{\'a}ndez, Biblioteca Complutense (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Cartas edificantes, y curiosas, escritas de las missiones estrangeras, y de},
Year = {1756}}
File = {H-LatAm: Syllabi:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/SZ5P8E72/sylllatamsurvey.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\textasciitilde}latam/syllabi/sylllatamsurvey.html},
Title = {H-{LatAm:} Syllabi},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-05},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Wood, Ellen Meiksins},
Edition = {Revised},
Isbn = {1859843921},
Month = jul,
Publisher = {Verso},
Shorttitle = {The Origin of Capitalism},
Title = {The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Asselbergs, Florine},
Edition = {{Pap/Pstr}},
Isbn = {0870818996},
Lccn = {0007},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {University Press of Colorado},
Shorttitle = {Conquered Conquistadors},
Title = {Conquered Conquistadors: The Lienzo De Quauhquechollan: A Nahua Vision of the Conquest of Guatemala},
Year = {2008}}
Abstract = {We present the articles of Hip{\'o}lito Unanue y Pav{\'o}n (1755-1833) --precursor of the Independence of Peru-- published in the illustrated and well-known newspaper called {"Mercurio} Peruano" (1791-1794). A clear influence of the Enlightenment is noticed in Unanue's work, specially in the scientific articles and in those that emphasize the importance of commerce for the viceroyalty. We also analyze his historic articles and his permanent intention to vindicate the American man and continent. These matters show us a time in which the existence of Peru was starting to be understood as an historic continuity. At the same time, they confirm the level of affirmation that the emotion of "being American" achieved in the region. /// Presentamos la obra de Hip{\'o}lito Unanue y Pav{\'o}n (1755-1833), recordado como precursor de la Independencia del Per{\'u}, publicada en el ilustrado y c{\'e}lebre peri{\'o}dico {"Mercurio} Peruano" (1791-1794). En su obra, se advierte una clara influencia del pensamiento de la Ilustraci{\'o}n, en especial en los art{\'\i}culos de tema cient{\'\i}fico y en aquellos en los que subraya la importancia del comercio para el virreinato. Asimismo, recorremos sus trabajos hist{\'o}ricos y su constante intenci{\'o}n de reivindicar lo americano. Estos {\'u}ltimos temas nos muestran que en ese entonces se empezaba a entender intelectualmente la existencia del Per{\'u} como una continuidad hist{\'o}rica y, a la vez, confirman el nivel de afirmaci{\'o}n que adquiri{\'o} el sentimiento regional de ser americano.},
Author = {Alva, Joseph Dager},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan. - Jun., 2001 / Copyright {\copyright} 2001 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {128},
Pages = {97--121},
Title = {Hip{\'o}lito Unanue en el {"Mercurio} Peruano"},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Deutsch, Sarah},
Isbn = {0195060733},
Lccn = {0174},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Oxford University Press, {USA}},
Shorttitle = {No Separate Refuge},
Title = {No Separate Refuge: Culture, Class, and Gender on an Anglo-Hispanic Frontier in the American Southwest, 1880-1940},
Year = {1989}}
Author = {Brown, Vera Lee},
Doi = {10.2307/2505719},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {337--350},
Title = {Chapter I. Spain in America, 1763-1770},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Baton Rouge},
Author = {Jaffe, Catherine Marie and Lewis, Elizabeth Franklin},
Isbn = {9780807133897},
Keywords = {18th century, Enlightenment, History, Intellectual life, Latin America, Latin American literature, Spain, Spanish literature, Women, Women and literature, Women authors},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Louisiana State University Press},
Shorttitle = {Eve's Enlightenment},
Title = {Eve's Enlightenment: Women's Experience in Spain and Spanish America, 1726-1839},
Year = {2009}}
Abstract = {My objective in this article is to examine the relationship between perception and classification in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Andes, focusing in particular on the Nuevo Reino de Granada (today, Colombia). During the first century of colonization, the visual identification of members of ethnoracial categories --- indios, mestizos, mulattos, negros, and Spaniards --- transformed over time and space in the Atlantic context. I argue in this article that we may be confining ourselves to a conceptual straitjacket if we limit our interpretation of terms like ``indio'' or ``mulato'' to their ethnic or racial dimensions as part of a self-enclosed system of classification, because such usages were embedded in broader schemes of perception and categorization that both antedated the Spanish invasion of the Americas and continued to be employed on the Iberian Peninsula. In particular, ethnoracial categories interacted in a complex relationship with the ways that observers reacted to the physiognomy of the individuals who bore these labels, so that the fluidity of classification can be seen as deriving in part from the interpretation of visual cues.},
Author = {Rappaport, Joanne},
Doi = {10.1215/00182168-1416648},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Number = {4},
Pages = {601 --631},
Shorttitle = {{``Asi} lo pares{\c c}e por su aspeto''},
Title = {{``Asi} lo pares{\c c}e por su aspeto'': Physiognomy and the Construction of Difference in Colonial Bogot{\'a}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-30},
Volume = {91},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Clustering text documents using MiniBatchKmeans --- scikit-learn v0.9 documentation:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/TEZFM47N/document_clustering.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_examples/document\_clustering.html},
Title = {Clustering text documents using {MiniBatchKmeans} --- scikit-learn v0.9 documentation},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-12},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Blackboard 4-Year Contract with Idaho: A Slam-Dunk or Just a Slam? | Technology Teacher:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/V4G3RKIT/blackboard-4-year-contract-with-idaho-a-slam-dunk-or-just-a-slam.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Blackboard 4-Year Contract with Idaho: A Slam-Dunk or Just a Slam? {\textbar} Technology Teacher},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Behrend-Martinez, Edward.},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/7GMJXD2N/38.4behrend-martinez.html:text/html},
Issn = {1527-1897},
Journal = {Journal of Social History},
Lccn = {0005},
Note = {Volume 38, Number 4, Summer 2005},
Number = {4},
Pages = {1073--1093},
Title = {Manhood and the Neutered Body in Early Modern Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-12-29},
Volume = {38},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Calendar Arithmetic (Python) - Python:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/K48ZSQ7I/216493.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Calendar Arithmetic (Python) - Python},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-26},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bonells, Jaime and Lacaba, Ignacio},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Curso completo de anatom{\'\i}a del cuerpo humano},
Year = {1800}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Ar{\'e}valo Ladr{\'o}n de Guevara, Juan Francisco Sahag{\'u}n de},
Keywords = {1540-1810, Economic conditions, Gazettes, Mexico, Politics and government},
Lccn = {KGF16 .A213},
Publisher = {Joseph Bernardo de Hogal},
Title = {Gazeta De M{\'e}xico},
Year = {1728}}
Author = {Garofalo, Leo J.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue: The African Diaspora in the Colonial Andes / Full publication date: Jul., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {53--80},
Shorttitle = {Conjuring with Coca and the Inca},
Title = {Conjuring with Coca and the Inca: The Andeanization of Lima's Afro-Peruvian Ritual Specialists, 1580-1690},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Fajardo, Diego Saavedra},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Idea de un principe politico christiano},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Restall, Matthew and Asselbergs, Florine},
Isbn = {0271027584},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Trd)},
Shorttitle = {Invading Guatemala},
Title = {Invading Guatemala: Spanish, Nahua, and Maya Accounts of the Conquest Wars},
Year = {2008}}
File = {AV1003 bibliography:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XM6UIQTV/bibliography.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{AV1003} bibliography},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1785}}
Author = {Quispe-Agnoli, Roc{\'\i}o},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160500315227},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {263--298},
Shorttitle = {Cuando Occidente y los Andes se encuentran},
Title = {Cuando Occidente y los Andes se encuentran: Qellqay , escritura alfab{\'e}tica, y tokhapu en el siglo {XVI*.} (Spanish)},
Volume = {14},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506075},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {736},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Blackboard: A Tale Of 2 Companies - Seeking Alpha:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/7PMEV7K9/290299-blackboard-a-tale-of-2-companies.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Blackboard: A Tale Of 2 Companies - Seeking Alpha},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Sol{\'o}rzano Pereira, Juan de and Valenzuela, Francisco Ramiro de},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Colonies, Colonies Administration, History, Indians, Latin America, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {LAW <Europe Spain 7 Solo>},
Publisher = {M. Sacristan},
Title = {Politica Indiana},
Year = {1736}}
Author = {Uribe, Manuel de Lardiz{\'a}bal y},
Lccn = {0011},
Title = {Discurso sobre las penas, contrahido {\'a} las leyes criminales de Espa{\~n}a, para},
Year = {1782}}
Author = {Cortes, Hernan and Pagden, Anthony},
Isbn = {0300090943},
Lccn = {0109},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Title = {Letters from Mexico},
Year = {2001}}
Author = {Gotkowitz, Laura},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 2003 / Copyright {\copyright} 2003 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Shorttitle = {Trading Insults},
Title = {Trading Insults: Honor, Violence, and the Gendered Culture of Commerce in Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1870s-1950s},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {83},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Alajuela, Costa Rica},
Author = {Chac{\'o}n M., Euclides},
Isbn = {9977953457},
Keywords = {1821-1948, 1821-1951, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Costa Rica, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, History Participation, Costa Rican, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .C43 2002},
Publisher = {Museo Hist{\'o}rico Cultural Juan Santamar{\'\i}a},
Title = {Indice Cronol{\'o}gico De La Campa{\~n}a Nacional, 1856-1857},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Williams, Mary Wilhelmine},
Doi = {10.2307/2505896},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {444--446},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Cambridge ; New York},
Author = {Lowenthal, David},
Isbn = {0521294800},
Keywords = {History Philosophy., History, Modern Philosophy, History.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {The past is a foreign country},
Year = {1985}}
File = {La Revoluci{\'o}n de Quito tendr{\'a} un monumento:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/AIIU7U5Z/Revolucion-Quito-monumento_0_591540996.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\_0\_591540996.html}},
Title = {La Revoluci{\'o}n de Quito tendr{\'a} un monumento},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This paper involves the historical construction of pragmatic meanings in a courtship correspondence of the eighteenth century. I draw on relevance theory in a pilot analysis preliminary to the pragmatic coding of implicature and inference in a rich body of epistolary prose in the letters subcorpus of the Network of Eighteenth-century English Texts ({NEET).} Extensive qualitative pragmatic study from relevance theoretic and Gricean perspectives have been conducted using the corpus (Fitzmaurice 2002, 2000). Uncovering the meanings of the letters within entire exchanges consists of negotiating multiple specific literary, cultural, historical and linguistic contexts. The goal is to construct a larger (con)textual setting in which later readers can ascertain the extent to which original participants were able to calculate their correspondents' intentions and how they in turn responded. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Fitzmaurice, Susan M.},
Doi = {10.1075/jhp.10.2.04fit},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{COURTSHIP} in literature, {EIGHTEENTH} century, {EPISTOLARY} poetry, {LINGUISTICS}, {PIERREPONT}, Mary, {THEORY}, {WORTLEY}, Edward},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {2},
Pages = {215--237},
Shorttitle = {The sociopragmatics of a lovers' spat},
Title = {The sociopragmatics of a lovers' spat: The case of the eighteenth-century courtship letters of Mary Pierrepont and Edward Wortley.},
Volume = {10},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Barcelona},
Author = {Bacard{\'\i} y Janer, Alejandro de and {\{Spain\}}},
Edition = {2. ed},
Keywords = {Colonies, {LAW}, Military law, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT3735 .B33 1851},
Publisher = {Estab. Tip. de el Sol},
Title = {Nuevo Colon, {\'O} Sea Tratado Del Derecho Militar De Espa{\~n}a Y Sus Indias},
Year = {1851}}
Address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
Author = {Scifleet, Paul and Williams, Susan P.},
Booktitle = {Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries},
Editor = {Gradmann, Stefan and Borri, Francesca and Meghini, Carlo and Schuldt, Heiko},
File = {SpringerLink - Abstract:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/M63FGF8T/7r6v137772300353.html:text/html},
Isbn = {978-3-642-24468-1, 978-3-642-24469-8},
Pages = {272--283},
Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
Shorttitle = {Understanding Documentary Practice},
Title = {Understanding Documentary Practice: Lessons Learnt from the Text Encoding Initiative},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-15},
Volume = {6966},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Durham [{N.C.]}},
Author = {Axel, Brian Keith},
Isbn = {0822328615},
Keywords = {Colonies, Ethnohistoire, Ethnohistory, Histoire sociale, Postcolonialism, Postcolonialisme, Social history},
Lccn = {0064},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {From the Margins},
Title = {From the Margins: Historical Anthropology and Its Futures},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Cullen, William},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Elementos de Medicina Practica},
Year = {1791}}
Address = {Boston},
Author = {Roche, James Jeffrey},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1438 .R672},
Publisher = {Small, Maynard \& company},
Title = {By-Ways of War; the Story of the Filibusters},
Year = {1901}}
Author = {Jost, Timothy Stoltzfus},
Issn = {{0002919X}},
Journal = {The American Journal of Comparative Law},
Lccn = {0021},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Summer, 2002 / Copyright {\copyright} 2002 American Society of Comparative Law},
Number = {3},
Pages = {633--646},
Title = {Rights of Embryo and Foetus in Private Law},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-21},
Volume = {50},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2518446},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Shorttitle = {Errata},
Title = {Errata: Don Manuel Josef de Ayala y la Historia de Nuestra Legislaci{\'o}n de Indias [Don Manuel Josef de Ayala and the History of Our Legislati{\'o}n for the Indies]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Leon, Pedro de Ciezade},
Isbn = {0822321467},
Lccn = {0021},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Title = {The Discovery and Conquest of Peru},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Carey, Elaine},
Isbn = {0826335454},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Shorttitle = {Plaza of Sacrifices},
Title = {Plaza of Sacrifices: Gender, Power, and Terror in 1968 Mexico},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Plenck, Joseph Jacob and Lavedan, Antonio and (Madrid), Imprenta Real and Pereira, Pedro Juli{\'a}n and Real, Imprenta and Juli{\'a}n, {PereyraPedro}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Tratado de enfermedades cut{\'a}neas},
Year = {1798}}
Author = {Brockington, Lolita Guti{\'e}rrez},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = oct,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: The African Experience in Early Spanish America / Full publication date: Oct., 2000 / Copyright {\copyright} 2000 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {2},
Pages = {207--224},
Shorttitle = {The African Diaspora in the Eastern Andes},
Title = {The African Diaspora in the Eastern Andes: Adaptation, Agency, and Fugitive Action, 1573-1677},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {57},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505964},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {419--446},
Title = {Syllabi of Courses. The History of Hispanic America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Alajuela, Costa Rica},
Author = {Mont{\'u}far, Lorenzo and Aguilar Piedra, Ra{\'u}l},
Isbn = {9977953333},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Central America, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .M66 2000},
Publisher = {Museo Hist{\'o}rico Cultural Juan Santamar{\'\i}a},
Title = {Walker En Centroam{\'e}rica},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505898},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {480--481},
Title = {Recent Acquisitions of the Library of Congress Mainly Treating of Mexico in Revolution},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{MacCormack}, Sabine},
Isbn = {0691140952},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Princeton University Press},
Shorttitle = {On the Wings of Time},
Title = {On the Wings of Time: Rome, the Incas, Spain, and Peru},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Graham, Carol and Kane, Cheikh},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0037},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {1},
Pages = {67--104},
Shorttitle = {Opportunistic Government or Sustaining Reform?},
Title = {Opportunistic Government or Sustaining Reform? Electoral Trends and Public-Expenditure Patterns in Peru, 1990-1995},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {33},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505791},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {603--634},
Title = {Hispanic American Bibliographies. {II} By Countries (Continued)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Chunks, Topics, and Themes in LDA | Lisa @ Work:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/RHD75DQD/chunks-topics-and-themes-in-lda.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Chunks, Topics, and Themes in {LDA} {\textbar} Lisa @ Work},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-04-15},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ciencias, Sociedad de Medicina y and Sevilla},
Lccn = {0012},
Title = {Memorias academicas de la Real Sociedad de Medicina, y dem{\`a}s Ciencias de},
Year = {1785}}
Author = {Heather Hennes},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/EW4TH5ME/66.3.hennes.html:text/html},
Issn = {1533-6247},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 66, Number 3, January 2010},
Number = {3},
Pages = {399--401},
Shorttitle = {Eve's Enlightenment},
Title = {Eve's Enlightenment: Women's Experience in Spain and Spanish America, 1726-1839 (review)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-08-26},
Volume = {66},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real and Henares), Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1785}}
Author = {Ma{\~n}es, Senen Vilanova y and Alb{\'a}n, Tom{\'a}s},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Materia criminal forense o tratado universal te{\'o}rico y pr{\'a}ctico de los},
Year = {1807}}
Address = {Albuquerque New Mexico},
Author = {Black, Chad and University of New Mexico.},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico},
Shorttitle = {The making of an indigenous movement},
Title = {The making of an indigenous movement : ethnicity, and post-marxist social praxis in Ecuador},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Garrett, David T.},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Nov., 2004 / Copyright {\copyright} 2004 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Shorttitle = {{"His} Majesty's Most Loyal Vassals"},
Title = {{"His} Majesty's Most Loyal Vassals": The Indian Nobility and T{\'u}pac Amaru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-05},
Volume = {84},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Anonymous: From the Lulz to Collective Action | The New Everyday:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/VR2FG6FE/anonymous-lulz-collective-action.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Anonymous: From the Lulz to Collective Action {\textbar} The New Everyday},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-18},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Gootenberg, Paul},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--56},
Shorttitle = {Carneros y Chuno},
Title = {Carneros y Chuno: Price Levels in Nineteenth-Century Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {70},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {This article examines the epithets used as insults in Old English, building on Jucker and Taavitsainen (2000). Such epithets were found by examining all uses of the second person pronouns þu and þin in the Dictionary of Old English corpus. Epithets that accompany these pronouns occur in four main contexts, namely saints' lives, complaints between body and soul, addresses to devils, and addresses to sinners. Nearly all insulting epithets in Old English are highly conventional, both in their use of well-established words from the Old English lexicon and in their reuse of typical epithets, from context to context. Such conventional epithets are typical of insults in other languages and are well motivated by the purpose of insults to demean the target. Yet there remain a handful of epithets that show much originality and creativity. These are mainly used in addresses to devils and complaints between the body and soul, most likely as a means of lampooning and ridiculing the devils and the body before a Christian audience. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Chapman, Don},
Doi = {10.1075/jhp.9.1.02cha},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{CHARACTERS} \& characteristics, {COMPARATIVE} linguistics, direct address, {EPITHETS}, {INFORMATION} theory, insulting epithets, {LANGUAGE} \& culture, {LINGUISTICS}, Methodology, name-calling, {NICKNAMES}, Old English debate between soul and body, Old English insults, Old English lexicon, Old English Saints Lives, {STRUCTURALISM} (Literary analysis), {TERMS} \& phrases, {TERMS} of endearment},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = apr,
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--19},
Shorttitle = {{``You} belly-guilty bag''},
Title = {{``You} belly-guilty bag'': Insulting epithets in Old English.},
Volume = {9},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Villar, Pedro Berm{\'u}dez del},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso imparcial o demostraci{\'o}n de los justos l{\'\i}mites a que se extienden y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and {\{Archivo} General de Indias\}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Archives, Colonies, New Spain, Politics and government, Spain},
Lccn = {0468E},
Title = {Records of the Real Audiencia, Mexico City, Mexico}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506032},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {262--263},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {A Journal of Communications in Information and Systems (CIS):/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/GA32KM52/vol5.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\textasciitilde}cis/vol5.html},
Title = {A Journal of Communications in Information and Systems ({CIS)}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-23},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {Examines the khipu numeracy and alphabetic literacy in the Andes. Existence of the Nueva cor{\'o}nica y buen gobierno in textual production; Table of contents on Khipu numeracy and alphabetic literacy; Importance of the even-numbered pairs model.},
Author = {Brokaw, Galen},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916022000023387},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {275--303},
Shorttitle = {Khipu Numeracy and Alphabetic Literacy in the Andes},
Title = {Khipu Numeracy and Alphabetic Literacy in the Andes: Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala's Nueva cor{\'o}nica y buen gobierno.},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Masaya, Nicaragua},
Author = {Bola{\~n}os Geyer, Alejandro},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Authorship, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, History Sources, Nicaragua, Rollins, Clinton, Walker, William, William Walker},
Lccn = {F1526.27.R643 B65 1976},
Publisher = {s.n.},
Title = {El Filibustero Clinton Rollins},
Year = {1976}}
Address = {St. Louis, Mo},
Author = {Reynolds, Matthew G},
Keywords = {1810-, History, Land tenure, Law and legislation, Mexico, Spanish colony, 1540-1810},
Lccn = {KGF3811 .S673 1895},
Publisher = {Buxton and Skinner Stationery Co},
Shorttitle = {Spanish and Mexican Land Laws},
Title = {Spanish and Mexican Land Laws: New Spain and Mexico},
Year = {1895}}
File = {[How To]: Execute Multiple Commands in Terminal | LinuxNov:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/FIG4RAG8/how-to-execute-multiple-commands-in-terminal.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {[How To]: Execute Multiple Commands in Terminal {\textbar} {LinuxNov}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-26},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cangiamila, Francesco},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Embriologia sagrada, {\'o} Tratado de la obligacion que tienen los curas},
Year = {1785}}
Author = {Perry, Edward},
Doi = {10.2307/2505879},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {621--622},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Focuses on the spiritual life and philosophy of Catalina de Jesus Herrera of Ecuador. Background of the subject; Desire of Herrera to establish a female genealogy; Implications of beliefs for colonial Ecuador.},
Author = {Stolley, Karen},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160020007675},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CATHOLIC} Church, {NUNS'} writings, {SPIRITUAL} life},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {167--185},
Shorttitle = {{"Llegando} a la primera mujer"},
Title = {{"Llegando} a la primera mujer": Catalina de Jes{\'u}s Herrera y la invenci{\'o}n de una genealog{\'\i}a femenina en el Quito del Siglo {XVIII.}},
Volume = {9},
Year = {2000},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505908},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {255--257},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Durham, {NC}},
Author = {{McCaughan}, Ed},
Isbn = {9780822351689 0822351684 9780822351825 {082235182X}},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Art and social movements},
Title = {Art and social movements : cultural politics in Mexico and Aztl{\'a}n},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {{SPAIN} and Pacheco, Joaqu{\'\i}n Francisco and Apezechea, Ferm{\'\i}n de la Puente y and Serna, Pedro G{\'o}mez de la and Mendoza, Francesco de Paula D{\'\i}az y and L{\'o}pez, Gregorio and (Kingdom), Castile},
Lccn = {0000},
Shorttitle = {Los codigos espa{\~n}oles concordados y anotados},
Title = {Los codigos espa{\~n}oles concordados y anotados: Introducci{\'o}n. Liber judicum},
Year = {1847}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1785}}
Abstract = {In order to assert greater control over its parishioners, the Catholic Reformation Church in the wake of the Council of Trent (147-1563) attempted to bring relationships, especially those involving sexual relations, under its purview. This process involved the redefinition of marriage rituals, especially in terms of premarital sexual relations and the legitimization of marriage promises by a priest. The Council also strongly reiterated Church doctrine concerning the indissolubility of the sacrament of marriage. However, parishioners often proved to have little enthusiasm for such ecclesiastical regulation. I examined a variety of parish marriage records from 1550 to 1700 from the diocese of Ourense, a rural diocese in Galicia in northwestern Spain. A close look reveals that, despite the injunctions of the Council of Trent, not all promises of marriage and sexual activity led to marriage principally because local religious culture tolerated extra-marital sexuality. Moreover, from time to time even married couples separated and began new lives with new partners despite the ecclesiastical prohibitions. Contrary to historians' claims about the permanence of marriage in early modern Europe, the peasants of northwestern Spain maintained their traditional, more flexible notions of marriage throughout the seventeenth century.},
Author = {Allyson M. Poska},
Issn = {00224529},
Journal = {Journal of Social History},
Lccn = {0008},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Summer, 1996 / Copyright {\copyright} 1996 Peter N. Stearns},
Number = {4},
Pages = {871--882},
Shorttitle = {When Love Goes Wrong},
Title = {When Love Goes Wrong: Getting out of Marriage in Seventeenth-Century Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-12-29},
Volume = {29},
Year = {1996},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Syllabus -- Adventures in Digital History 2010:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/V2CCF3M8/draft-syllabus.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Syllabus -- Adventures in Digital History 2010},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Stahler-Sholk, Richard},
Issn = {0094-{582X}},
Journal = {Latin American Perspectives},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: Che Guevara and His Legacy / Full publication date: Jul., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Sage Publications, Inc.},
Number = {4},
Pages = {63--75},
Title = {Massacre in Chiapas},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-03-31},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Faye, Georges de La and Fern{\'a}ndez, Francisco and Xiorro, Juan Galisteo y and Xiorro, Juan Galisteo y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Principios de cirugia},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Dur{\'a}n, Diego and Ram{\'\i}rez, Jos{\'e} Fernando and Mendoza, Gumesindo},
Lccn = {0499},
Title = {Historia de las Indias de Nueva-Espa{\~n}a y islas de Tierra Firme},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Castillo, Bernal Diaz Del},
Isbn = {{030681319X}},
Lccn = {0113},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Da Capo Press},
Title = {The Discovery And Conquest Of Mexico},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Ordenanzas de s. M. Para el regimen, disciplina, subordinacion, y servicio},
Year = {1768}}
Author = {V{\'e}lez, Rafael de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Preservativo contra la irreligi{\'o}n {\'o} los planes de la filosof{\'\i}a contra la},
Year = {1812}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505945},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {82--83},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Klein, Julius and Bonham, Milledge L. and Jones, Grosvenor M.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505972},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {464--489},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {V, J. B. D. and Repull{\'e}s, Mateo},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Flora o la lucha de la virtud con el crimen y la desgracia},
Year = {1807}}
Author = {Hampe-Mart{\'\i}nez, Teodoro},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: May, 1993 / Copyright {\copyright} 1993 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {211--233},
Shorttitle = {The Diffusion of Books and Ideas in Colonial Peru},
Title = {The Diffusion of Books and Ideas in Colonial Peru: A Study of Private Libraries in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {73},
Year = {1993},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Febrero, Jos{\'e} and Tapia, Eugenio de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Febrero nov{\'\i}simo, {\'o} librer{\'\i}a de jueces, abogados, Escribanos y medicos},
Year = {1837}}
Author = {Ciccarelli, Orazio},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Aug., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Duke University Press},
Number = {3},
Pages = {405--432},
Shorttitle = {Fascism and Politics in Peru during the Benavides Regime, 1933-39},
Title = {Fascism and Politics in Peru during the Benavides Regime, 1933-39: The Italian Perspective},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {70},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Jos{\'e} Luis Gonz{\'a}lez},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul. - Dec., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {110},
Pages = {19--35},
Shorttitle = {Garcilaso Inca de la Vega},
Title = {Garcilaso Inca de la Vega: Un Hombre entre dos Razas},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Vollendorf, Lisa.},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/JTQVRTFJ/47.4vollendorf.html:text/html},
Issn = {1534-7303},
Journal = {Texas Studies in Literature and Language},
Lccn = {0002},
Note = {Volume 47, Number 4, Winter 2005},
Number = {4},
Pages = {425--445},
Title = {The Value of Female Friendship in Seventeenth-Century Spain},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-12-29},
Volume = {47},
Year = {2005},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Puebla},
Author = {{\{Catholic} Church\} and Tapia, Juan Antonio de and {\{Dominicans\}} and {\{New} Spain\}},
Lccn = {LAW},
Publisher = {Impr. del Real Seminario Palafoxiano},
Title = {Alegacion De Los Derechos Que Por Parte Del Promotor Fiscal Del Obispado De La Puebla De Los Angeles Se Hace a Esta Real Audiencia, Para Que En Conformidad De Lo Determinado, En Diez Y Seis De Mayo De Mil Setecientos Y Setenta, Se Sirva Declarar Que En Conocer Y Proceder El Provisor De Dicha Ciudad No Hace Fuerza En La Causa Que Expresa},
Year = {1771}}
Author = {{\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {California, Cinza, Juan Bautista de, Discovery and exploration},
Lccn = {0470C},
Title = {Correspondence}}
Abstract = {As sixteenth-century Spaniards constructed their global empire, they carried with them the racial-religious concept of ``limpieza de sangre,'' or blood purity, which restricted marginalized communities from exercising prestige and authority. However, the complex demographic arena of early modern America, so different from the late medieval Iberia that gave rise to the discourse, necessarily destabilized and complicated limpieza's meanings and modes of expression. This article explores a variety of ways by which indigenous elites in late colonial Mexico sought to take advantage of these ambiguities and describe themselves as ``pure-blooded,'' thereby reframing their local authority in terms recognized and respected by Spanish authorities. Specifically, savvy native lords naturalized the concept by portraying their own ancestors as the originators of ``pure'' bloodlines in America. In doing so, they reoriented the imagined metrics of purity so as to distinguish themselves from native commoners, mestizos, and the descendants of Africans. However, applying limpieza in native communities could backfire: after two centuries of extensive race mixing, many native lords found themselves vulnerable to accusations of uncleanliness and ancestral shame. Yet successful or not, indigenous participation in the discourse of limpieza helped influence what it meant in New Spain to be ``honorable'' and ``pure,'' and therefore eligible for social mobility.},
Author = {Villella, Peter B.},
Doi = {10.1215/00182168-1416657},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Number = {4},
Pages = {633 --663},
Shorttitle = {{``Pure} and Noble Indians, Untainted by Inferior Idolatrous Races''},
Title = {{``Pure} and Noble Indians, Untainted by Inferior Idolatrous Races'': Native Elites and the Discourse of Blood Purity in Late Colonial Mexico},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-30},
Volume = {91},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505949},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {89--99},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Casey, Michael J.},
Edition = {First Edition Thus},
Isbn = {0307279308},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {Vintage},
Shorttitle = {Che's Afterlife},
Title = {Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image},
Year = {2009}}
Address = {Oxford [Eng.]},
Author = {Lynch, John},
Isbn = {0631145761},
Keywords = {Bourbons, 1700-, History, Spain},
Lccn = {0092},
Publisher = {B. Blackwell},
Title = {Bourbon Spain, 1700-1808},
Year = {1989}}
Author = {Safford, Frank},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0046},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 1991 / Copyright {\copyright} 1991 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1--33},
Shorttitle = {Race, Integration, and Progress},
Title = {Race, Integration, and Progress: Elite Attitudes and the Indian in Colombia, 1750-1870},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {71},
Year = {1991},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Reuben Zahler},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/DFDQPUJ5/65.3.zahler.html:text/html},
Issn = {1533-6247},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 65, Number 3, January 2009},
Number = {3},
Pages = {351--374},
Shorttitle = {Complaining Like a Liberal},
Title = {Complaining Like a Liberal: Redefining Law, Justice, and Official Misconduct in Venezuela, 1790-1850},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-01-08},
Volume = {65},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Febrero, Jos{\'e}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Febrero novisimo, {\'o} libreria de jueces, abogados, escribanos y medicos},
Year = {1837}}
Author = {Leon E. Bieber},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1999 / Copyright {\copyright} 1999 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {2},
Pages = {152--178},
Shorttitle = {La Sociedad de Proteccion a los Inmigrantes Israelitas},
Title = {La Sociedad de Proteccion a los Inmigrantes Israelitas: Su aporte a la integracion economica de judios en Bolivia, 1939-1945},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {34},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Stern, Steve J.},
Edition = {2},
Isbn = {0299141845},
Lccn = {0194},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {University of Wisconsin Press},
Shorttitle = {Peru's Indian Peoples and the Challenge of Spanish Conquest},
Title = {Peru's Indian Peoples and the Challenge of Spanish Conquest: Huamanga To 1640},
Year = {1993}}
File = {Internet History Sourcebooks Project:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ZIJ5SAEM/wyclif-euch.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\_SITE/Halsall\%20Transition\%202011/source/wyclif-euch.asp}},
Title = {Internet History Sourcebooks Project},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-01-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Astruc, Jean and Xiorro, F{\'e}lix Galisteo y},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Tratado de las enfermedades ven{\'e}reas},
Year = {1791}}
Author = {Wilgus, A. Curtis},
Doi = {10.2307/2506064},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {662--708},
Title = {James G. Blaine and the Pan American Movement},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Analyzes the anticolonial movements among the peasants of the Andes region from 1740 to 1781 to determine their interrelated workings. Focus on the documentary records of peasants from the city of La Paz prior to the revolution of 1781; Political struggles that have occurred in the past; Culmination into a formal political program for the opposition of colonial oppression.},
Author = {Thomson},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{ANDES} Region, {ANTI-imperialist} movements, History, {PEASANT} uprisings, {REVOLUTIONS}},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {275},
Shorttitle = {{`We} alone will rule...'},
Title = {{`We} alone will rule...': Recovering the range of Anticolonial projects among Andean peasants...},
Volume = {8},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Campomanes, Pedro Rodr{\'\i}guez and (Madrid), Imprenta Real de la Gaceta},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Tratado de la regal{\'\i}a de amortizaci{\'o}n},
Year = {1765}}
Author = {Yupangui, Diego De Castro Titu Cusi and Yupanqui, Diego De Castro Titu Cusi},
Edition = {Bilingual},
Isbn = {0872208281},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Hackett Pub Co},
Title = {History of How the Spaniards Arrived in Peru (Relas{\'y}{\'y}ion de como los Espa{\'y}{\'y}oles Entraron en el Peru), Dual-Language Edition},
Year = {2006}}
File = {Note-taking and Abstracting | Words in Space:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/9IDU3DH7/note-taking-and-abstracting.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Note-taking and Abstracting {\textbar} Words in Space},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {James, Daniel},
Isbn = {0521466822},
Lccn = {0124},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorttitle = {Resistance and Integration},
Title = {Resistance and Integration: Peronism and the Argentine Working Class, 1946-1976},
Year = {1994}}
Author = {L{\'a}rraga, Francisco},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Promptuario de la theolog{\'\i}a moral},
Year = {1793}}
Author = {Feldman, Ronen and Sanger, James},
Isbn = {0521836573},
Lccn = {0217},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorttitle = {The Text Mining Handbook},
Title = {The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches in Analyzing Unstructured Data},
Year = {2006}}
Address = {-- New York},
Author = {Klare, Michael T and {\{North} American Congress on Latin America\}},
Keywords = {International relations, Military research, Police, Research, Study and teaching, {UNITED} States},
Lccn = {U393 .K57},
Publisher = {North American Congress on Latin America},
Shorttitle = {The University-Military-Police Complex},
Title = {The University-Military-Police Complex: A Directory and Related Documents},
Year = {1970}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y},
Lccn = {0032},
Title = {Historia del luxo y de las leyes Suntuarias de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1788}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
Author = {Villanueva, Jaime and Villanueva, Joaqu{\'\i}n Lorenzo and Castro, Fernando de},
Lccn = {0023},
Title = {Viage literario a las Iglesias de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Prescott, William H.},
Isbn = {0815410042},
Lccn = {0112},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {Cooper Square Press},
Title = {History of the Conquest of Mexico \& History of the Conquest of Peru},
Year = {2000}}
Abstract = {Trial proceedings and depositions are textual genres that create particular demands for speech marking in discourse. This study examines the use of the expository apposition marker videlicet in both a sample of Early Modern depositions of defamation and several electronic corpora. It finds that videlicet developed a grammaticalized quotative sense concurrent with its borrowing into English and, further, that this grammaticalized sense developed only in legal records. Considering the evolution of videlicet shows us how functionality evolves to fit a particular set of generic needs. Videlicet provides a case of grammaticalization restricted to a single register, and can therefore be instructive about the diffusion of grammaticalized forms across genres and about the intersection of grammaticalization and code-switching. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Moore, Colette},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{CODE} switching (Linguistics), {CRIMINAL} procedure, {DEPOSITIONS}, {DISCOURSE}, discourse marker, {DISCOURSE} markers, Early Modern English, {ENGLISH} language, {GRAMMAR}, Comparative \& general -- Grammaticalization, grammaticalization, {LAW} -- Language, legal language, {LIBEL} \& slander, slander depositions},
Lccn = {0005},
Number = {2},
Pages = {245--263},
Shorttitle = {The use of videlicet in Early Modern slander depositions},
Title = {The use of videlicet in Early Modern slander depositions: A case of genre-specific grammaticalization.},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Petras, James},
Issn = {0094-{582X}},
Journal = {Latin American Perspectives},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Issue Title: Che Guevara and His Legacy / Full publication date: Jul., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Sage Publications, Inc.},
Number = {4},
Pages = {9--18},
Title = {Che Guevara and Contemporary Revolutionary Movements},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-03-31},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The article discusses the language policy debate in mid-colonial Peru. It features the learning system and language conversion program of the Spanish colonial rule to the Peruvian people through educating local ethnic lords. They are trained and accultured to the Christian faith and expected to dissuade their native congregants upon returning home.},
Author = {Charles, John},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160701335891},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CONVERSION}, {INSTRUCTIONAL} systems, {LANGUAGE} planning, {LANGUAGE} policy, {PERU}},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {23--47},
Shorttitle = {{'More} Ladino than Necessary'},
Title = {{'More} Ladino than Necessary': Indigenous Litigants and the Language Policy Debate in Mid-Colonial Peru.},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {HIS 240:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/83TQN9XA/kh250.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\_and\_Humanities/History/haynes/kh250.html}},
Title = {{HIS} 240},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-05},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bassols, Ram{\'o}n L{\'a}zaro de Dou y de and (Madrid), Benito Garc{\'\i}a y Compa{\~n}{\'\i}a and (Madrid), Real Colegio de Cirug{\'\i}a de San Carlos},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Instituciones del derecho P{\'u}blico General de Espa{\~n}a con noticia del},
Year = {1803}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {{McCarty}, Willard},
Isbn = {978-1-4039-3504-5},
Lccn = {0089},
Publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
Title = {Humanities Computing},
Year = {2005}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505902},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {509--510},
Title = {Back Matter},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bolton, Herbert E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505905},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {188--242},
Title = {The Iturbide Revolution in the Californias},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Villadiego Vascu{\~n}ana y Montoya, Alonso de},
Keywords = {{JUDGES}, {LAW}, Law, Visigothic, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT125 .V55 1841},
Publisher = {Impr. de L. Amarita},
Title = {El Libro De Los Jueces; {\'O}, Fuero Juzgo. Prec{\'e}dele Un Discurso Del Editor Sobre Los Godos, Sus Costumbres Y Su Legislaci{\'o}n En Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1841}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505907},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {254--255},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Herv{\'a}s, Lorenzo and Panduro, Lorenzo Herv{\'a}s y},
Lccn = {0030},
Title = {Cat{\'a}logo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas},
Year = {1804}}
Author = {Winichakul, Thongchakul},
Isbn = {0824819748},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {University of Hawaii Press},
Shorttitle = {Siam Mapped},
Title = {Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-Body of a Nation},
Year = {1997}}
Author = {Gimbernat, Antonio de and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n and Wantz, Joaqu{\'\i}n Ibarra, George Edward},
Lccn = {0012},
Title = {Nuevo m{\'e}todo de operar en la hernia crural},
Year = {1793}}
Author = {Manning, William R.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506099},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {123--145},
Title = {An Early Diplomatic Controversy between the United States and Brazil},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Basic Search Education Lesson Plans - GoogleWebSearchEducation:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/PJU9P66V/lessonplans.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Basic Search Education Lesson Plans - {GoogleWebSearchEducation}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Espa{\~n}ola, Real Academia and Visigoths},
Lccn = {0006},
Title = {Fuero juzgo en latin y castellano},
Year = {1815}}
Author = {Linenthal, Edward T. and Engelhardt, Tom},
Edition = {1st},
Isbn = {{080504387X}},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Holt Paperbacks},
Shorttitle = {History Wars},
Title = {History Wars: The Enola Gay and Other Battles for the American Past},
Year = {1996}}
Author = {Silvia, Paul J.},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {1591477433},
Lccn = {0027},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {American Psychological Association ({APA)}},
Shorttitle = {How to Write a Lot},
Title = {How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing},
Year = {2007}}
Abstract = {Major change came to Argentina during the first decades of the twentieth century. Following the mass influx of European immigrants to the country during the beginning of the century, a truly national culture was produced through mass media, facilitating the assimilation of immigrants and their descendants. New forms of media emerged, such as radio and cinema, as did new forms of entertainment, such as tango songs, films, and radio theater. Yet despite the unifying effect of popular culture, the nation remained divided, and, if anything, more so in 1950 than in 1910. This book argues that the key to understanding this paradox lies in a reassessment of the mass culture of the 1920s and 1930s. With a focus on film and radio in and around Buenos Aires, the locus of production as well as much of the market consumption, Karush shows how integration and class fractures occurred simultaneously in a short span of the country's history. He brings together the usually separated subjects of radio and cinema to show how they can combine to gauge a larger cultural and political environment and shed light on class distinctions. The book contributes to an ongoing discussion of the relationship between power and mass culture. It will be of interest to scholars of cultural history and urban studies and those interested in Latin American history and culture.},
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Karush, Matthew B},
Isbn = {9780822352433 0822352435 9780822352648 0822352648},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Culture of class},
Title = {Culture of class : radio and cinema in the making of a divided Argentina, 1920-1946},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Mart{\'\i}nez, Gustavo Vargas},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul. - Dec., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {110},
Pages = {37--44},
Title = {De Como el Inca Garcilaso no creyo en el Cuento de Colon},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Re-envisioning the Malinche Myth: A Failed Transformation of a Whore into a Mother | Serendip's Exchange:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/4A5ZWZPU/3376.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Re-envisioning the Malinche Myth: A Failed Transformation of a Whore into a Mother {\textbar} Serendip's Exchange},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-15},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Comisarenco, Dina},
Doi = {10.2307/1358524},
Issn = {0270-7993},
Journal = {Woman's Art Journal},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Spring - Summer, 1996 / Copyright {\copyright} 1996 Woman's Art, Inc.},
Number = {1},
Pages = {14--21},
Title = {Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Tlazolteotl},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-01-11},
Volume = {17},
Year = {1996},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fitzpatrick, Kathleen},
Howpublished = {},
Journal = {Planned Obsolescence},
Keywords = {mla, publishing},
Language = {English},
Month = jan,
Shorttitle = {Giving It Away},
Title = {Giving It Away: Sharing and the Future of Scholarly Communication},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2013-01-28},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Berkeley},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Croix, Carlos Francisco de Croix and Teggart, Frederick John},
Keywords = {Portol{\'a}'s Expedition, Calif., 1769-1770},
Lccn = {F851 .A15 vol. 1, no. 2},
Number = {v. 1, no. 2},
Publisher = {University of California},
Series = {Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History},
Title = {The Official Account of the Portola Expedition of 1769-1770},
Year = {1909}}
Author = {Lesser, Jeffrey},
Isbn = {0822322927},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {Negotiating National Identity},
Title = {Negotiating National Identity: Immigrants, Minorities, and the Struggle for Ethnicity in Brazil},
Year = {1999}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico, {D.F}},
Author = {Stols, A. A. M and {\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Biography, C{\'e}sar, Cornelio Adri{\'a}n, Mexico, Mexico Mexico City, Printers, Trials (Heresy), Trials, litigation, etc},
Lccn = {KGF135.C47 S76 1992},
Publisher = {Redacta},
Shorttitle = {Cornelio Adri{\'a}n C{\'e}sar},
Title = {Cornelio Adri{\'a}n C{\'e}sar: Impresor Holand{\'e}s En M{\'e}xico},
Year = {1992}}
File = {According to Aristotle, scientific knowledge (episteme) must be expressed in statements that:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/IQTDJ9JA/primitives.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\textasciitilde}{unsworth/Kings.5-00/primitives.html}},
Title = {According to Aristotle, scientific knowledge (episteme) must be expressed in statements that},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-29},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Gonz{\'a}lez Navarro, Mois{\'e}s},
Keywords = {Indians of Mexico, Mexico Jalisco},
Lccn = {F1219.1.N8 A5},
Number = {1},
Series = {Museo Nacional de Historia. Serie cient{\'\i}fica},
Title = {Repartimiento De Indios En Nueva Galicia},
Year = {1953}}
Address = {University Park, Pa.},
Author = {Marks, Patricia H.},
Isbn = {9780271032092},
Keywords = {Civil-military relations Peru History 19th century., Legitimacy of governments Peru., Merchants Peru Lima History 19th century., Peru Economic conditions 19th century., Peru History Autonomy and independence movements., Peru History War of Independence, 1820-1829., Political culture Peru History 19th century.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Pennsylvania State University Press},
Shorttitle = {Deconstructing legitimacy},
Title = {Deconstructing legitimacy : viceroys, merchants, and the military in late colonial Peru},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Blanco, Jos{\'e} F{\'e}lix and Azpur{\'u}a, Ram{\'o}n},
Lccn = {0065},
Title = {Documentos para la historia de la vida p{\'u}blica del libertador de Colombia},
Year = {1875}}
Abstract = {The power structures in northern Baltic Europe in the Middle Ages can be studied through the correspondence between the Swedish authorities and the Hanseatic Councils. The letters were written in three languages: Latin, Low German and Swedish. Low German was the dominant language in the correspondence from the fifteenth century onwards. The aim of the paper is to examine the ways in which power relationships are manifested, including choice of language, conventional expressions of politeness, use of laudatory adjectives when addressing the recipient, use of adverbs to express deference or hedging, and elaborations in orthography. Medieval letter-writing followed models described in various instruction books called summae dictaminis. These reflect the hierarchy of medieval society by classifying senders and recipients of letters according to their social position, and giving instructions for address of one group by another. The European tradition of rules for letter writing can be traced back in an unbroken line to the Roman Empire, and in spite of certain local differences most rules concerning the form of the letter and expressions of politeness were shared all over the continent. [{ABSTRACT} {FROM} {AUTHOR]}},
Author = {Tiisala, Seija},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {15665852},
Journal = {Journal of Historical Pragmatics},
Keywords = {{AUTHORITY}, {GRAMMAR}, Comparative \& general -- Adjective, {INTERPERSONAL} communication, {LANGUAGE} \& languages -- Orthography \& spelling, {LETTER} writing, {WRITTEN} communication},
Lccn = {0009},
Number = {2},
Pages = {193--206},
Title = {Power and politeness.},
Volume = {5},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {Academic World History Articles and Essays | Middle Ground Journal:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/GEQPXFJW/historyjournal.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {Academic World History Articles and Essays {\textbar} Middle Ground Journal},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-26},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Scheinfeldt, Tom},
Journal = {Found History},
Keywords = {Digital Humanities},
Language = {English},
Month = dec,
Shorttitle = {Stuff Digital Humanists Like},
Title = {Stuff Digital Humanists Like: Defining Digital Humanities by its Values},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-12-05},
Year = {2010},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The author revisits the question of what text analysis could be. He traces the tools from their origin in the concordance. He argues that text‐analysis tools produce new texts generated from queries through processes implemented on the computer. These new texts come from the decomposition of original texts and recomposition into hybrid new works for interpretation. The author ends by presenting a portal model for how text‐analysis tools can be made available to the community.},
Author = {Rockwell, Geoffrey},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/18.2.209},
File = {Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/HJ25AI5F/login.html:text/html},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Month = jun,
Number = {2},
Pages = {209 --219},
Title = {What is Text Analysis, Really?},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-28},
Volume = {18},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506031},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {260--262},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {AppEngineLearn:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/58M56TUK/},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{AppEngineLearn}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-14},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Hill, Lawrence F.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505735},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {192--210},
Title = {Confederate Exiles to Brazil},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gimbernat, Antonio de},
Lccn = {0012},
Publisher = {En la imprenta de la viuda de Ibarra},
Title = {Nuevo m{\'e}todo de operar en la hernia crural},
Year = {1793}}
File = {Topic Modeling Toolbox:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/Q8P59A2B/toolbox.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_data/toolbox.htm},
Title = {Topic Modeling Toolbox},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-02-25},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Santacilia, Jorge Juan y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Relacion historica del viage {\`a} la America meridion{\`a}l hecho de orden de s},
Year = {1748}}
Author = {Kunzel, Regina},
Isbn = {0226462269},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {University Of Chicago Press},
Shorttitle = {Criminal Intimacy},
Title = {Criminal Intimacy: Prison and the Uneven History of Modern American Sexuality},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Collings, Harry T.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505943},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {75--79},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Guarinos, Juan Sempere y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Biblioteca espa{\~n}ola econ{\'o}mico-politica [electronic resource},
Year = {1801}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505755},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1919 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {80--95},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Three members of a small band of Spanish thieves appear before the court of the governor of Rome. One, in hopes of clemency, betrays his companions and lays out the story of his long criminal career, both with them and with others. He is thus a useful informant, not only to the judge but also to the historian. This essay recounts the experience of the men in the gang and then explores the political economy of their profession. It then turns to the matter of tactics in the court itself and discerns in the three prisoners three distinct styles of bargaining: supplication, the claim to honor, and energetic empiricism. All three are bids for fede, that is, for credit. Though at first glance very different, these three tactics have in common a willingness to point out the speakers' vulnerability. Thus all three rhetorical strategies reflect the paucity of both real and symbolic capital available to underlings in early modern Italy.},
Author = {Cohen, Thomas V.},
File = {JSTOR Full Text PDF:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/GTMVKN3M/Cohen - 1998 - Three Forms of Jeopardy Honor, Pain, and Truth-Te.pdf:application/pdf},
Issn = {03610160},
Journal = {The Sixteenth Century Journal},
Lccn = {0008},
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Winter, 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 The Sixteenth Century Journal},
Number = {4},
Pages = {975--998},
Shorttitle = {Three Forms of Jeopardy},
Title = {Three Forms of Jeopardy: Honor, Pain, and Truth-Telling in a Sixteenth- Century Italian Courtroom},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-10-20},
Volume = {29},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Fern{\'a}ndez, Ram{\'o}n and (Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Principios de cirug{\'\i}a en general, as{\'\i} en la pr{\'a}ctica, como en la te{\'o}rica},
Year = {1796}}
Author = {P., H. I.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506018},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {99},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505708},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {387--388},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gonz{\'a}lez, Ondina E. and Premo, Bianca},
Isbn = {0826334415},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Shorttitle = {Raising an Empire},
Title = {Raising an Empire: Children in Early Modern Iberia and Colonial Latin America},
Year = {2007}}
File = {Digital History Hacks (2005-08): Easy Pieces in Python: A Lookup Table:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/TGZ36F5R/easy-pieces-in-python-lookup-table.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Digital History Hacks (2005-08): Easy Pieces in Python: A Lookup Table},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-12-19},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Schwartz, Stuart B.},
Isbn = {0312393555},
Lccn = {0018},
Month = nov,
Publisher = {{Bedford/St.} Martin's},
Shorttitle = {Victors and Vanquished},
Title = {Victors and Vanquished: Spanish and Nahua Views of the Conquest of Mexico},
Year = {2000}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {Fern{\'a}ndez de San Salvador, Fernando and Villavicencio, Mar{\'\i}a Luciana de and Zuazueta, Joaqu{\'\i}n and {\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Campa, Antonio de la, Inheritance and succession, Mexico},
Lccn = {LAW <Central America Mexico 9 (Foreign) Trials "Campa">},
Publisher = {En la Oficina de don Mariano Joseph de Z{\'u}{\~n}iga y Ontiveros},
Title = {Defensa Legal De D. Antonio De La Campa, Vecino Que Fu{\'e} De Esta Ciudad En Los Autos Pendientes En Esta Real Audiencia Con El Albacea De Mar{\'\i}a Luciana Villavicencio Y De Don Joaqu{\'\i}n Zuazueta, Marido De Ana Joaquina Sobre Nulidad De La Disposici{\'o}n Testamentar{\'\i}a En Que Aplic{\'o} Su Caudal {\'a} Obras Piadosas},
Year = {1805}}
Address = {En Madrid},
Author = {Llorente, Juan Antonio},
Edition = {Segunda edicion del texto castellano, mejor que la primera},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Law, Germanic, Spain},
Lccn = {KJ252.A3 L53 1792},
Publisher = {Por don Isidoro de Hernandez Pacheco},
Shorttitle = {Leyes Del Fuero-Juzgo, {\'O} Recopilacion De Las Leyes De Los Wisi-Godos Espa{\~n}oles},
Title = {Leyes Del Fuero-Juzgo, {\'O} Recopilacion De Las Leyes De Los Wisi-Godos Espa{\~n}oles: Titulada Primeramente Liber Judicum, Despues Forum Judicum Y Ultimamente Fuero-Juzgo},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2506046},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {491--494},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Restall, Matthew and Asselbergs, Florine},
Isbn = {0271027584},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Trd)},
Shorttitle = {Invading Guatemala},
Title = {Invading Guatemala: Spanish, Nahua, and Maya Accounts of the Conquest Wars},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Mart{\'\i}n, Jos{\'e} Ram{\'o}n Jouve},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916042000301494},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {181--198},
Shorttitle = {En olor de santidad},
Title = {En olor de santidad: hagiograf{\'\i}a, cultos locales y escritura religiosa en Lima, siglo {XVII.}},
Volume = {13},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Cox, Isaac J.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505968},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {458--459},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {St. Charles, Mo},
Author = {Bola{\~n}os Geyer, Alejandro},
Isbn = {1877926027},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Biography, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, {UNITED} States, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 B6517 1993},
Publisher = {A. Bola{\~n}os Geyer},
Shorttitle = {William Walker, El Predestinado De Los Ojos Grises},
Title = {William Walker, El Predestinado De Los Ojos Grises: Biograf{\'\i}a},
Year = {1993}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506109},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0139},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {230--233},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Terry, Adrian Russell},
Lccn = {0010},
Title = {Travels in the Equatorial Regions of South America, in 1832},
Year = {1834}}
Author = {Guerra, Jos{\'e} Servando Teresa de Mier Noriega y},
Lccn = {0019},
Title = {Historia de la revoluci{\'o}n de Nueva Espa{\~n}a antiguamente An{\'a}huac},
Year = {1813}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Doi = {10.2307/2506068},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {722--726},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505950},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {100--133},
Title = {Hispanic American Bibliographies},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Cueto, Marcos},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 2004 / Copyright {\copyright} 2004 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {55--80},
Title = {Social Medicine and {"Leprosy"} in the Peruvian Amazon},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {61},
Year = {2004},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Herv{\'a}s, Lorenzo},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Histor{\'\i}a de la vida del hombre},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Ram{\'\i}rez, Susan Elizabeth},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {305--312},
Shorttitle = {Introduction},
Title = {Introduction: Lost-and Found-in Translation? The Practice of Translating, Interpreting, and Understanding the Past},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Masdeu, Juan Francisco},
Lccn = {0024},
Title = {Historia critica de Espa{\~n}a, y de la cultura espa{\~n}ola},
Year = {1793}}
Author = {Pierson, William Whatley},
Doi = {10.2307/2506061},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0017},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {573--596},
Title = {Some Reflections on the Cabildo as an Institution},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Albuquerque},
Author = {Brown, Kendall W.},
Edition = {1st ed..},
Isbn = {0826308295},
Keywords = {Arequipa (Peru) Commerce History 18th century., Arequipa (Peru) Economic conditions., Fiscal policy Peru Arequipa History 18th century.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0021},
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Shorttitle = {Bourbons and brandy},
Title = {Bourbons and brandy : imperial reform in eighteenth-century Arequipa},
Year = {1986}}
Author = {Andrew, N. and Cleven, N.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505797},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {175--193},
Title = {The Pan American Centennial Congress},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Simkins, Francis B.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505738},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {214--216},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Agust{\'\i}, Miguel},
Lccn = {0008},
Title = {Libro de los secretos de agricultura, casa de campo, y pastoril},
Year = {1749}}
Author = {Henares), Diego Davin, Manuela Negrete y Cepeda Campo Alange, Francisco Guerra, Anselmo Pinte{\~n}o, Manuel Fern{\'a}ndez, Biblioteca Complutense (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Cartas edificantes, y curiosas, escritas de las missiones estrangeras, y de},
Year = {1756}}
Author = {Tag Cloud Viewer, {SEASR} Analytics},
File = {Tag Cloud Viewer:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/VSEUC3DE/Tag Cloud Viewer.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Future of the Andean Past},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Abstract = {The Iberian pig is an ancient breed of domesticated swine with long legs and a narrow snout. Small and agile, it thrives despite minimal human support, feeding mainly on acorns. Its transfer to the New World after the great discoveries was highly successful even where acorns did not exist. In Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, this breed still dominates the pig inventory, providing meat and lard to the rural population. In the highlands of these three countries it is sometimes fed, but has a more important role as an ambulatory refuse collector. In some forested zones at lower elevations, it still forages on nature. Replacement or crossbreeding with modern breeds compromises the ecological niche that this pig has held in peasant livelihoods.},
Author = {Gade, Daniel},
Doi = {10.1080/08873638709478506},
Issn = {0887-3631},
Journal = {Journal of Cultural Geography},
Number = {2},
Pages = {35--49},
Title = {The Iberian Pig in the Central Andes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2013-01-21},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1987},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Hanger, Kimberly S.},
Doi = {10.2307/1007774},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {541--556},
Shorttitle = {{"Desiring} Total Tranquility" and Not Getting It},
Title = {{"Desiring} Total Tranquility" and Not Getting It: Conflict Involving Free Black Women in Spanish New Orleans},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {54},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bryant, Sherwin K.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue: The African Diaspora in the Colonial Andes / Full publication date: Jul., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {81--112},
Shorttitle = {Finding Gold, Forming Slavery},
Title = {Finding Gold, Forming Slavery: The Creation of a Classic Slave Society, Popay{\'a}n, 1600-1700},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Trelles, Carlos M.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505989},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {107--115},
Title = {Study of Cuban Bibliography Relative to the Monroe Doctrine [Translation]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Pel{\'a}ez, Francisco Antonio and Cano, Benito and Aguilar, Benito Cano, Florest{\'a}n},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Tratado de las enfermedades de la Boca sobre todas las partes del arte del},
Year = {1795}}
Author = {Espa{\~n}a and {SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0006},
Title = {Prontuario de las leyes y decretos del Rey nuestro Se{\~n}or Don Jos{\'e} Napoleon I},
Year = {1810}}
Author = {Miller, Gary M.},
Doi = {10.2307/1007014},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {261--290},
Shorttitle = {Bourbon Social Engineering},
Title = {Bourbon Social Engineering: Women and Conditions of Marriage in Eighteenth-Century Venezuela},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {46},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Landers, Jane G.},
Doi = {10.2307/1007775},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = apr,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Apr., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {4},
Pages = {557--574},
Title = {Female Conflict and Its Resolution in Eighteenth-Century St. Augustine},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {54},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Townsend, Camillia},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {349--389},
Shorttitle = {{"What} in the World Have You Done to Me, My Lover?},
Title = {{"What} in the World Have You Done to Me, My Lover?" Sex, Servitude, and Politics among the Pre-Conquest Nahuas as Seen in the Cantares Mexicanos},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Mecham, J. Lloyd},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505745},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {233--276},
Title = {The Northern Expansion of New Spain, 1522-1822. A Selected Descriptive Bibliographical List},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {Python Tips, Tricks, and Hacks - Siafoo:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/NBCTTXXE/52.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Python Tips, Tricks, and Hacks - Siafoo},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1883}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2518443},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {234--235},
Title = {Hispanic American Publications in European Centers},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {London},
Author = {Wood, Ellen Meiksins},
Edition = {[New ed.].},
Isbn = {1859843921},
Keywords = {Capitalism History.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0221},
Publisher = {Verso},
Shorttitle = {The origin of capitalism},
Title = {The origin of capitalism : a longer view},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Perry, Edward},
Doi = {10.2307/2505841},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {17--40},
Title = {Anti-American Propaganda in Hispanic America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Aiton, Arthur Scott},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505802},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {232--245},
Title = {Real Hacienda in New Spain under the First Viceroy},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Miller, Walter Lowry},
Doi = {10.2307/2505928},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {288--296},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Webster, Susan Verdi},
Doi = {10.1080/10609164.2011.624330},
File = {T&F PDF fulltext:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/4GG57E7C/login.html:text/html;T&F Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/DVUUM6AT/login.html:text/html;vantagePointsQuito.pdf:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2DRSTHW7/vantagePointsQuito.pdf:application/pdf},
Issn = {1060-9164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Number = {3},
Pages = {303--330},
Shorttitle = {Vantage Points},
Title = {Vantage Points: Andeans and Europeans in the Construction of Colonial Quito},
Url = {},
Volume = {20},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1803}}
Author = {(Kingdom), Castile and Montalvo, Alonso D{\'\i}az de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {El Fuero real de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1781}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505807},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {255--257},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {New Haven},
Author = {Wiarda, Howard},
Isbn = {9780300082579},
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Shorttitle = {The soul of Latin America},
Title = {The soul of Latin America : the cultural and political tradition},
Year = {2001}}
Abstract = {Discusses the moral aspects of the Tridentine ideal to the Archdiocese of Lima, Peru, and explores the ramifications in the mid-colonial Indian parishes of the realm. Implications of Spanish Christian; Purveyors of Civilization and Christianity; Moral dilemma of Christianity in Peru.},
Author = {Mills, Kenneth},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CHRISTIANITY}, {LIMA} (Peru), {PERU}},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {183},
Title = {Bad Christians in colonial Peru.},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1996},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1790}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1786}}
Author = {Schurz, William Lytle},
Doi = {10.2307/2505776},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {491--508},
Title = {The Royal Philippine Company},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Grafton, Anthony T. and Grossman, James},
Chapter = {Advice},
File = {Chronicle of Higher Education Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/BIJZVG48/129587.html:text/html},
Issn = {0009-5982},
Journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Month = nov,
Title = {Time to Craft a Plan C},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-02},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, Fran{\c c}ois Emmanuel and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o} tratado de medicina legal y},
Year = {1801}}
File = {Schedule | History 697 | History & New Media | Paula Petrik | George Mason University:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/AUZIM9GU/hist697ay10_schedule.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_schedule.html},
Title = {Schedule {\textbar} History 697 {\textbar} History \& New Media {\textbar} Paula Petrik {\textbar} George Mason University},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Wolf, Eric R.},
Edition = {2},
Isbn = {0520268180},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {University of California Press},
Title = {Europe and the People Without History},
Year = {2010}}
Address = {Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York},
Author = {Foucault, Michel and Senellart, Michel and Davidson, Arnold Ira},
Isbn = {1403986525},
Keywords = {Political philosophy, Political power, Political science Philosophy., Power (Social sciences), Reason of state., State, The.},
Language = {English},
Lccn = {0000},
Publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
Shorttitle = {Security, territory, population},
Title = {Security, territory, population : lectures at the Coll{\`e}ge de France, 1977-1978},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Guevara, Ernesto Che},
Isbn = {1920888330},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Ocean Press},
Shorttitle = {Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War},
Title = {Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War: Authorized Edition},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Lima, Sociedad Acad{\'e}mica de Amantes de and peruano, Mercurio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Mercurio peruano de historia, literatura, y noticias p{\'u}blicas que da {\'a} luz},
Year = {1791}}
File = {» Syllabus DIGital HISTory:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/RFGVMJ9A/syllabus.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {» Syllabus {DIGital} {HISTory}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-06},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Filangieri, Gaetano and Rubio, Jaime},
Lccn = {0013},
Title = {Ciencia de la legislaci{\'o}n},
Year = {1813}}
Author = {Ameller, Carlos Francisco and C{\'a}diz, Real Colegio de Cirug{\'\i}a de and C{\'a}diz, Manuel Xim{\'e}nez Carre{\~n}o, Anastasio Chinchilla, 1801-1867, Real Colegio de Cirug{\'\i}a de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {El merito y el premio de la cirugia espa{\~n}ola},
Year = {1790}}
Abstract = {We are rapidly revising Angel Rama's concept of the ``lettered city'' (la ciudad letrada) to include indigenous writers and their texts. So far, however, Andeanists have focused mainly on those who wrote in Quechua or used quipu, a distinctively Andean form of record keeping. This article argues the importance of including indigenous writers who wrote in Spanish, particularly native Andean notaries (escribanos de {cabildo).Viceroy} Francisco de Toledo ordered such notaries into existence in the 1570s as part of his ordinances concerning Indians. One of Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala's most widely reproduced drawings depicts this very figure. He is labeled both ``escribano de cabildo'' and ``quilcaycamayoc'' (paper keeper), suggesting a possible connection between these writers and the quipucamayoc who kept Andean quipu {archives.Burns} uses evidence from the Cuzco region to flesh out these men's activities, examine the archives they made, and raise questions about their connections to quipu literacy. Andean notaries are presented as a kind of double-edged sword --- as crucial intermediaries vis-{\`a}-vis the Spanish colonial bureaucracy who might work both for and against their communities' interests. The archival traces of this Andean notariate oblige us to rethink our notion of the ``lettered city'' as an urban phenomenon centered exclusively on elite Spaniards.},
Author = {Burns, Kathryn},
Doi = {10.1215/00182168-1416666},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Number = {4},
Pages = {665 --689},
Shorttitle = {Making Indigenous Archives},
Title = {Making Indigenous Archives: The Quilcaycamayoc of Colonial Cuzco},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-30},
Volume = {91},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{SPAIN} and Espa{\~n}a, Cuerpo de la Miner{\'\i}a de Nueva and Miner{\'\i}a, New Spain. Tribunal de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Reales ordenanzas para la direccion, r{\'e}gimen y gobierno del importante},
Year = {1783}}
Author = {Gootenberg, Paul},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 2003 / Copyright {\copyright} 2003 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Shorttitle = {Between Coca and Cocaine},
Title = {Between Coca and Cocaine: A Century or More of {U.S.-Peruvian} Drug Paradoxes, 1860-1980},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {83},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Schwaller, John F.},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {391--412},
Shorttitle = {The Ilhuica of the Nahua},
Title = {The Ilhuica of the Nahua: Is Heaven Just a Place?},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {62},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {{MacNutt}, Francis Augustus},
Keywords = {Cort{\'e}s, Fernando, 1485-1547, Cort{\'e}s, Hern{\'a}n, 1485-1547., Cort{\'e}s, Hernando, 1485-1547, Cortez, Fernand, 1485-1547, Cort{\'e}z, Hern{\'a}n, 1485-1547, De Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del Valle, 1485-1547, Mexico History Conquest, 1519-1540., Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del Valle de, 1485-1547, Valle de Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del, 1485-1547, Valle, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del, 1485-1547},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0004},
Publisher = {G. P. Putnam's Sons},
Title = {Fernando Cortes and the conquest of Mexico, 1485-1547},
Year = {1909}}
Author = {Germ{\'a}n, Antonio San and ( and Salv{\'a}, Jaime},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memoria sobre un parto},
Year = {1796}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Garc{\'\i}a de la Madrid, Miguel},
Keywords = {Canon law, History, {LAW}, Roman law, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT125 .G373 1831},
Publisher = {Impr. de Don Pedro Sanz},
Title = {Historia De Los Tres Derechos, Romano, Can{\'o}nico Y Espa{\~n}ol, {\'O} Tablas Cronol{\'o}gicas De Los C{\'o}digos Y Colecciones De Todos Tres. Escrita En Latin Y Castellano Y {\'a} Las Cuales Se Ham A{\~n}adido Un Estracto Del C{\'o}digo De Comercio},
Year = {1831}}
Author = {L{\'a}rraga, Francisco},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Promptuario de la theologia moral},
Year = {1752}}
Author = {Pierson, William Whatley},
Doi = {10.2307/2505703},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {362--374},
Title = {Alberdi's Views on the Monroe Doctrine},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Discusses the colonial convents of Cuzco, Peru. Role played by locutorios; Details on the three convents of Cuzco; Why locutorios were considered the most heavily trafficked places in the center of colonial Spanish American cities; Information on the terms that are to be met before one enters a Cuzco convent.},
Author = {Burns, Kathryn},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CONVENTS}, {CUZCO} (Peru), {PERU}},
Lccn = {0007},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {185},
Shorttitle = {Nuns, Kurakas, and credit},
Title = {Nuns, Kurakas, and credit: The spiritual economy of seventeenth-century Cuzco.},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1997},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Sala, Juan},
Lccn = {0011},
Title = {Ilustraci{\'o}n del Derecho Real de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1832}}
Author = {Donald A. {DeBats} and Ian N. Gregory},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/3R87IIDE/login.html:text/html},
Issn = {1527-8034},
Journal = {Social Science History},
Note = {{\textless}p{\textgreater}Volume 35, Number 4, Winter 2011{\textless}/p{\textgreater}},
Number = {4},
Pages = {455--463},
Title = {Introduction to Historical {GIS} and the Study of Urban History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-12-22},
Volume = {35},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Haring, C. H.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505904},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {173--187},
Title = {Ledgers of the Royal Treasurers in Spanish America in the Sixteenth Century},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Suplemento al {\'I}ndice expurgatorio del a{\~n}o de 1790},
Year = {1805}}
Address = {Nashville},
Author = {Gerson, Noel Bertram},
Edition = {1st ed},
Isbn = {0840764839},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 G47},
Publisher = {T. Nelson},
Shorttitle = {Sad Swashbuckler},
Title = {Sad Swashbuckler: The Life of William Walker},
Year = {1976}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Velasco, Luis de and Quesada, Antonio Rodriguez de. [from old catalog and {\{New} Spain\} and {\{Archivo} General de Indias\} and {\{Spain\}}},
Keywords = {Aztecs, History, Mexico, Taxation, To 1810},
Lccn = {F1219 .M64},
Number = {4},
Publisher = {J. Porr{\'u}a},
Series = {Documentos para la historia del M{\'e}xico colonia},
Title = {Informaci{\'o}n Sobre Los Tributos Que Los Indios Pagaban a Moctezuma, A{\~n}o De 1554},
Year = {1957}}
Author = {Ma{\~n}es, Senen Vilanova y and Alb{\'a}n, Tom{\'a}s},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Materia criminal forense o tratado universal te{\'o}rico y pr{\'a}ctico de los},
Year = {1807}}
Address = {Managua},
Author = {{\{Banco} de Am{\'e}rica\}},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, History Sources, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .G84 1976},
Number = {{6B}},
Publisher = {Fondo de Promoci{\'o}n Cultural, Banco de Am{\'e}rica},
Series = {Colecci{\'o}n cultural Banco de Am{\'e}rica},
Title = {La Guerra En Nicaragua Seg{\'u}n Harper's Weekly, Journal of Civilization, 1857-1860 = The War in Nicaragua as Reported by Harper's Weekly, Journal of Civilization, 1857-1860},
Year = {1976}}
Address = {Mexico},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and Bucareli y Urs{\'u}a, Antonio Mar{\'\i}a and Velasco Ceballos, R{\'o}mulo},
Keywords = {1540-1810, History Sources, Mexico, Politics and government, Spanish colony, 1540-1810},
Lccn = {F1203 .M57 vol. 29},
Publisher = {Talleres gr{\'a}ficos de la naci{\'o}n},
Series = {Publicaciones del Archivo general de la naci{\'o}n. {XXIX}},
Title = {La Administraci{\'o}n De D. Frey Antonio Mar{\'\i}a De Bucareli Y Urs{\'u}a, Cuadrag{\'e}simo Sexto Virrey De M{\'e}xico},
Year = {1936}}
Author = {Ribadeneyra, Antonio de Solis y},
Lccn = {0011},
Title = {Historia de la conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progressos de la America},
Year = {1780}}
Author = {Garc{\'\i}a-Bryce, I{\~n}igo},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 2003 / Copyright {\copyright} 2003 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {325--345},
Shorttitle = {Politics by Peaceful Means},
Title = {Politics by Peaceful Means: Artisan Mutual Aid Societies in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Lima, 1860-1879},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {59},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505775},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {134--140},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Romero, Luis Alberto},
Isbn = {0271021926},
Lccn = {0070},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Pennsylvania State Univ},
Title = {A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century},
Year = {2002}}
Author = {Lima, Manoel de Oliveira},
Doi = {10.2307/2505978},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {24--29},
Title = {New Constitutional Tendencies in Hispanic America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Lccn = {0057},
Title = {Gaceta de Madrid},
Year = {1796}}
Author = {Azara, F{\'e}lix de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Apuntamientos para la historia natural de los quadrupedos del Paraquay y Rio},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Plenck, Joseph Jacob and Lorente, Higinio Antonio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Medicina y cirugia forense {\'o} legal},
Year = {1796}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1785}}
Author = {Chilcote, Ronald H. and Harris, Richard},
Issn = {0094-{582X}},
Journal = {Latin American Perspectives},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Issue Title: Che Guevara and His Legacy / Full publication date: Jul., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Sage Publications, Inc.},
Number = {4},
Pages = {6--8},
Title = {Introduction},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-03-31},
Volume = {25},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Perez, Vicente Vizcaino and Ibarra, Joaqu{\'\i}n and de, Viuda},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Codigo y pr{\'a}ctica criminal arreglado a las leyes de Espa{\~n}a que para},
Year = {1797}}
Abstract = {The article presents the process of collection and presentation of knowledge about the cultures, geography and economy as published in the periodical {"Mercurio} peruano" in Lima. It examines the function of the periodical in the dissemination of knowledge about the nation as well as how Creoles see themselves as citizens and intellectuals. Likewise, it discusses the role of the black population in Lima and how gender deviance and race could lead to social disorder.},
Author = {Mel{\'e}ndez, Mariselle},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160600958660},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CREOLES} -- Social conditions, {CULTURE}, {GEOGRAPHY}, {LIMA} (Peru), {RACIALLY} mixed people},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {207--227},
Shorttitle = {Patria, Criollos and Blacks},
Title = {Patria, Criollos and Blacks: Imagining the Nation in the Mercurio peruano, {1791--17951I} would like to thank Anne Abbott (University of Illinois) and Elena Delgado (University of Illinois) for their insightful comments on this article.},
Volume = {15},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Llorente, Juan Antonio},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Disertacion sobre el poder que los reyes espa{\~n}oles ejercieron hasta el siglo},
Year = {1810}}
Address = {Par{\'\i}s},
Author = {Escriche, Joaqu{\'\i}n},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Spain, Spanish},
Lccn = {K50 .E837 1831},
Publisher = {M. Alcober Banquero},
Title = {Diccionario Razonado De Legislaci{\'o}n Civil, Penal, Comercial Y Forense; {\'O} Sea Resumen De La Leyes, Usos Pr{\'a}cticos Y Costumbres, Como Asimismo De Las Doctrinas De Los Jurisconsultos, Dispuesto Por Orden Alfab{\'e}tico De Materias, Con La Esplicaci{\'o}n De Los T{\'e}rminos Del Derecho},
Year = {1831}}
Abstract = {The Andean khipu was a medium of colored knotted cords used to record different types of information in the pre-Columbian and colonial periods. Although currently there is no way to read the khipu that have survived, numerous texts written in the colonial period claim to have relied on khipu as sources of information. A comparison between two khipu transcriptions of Inca biographies on the one hand and the European biographical genre on the other reveal a distinctly Andean poetics--in the sense of a structural format--with very suggestive links to semiotic conventions of the khipu.},
Author = {Brokaw, Galen},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0009},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 2003 / Copyright {\copyright} 2003 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {111--147},
Shorttitle = {The Poetics of Khipu Historiography},
Title = {The Poetics of Khipu Historiography: Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala's {"Nueva} coronica" and the {"Relacion} de los quipucamayos"},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {38},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Alfonso and {\{British} Library\}},
Keywords = {{ENGLAND}, {LAW}, Manuscripts, Spanish, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT142 1290 .S5635 1290a},
Title = {Este Es El Prologo Del Libro Del Fuero De Las Leyes Que Fizo El Nobel Don Alfonso Rey De Castiella, De Toledo},
Year = {1290}}
File = {Finding Sources | Words in Space:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/GGEPTTTX/finding-sources.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Finding Sources {\textbar} Words in Space},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {(Kingdom), Castile and R{\'\i}o, Ignacio Jord{\'a}n de Ass{\'o} y del and Rodr{\'\i}guez, Miguel de Manuel y},
Lccn = {0018},
Title = {El ordenamiento de leyes},
Year = {1774}}
Author = {Bustillo, Lorenzo de Santayana and S{\'a}nchez, Eliseo},
Lccn = {0010},
Title = {Gobierno pol{\'\i}tico de los pueblos de Espa{\~n}a y el corregidor, alcalde, y juez},
Year = {1769}}
Address = {Durham [{N.C.]}},
Author = {Lewis, Laura A},
Isbn = {9780822351214 0822351218 9780822351320 0822351323},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Chocolate and corn flour},
Title = {Chocolate and corn flour : history, race, and place in the making of {"Black"} Mexico},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Osorio, Alejandra B.},
Edition = {First Edition},
Isbn = {{140397604X}},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
Shorttitle = {Inventing Lima},
Title = {Inventing Lima: Baroque Modernity in Peru's South Sea Metropolis},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Hoskins, Halford L.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505683},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {677--689},
Title = {French Views of the Monroe Doctrine and the Mexican Expedition},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Toronto},
Author = {Berco, Cristian},
Isbn = {9780802091390},
Keywords = {Gay men Sexual behavior Spain History 16th century Sources., Gay men Sexual behavior Spain History 17th century Sources., Homosexualit{\'e} masculine Droit Espagne Histoire 16e si{\`e}cle Sources., Homosexualit{\'e} masculine Droit Espagne Histoire 17e si{\`e}cle Sources., Homosexuels masculins Sexualit{\'e} Espagne Histoire 16e si{\`e}cle Sources., Homosexuels masculins Sexualit{\'e} Espagne Histoire 17e si{\`e}cle Sources., Male homosexuality Law and legislation Spain History 16th century Sources., Male homosexuality Law and legislation Spain History 17th century Sources., Sodomie Espagne Histoire 16e si{\`e}cle Sources., Sodomie Espagne Histoire 17e si{\`e}cle Sources., Sodomy Spain History 16th century Sources., Sodomy Spain History 17th century Sources.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0004},
Publisher = {University of Toronto Press},
Shorttitle = {Sexual hierarchies, public status},
Title = {Sexual hierarchies, public status : men, sodomy, and society in Spain's golden age},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Res{\'e}ndez, Andr{\'e}s},
Isbn = {0521543193},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorttitle = {Changing National Identities at the Frontier},
Title = {Changing National Identities at the Frontier: Texas and New Mexico, 1800-1850},
Year = {2004}}
File = {Corpora and Vector Spaces --- gensim:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/SJMWBJ98/tut1.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Keywords = {gensim, python, text mining},
Title = {Corpora and Vector Spaces --- gensim},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-26},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Paris},
Author = {Boman, Patrick},
Keywords = {1821-1951, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .B66 1997},
Publisher = {s.n.},
Shorttitle = {Nicaragua, Boulevard De La Flibuste},
Title = {Nicaragua, Boulevard De La Flibuste: R{\'e}cit Des Ann{\'e}es 1850},
Year = {1997}}
Address = {Seville},
Author = {Alfonso and D{\'\i}az de Montalvo, Alonso},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT140 .S55 1491},
Publisher = {Meinardus Ungut and Stanislaus Polonus},
Title = {Las Siete Partidas Con Les Adiciones De Alfonso Diaz De Montalvo}}
Author = {Villalva, Antonio Lucas de Mendal y},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Tratados medicos},
Year = {1793}}
Abstract = {Analyzes insurgent peasant politics and colonial crisis in the Bolivian Andes during the late 18th century. Literary changes in the view of anthropologists and historians on the comparative history of the Andean revolution; Contributions to the rethinking of the importance of `colonial heritage' for the Andes region.},
Author = {Larson},
Doi = {Article},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{BOLIVIA}, History, {PEASANT} uprisings, {REVOLUTIONS}},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {241},
Title = {Insurgent peasant politics and colonial crisis in the Bolivian Andes during the late...},
Volume = {8},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505982},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1922 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {85--86},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Yupanqui, Titu Cusi},
Isbn = {{087081821X}},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = sep,
Publisher = {University Press of Colorado},
Title = {An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Ca{\~n}izares-Esguerra, Jorge},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0804742804},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {Puritan Conquistadors},
Title = {Puritan Conquistadors: Iberianizing the Atlantic, 1550-1700},
Year = {2006}}
Address = {New Haven},
Author = {Katzew, Ilona},
Isbn = {0300102410},
Keywords = {Casta painting. Racially mixed people in art. Miscegenation in art. Peinture des castes. M{\'e}tis dans l'art. M{\'e}tissage dans l'art. Colonie espagnole Peinture de portrait Peinture mexicaine M{\'e}tissage Soci{\'e}t{\'e} 18e si{\`e}cle},
Lccn = {0042},
Note = {Access: External Resources: Cite This Item Search for versions with same title and author {\textbar} Advanced options ... More About This In: Books in Print (Publication status and optional reviews) Language: English Contents: Painters and paintings: a visual tradition and its historiography -- {"A} marvelous variety of colors?": racial ideology and the Sistema de Castas -- The rise of Casta painting: exoticism and Creole pride, 1711-1760 -- Changing perspectives: Casta painting in the era of the Bourbon reforms, 1760-1790 -- The theater of marvels: Casta paintings in the textual microcosmos. Access: Materials specified: Table of contents Geographic: Mexico -- Social life and customs -- 18th century. Mexique -- Moeurs et coutumes -- 18e si{\`e}cle. Mexique Note(s): Includes bibliographical references (p. 227-237) and index. General Info: National bibliography no: {GBA4-Z0069} Class Descriptors: {LC:} {ND1312.M44;} Dewey: 757/.0972/09033 Responsibility: Ilona Katzew. Vendor Info: Baker \& Taylor Baker and Taylor {YBP} Library Services ({BKTY} {BTCP} {YANK)} 65.00 Status: active Material Type: Internet resource (url) Date of Entry: 20030731 Update: 20100127 Provider: {OCLC} Acknowledgments vii Introduction 1(4) Painters and Paintings: A Visual Tradition and Its Historiography 5(34) {``A} Marvelous Variety of Colors?'': Racial Ideology and the Sistema de Castas 39(24) The Rise of Casta Painting: Exoticism and Creole Pride, 1711--1760 63(48) Changing Perspectives: Casta Painting in the Era of the Bourbon Reforms, 1760--1790 111(52) The Theater of Marvels: Casta Paintings in the Textual Microcosmos 163(38) Concluding Remarks: A Genre with Many Meanings 201(4) Abbreviations 205(1) Notes 206(21) Bibliography 227(11) Photograph Credits 238(1) Index 239 ( ) {Add/View} Comments ** Summary ** The pictorial genre known as casta painting is one of the most compelling forms of artistic expression from Colonial Mexico. Created as sets of consecutive images, the works portray racial mixing},
Publisher = {Yale University Press},
Shorttitle = {Casta Painting},
Title = {Casta Painting: Images of Race in Eighteenth-Century Mexico},
Year = {2004}}
Issn = {0956-9782},
Keywords = {Data processing, Humanities, Humanities, Information services, Information storage and retrieval systems, Periodicals.},
Lccn = {Z 699.5 .H8 H92},
Pages = {v.},
Title = {Humanities computing yearbook.},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-12-17},
Year = {1988},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Jockers, Matthew L.},
File = {On Distant Reading and Macroanalysis | Matthew L. Jockers:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/3F2SPEGJ/59.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\textasciitilde}mjockers/cgi-bin/drupal/node/59},
Title = {On Distant Reading and Macroanalysis {\textbar} Matthew L. Jockers},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Perry, Edward and Bonham, Milledge L. and Hoskins, Halford L. and Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506035},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {266--273},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Hill, Joseph J.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506041},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {444--473},
Shorttitle = {The Old Spanish Trail},
Title = {The Old Spanish Trail: A Study of Spanish and Mexican Trade and Exploration Northwest from New Mexico to the Great Basin and California},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1801}}
File = {Mining the Dispatch:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/D4978AWC/home.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Mining the Dispatch},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-12-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {C{\'o}rdoba},
Author = {Latella Fr{\'\i}as, Donato},
Keywords = {Colonies, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT2680 .L384 1926},
Publisher = {Est. gr{\'a}fico A. Biffignandi},
Title = {Leyes De Indias; Estudio Cr{\'\i}tico Sobre El Contenido Pol{\'\i}tico Y Econ{\'o}mico De La Recopilaci{\'o}n De 1680},
Year = {1926}}
File = {William Walker:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/A4UT95T4/william-walker.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {William Walker},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-19},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Medina, Charles Beatty},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue: The African Diaspora in the Colonial Andes / Full publication date: Jul., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {113--136},
Shorttitle = {Caught between Rivals},
Title = {Caught between Rivals: The Spanish-African Maroon Competition for Captive Indian Labor in the Region of Esmeraldas during the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = {John Cabot, Italian Bankers and the New World -},
Howpublished = {\_r=1\&smid=fb-share\&pagewanted=all},
Title = {John Cabot, Italian Bankers and the New World - {}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-06-19},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Lasso, Marixa},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0822959658},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {University of Pittsburgh Press},
Shorttitle = {Myths of Harmony},
Title = {Myths of Harmony: Race and Republicanism during the Age of Revolution, Colombia, 1795-1831},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Kirschenbaum, Matthew G.},
Isbn = {{026251740X}},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {The {MIT} Press},
Shorttitle = {Mechanisms},
Title = {Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Childs, James B.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505951},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {134--141},
Title = {Hispanic American Government Documents in the Library of Congress},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Christian, David and {McNeill}, William H.},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0520244761},
Month = feb,
Publisher = {University of California Press},
Shorttitle = {Maps of Time},
Title = {Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Demarest, Arthur},
Isbn = {0521533902},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Shorttitle = {Ancient Maya},
Title = {Ancient Maya: The Rise and Fall of a Rainforest Civilization},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505688},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {755--756},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505731},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {516--534},
Shorttitle = {Chilean Literature},
Title = {Chilean Literature: A Bibliography of Literary Criticism, Biography, and Literary Controversy. Part {III}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Autos criminales de la causa seguida por el alcalde del barrio de San Marcos de la ciudad de Quito, contra Josefa Lara y Manuela P{\'a}liz, por lesbianismo.},
Address = {Quito},
Language = {esp},
Location = {Criminales Caja 129 Exp 6},
Month = jul,
Title = {{CR129\_6\_17870729}},
Year = {1787}}
Abstract = {Author recognize the importance of the book {"El} servicio personal de los indios en el Per{\'u}," by Dr. Silvio Zavala, erudite and rewarded member of {PAIGH}, founder of this review. {"Yanaconas"} were part of a lower social stratum, and were employed in agricultural services and other activities by the encomenderos. Dispersed and errant because the wars, the indians sometimes adopted this kind of servitude. Its evolution, the dispositions of authorities and its application are studied. A comparison with the European servitude of late {XVIII} century, that was kindler than the one in America, which established more hours of labor. /// El autor comienza por reconocer la importancia de la obra {"El} servicio personal de los indios en el Per{\'u}," del Dr. Silvio Zavala, nuestro erudito y premiado miembro del {IPGH} fundador de esta Revista. Los yanaconas formaban parte de una capa social inferior, y eran empleados en servicios agr{\'\i}colas u otras actividades por los encomenderos. En este trabajo se estudia a los "yanaconas," sus trabajos y su reglamentaci{\'o}n. Dispersos y errantes por las guerras, los indios se acogieron a veces voluntariamente a este tipo de servidumbre, cuya evoluci{\'o}n, disposiciones de las autoridades y aplicaci{\'o}n de aqu{\'e}llas se analiza en este art{\'\i}culo. Se realiza una comparaci{\'o}n con la servidumbre europea de fines del siglo {XVIII}, que era m{\'a}s benigna que en Am{\'e}rica, en donde se establec{\'\i}a un mayor n{\'u}mero de horas de trabajo.},
Author = {Chevalier, Fran{\c c}oise},
Issn = {00348325},
Journal = {Revista de Historia de Am{\'e}rica},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jun,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan. - Jun., 1993 / Copyright {\copyright} 1993 Pan American Institute of Geography and History},
Number = {115},
Pages = {7--22},
Title = {Servidumbre de la tierra y rasgos se{\~n}oriales en el Alto Peru Hispanico. Apuntes comparativos sobre los Yanaconas},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Year = {1993},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Medina, J. T.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506020},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1918 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {106--114},
Title = {Dos Obras de Viajeros Norte-Americanos Traducidas al Castellano},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bello, Andr{\'e}s and Amun{\'a}tegui, Miguel Luis and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amun{\'a}tegui and (Chile), Consejo de Instrucci{\'o}n P{\'u}blica},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1888}}
Author = {Schurz, William Lytle},
Doi = {10.2307/2505890},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0019},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {389--402},
Title = {Mexico, Peru, and the Manila Galleon},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Thurner, Mark},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Aug., 1997 / Copyright {\copyright} 1997 Duke University Press},
Number = {3},
Pages = {409--441},
Shorttitle = {Atusparia and Caceres},
Title = {Atusparia and Caceres: Rereading Representations of Peru's Late Nineteenth-Century {"National} Problem"},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {77},
Year = {1997},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Panduro, Lorenzo Herv{\'a}s y and (Madrid), Imprenta de la Administraci{\'o}n del Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia and Guerra, Melchor Garc{\'\i}a, Francisco},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {El hombre f{\'\i}sico o anatom{\'\i}a humana f{\'\i}sico-filos{\'o}fica},
Year = {1800}}
Author = {Blanco, Jos{\'e} F{\'e}lix and Azupur{\'u}, Ram{\'o}n},
Lccn = {0065},
Title = {Documentos para la historia de la vida p{\'u}blica del Libertador de Colombia},
Year = {1875}}
Author = {Fod{\'e}r{\'e}, F. E. and (Madrid), Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Las Leyes ilustradas por las ciencias f{\'\i}sicas, {\'o}, Tratado de medicina legal},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {1963-, Sarah C. Chambers},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0009},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: May, 2001 / Copyright {\copyright} 2001 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Shorttitle = {Republican Friendship},
Title = {Republican Friendship: Manuela Saenz Writes Women into the Nation, 1835-1856},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {81},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Guldi, Joanna},
Issn = {0022-2801},
Journal = {The Journal of Modern History},
Month = mar,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: March 2012 / Copyright {\copyright} 2012 The University of Chicago Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {116--144},
Shorttitle = {The History of Walking and the Digital Turn},
Title = {The History of Walking and the Digital Turn: Stride and Lounge in London, 1808--1851},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-05-07},
Volume = {84},
Year = {2012},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Spalding, Karen},
Isbn = {0804715165},
Lccn = {0183},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {Huarochiri},
Title = {Huarochiri: An Andean Society Under Inca and Spanish Rule},
Year = {1988}}
Abstract = {Focuses on the history of the colonial church of El Sagrario in Quito. Speculations on the building's architect; Historical importance of the structure; Existing literature on the church's history.},
Author = {Webster, Susan V.},
Doi = {10.1080/10609160220133682},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{CHURCH} architecture, {CHURCH} buildings, Ecuador, Quito (Ecuador)},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jun,
Number = {1},
Pages = {71--87},
Title = {The Architect and the Construction of the Church of El Sagrario in Quito.},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Pyne, Stephen J.},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0674033302},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Harvard University Press},
Shorttitle = {Voice and Vision},
Title = {Voice and Vision: A Guide to Writing History and Other Serious Nonfiction},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Schurz, William Lytle},
Doi = {10.2307/2506024},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {181--194},
Title = {The Spanish Lake},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Castro, Pedro de Villar y Bermudez de and Beneficiencia, Imprenta de la Administraci{\'o}n del Real Arbitrio de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Discurso imparcial o demostracion de los justos limites {\`a} que se extienden y},
Year = {1802}}
Author = {Deere, C. D. and Leon, M.},
File = {Google Scholar Linked Page:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/WNJZRS7C/627.html:text/html;liberalism and married women.pdf:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/8XZ5UF8W/liberalism and married women.pdf:application/pdf},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0009},
Number = {4},
Pages = {627--678},
Title = {Liberalism and Married Women's Property Rights in Nineteenth-Century Latin America},
Volume = {85},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Heinz Otto, Sibum},
Doi = {10.1016/0039-3681(94)00036-9},
File = {ScienceDirect Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ZT7M7CWD/login.html:text/html},
Issn = {0039-3681},
Journal = {Studies In History and Philosophy of Science Part A},
Month = mar,
Number = {1},
Pages = {73--106},
Shorttitle = {Reworking the mechanical value of heat},
Title = {Reworking the mechanical value of heat: Instruments of precision and gestures of accuracy in early Victorian England},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-14},
Volume = {26},
Year = {1995},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bachman, Charles W.},
Doi = {10.1109/MAHC.2009.110},
Issn = {1058-6180},
Journal = {{IEEE} Annals of the History of Computing},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = oct,
Number = {4},
Pages = {42--54},
Shorttitle = {The Origin of the Integrated Data Store ({IDS)}},
Title = {The Origin of the Integrated Data Store ({IDS):} The First Direct-Access {DBMS}},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-10-14},
Volume = {31},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0006},
Title = {Prontuario de las leyes y decretos del Rey nuestro Se{\~n}or Don Jos{\'e} Napoleon I},
Year = {1810}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506110},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {233--238},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Davin, Diego and Henares), Diego Davin, Manuela Negrete y Cepeda Campo Alange, Francisco Guerra, Anselmo Pinte{\~n}o, Jos{\'e} Erencia, Manuel Fern{\'a}ndez, Biblioteca Complutense (Alcal{\'a} de},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Cartas edificantes, y curiosas, escritas de las missiones estrangeras, y de},
Year = {1756}}
Author = {Dayton, Cornelia Hughes},
Doi = {10.2307/2937996},
File = {Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth-Century New England Village:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/NTNUETR2/Dayton - 1991 - Taking the Trade Abortion and Gender Relations in:},
Issn = {00435597},
Journal = {The William and Mary Quarterly},
Lccn = {0030},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1991 / Copyright {\copyright} 1991 Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture},
Number = {1},
Pages = {19--49},
Series = {Third Series},
Shorttitle = {Taking the Trade},
Title = {Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth-Century New England Village},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-05-18},
Volume = {48},
Year = {1991},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Augustine and Zeballos, E. de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Los libros de la Doctrina Christiana de... S. Augustin seg{\'u}n la edici{\'o}n de s},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Doi = {10.2307/2505784},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {581--584},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Cauti, Fernando Iwasaki},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Nov., 1993 / Copyright {\copyright} 1993 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {581--613},
Shorttitle = {Mujeres al borde de la perfecci{\'o}n},
Title = {Mujeres al borde de la perfecci{\'o}n: Rosa de Santa Mar{\'\i}a y las alumbradas de Lima},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {73},
Year = {1993},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Manning, William R.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505895},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1918 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {441--444},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Brown, Vera Lee},
Doi = {10.2307/2505721},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {387--447},
Title = {Chapter {III.} The Falkland Islands},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Coral Gables, Fla., University of Miami Press},
Author = {Madariaga, Salvador de},
Keywords = {Cort{\'e}s, Fernando, 1485-1547, Cort{\'e}s, Hern{\'a}n, 1485-1547., Cort{\'e}s, Hernando, 1485-1547, Cortez, Fernand, 1485-1547, Cort{\'e}z, Hern{\'a}n, 1485-1547, De Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del Valle, 1485-1547, Mexico History Conquest, 1519-1540., Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del Valle de, 1485-1547, Valle de Oaxaca, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del, 1485-1547, Valle, Hernando Cort{\'e}s, marqu{\'e}s del, 1485-1547},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Hern{\'a}n Cort{\'e}s, conqueror of Mexico.},
Year = {1967}}
Author = {Boone, Elizabeth Hill and Cummins, Tom},
Isbn = {9780884022398},
Lccn = {0003},
Publisher = {Dumbarton Oaks},
Shorttitle = {Native traditions in the postconquest world},
Title = {Native traditions in the postconquest world: a symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 2nd through 4th October 1992},
Year = {1998}}
Address = {[Mexico City},
Author = {{\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Liquor laws, Mexico},
Lccn = {KG76 KGF3490 .Y57 1776 no. 7},
Publisher = {s.n},
Title = {Ordenanzas De Pulquer{\'\i}as},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505882},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {626},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{McCaleb}, Walter F.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505713},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1920 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {443--450},
Title = {The Press of Mexico},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Valladolid},
Author = {Muro Martines, Jos{\'e}},
Keywords = {{LAW}, Law, Visigothic, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT129 .M87 1874},
Publisher = {Impr. Esterco-galvanoplastia, Librer{\'\i}a y Taller de Grabado de Gaviria y Zapatero},
Title = {Fuero Juzgo, Compendiado Y Anotado},
Year = {1874}}
Author = {Hiatt, Wllie},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 2007 / Copyright {\copyright} 2007 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {327--358},
Shorttitle = {Flying {"Cholo"}},
Title = {Flying {"Cholo":} Incas, Airplanes, and the Contruction of Andean Modernity in 1920s Cuzco, Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505936},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Custodio, Manuel},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {{DISERTACION} fisico-teologica, en que se establece el preciso instante de la},
Year = {1779}}
Address = {Lincoln},
Author = {Lavrin, Asunci{\'o}n},
Isbn = {9780803228856},
Lccn = {0107},
Publisher = {University of Nebraska Press},
Title = {Sexuality and marriage in colonial Latin America},
Year = {1989}}
Author = {Priestley, Herbert Ingram},
Doi = {10.2307/2505914},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1919 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {286--311},
Title = {Mexican Literature on the Recent Revolution},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Restall, Matthew},
Isbn = {0826324037},
Lccn = {0011},
Month = jun,
Publisher = {University of New Mexico Press},
Shorttitle = {Beyond Black and Red},
Title = {Beyond Black and Red: African-Native Relations in Colonial Latin America},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Sismondi, Jean-Charles-L{\'e}onard Simonde and Roscoe, Thomas and Duyckinck, Evert and Goodrich, Andrew Thompson and Roorbach, Orville A and Burgess, William and Hannay, Collins \& and Gilley, William B and Co, Collins \& and Co, Collins \& Hannay, Collins \&},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe},
Year = {1827}}
File = {Archaeologists near old St. Vincent Hospital unearth cobbled path dating to 1600s - The Santa Fe New Mexican:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/J4T6XEB6/City-s-first-paved-street.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{\%20News/City-s-first-paved-street}},
Title = {Archaeologists near old St. Vincent Hospital unearth cobbled path dating to 1600s - The Santa Fe New Mexican},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-25},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
File = { | Pedro Restrepo: Este es el {\'u}nico Gobierno que ha tenido la decisi{\'o}n pol{\'\i}tica de aclara:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/ZUR96NV6/index.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\_content\&view=article\&id=28208:pedro-restrepo-este-es-el-unico-gobierno-que-ha-tenido-la-decision-politica-de-aclarar-el-caso-{audio\&catid=21:entrevistas\&Itemid=46}},
Title = {{} {\textbar} Pedro Restrepo: Este es el {\'u}nico Gobierno que ha tenido la decisi{\'o}n pol{\'\i}tica de aclara},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Buenos Aires},
Author = {{\{Corrientes}, Argentine republic (City)\} and G{\'o}mez, Herm{\'a}n F{\'e}lix},
Keywords = {Corrientes (Argentina : Province), Corrientes (Argentina), History Sources},
Lccn = {F3011.C75 C6},
Publisher = {G. Kraft, ltda.},
Title = {Actas Capitulares De Corrientes},
Year = {1941}}
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Gledhill, John and Schell, Patience A},
Isbn = {9780822351733 0822351730 9780822351870 0822351870},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Title = {New approaches to resistance in Brazil and Mexico},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Prescott, William H.},
Edition = {Modern Library Paperback Ed},
Isbn = {0375758038},
Lccn = {0112},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {Modern Library},
Title = {History of the Conquest of Mexico},
Year = {2001}}
Editor = {Galloway, Patricia Kay},
Isbn = {0803271220},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {University of Nebraska Press},
Shorttitle = {The Hernando de Soto Expedition},
Title = {The Hernando de Soto Expedition: History, Historiography, and {"Discovery"} in the Southeast},
Year = {2006}}
Abstract = {The strengths of current text‐analysis tools lie in their ability to perform a variety of formal, enumerative, or statistical functions. These functions concord well with scientific perspectives of textual criticism. Much less evident is how current text‐analysis tools help read and experience literature. Design of new tools, it is argued, should give full space to how literary critics interact with texts, rather than simply focus on what computers can do well. Principles of reading, synthesis, and play are explored in relation to a prototype version of {HyperPo:} Text Analysis and Exploration Tools.},
Author = {Sinclair, St{\'e}fan},
Doi = {10.1093/llc/18.2.175},
File = {Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/52STUAX3/login.html:text/html},
Journal = {Literary and Linguistic Computing},
Month = jun,
Number = {2},
Pages = {175 --184},
Shorttitle = {{Computer‐Assisted} Reading},
Title = {{Computer‐Assisted} Reading: Reconceiving Text Analysis},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-28},
Volume = {18},
Year = {2003},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Browning, Webster E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506084},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1921 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {49--98},
Title = {Joseph Lancaster, James Thomson, and the Lancasterian System of Mutual Instruction, with Special Reference to Hispanic America.},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {(Madrid), Imprenta Real},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la Corte de Madrid},
Year = {1787}}
Author = {Pons, Gaspar},
Lccn = {0036},
Title = {Triunfo de la medicina},
Year = {1753}}
Author = {Mark Thurner},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/8GIHIIED/44.1.thurner.html:text/html},
Issn = {1542-4278},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 44, Number 1, 2009},
Number = {1},
Pages = {32--57},
Shorttitle = {The As-If of the Book of Kings},
Title = {The As-If of the Book of Kings: Pedro de Peralta Barnuevo's Colonial Poetics of History},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {44},
Year = {2009},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Lockhart, James},
Isbn = {1592446817},
Lccn = {0033},
Month = may,
Publisher = {Wipf \& Stock Publishers},
Shorttitle = {We People Here},
Title = {We People Here: Nahuatl Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Levene, Ricardo},
Doi = {10.2307/2518429},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {144--151},
Title = {El Derecho Consuetudinario y La Doctrina de Los Juristas en la Formacion del Derecho Indiano},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Williams, Mary Wilhelmine},
Doi = {10.2307/2518428},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0006},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {119--143},
Title = {The Ecclesiastical Policy of Francisco Moraz{\'a}n and the Other Central American Liberals},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Alternately hunted and ignored while they were alive, the Tetete were a small group of Western Tucanoan speakers living in the Amazonian borderlands between Ecuador and Colombia. From 1877 through the 1920s, Ecuadorian rubber collectors shot or kidnapped Tetete people whenever they showed themselves. Unlike other groups, the Tetete chose resistance rather than accommodation or slavery. Sometime before 1940, most of the remaining Tetete were apparently killed in a raid by neighboring Siona people. Although three survivors were found in 1966, a persistent legend claims that large numbers were driven to extinction by missionaries and petroleum companies after oil exploration began nearby in 1964. This article reconstructs the final decades of Tetete history beginning with the rubber boom and analyzes their subsequent use by diverse actors in modern political discourse.},
Author = {Wasserstrom, Robert and Reider, Susan and Lara, Rommel},
Doi = {<p>10.1215/00141801-1263848</p>},
File = {HighWire Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2VUDUCR5/421.html:text/html},
Journal = {Ethnohistory},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = jul,
Number = {3},
Pages = {421--444},
Shorttitle = {Nobody Knew Their Names},
Title = {Nobody Knew Their Names: The Black Legend of Tetete Extermination},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-08-18},
Volume = {58},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {New York London},
Author = {Allen, Merritt Parmelee},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526 .W22},
Publisher = {Harper \& brothers},
Series = {The long-rifle series},
Title = {William Walker, Filibuster},
Year = {1932}}
Author = {Connaughton, Brian F.},
Doi = {10.2307/1007650},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1999 / Copyright {\copyright} 1999 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {459--479},
Shorttitle = {Conjuring the Body Politic from the Corpus Mysticum},
Title = {Conjuring the Body Politic from the Corpus Mysticum: The Post-Independent Pursuit of Public Opinion in Mexico, 1821-1854},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {55},
Year = {1999},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Lewisohn, Sam A.},
Doi = {10.2307/771362},
Issn = {1543-6314},
Journal = {Parnassus},
Month = dec,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Dec., 1935 / Copyright {\copyright} 1935 College Art Association},
Number = {7},
Pages = {11--12},
Title = {Mexican Murals and Diego Rivera},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-01-11},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1935},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Arrieta, F{\'e}lix Ferm{\'\i}n Egu{\'\i}a y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Papel o escrito, dissertacion physica, medica politica, lo mucho da{\~n}oso, y},
Year = {1752}}
Author = {Robertson, William Spence},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505744},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: May, 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {229--232},
Title = {The Lost Archives of Miranda},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{\{New} Spain\} and {\{Archivo} General de Indias\}},
Keywords = {{AMERICA}, Archives, Colonies, History, New Spain, Spain},
Lccn = {0468B},
Title = {Records of the Real Audiencia, Guadalajara}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Colecci{\'o}n legislativa de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1818}}
Author = {Herv{\'a}s, Lorenzo},
Lccn = {0004},
Title = {Histor{\'\i}a de la vida del hombre},
Year = {1796}}
Address = {San Jos{\'e}?},
Author = {Rodr{\'\i}guez, Gaudi and {\{Costa} Rica\}},
Edition = {Ed. facsim},
Isbn = {{997723843X}},
Keywords = {1821-1948, Costa Rica, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .C6 2006},
Publisher = {Editorial Costa Rica},
Title = {Cr{\'o}nicas Y Comentarios},
Year = {2006}}
Address = {M{\'e}xico, {D.F}},
Author = {Smith, Joseph W and Flores D., Jorge},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Baja California (Mexico : Peninsula), History, Mexico, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1246 .S6},
Number = {5},
Publisher = {Vargas Rea},
Series = {Biblioteca Aportaci{\'o}n hist{\'o}rica},
Title = {Expedici{\'o}n Filibustera De William Walker En La Baja California},
Year = {1944}}
Author = {Perez, Vicente Vizcaino and Ibarra, Viuda de},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {C{\'o}digo y pr{\'a}ctica criminal},
Year = {1797}}
Author = {{SEASR} Analytics, Meandre},
File = {Author Hubs and Authorities Importance Measures Analysis:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/252S8K2R/Author Hubs and Authorities Importance Measures Analysis.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {Author Hubs and Authorities Importance Measures Analysis},
Url = {},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Durham},
Author = {Ram{\'\i}rez, Sergio},
Isbn = {9780822350699 0822350696 9780822350873 0822350874},
Language = {Text in English. Translated from the Spanish.},
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Adi{\'o}s muchachos},
Title = {Adi{\'o}s muchachos : a memoir of the Sandinista Revolution},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Elena, Eduardo},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0822961709},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {University of Pittsburgh Press},
Shorttitle = {Dignifying Argentina},
Title = {Dignifying Argentina: Peronism, Citizenship, and Mass Consumption},
Year = {2011}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505851},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb., 1920 /},
Number = {1},
Pages = {103--117},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Saint Charles, Mo., {U.S.A}},
Author = {Bola{\~n}os Geyer, Alejandro},
Isbn = {{187792606X}},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Biography, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, Filibusters, History, Nicaragua, {UNITED} States, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27.W3 B6517 1992},
Publisher = {A. Bola{\~n}os G},
Shorttitle = {William Walker, El Predestinado},
Title = {William Walker, El Predestinado: Biograf{\'\i}a},
Year = {1992}}
Author = {Marina, Francisco Mart{\'\i}nez},
Lccn = {0002},
Publisher = { Fermin Villalpando},
Title = {Juicio cr{\'\i}tico de la Nov{\'\i}sima recopilacion},
Year = {1820}}
Address = {Madrid},
Author = {Gibert, Rafael and Fern{\'a}ndez Espinar, Ram{\'o}n and Zurita Cuenca, Rafael},
Isbn = {8436205057},
Keywords = {History, {LAW}, Spain},
Lccn = {KKT120 .G533 1978},
Publisher = {Universidad a Distancia},
Title = {Historia Del Derecho},
Year = {1978}}
Author = {Valentina K. Tikoff},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/3652PB6Q/41.3tikoff.html:text/html},
Issn = {1086-{315X}},
Journal = {Eighteenth-Century Studies},
Lccn = {0000},
Note = {Volume 41, Number 3, Spring 2008},
Number = {3},
Pages = {307--335},
Shorttitle = {Gender and Juvenile Charity, Tradition and Reform},
Title = {Gender and Juvenile Charity, Tradition and Reform: Assistance for Young People in Eighteenth-Century Seville},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-12-29},
Volume = {41},
Year = {2008},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Febrero, Jos{\'e}},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Febrero novisimo, {\'o} libreria de jueces, abogados, escribanos y medicos},
Year = {1837}}
Author = {Milton, C. E},
Journal = {Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Number = {4},
Pages = {595--626},
Shorttitle = {Poverty and the Politics of Colonialism},
Title = {Poverty and the Politics of Colonialism: {ℌPoor} Spaniards,'' Their Petitions, and the Erosion of Privilege in Late Colonial Quito},
Volume = {85},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Bonells, Jaime and Lacaba, Ignacio},
Lccn = {0001},
Title = {Curso completo de anatom{\'\i}a del cuerpo humano},
Year = {1820}}
Author = {Stein, William W.},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: May, 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Duke University Press},
Number = {2},
Pages = {307--315},
Shorttitle = {Next to Nothing},
Title = {Next to Nothing: More on Pedro Pablo Atusparia},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {78},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Larri{\'a}tegui, F{\'e}lix Col{\'o}n de},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Juzgados militares de Espa{\~n}a y sus Indias. Appendice},
Year = {1791}}
Author = {Gutierrez de Peralta, Juan and Peralta, Alonso de and Sanchez, Loren{\c c}o and {\{New} Spain\}},
Keywords = {Debtor and creditor, Gutierrez de Peralta, Juan, Manuscripts, Spanish, Mexico, Nobility, Peralta, Alonso de, Privileges and immunities, Spain, Titles of honor and nobility, Washington ({D.C.)}},
Lccn = {KGF138.G88 G88 1599},
Title = {Action for Legal Remedy Based on the Privilege of Nobility},
Year = {1599}}
Author = {Trexler, Richard C.},
Isbn = {0801484820},
Lccn = {0132},
Month = feb,
Publisher = {Cornell University Press},
Shorttitle = {Sex and Conquest},
Title = {Sex and Conquest : Gendered Violence, Political Order and the European Conquest of the Americas},
Year = {1999}}
Address = {San Jos{\'e}, Costa Rica},
Author = {Obreg{\'o}n Lor{\'\i}a, Rafael},
Keywords = {1821-1948, 19th century, Americans, Costa Rica, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .O2},
Number = {no. 2},
Publisher = {A. Lehmann},
Series = {Editorial Universitaria. [Publicaciones] Secci{\'n} Historia},
Title = {La Campa{\~n}a Del Transito, 1856-1857},
Year = {1956}}
Abstract = {Focuses on the representation of captivity, exile and interpretation in the book {'La} Florida del Inca' written by Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Reflection of the author's own distance from his Peruvian homeland; Traces of La Florida's multiple crossings; Sacrifices of people in the evangelization of Florida.},
Author = {Voigt, Lisa},
Doi = {10.1080/1060916022000023378},
Issn = {10609164},
Journal = {Colonial Latin American Review},
Keywords = {{EXILES} in literature, {IMPRISONMENT} in literature, {VEGA}, Garcilaso de la, 1539-1616},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = dec,
Number = {2},
Pages = {251--273},
Title = {Captivity, Exile, and Interpretation in La Florida del Inca.},
Volume = {11},
Year = {2002},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Brown, Vera Lee},
Doi = {10.2307/2505722},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1922 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {448--473},
Title = {Chapter {IV.} Anglo-Spanish Relations, 1771-1776},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {124th Annual Meeting (January 7-10, 2010): Is Google Good for History?:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/XESTWS3I/Session3801.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {{}},
Title = {124th Annual Meeting (January 7-10, 2010): Is Google Good for History?},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-01-07},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Ecuador},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {C{\'o}digo civil y c{\'o}digo de enjuiciamentos en materia civil de la Rep{\'u}blica del},
Year = {1871}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506050},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {499},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {L{\'o}pez, Hip{\'o}lito Ruiz},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Quinolog{\'\i}a o Tratado del {\'a}rbol de la quina {\'o} cascarilla, con su descripci{\'o}n},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {Rippy, J. Fred},
Doi = {10.2307/2506023},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1922 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {155--180},
Title = {Anglo-American Filibusters and the Gadsden Treaty},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bandelier, Franny R.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505965},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1919 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {447--453},
Title = {Two Spanish Petitions Concerning Noted Authors of the New World of the Early Seventeenth Century},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Guti{\'e}rrez, Jos{\'e} Marcos and Cano, Benito},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Compendio de las varias resoluciones de Antonio Gomez},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Restall, Matthew},
Isbn = {0807055077},
Lccn = {0031},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Beacon Press},
Title = {Maya Conquistador},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Wright, I. A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505925},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1921 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {283--284},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Ninety percent of the indigenous population in the Americas lives in the Andean and Mesoamerican nations of Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Guatemala. Recently indigenous social movements in these countries have intensified debate about racism and drawn attention to the connections between present-day discrimination and centuries of colonialism and violence. In Histories of Race and Racism, anthropologists, historians, and sociologists consider the experiences and representations of Andean and Mesoamerican indigenous peoples from the early colonial era to the present. Many of the essays focus on Bolivia, where the election of the country's first indigenous president, Evo Morales, sparked fierce disputes over political power, ethnic rights, and visions of the nation. The contributors compare the interplay of race and racism with class, gender, nationality, and regionalism in Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. In the process, they engage issues including labor, education, census taking, cultural appropriation and performance, mestizaje, social mobilization, and antiracist legislation. Their essays shed new light on the present by describing how race and racism have mattered in particular Andean and Mesoamerican societies at specific moments in {time.ContributorsRossana} {Barrag{\'a}nKathryn} {BurnsAndr{\'e}s} {CallaPamela} {CallaRudi} Colloredo-{MansfeldMar{\'\i}a} Elena {Garc{\'\i}aLaura} {GotkowitzCharles} R. {HaleBrooke} {LarsonClaudio} {LomnitzJos{\'e}} Antonio {LuceroFlorencia} E. {MallonKhantuta} {MuruchiDeborah} {PooleSeemin} {QayumArturo} Taracena {ArriolaSinclair} {ThomsonEsteban} Ticona Alejo},
Author = {Gotkowitz, Laura},
Isbn = {9780822350439},
Keywords = {History / General, History / Latin America / General, Latin America, Latin America - Race relations - History, Race, Race - History, Race/ History, Racism, Racism - Latin America - History, Racism/ Latin America/ History, Social Science / Anthropology / Cultural, Social Science / Anthropology / Physical, Social Science / Discrimination \& Race Relations, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / Native American Studies, Social Science / Minority Studies},
Language = {en},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Duke University Press},
Shorttitle = {Histories of Race and Racism},
Title = {Histories of Race and Racism: The Andes and Mesoamerica from Colonial Times to the Present},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Cap{\'o}-Rodr{\'\i}guez, Pedro},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505944},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {79--82},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gomez, Antonio and Guti{\'e}rrez, Jos{\'e} Marcos and Cano, Antonio G{\'o}mez, Benito},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Compendio de las varias resoluciones de Antonio Gomez},
Year = {1789}}
Author = {Shepherd, William R.},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505939},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {9--20},
Title = {A Reminiscence of Simancas},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Wood, Ellen Meiksins},
Isbn = {1583670009},
Keywords = {Capitalism History.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0221},
Publisher = {Monthly Review Press},
Title = {The origin of capitalism},
Year = {1999}}
Author = {Robertson, James Alexander},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505769},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {96--99},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Black, Chad},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = dec,
Shorttitle = {Raising an Empire},
Title = {Raising an Empire: Children in Early Modern Iberia and Colonial Latin America (review)},
Volume = {65},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {Scott H. Beck and Kenneth J. Mijeski and Meagan M. Stark},
Doi = {10.1353/lar.2011.0008},
File = {Project MUSE Snapshot:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/PQBHKNIT/login.html:text/html},
Issn = {1542-4278},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Note = {{\textless}p{\textgreater}Volume 46, Number 1, 2011{\textless}/p{\textgreater}},
Number = {1},
Pages = {102--125},
Shorttitle = {{¿Qu{\'e}} Es Racismo?},
Title = {{¿Qu{\'e}} Es Racismo?: Awareness of Racism and Discrimination in Ecuador},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-11-21},
Volume = {46},
Year = {2011},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Selva, Salom{\'o}n de la},
Doi = {10.2307/2505779},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {566--570},
Title = {On the Proposed Union of Central America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2505793},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1920 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {638--664},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Bolton, Herbert E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506101},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0003},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {163--180},
Title = {General James Wilkinson as Advisor to Emperor Iturbide},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Tucson},
Author = {Meyers, Allan Dale},
Isbn = {9780816529940 0816529949 9780816529957 0816529957},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {University of Arizona Press},
Shorttitle = {Outside the hacienda walls},
Title = {Outside the hacienda walls : the archaeology of plantation peonage in nineteenth-century Yucat{\'a}n},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {New York},
Author = {Powell, E. Alexander},
Keywords = {1846-1850, Boyd, John Parker, California, Eaton, William, History, Laffite, Jean, Reid, Samuel Chester, Smith, Jedediah Strong, Truxtun, Thomas, Walker, William, Ward, Frederick Townsend},
Lccn = {E176 .P88},
Publisher = {C. Scribner's sons},
Title = {Gentleman Rovers},
Year = {1913}}
Address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
Author = {John), William J. Mitchell (William and Inc, {NetLibrary},},
Isbn = {0585024421},
Keywords = {Communication systems, Computer, Computer communication systems, Computer networks., Data networks, Computer, {ECNs} (Electronic communication networks), Electronic books., Electronic communication networks, Information technology., Networks, Computer, Society Effects of Information technology, Teleprocessing networks, Virtual reality.},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {{MIT} Press},
Shorttitle = {City of bits [electronic resource]},
Title = {City of bits [electronic resource] : space, place, and the infobahn},
Year = {1995}}
Author = {Rippy, J. Fred},
Doi = {10.2307/2505685},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {715--742},
Title = {The Boundary of New Mexico and the Gadsden Treaty},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Weikard, Melchior Adam and (Madrid), Imprenta Real and Ca{\~n}ete, Joaqu{\'\i}n Serrano},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Elementos de medicina practica fundados sobre el sistema de Brown},
Year = {1804}}
Address = {Mexicali, {B.C.}, Mexico},
Author = {Meade, Adalberto Walther},
Isbn = {9686260056},
Keywords = {19th century, Americans, Antonio Mar{\'\i}a, Baja California (Mexico : Peninsula), Filibusters, History, Mel{\'e}ndrez, Antonio Ma, Mexico, Mexico Baja California (Peninsula), Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1246 .M52 1988},
Publisher = {Universidad Aut{\'o}noma de Baja California},
Shorttitle = {Antonio Ma. Mel{\'e}ndrez},
Title = {Antonio Ma. Mel{\'e}ndrez: Caudillo Y Patriota De Baja California},
Year = {1988}}
File = {The Penn Treebank Tag Set:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/Q3TTKR2E/PennTreebankTS.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {http://www.ims.uni-{}},
Title = {The Penn Treebank Tag Set},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2010-11-15},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Address = {Alajuela, Costa Rica : [San Jos{\'e}, Costa Rica]},
Author = {Obreg{\'o}n Lor{\'\i}a, Rafael},
Edition = {1. ed},
Isbn = {9977953139},
Keywords = {1821-1948, 1821-1951, 19th century, Americans, Central America, Costa Rica, Filibuster War, 1855-1860, History, Nicaragua, Walker, William},
Lccn = {F1526.27 .O3 1991},
Publisher = {Museo Hist{\'o}rico Cultural Juan Santamar{\'\i}a ; Ministerio de Cultura, Juventud y Deportes},
Title = {Costa Rica Y La Guerra Contra Los Filibusteros},
Year = {1991}}
Author = {Leon Zamosc},
Issn = {00238791},
Journal = {Latin American Research Review},
Lccn = {0095},
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 The Latin American Studies Association},
Number = {3},
Pages = {37--68},
Title = {Agrarian Protest and the Indian Movement in the Ecuadorian Highlands},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-24},
Volume = {29},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Murrieta, Cynthia Radding},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 2001 / Copyright {\copyright} 2001 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Shorttitle = {From the Counting House to the Field and Loom},
Title = {From the Counting House to the Field and Loom: Ecologies, Cultures, and Economics in the Missions of Sonora (Mexico) and Chiquitania (Bolivia)},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {81},
Year = {2001},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Medina, Charles Beatty},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Issue Title: Special Issue: The African Diaspora in the Colonial Andes / Full publication date: Jul., 2006 / Copyright {\copyright} 2006 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {113--136},
Shorttitle = {Caught between Rivals},
Title = {Caught between Rivals: The Spanish-African Maroon Competition for Captive Indian Labor in the Region of Esmeraldas during the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {63},
Year = {2006},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Kramer, Jeff},
Doi = {10.1145/1232743.1232745},
File = {Is abstraction the key to computing?:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2B9ST2VQ/citation.html:text/html},
Issn = {00010782},
Journal = {Communications of the {ACM}},
Month = apr,
Pages = {36--42},
Title = {Is abstraction the key to computing?},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-14},
Volume = {50},
Year = {2007},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505814},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {4},
Pages = {296--303},
Title = {Recent Publications},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Doi = {10.2307/2506059},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Aug., 1921 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {576--593},
Title = {Notes},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Rabasa, Jos{\'e}},
Isbn = {0822325675},
Lccn = {0047},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Duke University Press Books},
Shorttitle = {Writing Violence on the Northern Frontier},
Title = {Writing Violence on the Northern Frontier: The Historiography of Sixteenth-Century New Mexico and Florida and the Legacy of Conquest},
Year = {2000}}
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Consideraciones politicas sobre la conducta que debe observarse entre marido},
Year = {1792}}
Author = {Smith, Theresa Ann},
Edition = {1},
Isbn = {0520245830},
Lccn = {0008},
Month = may,
Publisher = {University of California Press},
Shorttitle = {The Emerging Female Citizen},
Title = {The Emerging Female Citizen: Gender and Enlightenment in Spain},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Jones, C. K.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506104},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1918 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {184--186},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Baltimore, Md.},
Author = {Cohen, Sande},
Isbn = {0801882141},
Keywords = {Applied history, Historical criticism, Historiography., History Authorship, History Criticism, History Historiography, History Philosophy., History, Modern Philosophy, History, Public, Public history.},
Language = {eng},
Lccn = {0007},
Publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press},
Shorttitle = {History out of joint},
Title = {History out of joint : essays on the use and abuse of history},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Guevara, Ernesto Che},
Edition = {2 Expanded},
Editor = {Deutschmann, David},
Isbn = {1876175699},
Month = jul,
Publisher = {Ocean Press},
Shorttitle = {Che Guevara Reader},
Title = {Che Guevara Reader: Writings on Politics \& Revolution},
Year = {2003}}
File = {ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/8IFB9V4F/36035.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {{ProfHacker} - The Chronicle of Higher Education},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-09-16},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Robertson, James A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2506073},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Nov., 1922 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {733--735},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {5},
Year = {1922},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Castro, Pedro de and Congress), Pre-1801 Imprint Collection (Library of},
Lccn = {0002},
Title = {Defensa de la tortura y leyes patrias que la establecieron},
Year = {1778}}
Author = {Abu-Lughod, Janet L.},
Isbn = {0195067746},
Month = feb,
Publisher = {Oxford University Press, {USA}},
Shorttitle = {Before European Hegemony},
Title = {Before European Hegemony: The World System {A.D.} 1250-1350},
Year = {1991}}
Author = {Bello, A.},
Lccn = {0005},
Title = {Obras completas de Don Andr{\'e}s Bello},
Year = {1891}}
Author = {Browning, Webster E.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505684},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Nov., 1921 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {690--714},
Title = {The Liberation and the Liberators of Spanish America},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1921},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Gaddis, John Lewis},
Isbn = {0195171578},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = apr,
Publisher = {Oxford University Press, {USA}},
Shorttitle = {The Landscape of History},
Title = {The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past},
Year = {2004}}
Author = {Lockhart, James},
Edition = {2, Revised},
Isbn = {0299141640},
Lccn = {0019},
Month = jan,
Publisher = {University of Wisconsin Press},
Shorttitle = {Spanish Peru, 1532?},
Title = {Spanish Peru, 1532?1560: A Social History},
Year = {1994}}
File = {Quickstart --- Tablib 0.9.11 documentation:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2IWMP3TD/tutorial.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {\#separators},
Title = {Quickstart --- Tablib 0.9.11 documentation},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-12-13},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Rippy, J. Fred},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505768},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: Feb., 1927 / Copyright {\copyright} 1927 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {96},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {7},
Year = {1927},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
File = {blackboard:/Users/chadblack/Documents/zotero/storage/2TUKFPAW/blackboard.html:text/html},
Howpublished = {},
Title = {blackboard},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2011-10-03},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {Schurz, William Lytle and Booy, Theodoor De},
Doi = {10.2307/2505885},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = nov,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Nov., 1919 /},
Number = {4},
Pages = {632--649},
Title = {Notes and Comment},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {2},
Year = {1919},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Mendoza},
Author = {Mart{\'\i}n de Codoni, Elvira},
Edition = {1. ed},
Isbn = {9789507741500},
Keywords = {Argentina Mendoza, Dowry, History},
Lccn = {HQ1017 .C38 2009},
Publisher = {Secretar{\'\i}a de Cultura : Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, {FFL}},
Shorttitle = {Las Cartas De Dote En La Mendoza Colonial},
Title = {Las Cartas De Dote En La Mendoza Colonial: Recuperaci{\'o}n Del Patrimonio Documental En Protocolos Notariales},
Year = {2009}}
Author = {Figueredo, Fidelino de},
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505941},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Pages = {47--70},
Title = {The Geographical Discoveries and Conquests of the Portuguese},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Address = {Stanford, California},
Author = {Roth, Wendy D},
Isbn = {9780804777957 0804777950 9780804777964 0804777969},
Language = {English},
Publisher = {Stanford University Press},
Shorttitle = {Race migrations},
Title = {Race migrations : Latinos and the cultural transformation of race},
Year = {2012}}
Author = {Vigil, Ralph H.},
Doi = {10.2307/1006723},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0004},
Month = jul,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jul., 1990 / Copyright {\copyright} 1990 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {1},
Pages = {39--54},
Title = {Oidores Letrados and the Idea of Justice, 1480-1570},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {47},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Means, Philip Ainsworth},
Doi = {10.2307/2518439},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0000},
Month = may,
Note = {{ArticleType:} book-review / Full publication date: May, 1920 /},
Number = {2},
Pages = {198--199},
Title = {[untitled]},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {3},
Year = {1920},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {{SPAIN} and Pacheco, Joaqu{\'\i}n Francisco and Apezechea, Ferm{\'\i}n de la Puente y and Serna, Pedro G{\'o}mez de la and Mendoza, Francesco de Paula D{\'\i}az y and L{\'o}pez, Gregorio and (Kingdom), Castile},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Los codigos espa{\~n}oles concordados y anotados},
Year = {1848}}
Author = {Sala, Juan},
Lccn = {0011},
Title = {Ilustraci{\'o}n del Derecho Real de Espa{\~n}a},
Year = {1831}}
Author = {Benavides, Maria},
Doi = {10.2307/1007168},
Issn = {00031615},
Journal = {The Americas},
Lccn = {0002},
Month = jan,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Jan., 1994 / Copyright {\copyright} 1994 Academy of American Franciscan History},
Number = {3},
Pages = {419--436},
Title = {The Franciscan Church of Yanque (Arequipa) and Andean Culture},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-09-07},
Volume = {50},
Year = {1994},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Burns, Kathryn},
Issn = {00182168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0005},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} primary\_article / Full publication date: Feb., 1998 / Copyright {\copyright} 1998 Duke University Press},
Number = {1},
Pages = {5--44},
Shorttitle = {Gender and the Politics of Mestizaje},
Title = {Gender and the Politics of Mestizaje: The Convent of Santa Clara in Cuzco, Peru},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2009-10-04},
Volume = {78},
Year = {1998},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
Author = {{SPAIN}},
Lccn = {0003},
Title = {Recopilacion de leyes de los reinos de las indias, mandadas imprimir y},
Year = {1841}}
Author = {Robertson, James A.},
Doi = {10.2307/2505671},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Lccn = {0001},
Month = aug,
Note = {{ArticleType:} research-article / Full publication date: Aug., 1918 /},
Number = {3},
Pages = {299--316},
Title = {Spanish Correspondence Concerning the American Revolution},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {1},
Year = {1918},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Author = {Espa{\~n}a and L{\'o}pez, Antonio Javier P{\'e}rez y and L{\'o}pez, Antonio Javier P{\'e}rez y},
Lccn = {0000},
Title = {Teatro de la legislaci{\'o}n Universal de Espa{\~n}a e Indias, por orden cronol{\'o}gico},
Year = {1794}}
Address = {Seville},
Author = {Fern{\'a}ndez de Oviedo y Vald{\'e}s, Gonzalo and Cromberger, Juan},
Keywords = {16th century, {AMERICA}, Central America, Colonies History, Discovery and exploration Spanish, Indians, {NATURAL} history, Shipwrecks, Spain, West Indies},
Lccn = {E141 .O92},
Publisher = {La qual de acabo y imprimio enla muy leal cihdago de Sevilla, en la empr{\'e}[n]ta de Iuam Cromberger},
Title = {La Historia General Delas Indias},
Year = {1535}}
Copyright = {Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Doi = {10.2307/2505936},
Issn = {0018-2168},
Journal = {The Hispanic American Historical Review},
Month = feb,
Note = {{ArticleType:} misc / Full publication date: Feb. - Aug., 1926 / Copyright {\copyright} 1926 Duke University Press},
Number = {1/3},
Title = {Volume Information},
Url = {},
Urldate = {2012-11-28},
Volume = {6},
Year = {1926},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
Abstract = {Professor Franco Moretti argues heretically that literature scholars should stop reading books and start counting, graphing, and mapping them instead. He insists that such a move could bring new luster to a tired field, one that in some respects is among "the most backwards disciplines in the academy." Literary study, he argues, has been random and unsystematic. For any given period scholars focus on a select group of a mere few hundred texts: the canon. As a result, they have allowed a narrow distorting slice of history to pass for the total {picture.Moretti} offers bar charts, maps, and time lines instead, developing the idea of "distant reading," set forth in his path-breaking essay {"Conjectures} on World Literature," into a full-blown experiment in literary historiograp
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