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Created November 9, 2012 02:14
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Java Sentence Counter
/** Jamie Parsons' Sentence Counter Program*/
import java.awt.*; // Imports advance windows toolkit
import java.awt.event.*; // Imports package needed for ActionListener
import javax.swing.*; // Imports SWING package
import java.util.*; // Imports package for Arraylist
public class SentenceProject implements ActionListener // Class definition
JLabel infoLbl = new JLabel("Please enter your sentence below:"); // Creates a Label that gives instructions for the User
JButton mainBtn = new JButton("scan"); // Creates a button with the text "scan". Clicking this creates an ActionEvent
JTextField inputTxt = new JTextField(35); // Creates a TextField for user input of sentance
final public ImageIcon icon
= (new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("images/SentenceBanner.png"))); // Creates an icon to act as a banner for the program
// getResource is to allow access to this icon when the directory is within a jar archive
JLabel iconHolder = new JLabel(icon); // Adds the banner image to a label
JLabel charTitle = new JLabel("Total Length:"); // Creates label title for Total Length
JTextField charOutput = new JTextField(2); // Creates textfield for outputing Total Length
JLabel vowelTitle = new JLabel(" Num Vowels:"); // Creates label title for Number of Vowels
JTextField vowelOutput = new JTextField(2); // Creates textfield for outputing Total Length
JLabel wordTitle = new JLabel(" Longest Word Length:"); // Creates label title for Longest Word length
JTextField wordOutput = new JTextField(2); // Creates textfield for outputing the length of the longest word
JLabel wordNameTitle = new JLabel("Longest word Name(s): "); // Creates label title for outputing longest word(s)
JTextField wordNameOutput = new JTextField(30); // Creates textfield for outputing longest word(s)
public SentenceProject() // Default Contructor
JFrame frame = new JFrame("JSRP SentenceProject ver 0.7"); // GUI Window Frame
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(frame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Tells program to close when frame is closed
frame.setVisible(true); // Set frame to be visible
frame.setSize(500,200); // Sets the resolution in pixels of the frame
frame.setResizable(false); // Stops User from changing the Frame size
frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Sets frame location to Center (default = center, thus null)
frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // Creates Flow Layout & instance of.. wahy in which objects are positioned on screen
frame.getContentPane().add(iconHolder); // Adds the Icon Banner label to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(infoLbl); // Adds label of instructions to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(inputTxt); // Adds textfield for user input of sentence to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(mainBtn); // Adds button that starts the ActionEvent to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(charTitle); // Adds title for Character Length to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(charOutput); // Adds textfield that displays character length
frame.getContentPane().add(vowelTitle); // Adds title for the vowel output to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(vowelOutput); // Adds textfield that displays number of vowels to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(wordTitle); // Adds title for the word length output to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(wordOutput); // Adds textfield that displays the length of the longest word to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(wordNameTitle); // Adds title for the longest word(s) to the Frame
frame.getContentPane().add(wordNameOutput); // Adds textfield that displays the longest word to the Frame
vowelOutput.setEditable(false); // Stops Output textfields from being edited by user
mainBtn.addActionListener(this); // Creates Instance of ActionListener for the main button
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) // Method for ActionListener's effect on the main button
if(e.getSource() == mainBtn) // If main button is clicked
{ // countCharacters is the function that returns overall length
charOutput.setText(Integer.toString((countCharacters(inputTxt.getText())))); // Stores length of the longest word, Coverts int to String, Sends to textfield
System.out.println("- - -\nchar count: " + countCharacters(inputTxt.getText())); // Output overall number of characters to command window (DEBUG)
vowelOutput.setText(Integer.toString((NumberOfVowels(inputTxt.getText())))); // Stores overall number of vowels, Coverts int to String, Sends to textfield
System.out.println("vowel count: " + NumberOfVowels(inputTxt.getText())); // Output overall number of vowels to command window (DEBUG)
wordOutput.setText(Integer.toString((LongestWordLength(inputTxt.getText())))); // Stores overall length of word, Coverts int to String, Sends to textfield
System.out.println("longest word length: " + LongestWordLength(inputTxt.getText())); // Output length of the longest word to command window (DEBUG)
wordNameOutput.setText((LongestWordName(inputTxt.getText()))); // Stores variable holding names of longest words, Sends to textfield
System.out.println("longest word Name: " + LongestWordName(inputTxt.getText())); // Output length of the longest word(s) to command window (DEBUG)
public static Integer countCharacters(String input) // Method that counts characters and returns length as integer
return input.length(); // Returns length of a String
/** This loop first creates a permenant counter (x), aswell as an array that contains all vowels in both upper and lowercase.
It then creates a temp counter (i): which states the loop should continue for every character in the user input
Within this is a nested loop with a temp counter (a): which states states that this loop should continue for every object in the array.
Finally it states that if the currently iterated object in the array is the same as the currently iterated character from the user input,
the add 1 the the permenant counter. **/
public int NumberOfVowels(String input) // Method for returning number of vowels
int x=0; // Creates counter 'x' with an intial value of 0, to store the total amount of vowels
char [] vowelArray = {'A','E','I','O','U','a','e','i','o','u'}; // Creates array containing both upper & lowercase vowels
for(int i=0; i < input.length(); i++) // for i, loop continues while i < total length of the user input
for(int j = 0; j < vowelArray.length; j++) // for a, loop continues while a < length of the array
if(vowelArray[j] == input.charAt(i)) // if object in array at position 'a' is the same as (==) character from the user input at position 'i'
x+=1; // add 1 to the overall number of vowels (stored in 'x')
return x;
public int LongestWordLength(String input) // method for returning length of the longest word
int x=0; // creates a counter called 'x'
String[] words = input.split(" "); // creats an array called 'words' that stores and splits up the user input by interpreting " " as the divide between words
for(int i=0; i <words.length; i++) // for i, continue the loop while there are objects left in the array
if(words[i].length() >= words[x].length()) // if the length of an object in the array > length of the current largest length (stored in 'x')
x = i; // Then update 'x' to this new value
return words[x].length();
public String LongestWordName(String input) // Method for returning the longest words
int x=0; // Creates counter called x
String[] words = input.split(" "); // Creates array to hold list of words that are inputted
ArrayList<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>(); // Creates ArrayList to hold a temporary list of the longest words relative to the previous word
ArrayList<String> storeList = new ArrayList<String>(); // Creates ArrayList to hold the final 'true' longest words
String longestPrint = ""; // Creates String to Display the Longest words (used for the String return)
for(int i=0; i < words.length; i++) // for i, continue the loop while there are objects left in the array
if(words[i].length() >= words[x].length()) // if the length of an object in the array > length of the current largest length (stored in 'x')
x = i; // Then update 'x' to this value...
tempList.add(words[x]); // ...and add the word at this position to the the temp list
for (int i = 0; i < tempList.size(); i++) // for i, continue loop while there are objects left in the temp list
String temp = tempList.get(i); // Create temp variable to get item from list as a string so its length can be determined
if(temp.length() == words[x].length()) // if the length of this item from the list >= the length of the longest word
storeList.add(temp); // Add it to the store list
for(int i=0; i < storeList.size(); i++) // for i, continue loop while there are objects left in list
longestPrint += storeList.get(i) + ", "; // Add object as String and separate with ', '
return longestPrint; // retrun the string now containing longest words
public static void main (String[] args) // Main Method
new SentenceProject(); // Creates new instance of default constructor
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