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Last active May 14, 2018 22:00
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  • Save parkerlreed/b601f7aff72d2c18ada1b9ade51c7fdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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; Example configuration file for inputexec
; ---traceback : Include full stack trace on exception
#traceback =
## Source
; --source-file : The source to read from (e.g /dev/input/event0)
file = /dev/input/by-id/usb-MICROSOFT_SAM_0.1.0000-if01-event-mouse
; --source-mode : Get shared/exclusive hold of the input device (evdev only)
; Options: exclusive, shared
mode = shared
## Formatting
; --format-pattern : Formatting pattern
pattern = {kind}.{symbol}
; --format-endline : End of line substring
endline = \n
## Action
; --action-mode : Action to perform on events
; Options: print, run_async, run_sync
mode = run_async
; --action-jobs : Number of jobs to run
jobs = 3
; --action-commands : Read input/command mappings from the ACTION_COMMANDS file, section [commands]
commands = surface-pro.ini
## Filtering events
; --filter-kinds : Comma-separated list of event kinds to keep
kinds = keypress,keyhold
## Logging
; --logging-target : Logging target
; Options: file, null, stderr, syslog
target = stderr
; --logging-file : For 'file' target, write logs to FILE
file =
; --logging-level : Logging level
; Options: debug, error, info, warning
level = warning
keypress.KEY_LEFTMETA = xdotool key Super_L
keypress.KEY_VOLUMEDOWN = xdotool key XF86AudioLowerVolume
keypress.KEY_VOLUMEUP = xdotool key XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keyhold.KEY_VOLUMEDOWN = xdotool key XF86AudioLowerVolume
keyhold.KEY_VOLUMEUP = xdotool key XF86AudioRaiseVolume
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