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Last active December 8, 2018 03:21
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##!pip3 install textrankr
# Step1. 문서요약으로 중요문장 찾기 (여기선 3문장)
from __future__ import print_function
from textrankr import TextRank
f = open("wiki/chosun.txt", 'r')
data =
textrank = TextRank(data)
#조선 후기의 정치는 붕당을 중심으로 형성되었다.
#조선 후기의 정치는 붕당을 중심으로 형성되었는데 마침내 서인은 17세기 중반의 예송논쟁에서 남인에게 권력을 넘겨준다.
#1890년대에는 농민 수탈에 대한 저항으로 동학농민운동이 일어났고, 동학농민운동의 진압을 명분으로 조선에 들어온 청나라와 일본의 군대가 충돌하였고, 친일적인 갑오개혁이 있었다.
# Step2. 중요문장을 사용해서 질문생성
if all(key in bucket for key in l1): #'NNP', 'VBG', 'VBZ', 'IN' in sentence.
question = '무엇' + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']] +' '+ line.words[bucket['NNP']]+ ' '+ line.words[bucket['VBG']] + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l2): #'NNP', 'VBG', 'VBZ' in sentence.
question = '무엇' + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']] +' '+ line.words[bucket['NNP']] +' '+ line.words[bucket['VBG']] + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l3): #'PRP', 'VBG', 'VBZ', 'IN' in sentence.
question = '무엇' + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']] +' '+ line.words[bucket['PRP']]+ ' '+ line.words[bucket['VBG']] + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l4): #'PRP', 'VBG', 'VBZ' in sentence.
question = '무엇 ' + line.words[bucket['PRP']] +' '+ ' does ' + line.words[bucket['VBG']]+ ' '+ line.words[bucket['VBG']] + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l7): #'NN', 'VBG', 'VBZ' in sentence.
question = '무엇' + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']] +' '+ line.words[bucket['NN']] +' '+ line.words[bucket['VBG']] + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l8): #'NNP', 'VBZ', 'JJ' in sentence.
question = '무엇' + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']] + ' ' + line.words[bucket['NNP']] + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l9): #'NNP', 'VBZ', 'NN' in sentence
question = '무엇' + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']] + ' ' + line.words[bucket['NNP']] + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l11): #'PRP', 'VBZ' in sentence.
if line.words[bucket['PRP']] in ['she','he']:
question = '무엇' + ' does ' + line.words[bucket['PRP']].lower() + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']].singularize() + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l10): #'NNP', 'VBZ' in sentence.
question = '무엇' + ' does ' + line.words[bucket['NNP']] + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']].singularize() + '?'
elif all(key in bucket for key in l13): #'NN', 'VBZ' in sentence.
question = '무엇' + ' ' + line.words[bucket['VBZ']] + ' ' + line.words[bucket['NN']] + '?'
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