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Created March 6, 2012 21:05
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Bundle App
require 'rubygems'
require 'aws-sdk'
is_clean = `git diff-index HEAD`.chomp.empty?
unless is_clean
puts 'You currently have uncommitted changes. Stash or commit them before bundling.'
app_name = 'your_app'
bucket_name = 'your_bucket'
s3_key = 'your_key'
s3_secret_key = 'your_secret_key'
# hang onto the working branch
working_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.chomp
# switch to the deploy branch
`git checkout -b bundled_deploy`
root = Dir.pwd
`mkdir -p vendor/cache`
# find all gemspecs in vendor, build them, cache them, and add to the commit
Dir['vendor/gems/**/*.gemspec'].each do |gemspec|
dirname = File.dirname gemspec
specname = File.basename gemspec
name = specname.sub /\.gemspec$/, ''
Dir.chdir dirname
`gem build #{ specname }`
gemfile = Dir["#{ name }*.gem"][0]
Dir.chdir root
gempath = File.join(dirname, gemfile)
`mv #{ gempath } vendor/cache`
`git add -f vendor/cache/#{ gemfile }`
`bundle install --local --without test development`
# precompile assets
`rm -rf public/assets`
`rake assets:precompile`
# package the gems
`bundle package`
# commit the changes
`git add -f public/assets`
`git add -f vendor/cache`
`git commit -a -m "deploying"`
# export the app
`git archive -o #{ app_name }.tar HEAD`
`gzip #{ app_name }.tar`
# S3 setup
AWS.config access_key_id: s3_key, secret_access_key: s3_secret_key
s3 =
bucket = s3.buckets[bucket_name]
old_bundle = bucket.objects["#{ app_name }.tar.gz"]
# move the old bundle if it exists
if old_bundle.exists?
timestamp = old_bundle.last_modified.strftime('%y-%m-%d-%H-%M')
old_bundle.move_to "#{ app_name }-#{ timestamp }.tar.gz"
# upload the new bundle
print 'Uploading...'
new_bundle = bucket.objects["#{ app_name }.tar.gz"]
new_bundle.write file: "#{ app_name }.tar.gz"
puts '...done'
# cleanup
`rm -f #{ app_name }.tar.gz`
`rm -rf .bundle`
`rm -rf vendor/cache`
# checkout the working branch and remove the deploy branch
`git checkout #{ working_branch }`
`git branch -D bundled_deploy`
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