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Last active October 27, 2017 23:20
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`mtl` style enables reinterpretation of a monad, like `free`
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Mtl where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except
:: Bool
-> (forall m. (MonadState Int m, MonadError String m) => m a)
-> Either String Int
runMtl backtrack action
| backtrack = runExcept (execStateT action 3)
| otherwise = Right (execState (runExceptT action) 3)
foobar :: (MonadState Int m, MonadError String m) => m Int
foobar = do
x <- get
put 5
if x >= 3
then throwError "x too great"
else pure 3
-- Mtl> runMtl True foobar
-- Left "x too great"
-- Mtl> runMtl False foobar
-- Right 5
-- | There's nothing stopping you from `Free`ing it all up anyway:
data StErrF st err next
= GetF (st -> next)
| PutF st next
| ThrowF err
deriving Functor
makeFree ''StErrF
newtype Interpret s e a = Interpret { interpret :: Free (StErrF s e) a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
instance MonadState s (Interpret s e) where
get = Interpret (liftF (GetF id))
put = Interpret . putF
instance MonadError e (Interpret s e) where
throwError = Interpret . throwF
catchError (Interpret (Free (ThrowF e))) handle = handle e
catchError k _ = k
showProgram :: (Show e, Show s, Show a) => s -> Interpret s e a -> String
showProgram s = unlines . flip evalState s . f . interpret
f (Free (GetF k)) = do
s <- get
ss <- f (k s)
pure (("Getting state: " ++ show s) : ss)
f (Free (PutF s k)) = do
put s
ss <- f k
pure (("Putting: " ++ show s) : ss)
f (Free (ThrowF err)) =
pure ["Throwing " ++ show err]
f (Pure a) =
pure ["Result: " ++ show a]
-- *Mtl> putStrLn (showProgram 2 foobar)
-- Getting state: 2
-- Putting: 5
-- Result: 3
-- *Mtl> putStrLn (showProgram 3 foobar)
-- Getting state: 3
-- Putting: 5
-- Throwing "x too great"
reify :: (forall m . MonadState Int m, MonadError String m => m a) -> Interpret Int String a
reify = id
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