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Created April 6, 2023 10:43
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getafreenode check remaining Traffic with cloadflare worker
addEventListener('scheduled', event => {
async function handleScheduledEvent() {
//in ghesmat ra taghir bedid
const uuid='xxxxx-038D-xxxxx-9F95-xxxxx';
const telegram_token='123123:xxxxxx';
const telegram_chat_id='123123';
const url = ""+uuid;
const response = await fetch(url);
const json = await response.json();
console.log( json );
if (json.hasOwnProperty("remainingTraffic")) {
const remaining_traffic = parseFloat(json.remainingTraffic);
console.log( remaining_traffic );
if (remaining_traffic < 3) {
// Call your URL here
// Example:
// Replace <BOT_TOKEN> and <CHAT_ID> with your actual token and chat ID
const url = `${telegram_token}/sendMessage?chat_id=${telegram_chat_id}&text=my-traffic-is-${remaining_traffic}`
const response = await fetch(url)
// Log the response status to the Cloudflare Workers console
console.log(`Telegram API response: ${response.status}`)
console.log("Called URL because remaining traffic is less than 3G.");
return true;
else {
console.log("Remaining traffic is greater than or equal to 3G."+remaining_traffic+"");
return true;
else {
console.log("Unable to find remaining traffic information in the response.");
return true;
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