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Created March 27, 2017 00:48
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초성 검색 : Unicode Study
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
chosungs = [u'ㄱ', u'ㄲ', u'ㄴ', u'ㄷ', u'ㄸ', u'ㄹ', u'ㅁ', u'ㅂ', u'ㅃ',
u'ㅅ', u'ㅆ', u'ㅇ', u'ㅈ', u'ㅉ', u'ㅊ', u'ㅋ', u'ㅌ', u'ㅍ',
jungsungs = [u'ㅏ', u'ㅐ', u'ㅑ', u'ㅒ', u'ㅓ', u'ㅔ', u'ㅕ', u'ㅖ', u'ㅗ',
u'ㅘ', u'ㅙ', u'ㅚ', u'ㅛ', u'ㅜ', u'ㅝ', u'ㅞ', u'ㅟ', u'ㅠ',
u'ㅡ', u'ㅢ', u'ㅣ']
jongsungs = [u'', u'ㄱ', u'ㄲ', u'ㄳ', u'ㄴ', u'ㄵ', u'ㄶ', u'ㄷ', u'ㄹ',
u'ㄺ', u'ㄻ', u'ㄼ', u'ㄽ', u'ㄾ', u'ㄿ', u'ㅀ', u'ㅁ', u'ㅂ',
u'ㅄ', u'ㅅ', u'ㅆ', u'ㅇ', u'ㅈ', u'ㅊ', u'ㅋ', u'ㅌ', u'ㅍ',
CHO_LEN, JUNG_LEN, JONG_LEN = len(chosungs), len(jungsungs), len(jongsungs)
HAN_FST, HAN_LST = ord(u'가'), ord(u'힣')
JAUM_FST, JAUM_LST = ord(u'ㄱ'), ord(u'ㅎ')
def cho_jung_jong(han_char):
code_point = ord(han_char)
if HAN_FST <= code_point <= HAN_LST:
code_diff = code_point - HAN_FST
cho_idx = (code_diff / (JONG_LEN * JUNG_LEN)) % CHO_LEN
jung_idx = (code_diff / JONG_LEN) % JUNG_LEN
jong_idx = code_diff % JONG_LEN
return (chosungs[cho_idx], jungsungs[jung_idx], jongsungs[jong_idx])
elif JAUM_FST <= code_point <= JAUM_LST:
cho_idx = code_point - JAUM_FST
return (chosungs[cho_idx], '', '')
return ('', '', '')
def parse_chosung(han_str):
return ''.join([cho_jung_jong(i)[0] for i in han_str])
def compare_chosung(i, target):
i, target = i.replace(' ', ''), target.replace(' ', '')
return (i in target) or (i in parse_chosung(target))
def main():
contacts = [i.decode('utf-8') for i in open('contacts.txt').readlines()]
print ''.join([i for i in contacts])
my_input = unicode(raw_input('search: '), 'utf-8')
matches = [nm for nm in contacts if compare_chosung(my_input, nm)]
print ', '.join(matches)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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