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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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module Auth where
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ unlines $
[ "pretend website"
, "Logged in as regular user, trying to see my profile"
, if authorize regUser Read regUser
then profile regUser
else "forbidden"
, "Logged in as admin, trying to delete post"
, if authorize adminUser Delete publishedPost
then "deleteeeed"
else "nope"
data User = User
{ userId :: Int
, isAdmin :: Bool
, profile :: String
regUser = User 1 False "i like cats"
adminUser = User 2 True "such boss wow"
data Post = Post
{ authorId :: Int
, body :: String
, isPublished :: Bool
publishedPost = Post 1 "toots" True
unpublishedPost = Post 3 "hello there" False
data ResourceType a =
PostT a
| ProfileT a
data Action =
| Read
| Update
| Delete
class HasResource a where
resourceFor :: a -> ResourceType a
instance HasResource Post where
resourceFor = PostT
instance HasResource User where
resourceFor = ProfileT
class (HasResource a) => Authorization a where
authorize :: HasResource a => User -> Action -> a -> Bool
instance Authorization User where
authorize _ Read _ = True
authorize _ Create _ = True
authorize currentUser Update prof =
isAdmin currentUser ||
userId currentUser == userId prof
authorize currentUser Delete _ = isAdmin currentUser
instance Authorization Post where
authorize _ Create _ = True
authorize currentUser _ post
| isAdmin currentUser = True
| userId currentUser == authorId post = True
| isPublished post = True
| otherwise = False
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