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Last active November 27, 2015 03:05
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module Rose where
import Data.List (findIndex)
data Tree a = Node { value :: a, getSubForest :: [Tree a] } deriving Show
insertPath :: (Eq a ) => [a] -> Tree a -> Tree a
insertPath [] tree = tree
insertPath (x:xs) (Tree a subForest) = Tree a modifiedSubForest
maybeIndex =
findIndex (\node -> value node == x) subForest
subtree =
case maybeIndex of
Just index ->
subForest !! index
Nothing ->
Node x []
modifiedSubForest =
case maybeIndex of
Just index ->
replaceAt index (insertPath xs subtree) subForest
Nothing ->
insertPath xs subtree : subForest
replaceAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replaceAt 0 a [] = [a]
replaceAt _ _ [] = []
replaceAt 0 a (_ : xs) = a : xs
replaceAt n a (x : xs) = x : replaceAt (n - 1) a xs
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