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zsh plugin manager cross-reference

Instructions for installing zsh plugins, for a variety of plugin managers

  • antibody: Add <owner>/<repo> to your plugins file. If you use static loading update the sh.

  • Antigen: Add antigen bundle <owner>/<repo> to your .zshrc.

  • Oh-My-Zsh:

    • Clone to OMZ's plugins' directory:

      git clone<owner>/<repo>.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/<repo>
    • Add to the OMZ plugins array in your .zshrc:

      plugins=( [plugins...] <repo>)
  • prezto:

    • Clone the plugin repo to either ~/.zprezto/modules or to some other directory of your choosing. If you choose a directory other than ~/.zprezto/modules tell prezto to look for modules in that directory: add zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule-dirs <dir path> to your .zpreztorc file (replace <dir path> with the path to your directory).

    • Load the plugin by adding it to the .zpreztorc file's pmodule list. The list will look something like

      zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
        'plugin1' \
        'plugin2' \
        'plugin3' \
  • zgen: add zgen load <owner>/<repo> to your .zshrc.

  • zim add

    zmodule <owner>/<repo>

    to your .zshrc (see homepage for other options) and then run

    zimfw install
  • zinit (formerly zplugin): simplest option is to add this to your .zshrc:

    zinit light <owner>/<repo>

    zinit has a wide range of options for optimizing performance. If you notice the plugin impacting the performance of new terminals, and if you don't need the plugin to be available the moment you're able to type at a prompt, a good place to start is

    zinit ice wait lucid
    zinit light <owner>/<repo>

    That will silently delay loading the plugin until after the shell has started up.

  • znap:


    znap clone <url>

    and then add to .zshrc

    znap source <repo>
  • zplug: add zplug "<owner>/<repo>" to your .zshrc (see homepage for other options).

Then restart zsh:

exec zsh
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