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NATS C++ bindings generated output
// This file has been auto-generated.
// Copyright 2020 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef NATS_HPP_
#define NATS_HPP_
#include "nats.h"
#include <exception>
namespace nats {
class Connection;
class Statistics;
class Subscription;
class Msg;
class Options;
class Inbox;
/** \brief Callback used to deliver messages to the application.
* This is the callback that one provides when creating an asynchronous
* subscription. The library will invoke this callback for each message
* arriving through the subscription's connection.
* @see natsConnection_Subscribe()
* @see natsConnection_QueueSubscribe()
template<typename T>
using MsgHandler = void (T::*)(Connection &, Subscription &, Msg &&);
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> void
MsgHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * sub, natsMsg * msg, void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to notify the user of asynchronous connection events.
* This callback is used for asynchronous events such as disconnected
* and closed connections.
* @see natsOptions_SetClosedCB()
* @see natsOptions_SetDisconnectedCB()
* @see natsOptions_SetReconnectedCB()
* \warning Such callback is invoked from a dedicated thread and the state
* of the connection that triggered the event may have changed since
* that event was generated.
template<typename T>
using ConnectionHandler = void (T::*)(Connection &);
template<typename T, ConnectionHandler<T> callback> void
ConnectionHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to notify the user of errors encountered while processing
* inbound messages.
* This callback is used to process asynchronous errors encountered while processing
* inbound messages, such as #NATS_SLOW_CONSUMER.
template<typename T>
using ErrHandler = void (T::*)(Connection &, Subscription &, natsStatus err);
template<typename T, ErrHandler<T> callback> void
ErrHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * subscription, natsStatus err, void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to fetch and return account signed user JWT.
* This handler is invoked when connecting and reconnecting. It should
* return the user JWT that will be sent to the server.
* The user JWT is returned as a string that is allocated by the user and is
* freed by the library after the handler is invoked.
* If the user is unable to return the JWT, a status other than `NATS_OK` should
* be returned (we recommend `NATS_ERR`). A custom error message can be returned
* through `customErrTxt`. The user must allocate the memory for this error
* message and the library will free it after the invocation of the handler.
* \warning There may be repeated invocations of this handler for a given connection
* so it is crucial to always return a copy of the user JWT maintained by the
* application, since again, the library will free the memory pointed by `userJWT`
* after each invocation of this handler.
* @see natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsCallbacks()
* @see natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsFromFiles()
template<typename T>
using UserJWTHandler = natsStatus (T::*)(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt);
template<typename T, UserJWTHandler<T> callback> natsStatus
UserJWTHandlerCallback(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt, void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to sign a nonce sent by the server.
* This handler is invoked when connecting and reconnecting. It should
* sign the given `nonce` and return a raw signature through `signature` and
* specify how many characters the signature has using `signatureLength`.
* The memory pointed by `signature` must be allocated by the user and
* will be freed by the library after each invocation of this handler.
* If the user is unable to sign, a status other than `NATS_OK` (we recommend
* `NATS_ERR`) should be returned. A custom error message can be returned
* through `customErrTxt`. The user must allocate the memory for this error
* message and the library will free it after the invocation of this handler.
* The library will base64 encode this raw signature and send that to the server.
* \warning There may be repeated invocations of this handler for a given connection
* so it is crucial to always return a copy of the signature, since again,
* the library will free the memory pointed by `signature` after each invocation
* of this handler.
* @see natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsCallbacks()
* @see natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsFromFiles()
* @see natsOptions_SetNKey()
template<typename T>
using SignatureHandler = natsStatus (T::*)(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce);
template<typename T, SignatureHandler<T> callback> natsStatus
SignatureHandlerCallback(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce, void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to build a token on connections and reconnections.
* This is the function that one provides to build a different token at each reconnect.
* @see natsOptions_SetTokenHandler()
* \warning Such callback is invoked synchronously from the connection thread.
template<typename T>
using TokenHandler = void (T::*)();
template<typename T, TokenHandler<T> callback> void
TokenHandlerCallback(void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to notify that an object lifecycle is complete.
* Currently used for asynchronous #natsSubscription objects. When set, this callback will
* be invoked after the subscription is closed and the message handler has returned.
* @see natsSubscription_SetOnCompleteCB()
template<typename T>
using OnCompleteCB = void (T::*)();
template<typename T, OnCompleteCB<T> callback> void
OnCompleteCBCallback(void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to specify how long to wait between reconnects.
* This callback is used to get from the user the desired delay the library
* should pause before attempting to reconnect again. Note that this is invoked
* after the library tried the whole list of URLs and failed to reconnect.
* \note This callback is invoked from the connection reconnect thread and waits
* for user input. It should not block and instead quickly return the desired
* reconnect delay.
* The state of the connection is disconnected when this callback is invoked.
* Not much can be done with the passed connection, but user can call
* #natsConnection_Close() if desired. This will abort the reconnect attempts
* and close the connection.
* @param nc the pointer to the #natsConnection invoking this handler.
* @param attempts the number of times the library tried the whole list of server URLs.
* @param closure an optional pointer to a user defined object that was specified when
* registering the callback.
* @return the number of milliseconds to wait before trying to reconnect.
template<typename T>
using CustomReconnectDelayHandler = int64_t (T::*)(Connection &, int attempts);
template<typename T, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T> callback> int64_t
CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, int attempts, void * closure);
class Exception : public std::exception {
natsStatus status;
Exception(natsStatus s) : status(s)
const natsStatus&
return status;
const char *
what() const noexcept
return natsStatus_GetText(status);
static void
CheckResult(natsStatus status)
if (status != NATS_OK)
throw Exception(status);
/** \brief A connection to a `NATS Server`.
* A #natsConnection represents a bare connection to a `NATS Server`. It will
* send and receive byte array payloads.
class Connection {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Statistics;
friend class Subscription;
friend class Msg;
friend class Options;
friend class Inbox;
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * sub, natsMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, void * closure);
template<typename T, ErrHandler<T> callback> friend void
ErrHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * subscription, natsStatus err, void * closure);
template<typename T, UserJWTHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
UserJWTHandlerCallback(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt, void * closure);
template<typename T, SignatureHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
SignatureHandlerCallback(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce, void * closure);
template<typename T, TokenHandler<T> callback> friend void
TokenHandlerCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, OnCompleteCB<T> callback> friend void
OnCompleteCBCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T> callback> friend int64_t
CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, int attempts, void * closure);
natsConnection * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Connection(natsConnection* ptr) : self(ptr)
Connection(Connection&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Connects to a `NATS Server` using the provided options.
* @see #natsConnection_Connect()
Connection(natsOptions * options);
/** \brief Process a read event when using external event loop.
* @see #natsConnection_ProcessReadEvent()
/** \brief Process a write event when using external event loop.
* @see #natsConnection_ProcessWriteEvent()
/** \brief Connects to a `NATS Server` using any of the URL from the given list.
* @see #natsConnection_ConnectTo()
Connection(const char * urls);
/** \brief Test if connection has been closed.
* @see #natsConnection_IsClosed()
/** \brief Test if connection is reconnecting.
* @see #natsConnection_IsReconnecting()
/** \brief Test if connection is draining.
* @see #natsConnection_IsDraining()
/** \brief Returns the current state of the connection.
* @see #natsConnection_Status()
/** \brief Returns the number of bytes to be sent to the server.
* @see #natsConnection_Buffered()
/** \brief Flushes the connection.
* @see #natsConnection_Flush()
/** \brief Flushes the connection with a given timeout.
* @see #natsConnection_FlushTimeout()
FlushTimeout(int64_t timeout);
/** \brief Returns the maximum message payload.
* @see #natsConnection_GetMaxPayload()
/** \brief Gets the connection statistics.
* @see #natsConnection_GetStats()
GetStats(natsStatistics * stats);
/** \brief Gets the URL of the currently connected server.
* @see #natsConnection_GetConnectedUrl()
GetConnectedUrl(char * buffer, int bufferSize);
/** \brief Gets the server Id.
* @see #natsConnection_GetConnectedServerId()
GetConnectedServerId(char * buffer, int bufferSize);
/** \brief Returns the list of server URLs known to this connection.
* @see #natsConnection_GetServers()
GetServers(char *** servers, int * count);
/** \brief Returns the list of discovered server URLs.
* @see #natsConnection_GetDiscoveredServers()
GetDiscoveredServers(char *** servers, int * count);
/** \brief Gets the last connection error.
* @see #natsConnection_GetLastError()
GetLastError(const char ** lastError);
/** \brief Gets the current client ID assigned by the server.
* @see #natsConnection_GetClientID()
GetClientID(uint64_t * cid);
/** \brief Drains the connection with default timeout.
* @see #natsConnection_Drain()
/** \brief Drains the connection with given timeout.
* @see #natsConnection_DrainTimeout()
DrainTimeout(int64_t timeout);
/** \brief Signs any 'message' using the connection's user credentials.
* @see #natsConnection_Sign()
Sign(const unsigned char * message, int messageLen, unsigned char sig[64]);
/** \brief Returns the client's IP address as reported by the server.
* @see #natsConnection_GetClientIP()
GetClientIP(char ** ip);
/** \brief Returns the round trip time between this client and the server.
* @see #natsConnection_GetRTT()
GetRTT(int64_t * rtt);
/** \brief Closes the connection.
* @see #natsConnection_Close()
/** \brief Destroys the connection object.
* @see #natsConnection_Destroy()
/** \brief Publishes data on a subject.
* @see #natsConnection_Publish()
Publish(const char * subj, const void * data, int dataLen);
/** \brief Publishes a string on a subject.
* @see #natsConnection_PublishString()
PublishString(const char * subj, const char * str);
/** \brief Publishes a message on a subject.
* @see #natsConnection_PublishMsg()
PublishMsg(natsMsg * msg);
/** \brief Publishes data on a subject expecting replies on the given reply.
* @see #natsConnection_PublishRequest()
PublishRequest(const char * subj, const char * reply, const void * data, int dataLen);
/** \brief Publishes a string on a subject expecting replies on the given reply.
* @see #natsConnection_PublishRequestString()
PublishRequestString(const char * subj, const char * reply, const char * str);
/** \brief Sends a request and waits for a reply.
* @see #natsConnection_Request()
Request(const char * subj, const void * data, int dataLen, int64_t timeout);
/** \brief Sends a request (as a string) and waits for a reply.
* @see #natsConnection_RequestString()
RequestString(const char * subj, const char * str, int64_t timeout);
/** \brief Creates an asynchronous subscription.
* @see #natsConnection_Subscribe()
Subscribe(const char * subject, natsMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure);
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> Subscription
Subscribe(const char * subject, T1 * cbClosure);
/** \brief Creates an asynchronous subscription with a timeout.
* @see #natsConnection_SubscribeTimeout()
SubscribeTimeout(const char * subject, int64_t timeout, natsMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure);
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> Subscription
SubscribeTimeout(const char * subject, int64_t timeout, T1 * cbClosure);
/** \brief Creates a synchronous subcription.
* @see #natsConnection_SubscribeSync()
SubscribeSync(const char * subject);
/** \brief Creates an asynchronous queue subscriber.
* @see #natsConnection_QueueSubscribe()
QueueSubscribe(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup, natsMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure);
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> Subscription
QueueSubscribe(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup, T1 * cbClosure);
/** \brief Creates an asynchronous queue subscriber with a timeout.
* @see #natsConnection_QueueSubscribeTimeout()
QueueSubscribeTimeout(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup, int64_t timeout, natsMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure);
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> Subscription
QueueSubscribeTimeout(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup, int64_t timeout, T1 * cbClosure);
/** \brief Creates a synchronous queue subscriber.
* @see #natsConnection_QueueSubscribeSync()
QueueSubscribeSync(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup);
operator const natsConnection * () const
return self;
operator natsConnection * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] natsConnection *
natsConnection * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Connection::WithoutDestuction : public Connection {
WithoutDestuction(natsConnection * ptr) : Connection(ptr)
/** \brief Statistics of a #natsConnection
* Tracks various statistics received and sent on a connection,
* including counts for messages and bytes.
class Statistics {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Subscription;
friend class Msg;
friend class Options;
friend class Inbox;
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * sub, natsMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, void * closure);
template<typename T, ErrHandler<T> callback> friend void
ErrHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * subscription, natsStatus err, void * closure);
template<typename T, UserJWTHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
UserJWTHandlerCallback(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt, void * closure);
template<typename T, SignatureHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
SignatureHandlerCallback(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce, void * closure);
template<typename T, TokenHandler<T> callback> friend void
TokenHandlerCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, OnCompleteCB<T> callback> friend void
OnCompleteCBCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T> callback> friend int64_t
CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, int attempts, void * closure);
natsStatistics * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Statistics(natsStatistics* ptr) : self(ptr)
Statistics(Statistics&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Creates a #natsStatistics object.
* @see #natsStatistics_Create()
/** \brief Extracts the various statistics values.
* @see #natsStatistics_GetCounts()
GetCounts(uint64_t * inMsgs, uint64_t * inBytes, uint64_t * outMsgs, uint64_t * outBytes, uint64_t * reconnects) const;
/** \brief Destroys the #natsStatistics object.
* @see #natsStatistics_Destroy()
operator const natsStatistics * () const
return self;
operator natsStatistics * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] natsStatistics *
natsStatistics * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Statistics::WithoutDestuction : public Statistics {
WithoutDestuction(natsStatistics * ptr) : Statistics(ptr)
/** \brief Interest on a given subject.
* A #natsSubscription represents interest in a given subject.
class Subscription {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Statistics;
friend class Msg;
friend class Options;
friend class Inbox;
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * sub, natsMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, void * closure);
template<typename T, ErrHandler<T> callback> friend void
ErrHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * subscription, natsStatus err, void * closure);
template<typename T, UserJWTHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
UserJWTHandlerCallback(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt, void * closure);
template<typename T, SignatureHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
SignatureHandlerCallback(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce, void * closure);
template<typename T, TokenHandler<T> callback> friend void
TokenHandlerCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, OnCompleteCB<T> callback> friend void
OnCompleteCBCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T> callback> friend int64_t
CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, int attempts, void * closure);
natsSubscription * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Subscription(natsSubscription* ptr) : self(ptr)
Subscription(Subscription&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Enables the No Delivery Delay mode.
* @see #natsSubscription_NoDeliveryDelay()
/** \brief Returns the next available message.
* @see #natsSubscription_NextMsg()
NextMsg(int64_t timeout);
/** \brief Unsubscribes.
* @see #natsSubscription_Unsubscribe()
/** \brief Auto-Unsubscribes.
* @see #natsSubscription_AutoUnsubscribe()
AutoUnsubscribe(int max);
/** \brief Gets the number of pending messages.
* @see #natsSubscription_QueuedMsgs()
QueuedMsgs(uint64_t * queuedMsgs);
/** \brief Sets the limit for pending messages and bytes.
* @see #natsSubscription_SetPendingLimits()
SetPendingLimits(int msgLimit, int bytesLimit);
/** \brief Returns the current limit for pending messages and bytes.
* @see #natsSubscription_GetPendingLimits()
GetPendingLimits(int * msgLimit, int * bytesLimit);
/** \brief Returns the number of pending messages and bytes.
* @see #natsSubscription_GetPending()
GetPending(int * msgs, int * bytes);
/** \brief Returns the number of delivered messages.
* @see #natsSubscription_GetDelivered()
GetDelivered(int64_t * msgs);
/** \brief Returns the number of dropped messages.
* @see #natsSubscription_GetDropped()
GetDropped(int64_t * msgs);
/** \brief Returns the maximum number of pending messages and bytes.
* @see #natsSubscription_GetMaxPending()
GetMaxPending(int * msgs, int * bytes);
/** \brief Clears the statistics regarding the maximum pending values.
* @see #natsSubscription_ClearMaxPending()
/** \brief Get various statistics from this subscription.
* @see #natsSubscription_GetStats()
GetStats(int * pendingMsgs, int * pendingBytes, int * maxPendingMsgs, int * maxPendingBytes, int64_t * deliveredMsgs, int64_t * droppedMsgs);
/** \brief Checks the validity of the subscription.
* @see #natsSubscription_IsValid()
/** \brief Drains the subscription with a default timeout.
* @see #natsSubscription_Drain()
/** \brief Blocks until the drain operation completes.
* @see #natsSubscription_WaitForDrainCompletion()
WaitForDrainCompletion(int64_t timeout);
/** \brief Sets a completion callback.
* @see #natsSubscription_SetOnCompleteCB()
SetOnCompleteCB(natsOnCompleteCB cb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, OnCompleteCB<T1> callback1> void
SetOnCompleteCB(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Destroys the subscription.
* @see #natsSubscription_Destroy()
operator const natsSubscription * () const
return self;
operator natsSubscription * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] natsSubscription *
natsSubscription * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Subscription::WithoutDestuction : public Subscription {
WithoutDestuction(natsSubscription * ptr) : Subscription(ptr)
/** \brief A structure holding a subject, optional reply and payload.
* #natsMsg is a structure used by Subscribers and
* #natsConnection_PublishMsg().
class Msg {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Statistics;
friend class Subscription;
friend class Options;
friend class Inbox;
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * sub, natsMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, void * closure);
template<typename T, ErrHandler<T> callback> friend void
ErrHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * subscription, natsStatus err, void * closure);
template<typename T, UserJWTHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
UserJWTHandlerCallback(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt, void * closure);
template<typename T, SignatureHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
SignatureHandlerCallback(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce, void * closure);
template<typename T, TokenHandler<T> callback> friend void
TokenHandlerCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, OnCompleteCB<T> callback> friend void
OnCompleteCBCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T> callback> friend int64_t
CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, int attempts, void * closure);
natsMsg * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Msg(natsMsg* ptr) : self(ptr)
Msg(Msg&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Creates a #natsMsg object.
* @see #natsMsg_Create()
Msg(const char * subj, const char * reply, const char * data, int dataLen);
/** \brief Returns the subject set in this message.
* @see #natsMsg_GetSubject()
const char *
GetSubject() const;
/** \brief Returns the reply set in this message.
* @see #natsMsg_GetReply()
const char *
GetReply() const;
/** \brief Returns the message payload.
* @see #natsMsg_GetData()
const char *
GetData() const;
/** \brief Returns the message length.
* @see #natsMsg_GetDataLength()
GetDataLength() const;
/** \brief Destroys the message object.
* @see #natsMsg_Destroy()
operator const natsMsg * () const
return self;
operator natsMsg * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] natsMsg *
natsMsg * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Msg::WithoutDestuction : public Msg {
WithoutDestuction(natsMsg * ptr) : Msg(ptr)
/** \brief Way to configure a #natsConnection.
* Options can be used to create a customized #natsConnection.
class Options {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Statistics;
friend class Subscription;
friend class Msg;
friend class Inbox;
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * sub, natsMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, void * closure);
template<typename T, ErrHandler<T> callback> friend void
ErrHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * subscription, natsStatus err, void * closure);
template<typename T, UserJWTHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
UserJWTHandlerCallback(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt, void * closure);
template<typename T, SignatureHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
SignatureHandlerCallback(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce, void * closure);
template<typename T, TokenHandler<T> callback> friend void
TokenHandlerCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, OnCompleteCB<T> callback> friend void
OnCompleteCBCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T> callback> friend int64_t
CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, int attempts, void * closure);
natsOptions * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Options(natsOptions* ptr) : self(ptr)
Options(Options&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Creates a #natsOptions object.
* @see #natsOptions_Create()
/** \brief None
* @see #natsOptions_SetURL()
SetURL(const char * url);
/** \brief Set the list of servers to try to (re)connect to.
* @see #natsOptions_SetServers()
SetServers(const char ** servers, int serversCount);
/** \brief Sets the user name/password to use when not specified in the URL.
* @see #natsOptions_SetUserInfo()
SetUserInfo(const char * user, const char * password);
/** \brief Sets the token to use when not specified in the URL.
* @see #natsOptions_SetToken()
SetToken(const char * token);
/** \brief Sets the tokenCb to use whenever a token is needed.
* @see #natsOptions_SetTokenHandler()
SetTokenHandler(natsTokenHandler tokenCb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, TokenHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetTokenHandler(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Indicate if the servers list should be randomized.
* @see #natsOptions_SetNoRandomize()
SetNoRandomize(int noRandomize);
/** \brief Sets the (re)connect process timeout.
* @see #natsOptions_SetTimeout()
SetTimeout(int64_t timeout);
/** \brief Sets the name.
* @see #natsOptions_SetName()
SetName(const char * name);
/** \brief Sets the secure mode.
* @see #natsOptions_SetSecure()
SetSecure(int secure);
/** \brief Loads the trusted CA certificates from a file.
* @see #natsOptions_LoadCATrustedCertificates()
LoadCATrustedCertificates(const char * fileName);
/** \brief Sets the trusted CA certificates from memory.
* @see #natsOptions_SetCATrustedCertificates()
SetCATrustedCertificates(const char * certificates);
/** \brief Loads the certificate chain from a file, using the given key.
* @see #natsOptions_LoadCertificatesChain()
LoadCertificatesChain(const char * certsFileName, const char * keyFileName);
/** \brief Sets the client certificate and key.
* @see #natsOptions_SetCertificatesChain()
SetCertificatesChain(const char * cert, const char * key);
/** \brief Sets the list of available ciphers.
* @see #natsOptions_SetCiphers()
SetCiphers(const char * ciphers);
/** \brief Sets the list of available ciphers for TLSv1.3.
* @see #natsOptions_SetCipherSuites()
SetCipherSuites(const char * ciphers);
/** \brief Sets the server certificate's expected hostname.
* @see #natsOptions_SetExpectedHostname()
SetExpectedHostname(const char * hostname);
/** \brief Switch server certificate verification.
* @see #natsOptions_SkipServerVerification()
SkipServerVerification(int skip);
/** \brief Sets the verbose mode.
* @see #natsOptions_SetVerbose()
SetVerbose(int verbose);
/** \brief Sets the pedantic mode.
* @see #natsOptions_SetPedantic()
SetPedantic(int pedantic);
/** \brief Sets the ping interval.
* @see #natsOptions_SetPingInterval()
SetPingInterval(int64_t interval);
/** \brief Sets the limit of outstanding `PING`s without corresponding `PONG`s.
* @see #natsOptions_SetMaxPingsOut()
SetMaxPingsOut(int maxPingsOut);
/** \brief Sets the size of the internal read/write buffers.
* @see #natsOptions_SetIOBufSize()
SetIOBufSize(int ioBufSize);
/** \brief Indicates if the connection will be allowed to reconnect.
* @see #natsOptions_SetAllowReconnect()
SetAllowReconnect(int allow);
/** \brief Sets the maximum number of reconnect attempts.
* @see #natsOptions_SetMaxReconnect()
SetMaxReconnect(int maxReconnect);
/** \brief Sets the time between reconnect attempts.
* @see #natsOptions_SetReconnectWait()
SetReconnectWait(int64_t reconnectWait);
/** \brief Set the upper bound of a random delay added to reconnect wait.
* @see #natsOptions_SetReconnectJitter()
SetReconnectJitter(int64_t jitter, int64_t jitterTLS);
/** \brief Sets the handler to invoke when the library needs to wait before the next reconnect attempts.
* @see #natsOptions_SetCustomReconnectDelay()
SetCustomReconnectDelay(natsCustomReconnectDelayHandler cb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetCustomReconnectDelay(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Sets the size of the backing buffer used during reconnect.
* @see #natsOptions_SetReconnectBufSize()
SetReconnectBufSize(int reconnectBufSize);
/** \brief Sets the maximum number of pending messages per subscription.
* @see #natsOptions_SetMaxPendingMsgs()
SetMaxPendingMsgs(int maxPending);
/** \brief Sets the error handler for asynchronous events.
* @see #natsOptions_SetErrorHandler()
SetErrorHandler(natsErrHandler errHandler, void * closure);
template<typename T1, ErrHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetErrorHandler(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Sets the callback to be invoked when a connection to a server is permanently lost.
* @see #natsOptions_SetClosedCB()
SetClosedCB(natsConnectionHandler closedCb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetClosedCB(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Sets the callback to be invoked when the connection to a server is lost.
* @see #natsOptions_SetDisconnectedCB()
SetDisconnectedCB(natsConnectionHandler disconnectedCb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetDisconnectedCB(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Sets the callback to be invoked when the connection has reconnected.
* @see #natsOptions_SetReconnectedCB()
SetReconnectedCB(natsConnectionHandler reconnectedCb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetReconnectedCB(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Sets the callback to be invoked when new servers are discovered.
* @see #natsOptions_SetDiscoveredServersCB()
SetDiscoveredServersCB(natsConnectionHandler discoveredServersCb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetDiscoveredServersCB(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Sets the external event loop and associated callbacks.
* @see #natsOptions_SetEventLoop()
SetEventLoop(void * loop, natsEvLoop_Attach attachCb, natsEvLoop_ReadAddRemove readCb, natsEvLoop_WriteAddRemove writeCb, natsEvLoop_Detach detachCb);
/** \brief Switch on/off the use of a central message delivery thread pool.
* @see #natsOptions_UseGlobalMessageDelivery()
UseGlobalMessageDelivery(int global);
/** \brief Dictates the order in which host name are resolved during connect.
* @see #natsOptions_IPResolutionOrder()
IPResolutionOrder(int order);
/** \brief Sets if Publish calls should send data right away.
* @see #natsOptions_SetSendAsap()
SetSendAsap(int sendAsap);
/** \brief Switches the use of old style requests.
* @see #natsOptions_UseOldRequestStyle()
UseOldRequestStyle(int useOldStyle);
/** \brief Sets if connection receives its own messages.
* @see #natsOptions_SetNoEcho()
SetNoEcho(int noEcho);
/** \brief Indicates if initial connect failure should be retried or not.
* @see #natsOptions_SetRetryOnFailedConnect()
SetRetryOnFailedConnect(int retry, natsConnectionHandler connectedCb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetRetryOnFailedConnect(int retry, T1 * closure);
/** \brief Sets the callbacks to fetch user JWT and sign server's nonce.
* @see #natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsCallbacks()
SetUserCredentialsCallbacks(natsUserJWTHandler ujwtCB, void * ujwtClosure, natsSignatureHandler sigCB, void * sigClosure);
template<typename T1, UserJWTHandler<T1> callback1, typename T2, SignatureHandler<T2> callback2> void
SetUserCredentialsCallbacks(T1 * ujwtClosure, T2 * sigClosure);
/** \brief Sets the file(s) to use to fetch user JWT and see required to sign nonce.
* @see #natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsFromFiles()
SetUserCredentialsFromFiles(const char * userOrChainedFile, const char * seedFile);
/** \brief Sets the NKey public key and signature callback.
* @see #natsOptions_SetNKey()
SetNKey(const char * pubKey, natsSignatureHandler sigCB, void * sigClosure);
template<typename T1, SignatureHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetNKey(const char * pubKey, T1 * sigClosure);
/** \brief Sets the write deadline.
* @see #natsOptions_SetWriteDeadline()
SetWriteDeadline(int64_t deadline);
/** \brief Destroys a #natsOptions object.
* @see #natsOptions_Destroy()
operator const natsOptions * () const
return self;
operator natsOptions * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] natsOptions *
natsOptions * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Options::WithoutDestuction : public Options {
WithoutDestuction(natsOptions * ptr) : Options(ptr)
/** \brief Unique subject often used for point-to-point communication.
* This can be used as the reply for a request. Inboxes are meant to be
* unique so that replies can be sent to a specific subscriber. That
* being said, inboxes can be shared across multiple subscribers if
* desired.
class Inbox {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Statistics;
friend class Subscription;
friend class Msg;
friend class Options;
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * sub, natsMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, void * closure);
template<typename T, ErrHandler<T> callback> friend void
ErrHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * subscription, natsStatus err, void * closure);
template<typename T, UserJWTHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
UserJWTHandlerCallback(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt, void * closure);
template<typename T, SignatureHandler<T> callback> friend natsStatus
SignatureHandlerCallback(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce, void * closure);
template<typename T, TokenHandler<T> callback> friend void
TokenHandlerCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, OnCompleteCB<T> callback> friend void
OnCompleteCBCallback(void * closure);
template<typename T, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T> callback> friend int64_t
CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, int attempts, void * closure);
natsInbox * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Inbox(natsInbox* ptr) : self(ptr)
Inbox(Inbox&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Creates an inbox.
* @see #natsInbox_Create()
/** \brief Destroys the inbox.
* @see #natsInbox_Destroy()
operator const natsInbox * () const
return self;
operator natsInbox * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] natsInbox *
natsInbox * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Inbox::WithoutDestuction : public Inbox {
WithoutDestuction(natsInbox * ptr) : Inbox(ptr)
/** \brief Initializes the library.
* @see #nats_Open()
inline void
Open(int64_t lockSpinCount)
return Exception::CheckResult(nats_Open(lockSpinCount));
/** \brief Returns the Library's version
* @see #nats_GetVersion()
inline const char *
return nats_GetVersion();
/** \brief Returns the Library's version as a number.
* @see #nats_GetVersionNumber()
inline uint32_t
return nats_GetVersionNumber();
/** \brief Check that the header is compatible with the library.
* @see #nats_CheckCompatibility()
inline int
return nats_CheckCompatibility();
/** \brief Gives the current time in milliseconds.
* @see #nats_Now()
inline int64_t
return nats_Now();
/** \brief Gives the current time in nanoseconds.
* @see #nats_NowInNanoSeconds()
inline int64_t
return nats_NowInNanoSeconds();
/** \brief Sleeps for a given number of milliseconds.
* @see #nats_Sleep()
inline void
Sleep(int64_t sleepTime)
return nats_Sleep(sleepTime);
/** \brief Returns the calling thread's last known error.
* @see #nats_GetLastError()
inline const char *
GetLastError(natsStatus * status)
return nats_GetLastError(status);
/** \brief Returns the calling thread's last known error stack.
* @see #nats_GetLastErrorStack()
inline void
GetLastErrorStack(char * buffer, int bufLen)
return Exception::CheckResult(nats_GetLastErrorStack(buffer, bufLen));
/** \brief Prints the calling thread's last known error stack into the file.
* @see #nats_PrintLastErrorStack()
inline void
PrintLastErrorStack(FILE * file)
return nats_PrintLastErrorStack(file);
/** \brief Sets the maximum size of the global message delivery thread pool.
* @see #nats_SetMessageDeliveryPoolSize()
inline void
SetMessageDeliveryPoolSize(int max)
return Exception::CheckResult(nats_SetMessageDeliveryPoolSize(max));
/** \brief Release thread-local memory possibly allocated by the library.
* @see #nats_ReleaseThreadMemory()
inline void
return nats_ReleaseThreadMemory();
/** \brief Tear down the library.
* @see #nats_Close()
inline void
return nats_Close();
/** \brief Tear down the library and wait for all resources to be released.
* @see #nats_CloseAndWait()
inline void
CloseAndWait(int64_t timeout)
return Exception::CheckResult(nats_CloseAndWait(timeout));
/** \brief Get the text corresponding to a #natsStatus.
* @see #natsStatus_GetText()
inline const char *
GetText(natsStatus s)
return natsStatus_GetText(s);
inline Connection::Connection(natsOptions * options)
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_Connect(&self, options));
inline void
return natsConnection_ProcessReadEvent(self);
inline void
return natsConnection_ProcessWriteEvent(self);
inline Connection::Connection(const char * urls)
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_ConnectTo(&self, urls));
inline int
return natsConnection_IsClosed(self);
inline int
return natsConnection_IsReconnecting(self);
inline int
return natsConnection_IsDraining(self);
inline natsConnStatus
return natsConnection_Status(self);
inline int
return natsConnection_Buffered(self);
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_Flush(self));
inline void
Connection::FlushTimeout(int64_t timeout)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_FlushTimeout(self, timeout));
inline int64_t
return natsConnection_GetMaxPayload(self);
inline void
Connection::GetStats(natsStatistics * stats)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetStats(self, stats));
inline void
Connection::GetConnectedUrl(char * buffer, int bufferSize)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetConnectedUrl(self, buffer, bufferSize));
inline void
Connection::GetConnectedServerId(char * buffer, int bufferSize)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetConnectedServerId(self, buffer, bufferSize));
inline void
Connection::GetServers(char *** servers, int * count)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetServers(self, servers, count));
inline void
Connection::GetDiscoveredServers(char *** servers, int * count)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetDiscoveredServers(self, servers, count));
inline void
Connection::GetLastError(const char ** lastError)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetLastError(self, lastError));
inline void
Connection::GetClientID(uint64_t * cid)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetClientID(self, cid));
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_Drain(self));
inline void
Connection::DrainTimeout(int64_t timeout)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_DrainTimeout(self, timeout));
inline void
Connection::Sign(const unsigned char * message, int messageLen, unsigned char sig[64])
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_Sign(self, message, messageLen, sig));
inline void
Connection::GetClientIP(char ** ip)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetClientIP(self, ip));
inline void
Connection::GetRTT(int64_t * rtt)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_GetRTT(self, rtt));
inline void
return natsConnection_Close(self);
inline Connection::~Connection()
inline void
Connection::Publish(const char * subj, const void * data, int dataLen)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_Publish(self, subj, data, dataLen));
inline void
Connection::PublishString(const char * subj, const char * str)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_PublishString(self, subj, str));
inline void
Connection::PublishMsg(natsMsg * msg)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_PublishMsg(self, msg));
inline void
Connection::PublishRequest(const char * subj, const char * reply, const void * data, int dataLen)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_PublishRequest(self, subj, reply, data, dataLen));
inline void
Connection::PublishRequestString(const char * subj, const char * reply, const char * str)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_PublishRequestString(self, subj, reply, str));
inline Msg
Connection::Request(const char * subj, const void * data, int dataLen, int64_t timeout)
Msg ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_Request(&ret.self, self, subj, data, dataLen, timeout));
return ret;
inline Msg
Connection::RequestString(const char * subj, const char * str, int64_t timeout)
Msg ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_RequestString(&ret.self, self, subj, str, timeout));
return ret;
inline Subscription
Connection::Subscribe(const char * subject, natsMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure)
Subscription ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_Subscribe(&ret.self, self, subject, cb, cbClosure));
return ret;
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> inline Subscription
Connection::Subscribe(const char * subject, T1 * cbClosure)
return Subscribe(subject, &MsgHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, cbClosure);
inline Subscription
Connection::SubscribeTimeout(const char * subject, int64_t timeout, natsMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure)
Subscription ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_SubscribeTimeout(&ret.self, self, subject, timeout, cb, cbClosure));
return ret;
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> inline Subscription
Connection::SubscribeTimeout(const char * subject, int64_t timeout, T1 * cbClosure)
return SubscribeTimeout(subject, timeout, &MsgHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, cbClosure);
inline Subscription
Connection::SubscribeSync(const char * subject)
Subscription ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_SubscribeSync(&ret.self, self, subject));
return ret;
inline Subscription
Connection::QueueSubscribe(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup, natsMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure)
Subscription ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_QueueSubscribe(&ret.self, self, subject, queueGroup, cb, cbClosure));
return ret;
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> inline Subscription
Connection::QueueSubscribe(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup, T1 * cbClosure)
return QueueSubscribe(subject, queueGroup, &MsgHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, cbClosure);
inline Subscription
Connection::QueueSubscribeTimeout(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup, int64_t timeout, natsMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure)
Subscription ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_QueueSubscribeTimeout(&ret.self, self, subject, queueGroup, timeout, cb, cbClosure));
return ret;
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> inline Subscription
Connection::QueueSubscribeTimeout(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup, int64_t timeout, T1 * cbClosure)
return QueueSubscribeTimeout(subject, queueGroup, timeout, &MsgHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, cbClosure);
inline Subscription
Connection::QueueSubscribeSync(const char * subject, const char * queueGroup)
Subscription ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsConnection_QueueSubscribeSync(&ret.self, self, subject, queueGroup));
return ret;
inline Statistics::Statistics()
inline void
Statistics::GetCounts(uint64_t * inMsgs, uint64_t * inBytes, uint64_t * outMsgs, uint64_t * outBytes, uint64_t * reconnects) const
return Exception::CheckResult(natsStatistics_GetCounts(self, inMsgs, inBytes, outMsgs, outBytes, reconnects));
inline Statistics::~Statistics()
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_NoDeliveryDelay(self));
inline Msg
Subscription::NextMsg(int64_t timeout)
Msg ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_NextMsg(&ret.self, self, timeout));
return ret;
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_Unsubscribe(self));
inline void
Subscription::AutoUnsubscribe(int max)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_AutoUnsubscribe(self, max));
inline void
Subscription::QueuedMsgs(uint64_t * queuedMsgs)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_QueuedMsgs(self, queuedMsgs));
inline void
Subscription::SetPendingLimits(int msgLimit, int bytesLimit)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_SetPendingLimits(self, msgLimit, bytesLimit));
inline void
Subscription::GetPendingLimits(int * msgLimit, int * bytesLimit)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_GetPendingLimits(self, msgLimit, bytesLimit));
inline void
Subscription::GetPending(int * msgs, int * bytes)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_GetPending(self, msgs, bytes));
inline void
Subscription::GetDelivered(int64_t * msgs)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_GetDelivered(self, msgs));
inline void
Subscription::GetDropped(int64_t * msgs)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_GetDropped(self, msgs));
inline void
Subscription::GetMaxPending(int * msgs, int * bytes)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_GetMaxPending(self, msgs, bytes));
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_ClearMaxPending(self));
inline void
Subscription::GetStats(int * pendingMsgs, int * pendingBytes, int * maxPendingMsgs, int * maxPendingBytes, int64_t * deliveredMsgs, int64_t * droppedMsgs)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_GetStats(self, pendingMsgs, pendingBytes, maxPendingMsgs, maxPendingBytes, deliveredMsgs, droppedMsgs));
inline int
return natsSubscription_IsValid(self);
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_Drain(self));
inline void
Subscription::WaitForDrainCompletion(int64_t timeout)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_WaitForDrainCompletion(self, timeout));
inline void
Subscription::SetOnCompleteCB(natsOnCompleteCB cb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsSubscription_SetOnCompleteCB(self, cb, closure));
template<typename T1, OnCompleteCB<T1> callback1> inline void
Subscription::SetOnCompleteCB(T1 * closure)
return SetOnCompleteCB(&OnCompleteCBCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline Subscription::~Subscription()
inline Msg::Msg(const char * subj, const char * reply, const char * data, int dataLen)
Exception::CheckResult(natsMsg_Create(&self, subj, reply, data, dataLen));
inline const char *
Msg::GetSubject() const
return natsMsg_GetSubject(self);
inline const char *
Msg::GetReply() const
return natsMsg_GetReply(self);
inline const char *
Msg::GetData() const
return natsMsg_GetData(self);
inline int
Msg::GetDataLength() const
return natsMsg_GetDataLength(self);
inline Msg::~Msg()
inline Options::Options()
inline void
Options::SetURL(const char * url)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetURL(self, url));
inline void
Options::SetServers(const char ** servers, int serversCount)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetServers(self, servers, serversCount));
inline void
Options::SetUserInfo(const char * user, const char * password)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetUserInfo(self, user, password));
inline void
Options::SetToken(const char * token)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetToken(self, token));
inline void
Options::SetTokenHandler(natsTokenHandler tokenCb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetTokenHandler(self, tokenCb, closure));
template<typename T1, TokenHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetTokenHandler(T1 * closure)
return SetTokenHandler(&TokenHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Options::SetNoRandomize(int noRandomize)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetNoRandomize(self, noRandomize));
inline void
Options::SetTimeout(int64_t timeout)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetTimeout(self, timeout));
inline void
Options::SetName(const char * name)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetName(self, name));
inline void
Options::SetSecure(int secure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetSecure(self, secure));
inline void
Options::LoadCATrustedCertificates(const char * fileName)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_LoadCATrustedCertificates(self, fileName));
inline void
Options::SetCATrustedCertificates(const char * certificates)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetCATrustedCertificates(self, certificates));
inline void
Options::LoadCertificatesChain(const char * certsFileName, const char * keyFileName)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_LoadCertificatesChain(self, certsFileName, keyFileName));
inline void
Options::SetCertificatesChain(const char * cert, const char * key)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetCertificatesChain(self, cert, key));
inline void
Options::SetCiphers(const char * ciphers)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetCiphers(self, ciphers));
inline void
Options::SetCipherSuites(const char * ciphers)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetCipherSuites(self, ciphers));
inline void
Options::SetExpectedHostname(const char * hostname)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetExpectedHostname(self, hostname));
inline void
Options::SkipServerVerification(int skip)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SkipServerVerification(self, skip));
inline void
Options::SetVerbose(int verbose)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetVerbose(self, verbose));
inline void
Options::SetPedantic(int pedantic)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetPedantic(self, pedantic));
inline void
Options::SetPingInterval(int64_t interval)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetPingInterval(self, interval));
inline void
Options::SetMaxPingsOut(int maxPingsOut)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetMaxPingsOut(self, maxPingsOut));
inline void
Options::SetIOBufSize(int ioBufSize)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetIOBufSize(self, ioBufSize));
inline void
Options::SetAllowReconnect(int allow)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetAllowReconnect(self, allow));
inline void
Options::SetMaxReconnect(int maxReconnect)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetMaxReconnect(self, maxReconnect));
inline void
Options::SetReconnectWait(int64_t reconnectWait)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetReconnectWait(self, reconnectWait));
inline void
Options::SetReconnectJitter(int64_t jitter, int64_t jitterTLS)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetReconnectJitter(self, jitter, jitterTLS));
inline void
Options::SetCustomReconnectDelay(natsCustomReconnectDelayHandler cb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetCustomReconnectDelay(self, cb, closure));
template<typename T1, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetCustomReconnectDelay(T1 * closure)
return SetCustomReconnectDelay(&CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Options::SetReconnectBufSize(int reconnectBufSize)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetReconnectBufSize(self, reconnectBufSize));
inline void
Options::SetMaxPendingMsgs(int maxPending)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetMaxPendingMsgs(self, maxPending));
inline void
Options::SetErrorHandler(natsErrHandler errHandler, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetErrorHandler(self, errHandler, closure));
template<typename T1, ErrHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetErrorHandler(T1 * closure)
return SetErrorHandler(&ErrHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Options::SetClosedCB(natsConnectionHandler closedCb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetClosedCB(self, closedCb, closure));
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetClosedCB(T1 * closure)
return SetClosedCB(&ConnectionHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Options::SetDisconnectedCB(natsConnectionHandler disconnectedCb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetDisconnectedCB(self, disconnectedCb, closure));
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetDisconnectedCB(T1 * closure)
return SetDisconnectedCB(&ConnectionHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Options::SetReconnectedCB(natsConnectionHandler reconnectedCb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetReconnectedCB(self, reconnectedCb, closure));
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetReconnectedCB(T1 * closure)
return SetReconnectedCB(&ConnectionHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Options::SetDiscoveredServersCB(natsConnectionHandler discoveredServersCb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetDiscoveredServersCB(self, discoveredServersCb, closure));
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetDiscoveredServersCB(T1 * closure)
return SetDiscoveredServersCB(&ConnectionHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Options::SetEventLoop(void * loop, natsEvLoop_Attach attachCb, natsEvLoop_ReadAddRemove readCb, natsEvLoop_WriteAddRemove writeCb, natsEvLoop_Detach detachCb)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetEventLoop(self, loop, attachCb, readCb, writeCb, detachCb));
inline void
Options::UseGlobalMessageDelivery(int global)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_UseGlobalMessageDelivery(self, global));
inline void
Options::IPResolutionOrder(int order)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_IPResolutionOrder(self, order));
inline void
Options::SetSendAsap(int sendAsap)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetSendAsap(self, sendAsap));
inline void
Options::UseOldRequestStyle(int useOldStyle)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_UseOldRequestStyle(self, useOldStyle));
inline void
Options::SetNoEcho(int noEcho)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetNoEcho(self, noEcho));
inline void
Options::SetRetryOnFailedConnect(int retry, natsConnectionHandler connectedCb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetRetryOnFailedConnect(self, retry, connectedCb, closure));
template<typename T1, ConnectionHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetRetryOnFailedConnect(int retry, T1 * closure)
return SetRetryOnFailedConnect(retry, &ConnectionHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Options::SetUserCredentialsCallbacks(natsUserJWTHandler ujwtCB, void * ujwtClosure, natsSignatureHandler sigCB, void * sigClosure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsCallbacks(self, ujwtCB, ujwtClosure, sigCB, sigClosure));
template<typename T1, UserJWTHandler<T1> callback1, typename T2, SignatureHandler<T2> callback2> inline void
Options::SetUserCredentialsCallbacks(T1 * ujwtClosure, T2 * sigClosure)
return SetUserCredentialsCallbacks(&UserJWTHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, ujwtClosure, &SignatureHandlerCallback<T2, callback2>, sigClosure);
inline void
Options::SetUserCredentialsFromFiles(const char * userOrChainedFile, const char * seedFile)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetUserCredentialsFromFiles(self, userOrChainedFile, seedFile));
inline void
Options::SetNKey(const char * pubKey, natsSignatureHandler sigCB, void * sigClosure)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetNKey(self, pubKey, sigCB, sigClosure));
template<typename T1, SignatureHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Options::SetNKey(const char * pubKey, T1 * sigClosure)
return SetNKey(pubKey, &SignatureHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, sigClosure);
inline void
Options::SetWriteDeadline(int64_t deadline)
return Exception::CheckResult(natsOptions_SetWriteDeadline(self, deadline));
inline Options::~Options()
inline Inbox::Inbox()
inline Inbox::~Inbox()
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> void
MsgHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * sub, natsMsg * msg, void * closure)
Connection::WithoutDestuction nc_(nc);
Subscription::WithoutDestuction sub_(sub);
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(nc_, sub_, Msg(msg));
template<typename T, ConnectionHandler<T> callback> void
ConnectionHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, void * closure)
Connection::WithoutDestuction nc_(nc);
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(nc_);
template<typename T, ErrHandler<T> callback> void
ErrHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, natsSubscription * subscription, natsStatus err, void * closure)
Connection::WithoutDestuction nc_(nc);
Subscription::WithoutDestuction subscription_(subscription);
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(nc_, subscription_, err);
template<typename T, UserJWTHandler<T> callback> natsStatus
UserJWTHandlerCallback(char ** userJWT, char ** customErrTxt, void * closure)
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(userJWT, customErrTxt);
template<typename T, SignatureHandler<T> callback> natsStatus
SignatureHandlerCallback(char ** customErrTxt, unsigned char ** signature, int * signatureLength, const char * nonce, void * closure)
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(customErrTxt, signature, signatureLength, nonce);
template<typename T, TokenHandler<T> callback> void
TokenHandlerCallback(void * closure)
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)();
template<typename T, OnCompleteCB<T> callback> void
OnCompleteCBCallback(void * closure)
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)();
template<typename T, CustomReconnectDelayHandler<T> callback> int64_t
CustomReconnectDelayHandlerCallback(natsConnection * nc, int attempts, void * closure)
Connection::WithoutDestuction nc_(nc);
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(nc_, attempts);
} // namespace nats
namespace stan {
class Connection;
class Subscription;
class Msg;
class ConnOptions;
class SubOptions;
/** \brief Callback used to notify of an asynchronous publish result.
* This is used for asynchronous publishing to provide status of the acknowledgment.
* The function will be passed the GUID and any error state. No error means the
* message was successfully received by NATS Streaming.
* @see stanConnection_PublishAsync()
template<typename T>
using PubAckHandler = void (T::*)(const char * guid, const char * error);
template<typename T, PubAckHandler<T> callback> void
PubAckHandlerCallback(const char * guid, const char * error, void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to deliver messages to the application.
* This is the callback that one provides when creating an asynchronous
* subscription. The library will invoke this callback for each message
* arriving through the subscription's connection.
* @see stanConnection_Subscribe()
* @see stanConnection_QueueSubscribe()
template<typename T>
using MsgHandler = void (T::*)(Connection &, Subscription &, const char * channel, Msg &);
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> void
MsgHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, stanSubscription * sub, const char * channel, stanMsg * msg, void * closure);
/** \brief Callback used to notify the user of the permanent loss of the connection.
* This callback is used to notify the user that the connection to the Streaming
* server is permanently lost.
template<typename T>
using ConnectionLostHandler = void (T::*)(Connection &, const char * errorTxt);
template<typename T, ConnectionLostHandler<T> callback> void
ConnectionLostHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, const char * errorTxt, void * closure);
using nats::Exception;
/** \brief A connection to a `NATS Streaming Server`.
* A #stanConnection represents a connection to a `NATS Streaming Server`.
class Connection {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Subscription;
friend class Msg;
friend class ConnOptions;
friend class SubOptions;
template<typename T, PubAckHandler<T> callback> friend void
PubAckHandlerCallback(const char * guid, const char * error, void * closure);
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, stanSubscription * sub, const char * channel, stanMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionLostHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionLostHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, const char * errorTxt, void * closure);
stanConnection * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Connection(stanConnection* ptr) : self(ptr)
Connection(Connection&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Connects to a `NATS Streaming Server` using the provided options.
* @see #stanConnection_Connect()
Connection(const char * clusterID, const char * clientID, stanConnOptions * options);
/** \brief Returns the underlying NATS Connection.
* @see #stanConnection_GetNATSConnection()
GetNATSConnection(natsConnection ** nc);
/** \brief Releases the NATS Connection.
* @see #stanConnection_ReleaseNATSConnection()
/** \brief Closes the connection.
* @see #stanConnection_Close()
/** \brief Destroys the connection object.
* @see #stanConnection_Destroy()
/** \brief Publishes data on a channel.
* @see #stanConnection_Publish()
Publish(const char * channel, const void * data, int dataLen);
/** \brief Asynchronously publishes data on a channel.
* @see #stanConnection_PublishAsync()
PublishAsync(const char * channel, const void * data, int dataLen, stanPubAckHandler ah, void * ahClosure);
template<typename T1, PubAckHandler<T1> callback1> void
PublishAsync(const char * channel, const void * data, int dataLen, T1 * ahClosure);
/** \brief Creates a subscription.
* @see #stanConnection_Subscribe()
Subscribe(const char * channel, stanMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure, stanSubOptions * options);
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> Subscription
Subscribe(const char * channel, T1 * cbClosure, stanSubOptions * options);
/** \brief Creates a queue subscription.
* @see #stanConnection_QueueSubscribe()
QueueSubscribe(const char * channel, const char * queueGroup, stanMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure, stanSubOptions * options);
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> Subscription
QueueSubscribe(const char * channel, const char * queueGroup, T1 * cbClosure, stanSubOptions * options);
operator const stanConnection * () const
return self;
operator stanConnection * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] stanConnection *
stanConnection * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Connection::WithoutDestuction : public Connection {
WithoutDestuction(stanConnection * ptr) : Connection(ptr)
/** \brief Interest on a given channel.
* A #stanSubscription represents interest in a given channel.
class Subscription {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Msg;
friend class ConnOptions;
friend class SubOptions;
template<typename T, PubAckHandler<T> callback> friend void
PubAckHandlerCallback(const char * guid, const char * error, void * closure);
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, stanSubscription * sub, const char * channel, stanMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionLostHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionLostHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, const char * errorTxt, void * closure);
stanSubscription * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Subscription(stanSubscription* ptr) : self(ptr)
Subscription(Subscription&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Sets a completion callback.
* @see #stanSubscription_SetOnCompleteCB()
SetOnCompleteCB(natsOnCompleteCB cb, void * closure);
template<typename T1, nats::OnCompleteCB<T1> callback1> void
SetOnCompleteCB(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Acknowledge a message.
* @see #stanSubscription_AckMsg()
AckMsg(stanMsg * msg);
/** \brief Permanently remove a subscription.
* @see #stanSubscription_Unsubscribe()
/** \brief Closes the subscription.
* @see #stanSubscription_Close()
/** \brief Destroys the subscription.
* @see #stanSubscription_Destroy()
operator const stanSubscription * () const
return self;
operator stanSubscription * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] stanSubscription *
stanSubscription * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Subscription::WithoutDestuction : public Subscription {
WithoutDestuction(stanSubscription * ptr) : Subscription(ptr)
/** \brief The Streaming message.
* #stanMsg is the object passed to the subscriptions' message callbacks.
class Msg {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Subscription;
friend class ConnOptions;
friend class SubOptions;
template<typename T, PubAckHandler<T> callback> friend void
PubAckHandlerCallback(const char * guid, const char * error, void * closure);
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, stanSubscription * sub, const char * channel, stanMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionLostHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionLostHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, const char * errorTxt, void * closure);
stanMsg * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit Msg(stanMsg* ptr) : self(ptr)
Msg(Msg&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Returns the message's sequence number.
* @see #stanMsg_GetSequence()
GetSequence() const;
/** \brief Returns the message's timestamp.
* @see #stanMsg_GetTimestamp()
GetTimestamp() const;
/** \brief Returns the message's redelivered flag.
* @see #stanMsg_IsRedelivered()
IsRedelivered() const;
/** \brief Returns the message payload.
* @see #stanMsg_GetData()
const char *
GetData() const;
/** \brief Returns the message length.
* @see #stanMsg_GetDataLength()
GetDataLength() const;
/** \brief Destroys the message object.
* @see #stanMsg_Destroy()
operator const stanMsg * () const
return self;
operator stanMsg * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] stanMsg *
stanMsg * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class Msg::WithoutDestuction : public Msg {
WithoutDestuction(stanMsg * ptr) : Msg(ptr)
/** \brief Way to configure a #stanConnection.
* Options can be used to create a customized #stanConnection.
class ConnOptions {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Subscription;
friend class Msg;
friend class SubOptions;
template<typename T, PubAckHandler<T> callback> friend void
PubAckHandlerCallback(const char * guid, const char * error, void * closure);
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, stanSubscription * sub, const char * channel, stanMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionLostHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionLostHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, const char * errorTxt, void * closure);
stanConnOptions * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit ConnOptions(stanConnOptions* ptr) : self(ptr)
ConnOptions(ConnOptions&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Creates a #stanConnOptions object.
* @see #stanConnOptions_Create()
/** \brief Sets the URL to connect to.
* @see #stanConnOptions_SetURL()
SetURL(const char * url);
/** \brief Sets the NATS Options to use to create the connection.
* @see #stanConnOptions_SetNATSOptions()
SetNATSOptions(natsOptions * nOpts);
/** \brief Sets the timeout for establishing a connection.
* @see #stanConnOptions_SetConnectionWait()
SetConnectionWait(int64_t wait);
/** \brief Sets the timeout for waiting for an ACK for a published message.
* @see #stanConnOptions_SetPubAckWait()
SetPubAckWait(int64_t wait);
/** \brief Sets the subject prefix the library sends the connect request to.
* @see #stanConnOptions_SetDiscoveryPrefix()
SetDiscoveryPrefix(const char * prefix);
/** \brief Sets the maximum number of published messages without outstanding ACKs from the server.
* @see #stanConnOptions_SetMaxPubAcksInflight()
SetMaxPubAcksInflight(int maxPubAcksInflight, float percentage);
/** \brief Sets the ping interval and max out values.
* @see #stanConnOptions_SetPings()
SetPings(int interval, int maxOut);
/** \brief Sets the connection lost handler.
* @see #stanConnOptions_SetConnectionLostHandler()
SetConnectionLostHandler(stanConnectionLostHandler handler, void * closure);
template<typename T1, ConnectionLostHandler<T1> callback1> void
SetConnectionLostHandler(T1 * closure);
/** \brief Destroys a #stanConnOptions object.
* @see #stanConnOptions_Destroy()
operator const stanConnOptions * () const
return self;
operator stanConnOptions * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] stanConnOptions *
stanConnOptions * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class ConnOptions::WithoutDestuction : public ConnOptions {
WithoutDestuction(stanConnOptions * ptr) : ConnOptions(ptr)
/** \brief Way to configure a #stanSubscription.
* Options can be used to create a customized #stanSubscription.
class SubOptions {
class WithoutDestuction;
friend class Connection;
friend class Subscription;
friend class Msg;
friend class ConnOptions;
template<typename T, PubAckHandler<T> callback> friend void
PubAckHandlerCallback(const char * guid, const char * error, void * closure);
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> friend void
MsgHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, stanSubscription * sub, const char * channel, stanMsg * msg, void * closure);
template<typename T, ConnectionLostHandler<T> callback> friend void
ConnectionLostHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, const char * errorTxt, void * closure);
stanSubOptions * self;
self = nullptr;
explicit SubOptions(stanSubOptions* ptr) : self(ptr)
SubOptions(SubOptions&& other) : self(other.Release())
/** \brief Creates a #stanSubOptions object.
* @see #stanSubOptions_Create()
/** \brief Sets the Durable Name for this subscription.
* @see #stanSubOptions_SetDurableName()
SetDurableName(const char * durableName);
/** \brief Sets the timeout for waiting for an ACK from the cluster's point of view for delivered messages.
* @see #stanSubOptions_SetAckWait()
SetAckWait(int64_t wait);
/** \brief Sets the the maximum number of messages the cluster will send without an ACK.
* @see #stanSubOptions_SetMaxInflight()
SetMaxInflight(int maxInflight);
/** \brief Sets the desired start position based on the given sequence number.
* @see #stanSubOptions_StartAtSequence()
StartAtSequence(uint64_t seq);
/** \brief Sets the desired start position based on the given time.
* @see #stanSubOptions_StartAtTime()
StartAtTime(int64_t time);
/** \brief Sets the desired start position based on the given delta.
* @see #stanSubOptions_StartAtTimeDelta()
StartAtTimeDelta(int64_t delta);
/** \brief The subscription should start with the last message in the channel.
* @see #stanSubOptions_StartWithLastReceived()
/** \brief The subscription should start with the first message in the channel.
* @see #stanSubOptions_DeliverAllAvailable()
/** \brief Sets the subscription's acknowledgment mode.
* @see #stanSubOptions_SetManualAckMode()
SetManualAckMode(int manual);
/** \brief Destroys a #stanSubOptions object.
* @see #stanSubOptions_Destroy()
operator const stanSubOptions * () const
return self;
operator stanSubOptions * ()
return self;
[[nodiscard]] stanSubOptions *
stanSubOptions * ret = self;
self = nullptr;
return ret;
class SubOptions::WithoutDestuction : public SubOptions {
WithoutDestuction(stanSubOptions * ptr) : SubOptions(ptr)
inline Connection::Connection(const char * clusterID, const char * clientID, stanConnOptions * options)
Exception::CheckResult(stanConnection_Connect(&self, clusterID, clientID, options));
inline void
Connection::GetNATSConnection(natsConnection ** nc)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnection_GetNATSConnection(self, nc));
inline void
return stanConnection_ReleaseNATSConnection(self);
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnection_Close(self));
inline Connection::~Connection()
inline void
Connection::Publish(const char * channel, const void * data, int dataLen)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnection_Publish(self, channel, data, dataLen));
inline void
Connection::PublishAsync(const char * channel, const void * data, int dataLen, stanPubAckHandler ah, void * ahClosure)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnection_PublishAsync(self, channel, data, dataLen, ah, ahClosure));
template<typename T1, PubAckHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
Connection::PublishAsync(const char * channel, const void * data, int dataLen, T1 * ahClosure)
return PublishAsync(channel, data, dataLen, &PubAckHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, ahClosure);
inline Subscription
Connection::Subscribe(const char * channel, stanMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure, stanSubOptions * options)
Subscription ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(stanConnection_Subscribe(&ret.self, self, channel, cb, cbClosure, options));
return ret;
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> inline Subscription
Connection::Subscribe(const char * channel, T1 * cbClosure, stanSubOptions * options)
return Subscribe(channel, &MsgHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, cbClosure, options);
inline Subscription
Connection::QueueSubscribe(const char * channel, const char * queueGroup, stanMsgHandler cb, void * cbClosure, stanSubOptions * options)
Subscription ret(nullptr);
Exception::CheckResult(stanConnection_QueueSubscribe(&ret.self, self, channel, queueGroup, cb, cbClosure, options));
return ret;
template<typename T1, MsgHandler<T1> callback1> inline Subscription
Connection::QueueSubscribe(const char * channel, const char * queueGroup, T1 * cbClosure, stanSubOptions * options)
return QueueSubscribe(channel, queueGroup, &MsgHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, cbClosure, options);
inline void
Subscription::SetOnCompleteCB(natsOnCompleteCB cb, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubscription_SetOnCompleteCB(self, cb, closure));
template<typename T1, nats::OnCompleteCB<T1> callback1> inline void
Subscription::SetOnCompleteCB(T1 * closure)
return SetOnCompleteCB(&nats::OnCompleteCBCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline void
Subscription::AckMsg(stanMsg * msg)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubscription_AckMsg(self, msg));
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubscription_Unsubscribe(self));
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubscription_Close(self));
inline Subscription::~Subscription()
inline uint64_t
Msg::GetSequence() const
return stanMsg_GetSequence(self);
inline int64_t
Msg::GetTimestamp() const
return stanMsg_GetTimestamp(self);
inline int
Msg::IsRedelivered() const
return stanMsg_IsRedelivered(self);
inline const char *
Msg::GetData() const
return stanMsg_GetData(self);
inline int
Msg::GetDataLength() const
return stanMsg_GetDataLength(self);
inline Msg::~Msg()
inline ConnOptions::ConnOptions()
inline void
ConnOptions::SetURL(const char * url)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnOptions_SetURL(self, url));
inline void
ConnOptions::SetNATSOptions(natsOptions * nOpts)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnOptions_SetNATSOptions(self, nOpts));
inline void
ConnOptions::SetConnectionWait(int64_t wait)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnOptions_SetConnectionWait(self, wait));
inline void
ConnOptions::SetPubAckWait(int64_t wait)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnOptions_SetPubAckWait(self, wait));
inline void
ConnOptions::SetDiscoveryPrefix(const char * prefix)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnOptions_SetDiscoveryPrefix(self, prefix));
inline void
ConnOptions::SetMaxPubAcksInflight(int maxPubAcksInflight, float percentage)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnOptions_SetMaxPubAcksInflight(self, maxPubAcksInflight, percentage));
inline void
ConnOptions::SetPings(int interval, int maxOut)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnOptions_SetPings(self, interval, maxOut));
inline void
ConnOptions::SetConnectionLostHandler(stanConnectionLostHandler handler, void * closure)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanConnOptions_SetConnectionLostHandler(self, handler, closure));
template<typename T1, ConnectionLostHandler<T1> callback1> inline void
ConnOptions::SetConnectionLostHandler(T1 * closure)
return SetConnectionLostHandler(&ConnectionLostHandlerCallback<T1, callback1>, closure);
inline ConnOptions::~ConnOptions()
inline SubOptions::SubOptions()
inline void
SubOptions::SetDurableName(const char * durableName)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_SetDurableName(self, durableName));
inline void
SubOptions::SetAckWait(int64_t wait)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_SetAckWait(self, wait));
inline void
SubOptions::SetMaxInflight(int maxInflight)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_SetMaxInflight(self, maxInflight));
inline void
SubOptions::StartAtSequence(uint64_t seq)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_StartAtSequence(self, seq));
inline void
SubOptions::StartAtTime(int64_t time)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_StartAtTime(self, time));
inline void
SubOptions::StartAtTimeDelta(int64_t delta)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_StartAtTimeDelta(self, delta));
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_StartWithLastReceived(self));
inline void
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_DeliverAllAvailable(self));
inline void
SubOptions::SetManualAckMode(int manual)
return Exception::CheckResult(stanSubOptions_SetManualAckMode(self, manual));
inline SubOptions::~SubOptions()
template<typename T, PubAckHandler<T> callback> void
PubAckHandlerCallback(const char * guid, const char * error, void * closure)
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(guid, error);
template<typename T, MsgHandler<T> callback> void
MsgHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, stanSubscription * sub, const char * channel, stanMsg * msg, void * closure)
Connection::WithoutDestuction sc_(sc);
Subscription::WithoutDestuction sub_(sub);
Msg::WithoutDestuction msg_(msg);
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(sc_, sub_, channel, msg_);
template<typename T, ConnectionLostHandler<T> callback> void
ConnectionLostHandlerCallback(stanConnection * sc, const char * errorTxt, void * closure)
Connection::WithoutDestuction sc_(sc);
T * self = static_cast<T *>(closure);
return (self->*callback)(sc_, errorTxt);
} // namespace stan
#endif /* NATS_HPP_ */
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