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Created January 19, 2013 09:02
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%%%Nicked from YAWS
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% simple erlang term representation of HTML:
%% EHTML = [EHTML] | {Tag, Attrs, Body} | {Tag, Attrs} | {Tag} |
%% binary() | character()
%% Tag = atom()
%% Attrs = [{Key, Value}] or {EventTag, {jscall, FunName, [Args]}}
%% Key = atom()
%% Value = string()
%% Body = EHTML
ehtml_expand(Ch) when Ch >= 0, Ch =< 255 -> Ch; %yaws_api:htmlize_char(Ch);
ehtml_expand(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> Bin; % yaws_api:htmlize(Bin);
ehtml_expand({Tag}) ->
["<", atom_to_list(Tag), " />"];
ehtml_expand({pre_html, X}) -> X;
ehtml_expand({Tag, Attrs}) ->
NL = ehtml_nl(Tag),
[NL, "<", atom_to_list(Tag), ehtml_attrs(Attrs), "></",
atom_to_list(Tag), ">"];
ehtml_expand({Tag, Attrs, Body}) when is_atom(Tag) ->
Ts = atom_to_list(Tag),
NL = ehtml_nl(Tag),
[NL, "<", Ts, ehtml_attrs(Attrs), ">", ehtml_expand(Body), "</", Ts, ">"];
ehtml_expand([H|T]) -> [ehtml_expand(H)|ehtml_expand(T)];
ehtml_expand([]) -> [].
ehtml_attrs([]) -> [];
ehtml_attrs([Attribute|Tail]) when is_atom(Attribute) ->
[[$ |atom_to_list(Attribute)]|ehtml_attrs(Tail)];
ehtml_attrs([Attribute|Tail]) when is_list(Attribute) ->
[" ", Attribute|ehtml_attrs(Tail)];
ehtml_attrs([{Name, Value} | Tail]) ->
ValueString = if is_atom(Value) -> [$",atom_to_list(Value),$"];
is_list(Value) -> [$",Value,$"];
is_integer(Value) -> [$",integer_to_list(Value),$"];
is_float(Value) -> [$",float_to_list(Value),$"]
[[$ |atom_to_list(Name)], [$=|ValueString]|ehtml_attrs(Tail)];
ehtml_attrs([{check, Name, Value} | Tail]) ->
ValueString = if is_atom(Value) -> [$",atom_to_list(Value),$"];
is_list(Value) ->
Q = case deepmember($", Value) of
true -> $';
false -> $"
is_integer(Value) -> [$",integer_to_list(Value),$"];
is_float(Value) -> [$",float_to_list(Value),$"]
[[$ |atom_to_list(Name)],
%% Tags for which we must not add extra white space.
%% FIXME: should there be anything more in this list?
ehtml_nl(a) -> [];
ehtml_nl(br) -> [];
ehtml_nl(span) -> [];
ehtml_nl(em) -> [];
ehtml_nl(strong) -> [];
ehtml_nl(dfn) -> [];
ehtml_nl(code) -> [];
ehtml_nl(samp) -> [];
ehtml_nl(kbd) -> [];
ehtml_nl(var) -> [];
ehtml_nl(cite) -> [];
ehtml_nl(abbr) -> [];
ehtml_nl(acronym) -> [];
ehtml_nl(q) -> [];
ehtml_nl(sub) -> [];
ehtml_nl(sup) -> [];
ehtml_nl(ins) -> [];
ehtml_nl(del) -> [];
ehtml_nl(img) -> [];
ehtml_nl(tt) -> [];
ehtml_nl(i) -> [];
ehtml_nl(b) -> [];
ehtml_nl(big) -> [];
ehtml_nl(small) -> [];
ehtml_nl(strike) -> [];
ehtml_nl(s) -> [];
ehtml_nl(u) -> [];
ehtml_nl(font) -> [];
ehtml_nl(basefont) -> [];
ehtml_nl(input) -> [];
ehtml_nl(button) -> [];
ehtml_nl(object) -> [];
ehtml_nl(_) -> "\n".
deepmember(_C,[]) ->
deepmember(C,[C|_Cs]) ->
deepmember(C,[L|Cs]) when is_list(L) ->
case deepmember(C,L) of
true -> true;
false -> deepmember(C,Cs)
deepmember(C,[N|Cs]) when C /= N ->
deepmember(C, Cs).
%%% File : frame.erl
%%% Author : Sven-Olof Nystrom <>
%%% Description :
%%% Created : 24 Oct 2010 by Sven-Olof Nystrom <>
-export([init/0, do/1, loop/5]).
-export([draw/0, set_head/1, set_foot/1, set_w/1, set_h/1,
change_cell/3, reset_cells/0]).
%%%% from automata.erl. httpd glue.
init() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
ok = ensure_started(inets),
ServerConf =
[{port, 8088},
{server_name, "Cellular Automata"},
{bind_address, {127, 0, 0, 1}},
{server_root, "."},
{document_root, "."},
{modules, [?MODULE]}
{ok, _Pid} = inets:start(httpd, ServerConf, inets),
{ok, true}.
%% Inets HTTPD callbacks
%% Function: do(Request) -> Page
%% Description:
-spec do(#mod{}) ->
{break, [{response, {response, [{atom(), any()}], string()}}]}.
do(#mod{method = Method, request_uri = URI, entity_body = Body}) ->
case catch do_page(Method, URI, Body) of
{ok, Type, Page} -> ok(Type, Page);
{error, Code, Page} -> error(Code, Page);
missing -> missing("Page not found");
Error -> error(501, Error)
%%% Internal functions
do_page("GET", "/", _) ->
Page = frame:draw(),
{ok, "text/html", expand(Page, [])};
do_page(_, _, _) ->
{error, 400, ""}.
ensure_started(Application) ->
case lists:keymember(Application, 1, application:which_applications()) of
true -> ok;
false -> application:start(Application)
error(Code, Error) -> break(Code, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Error]))).
missing(Content) -> break(404, Content).
ok(Type, Content) -> break(200, Type, Content).
break(Code, Type, Content) ->
% io:format("Content:~p~n", [Content]),
Header = [{code, Code},
{content_type, Type},
{server, "Cellular Automata"},
{content_length, integer_to_list(length(Content))}],
{break, [{response, {response, Header, Content}}]}.
break(Code, Content) ->
Header = [{code, Code},
{content_type, "text/plain"},
{server, "Cellular Automata"},
{content_length, integer_to_list(length(Content))}],
{break, [{response, {response, Header, Content}}]}.
%% unexpected(State, Event) ->
%% error_logger:info_msg("An unexpected event:~p to: ~p of type ~p "
%% "in state:~p~n",
%% [Event, self(), ?MODULE, State]).
expand([], Acc) -> lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc));
expand([[] | T], Acc) -> expand(T, Acc);
expand([{html, H} | T], Acc) -> expand(T, [H | Acc]);
expand([{ehtml, E} | T], Acc) -> expand(T, [ehtml:ehtml_expand(E) | Acc]).
%%%% Frame
init_frame() ->
io:format("Init frame~n",[]),
spawn_link(frame, loop, ["", "", 0, 0, gb_trees:empty()])),
default_setup() ->
set_head("Simple stupid frame"),
set_foot("Dummies: 20 - Smarties: 0").
cellpadding() ->
draw() ->
Frame = whereis(frame),
Frame ! {draw, self()},
{Frame, drawing, Table} ->
% Interface
set_head(Head) ->
frame ! {set_head, Head}.
set_foot(Foot) ->
frame ! {set_foot, Foot}.
set_w(W) ->
frame ! {set_w, W}.
set_h(H) ->
frame ! {set_h, H}.
change_cell(X, Y, Value) ->
frame ! {change_cell, X, Y, Value}.
reset_cells() ->
frame ! reset_cells.
% Main loop
loop(Head, Foot, W, H, Data) ->
{set_head, Head1} ->
frame:loop(Head1, Foot, W, H, Data);
{set_foot, Foot1} ->
frame:loop(Head, Foot1, W, H, Data);
{set_w, W1} ->
frame:loop(Head, Foot, W1, H, Data);
{set_h, H1} ->
frame:loop(Head, Foot, W, H1, Data);
{change_cell, X1, Y1, Value} ->
Data1 = gb_trees:enter({X1, Y1}, Value, Data),
frame:loop(Head, Foot, W, H, Data1);
reset_cells ->
frame:loop(Head, Foot, W, H, gb_trees:empty());
{draw, P} ->
P ! {self(), drawing, draw(Head, Foot, W, H, Data)},
frame:loop(Head, Foot, W, H, Data)
draw(Head, Foot, W, H, Data) ->
draw_frame(Head, Foot,
draw_table(W, H, Data)).
draw_frame(Head, Foot, Body) ->
{html, [],
[{head, [],
[{title, [], Head},
{meta, [{'http-equiv',refresh},{content,1}], []}]},
[Body, {p, [], Foot}]]}}].
draw_table(W, H, Data) ->
{table, [{cellpadding,10},{cellspacing,"0"}],
draw_rows(0, W, H, Data)}.
draw_rows(Y, _W, H, _Data) when Y==H ->
draw_rows(Y, W, H, Data) when Y<H ->
R = draw_row(Y, W, H, Data),
Rs = draw_rows(Y+1, W, H, Data),
draw_row(Y, W, H, Data) ->
{tr, [], draw_items(0, Y, W, H, Data)}.
draw_items(X, _Y, W, _H, _Data) when X==W ->
draw_items(X, Y, W, H, Data) when X<W ->
[draw_item(X,Y, Data) |
draw_items(X+1, Y, W, H, Data)].
draw_item(X, Y, Data) ->
case gb_trees:lookup({X, Y}, Data) of
none ->
{td, ["?"]};
{value, Color} ->
{td, [{bgcolor, Color}]}
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