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Created March 5, 2013 21:10
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Pylint shows
4********* Running Pylint ************************
1715RUNNING: PYTHONPATH=src/ pylint --rcfile=./etc/spacewalk-pylint.rc --additional-builtins=_ katello
1716************* Module katello.client.main
1717W0622: 19,0: Redefining built-in 'filter'
1718************* Module katello.client.api.filter
1719C0301: 28,0: Line too long (121/120)
1720C0301: 38,0: Line too long (121/120)
1721W0613: 22,37:FilterAPI.filters_by_cvd_and_org: Unused argument 'definition'
1722W0613: 22,49:FilterAPI.filters_by_cvd_and_org: Unused argument 'org_id'
1723W0613: 27,43:FilterAPI.get_filter_info: Unused argument 'definition'
1724W0613: 27,30:FilterAPI.get_filter_info: Unused argument 'filter_name'
1725W0613: 27,55:FilterAPI.get_filter_info: Unused argument 'org_id'
1726W0613: 32,34:FilterAPI.create: Unused argument 'definition'
1727W0613: 32,46:FilterAPI.create: Unused argument 'org_id'
1728W0613: 37,34:FilterAPI.delete: Unused argument 'definition'
1729W0613: 37,21:FilterAPI.delete: Unused argument 'filter_name'
1730W0613: 37,46:FilterAPI.delete: Unused argument 'org_id'
For the following lines of code
class FilterAPI(KatelloAPI):
Connection class to access content view filter calls
def filters_by_cvd_and_org(self, definition, org_id):
path = "/api/organizations/%(org_id)s/content_view_definitions/%(definition)s/filters" % locals()
defs = self.server.GET(path)[1]
return defs
def get_filter_info(self, filter_name, definition, org_id):
path = "/api/organizations/%(org_id)s/content_view_definitions/%(definition)s/filters/%(filter_name)s" % locals()
filter_def = self.server.GET(path)[1]
return filter_def
def create(self, filter_name, definition, org_id):
path = "/api/organizations/%(org_id)s/content_view_definitions/%(definition)s/filters" % locals()
params = {"filter": filter_name}
return self.server.POST(path, params)[1]
def delete(self, filter_name, definition, org_id):
path = "/api/organizations/%(org_id)s/content_view_definitions/%(definition)s/filters/%(filter_name)s" % locals()
return self.server.DELETE(path)[1]
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