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Created September 12, 2018 05:31
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import numpy as np
#Function to calculate error at current m and b
def calculate_error(x, y, m, b):
error = np.sum((m*x+b - y)**2)
return error
def update_weights(m_current, b_current, x, y, learning_rate):
return [b_new, m_new]
def run_(x, y, m_current, b_current, learning_rate,steps):
for i in range(steps):
# if(i%5000==0):
# print("error: {0} ".format(calculate_error(x, y, m_current, b_current)))
b_current, m_current = update_weights(m_current, b_current, x, y, learning_rate)
return [b_current, m_current]
if __name__=='__main__':
#Equatin of a line is Y = m*X + b;
#m = slope of the line respect to +ve X-axis and
#b = Y-intercept of the line
x = np.array([2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 3])
y = 2*x+5
#We'have created a y having m=2 and b=5 we'll try to fit a line to x and check if we get these values of m and b in the end
m_current=0 #initial slope (guess)
b_current=0 #initial y-intercept (guess)
#learning rate is the rate(magnitude) at which our weights(parameters) will be updated
#steps is how many times we want to update our parameters
learning_rate = 0.01
steps =10000
b_current, m_current = run_(x, y, m_current, b_current,learning_rate, steps)
print("After {0} iterations: m is {1} and b is {2} with error {3}. ".format(steps, m_current, b_current, calculate_error(x, y, m_current, b_current)))
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