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Last active March 16, 2017 20:50
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  • Save parksjin01/bb18aa7ece879dabe5edf763923afd65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save parksjin01/bb18aa7ece879dabe5edf763923afd65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. coin1 writeup
from pwn import *
sh = remote('', 9007)
for _ in range(100):
	tmp = sh.recv(1024).strip().split(' ')
	n = int(tmp[0].split('=')[1])
	c = int(tmp[1].split('=')[1])
	s = 0
	e = n
	for _ in range(c):
		sh.sendline(' '.join(str(e) for e in range(s, (e+s)/2)))
		a = sh.recv(1024, timeout=0.2).strip()
		i = int(a)
		if i == ((e+s)/2-s)*10:
        		s = (e+s)/2
        		e = (e+s)/2
	#print sh.recv(1024, timeout=0.2)
print sh.recv(1024, timeout=1)
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