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Created March 16, 2017 01:38
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# Great for when Ubuntu Server decides to lock you out because /boot is full of old kernels
# Credit: Somebody on Stackoverflow
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# See:
import re
import sys
import subprocess
'''Print and execute a system command'''
def call(command, stderr=True):
print "$ %s\n" % command
output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT if stderr else None, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
return output
# determine free space on boot
disk_space = call('df -k /boot')
matched ='^\S+[\t ]+(\d+)\s+(?:\d+\s+){2}(\d+)%\s+(\/[\S]*)$', disk_space, re.M)
if not matched:
raise SystemExit('Could not determine free space on /boot:\n\n%s' % disk_space)
# if /boot is its own partition, save ourselves some calculations
if == '/boot':
free_percent = int(
# otherwise, determine /boot size as % of containing partition
part_size =
boot_space = call('du -ks /boot')
matched ='(\d+)\s+\/boot$', boot_space)
free_percent = ( int(part_size) / int( ) / 100
# bail unless over X% full (75 by default)
min_percent = 75
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
min_percent = int(sys.argv[1])
except ValueError:
if free_percent < min_percent:
raise SystemExit('Boot partition is only %s%% full' % free_percent)
# list all kernels
all_kernels = call('dpkg --list "linux-image*"')
# get running kernel
running_kernel = call('uname -r')
# de-dupe kernel versions by assigning as dict keys
remove_kernels = dict()
for line in all_kernels.split("\n"):
# match only installed kernels
matched ='^ii\s+linux-image-[a-z-]*([\d.]+-\d+)-.*?$', line)
if matched:
# skip running kernel
if not in running_kernel:
remove_kernels[ ] = True
# sort kernels to remove (as segmented versions)
remove_kernels = remove_kernels.keys()
remove_kernels.sort(key=lambda s: map(int, re.split('[.-]', s)))
for version in remove_kernels:
print 'Found: %s\n' % version
# if more than two, exclude the last two
if len(remove_kernels) > 2:
del remove_kernels[-2:]
# remove all files for given versions on /boot
was_removed = False
for version in remove_kernels:
# find & print any existing files for version
to_be_removed = call('ls -1 /boot/*-%s-*' % version)
print 'Removing:\n%s' % to_be_removed
# fail gracefully if none found
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print 'No files to remove for %s' % version
# otherwise remove them with extreme prejudice
call('rm -rf /boot/*-%s-*' % version)
was_removed = True
# rebuild grub boot configurations
if was_removed:
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