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Created January 19, 2020 22:37
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running quart-trio inside
import logging
import sys
import trio, trio_asyncio, asyncio
from import worker_serve
from hypercorn import Config
import contextlib
import math
from types import TracebackType
from quart import current_app, json
from quart.wrappers.response import DataBody
from quart_trio import QuartTrio
import triopg
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if 0:
from quart import Config as quart_Config
app = QuartTrio(__name__)
# you'll need to modify this to point to your db
app.config['DB_DSN'] = 'postgresql://user:@localhost/dbname'
async def index():
pool = current_app.pool
async with pool.acquire() as conn:
time_from_db, = await conn.fetchrow('select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')
return { 'status': 'OK', 'time_from_db': time_from_db }
class AfterDataBody(DataBody):
def __init__(self, data: bytes, do_stuff_callback: callable):
self.do_stuff_callback = do_stuff_callback
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type: type, exc_value: BaseException, tb: TracebackType) -> None:
async def stop():
return AfterDataBody(json.dumps({'status': 'OK'}).encode(), current_app.shutdown_event.set)
async def restart():
current_app.retcode = 151 # this is just an arbitrary number which should tell whoever started us that
# we were told that we should be restarted
return AfterDataBody(json.dumps({'status': 'OK'}).encode(), current_app.shutdown_event.set)
async def pg_pool_context():
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
capp = current_app._get_current_object()
config = capp.config # type: quart_Config
logger = capp.logger
capp.pool = pool = await triopg.create_pool(
config['DB_DSN'], min_size=1, max_size=2, max_queries=math.inf, statement_cache_size=0).__aenter__()
try:'asnycpg pool setup complete')
capp.pool = None
await pool.close()'asnycpg pool closed')
async def setup_pg_pool():
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
capp = current_app._get_current_object()
capp.pool_context = pg_pool_context()
await capp.pool_context.__aenter__()'triopg pool has been set up')
async def teardown_pg_pool():
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
capp = current_app._get_current_object()
pool_context = getattr(capp, 'pool_context', None)
if pool_context:
await pool_context.__aexit__(None, None, None)'triopg pool teardown completed')
async def async_run(config: Config, _app: QuartTrio):
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
_app.shutdown_event = trio.Event()
log = config.log
log.root.level = logging.INFO
await'starting work_serve..')
await worker_serve(app, config, shutdown_trigger=_app.shutdown_event.wait)
def sync_main():
# thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.'
# config = Config.from_pyfile(os.path.join(thisdir,''))
# app = load_application(config.application_path)
config = Config(), config, app)
retcode = getattr(app, 'retcode', None)
if retcode:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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