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Created July 16, 2023 06:59
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
//SPDX-License-Identifier: unlicensed
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
contract calculator{
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure returns(uint256 _result){
return a+b;
function subtract(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure returns(uint256 _result){
return (a-b);
function multiply(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure returns(uint256 _result){
return (a*b);
function divide(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure returns(uint256 _result){
return (a/b);
contract maths is calculator{
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
contract kart {
uint public counter = 1;
struct Product {
uint productId;
string desc;
string title;
address payable seller;
address buyer;
bool delivered;
uint price; // in ether
Product[] public products;
event registered(string title,uint productId);
event bought(uint productId, address buyer);
event delivery(uint productId);
// Seller has to register and create product
function register(string memory _title,string memory _desc, uint _price) public {
require(_price > 0,"Price cannot be less than equal to 0");
Product memory tempProduct;
tempProduct.title = _title;
tempProduct.desc = _desc;
tempProduct.price = _price;
tempProduct.seller = payable(msg.sender);
tempProduct.productId = counter;
counter++; // counter = counter +1;
emit registered(tempProduct.title,tempProduct.productId);
// Buyer will pay and buy the product
function buy(uint _productId) payable public {
// seller should not buy himself
require(products[_productId - 1].seller != msg.sender,"Seller cannot buy");
// buyer should transfer the price of the product
require(msg.value == products[_productId - 1].price * 10**18);
products[_productId - 1].buyer = msg.sender;
emit bought(_productId,msg.sender);
// Buyer confirms delivery and contract will pay to seller
function delivered(uint _productId) public {
//only buyer can call this function
Product memory tempProduct = products[_productId - 1];
require(tempProduct.buyer == msg.sender,"Only buyer should call this");
tempProduct.delivered = true;
tempProduct.seller.transfer(tempProduct.price * 10**18);
emit delivery(_productId);
//SPDX-License-Identifier: unlicensed
pragma solidity 0.8.19;
contract greetings{
string public greet;
constructor(string memory _s)
greet = _s;
contract greetingsFor{
string public name;
string public description;
constructor(string memory _n, string memory _d){
name = _n;
description = _d;
contract messages is greetingsFor, greetings{
string public greetmessage;
constructor(string memory _name, string memory _d, string memory _greet) greetingsFor(_name, _d) greetings(_greet){
greetmessage = string(abi.encodePacked(greetings.greet," ",,"! ",greetingsFor.description));
contract HelloWorld is messages("World","The World is beautiful!","Hello"){}
contract ByeWorld is messages("World"," Thank you for everything!","Good Bye "){}
contract HelloLearners is messages("Learners","You all are great!","Hello"){}
contract ByeLearners is messages("Learners","Thank you for being with us! Will meet you all soon","Good Bye"){}
//SPDX-License-Identifier: unlicensed
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
contract JobPortal{
function addNewApplicant() public{
function getApplicantDetails() public{
function getApplicantType() public{
function addNewJob() public{
function getJobDetails() public{
function applyForJob() public{
function provideRatingToApplicant() public {
function fetchApplicantRating() public {
//SPDX-License-Identifier: unlicensed
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract AccessControlled{
struct delegate
address delegate;
bool status;
mapping(address => delegate) private delegates;
modifier onlyDelegates{
require(delegates[msg.sender].status,"Only Delegates have access to this function");
delegates[msg.sender] = delegate(msg.sender,true);
function addDelegate(address _newdeleg) public onlyDelegates{
delegates[_newdeleg] = delegate(_newdeleg, true);
function revokeDelegate(address _deleg) public onlyDelegates{
delegates[_deleg] = delegate(_deleg, false);
function isDelegate(address _deleg) public view returns(bool){
return delegates[_deleg].status;
contract PropertyContract is AccessControlled{
struct Property{
string name;
uint256 lat;
uint256 long;
uint256 area;
bool status;
string location;
string country;
address owner;
mapping(uint256 => Property) public PropertyDetails;
event recordPropertyEvent(uint256 _propID, address _owner,uint256 area);
event transferPropertyEvent(uint256 _propID, address _sender, address _recipient);
function recordProperty(uint256 _prop_id,string memory _name,uint256 _lat,uint256 _long, uint256 _area, string memory _location, string memory _country, address _powner) public onlyDelegates{
PropertyDetails[_prop_id] = Property(_name,_lat,_long,_area,true,_location,_country,_powner);
emit recordPropertyEvent(_prop_id,_powner,_area);
function transfer_property(uint256 _pid, address _newOwner ) external {
require(ownerOfProperty(_pid) == msg.sender,"Only property owner can transfer");
PropertyDetails[_pid].owner = _newOwner;
emit transferPropertyEvent(_pid,msg.sender,_newOwner);
function ownerOfProperty(uint256 _pid) public view returns(address _owner){
//SPDX-License-Identifier: unlicensed
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Store{
string store_name;
address store_owner;
modifier onlyStore{
require(msg.sender == store_owner,"Only store owner can change book details");
constructor(string memory _name){
store_name = _name;
store_owner = msg.sender;
function setStoreName(string memory _name) public onlyStore {
store_name = _name;
function setOwner(address _owner) public{
require(msg.sender == store_owner,"Only store owner can change book details");
store_owner = _owner;
//Playing with the struct DataType
contract BookStore is Store{
struct Book{
uint256 book_id;
string book_name;
string publisher_name;
string author_name;
uint256 stocks;
uint256 price;
bool availability_status;
string[] publishing_countries;
mapping(uint256 => address) public book_purchased_by;
mapping(uint256 => Book) public book;
uint256[] public booklist;
uint256[] public purchased_book_records;
constructor(string memory _name) Store(_name){
function setBookDetails(uint256 _book_id, string memory _name, string memory _author_name, string memory _pname, uint256 _p, uint256 _stocks, string[] memory _default_country ) public onlyStore{
book[_book_id] =Book(_book_id,_name,_pname,_author_name,_stocks,_p,true,_default_country);
function addPublishingCountries(string memory _c1, uint8 _book_id) public onlyStore{
function getBookDetails(uint256 _book_id) public view returns(Book memory _b){
function getBookName(uint256 _book_id) public view returns(string memory _s){
return book[_book_id].book_name;
function getBookPrice(uint256 _book_id) public view returns(uint256 _p){
return book[_book_id].price;
function buy_book(uint256 _book_id) public payable{
require(msg.value == getBookPrice(_book_id),"You have to send the book price");
require(book[_book_id].availability_status,"Book not available");
book_purchased_by[_book_id] = msg.sender;
if(book[_book_id].stocks == 0)
book[_book_id].availability_status = false;
//SPDX-License-Identifier: unlicensed
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract TestDataTypes{
bytes1 public b1 = 0x34;
bytes2 public b2 = 0x1234;
bytes3 public b3 = 0x123456;
bytes4 public b4 = 0x12345618;
bytes4 public b8 = 0x12334567;
uint256 starttime = block.timestamp;
address firstaddress = 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4;
address secondaddress = 0xdD870fA1b7C4700F2BD7f44238821C26f7392148;
function checkMyBlance() public view returns(uint256 _mybalance){
enum Suit{
diamond,club, heart, spade
enum SuitValue{
Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace
struct Card{
Suit suit;
SuitValue value;
Card public mycard;
function pick_a_card(Suit _s, SuitValue _v) public returns(Suit, SuitValue) {
mycard.suit = _s;
mycard.value = _v;
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