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Last active August 18, 2018 18:15
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Helper functions to illustrate Sample distributions
# SDSP = Sample Distribution of Sample Proportions
# This is helper file for programmatic illustrations of SDSP concepts.
from random import shuffle
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt, pi
def create_bernoulli_population(N, p):
Given the total size of population N, probability of a specific outcome,
and associated bernoulli variable as list (of outcomes), this returns a shuffled
population list
N - Population size, eg N=10000
p - probability of interested outcome
Returns list of 1s and 0s. 1 - indicates the interested outcome, 0 - otherwise
population_yellow = [1]*(int(p*N))
population_others = [0]*(int((1-p)*N))
population = population_yellow + population_others
return population
def get_frequency_df(raw_list):
Given a raw list, this provides frequency of duplicate items along with its probability
X n(X) p(X)
0 4000 0.4
1 6000 0.6
If you assume 1 indicates, say a yellow ball, 0 otherwise, then there are 6000 yellow balls
in given population list, so p(yellow_balls) = 0.6
# first convert to dictionary of values
dummy_dict = {i:raw_list.count(i) for i in raw_list}
freq_dict = {'x':[], 'n(x)':[]}
freq_dict['x'] = list(dummy_dict.keys())
freq_dict['n(x)'] = list(dummy_dict.values())
# dictionary to pd easy transform
freq_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(freq_dict)
freq_df = freq_df[['x','n(x)']]
total = freq_df['n(x)'].sum()
freq_df['p(x)'] = freq_df['n(x)']/total
freq_df.sort_values('x', inplace=True)
#freq_df = freq_df.set_index(['x']) # since cant access by df['x'] this creates compatable issues with my other legacy methods reuse
return freq_df
def get_density_df(raw_list, n):
There are issues in comparing discrete mass with continous density functions, so this function is another helper
# first convert to dictionary of values
dummy_dict = {i:raw_list.count(i) for i in raw_list}
freq_dict = {'x':[], 'n(x)':[]}
freq_dict['x'] = list(dummy_dict.keys())
freq_dict['n(x)'] = list(dummy_dict.values())
# dictionary to pd easy transform
freq_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(freq_dict)
freq_df = freq_df[['x','n(x)']]
total = freq_df['n(x)'].sum()
freq_df['d(x)'] = n*freq_df['n(x)']/total # because its density df
freq_df['p(x)'] = freq_df['n(x)']/total # also prob as a side kick!
freq_df.sort_values('x', inplace=True)
return freq_df
def plot_pdf(df, ax, n_pickups, mu, sigma, p, bar_width=0.05, title='', norm_off = False, dd=[]):
dd - discrete density functions, sometimes instead of probability discrete function p(x) u may want to use this
# discrete distribution
X = df['x'].tolist()
#X = df.index.tolist()
if dd == []:
Y = df['p(x)'].tolist()
Y = dd, Y, width=bar_width, color="C0")
# normal approximation overlay
X = np.linspace(0,max(X),10*len(X))
#sigma = sigma/sqrt(n_pickups) this did not help
Cp = 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi))
Ep = -1/2*((X-mu)/sigma)**2
G = Cp*np.exp(Ep)
if norm_off == False: # so user wants normal curve overlay
ax.plot(X, G, color='red')
# info display
metrics_text = '$\mu_x:{}$ \n$\sigma_x:{}$ \n$p_y:{}$'.format(mu, sigma,p)
ax.text(0.025,0.98,metrics_text, ha='left', va='top',transform = ax.transAxes,fontsize=13,color='C0')
from random import choices
def sample_for_SDSP(population, n_experiments, n_pickups):
In given population, for 'n_experiments' times,
1. choose sample of size 'n_pickups' from population
2. find its mean
3. add that mean to a list
4. Create density dataframe out of tha list (x, n(x), d(x), p(x))
5. Return that
X_hat = []
X_mean_list = []
for each_experiment in range(n_experiments):
X_hat = choices(population, k=n_pickups)
X_mean = sum(X_hat)/len(X_hat)
df = get_density_df(X_mean_list, n_pickups)
return df, X_mean_list
def plot_SDSP(raw_list, axarr, titles=[], width=0.05, index_list=[], norm_off = False,
bars_color = '#A8D7AF', index_color='#FF5722',
# actuality
axarr[0].hist(raw_list, width=width, color=bars_color)
# density
_, bins,_ = axarr[1].hist(raw_list, normed=True, width=width, color=bars_color)
# density is always most suitable to draw normal approximation
mu, var, sigma = get_metrics(raw_list)
X = np.linspace(min(bins),max(bins),10*len(bins))
Cp = 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi))
Ep = -1/2*((X-mu)/sigma)**2
G = Cp*np.exp(Ep)
if norm_off == False: # so user wants normal curve overlay
axarr[1].text(0.97, 0.98,get_normal_curve_label(),ha='right', va='top',transform = axarr[1].transAxes,fontsize=20,color='red')
axarr[1].plot(X, G, color='red')
# probability
dummy_dict = {i:raw_list.count(i) for i in raw_list}
total = sum(list(dummy_dict.values()))
prob_dict = {key: round(val/total,4) for key, val in dummy_dict.items()}
axarr[2].bar(list(prob_dict.keys()),list(prob_dict.values()), width=width, color=bars_color)
# cosmetics
if len(titles) >= 1:
if len(titles) >= 2:
if len(titles) >= 3:
for j in range(len(axarr)):
if len(index_list) > j:
index = index_list[j]
axarr[j].text(0.97, 0.05,index,ha='right', va='bottom',transform = axarr[j].transAxes,fontsize=25,color=index_color)
def get_metrics(raw_list):
given the raw random sample or population as a list, this will provide the metrics of that data
mu, var, sigma
dummy_dict = {i:raw_list.count(i) for i in raw_list}
total = sum(list(dummy_dict.values()))
# print(list(dummy_dict.keys()))
# print(total)
prob_dict = {key: round(val/total,4) for key, val in dummy_dict.items()}
mean = round(sum(k*v for k,v in prob_dict.items()),4)
variance = round(sum(((k-mean)**2)*v for k,v in prob_dict.items()),4)
from math import sqrt
sd = round(sqrt(variance),4)
return mean, variance, sd
from pytexit import py2tex
def get_normal_curve_label():
pdf_latex = py2tex('(' + C + ')*(e)**(' + E + ')', print_latex=False, print_formula=False)[1:-1]
#pdf_latex = pdf_latex.replace('$','') # strip to insert some more
#pdf_latex = '$\\fontsize{30pt}{3em}\\mu$'
return pdf_latex
def plot_SDSM(raw_list, bins, axarr, titles=[], width=1, index_list=[], norm_off = False,
bars_color = '#A8D7AF', index_color='#FF5722', backgroundColour = '#F5F5FF'):
# actuality
axarr[0].hist(raw_list, bins, color=bars_color)
# density
_, bins,_ = axarr[1].hist(raw_list, bins, normed=True, color=bars_color)
# density is always most suitable to draw normal approximation
mu, var, sigma = get_metrics(raw_list)
X = np.linspace(min(bins),max(bins),10*len(bins))
Cp = 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi))
Ep = -1/2*((X-mu)/sigma)**2
G = Cp*np.exp(Ep)
if norm_off == False: # so user wants normal curve overlay
axarr[1].text(0.97, 0.98,get_normal_curve_label(),ha='right', va='top',transform = axarr[1].transAxes,fontsize=20,color='red')
axarr[1].plot(X, G, color='red')
# probability
dummy_dict = {i:raw_list.count(i) for i in raw_list}
total = sum(list(dummy_dict.values()))
prob_dict = {key: round(val/total,4) for key, val in dummy_dict.items()}
axarr[2].bar(list(prob_dict.keys()),list(prob_dict.values()), width=width, color=bars_color) #, edgecolor=edgecolor) # edge gives a cascading effect
# cosmetics
if len(titles) >= 1:
if len(titles) >= 2:
if len(titles) >= 3:
for j in range(len(axarr)):
if len(index_list) > j:
index = index_list[j]
axarr[j].text(0.97, 0.05,index,ha='right', va='bottom',transform = axarr[j].transAxes,fontsize=25,color=index_color)
def drawBarGraph(raw_list, ax, popStats,
title='Freq. Distribtuion', xlabel='Random Variable', ylabel='Counts',
xmin = 1):
draws the population graph for now
popSize = popStats[0]
popMean = popStats[1]
popVar = popStats[2]
popSigma = popStats[3]
# create population dataframe
import pandas as pd
columns = ['x', 'freq']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
for i in range(0, len(raw_list)):
j = i+1 if xmin==1 else i
df = df.append({'x': j, 'freq': raw_list[i] }, ignore_index=True)
# plot the population graph
X = df['x'].tolist()
F = df['freq'].tolist(),F, color='#A8D7AF', edgecolor='#009600')
# make x axis as integers
xmaxint = int(ax.get_xlim()[1])
# print(xmaxint)
xint = range(xmin, xmaxint+1)
# cosmetics
title = title + '\n' + r'$T = \ {{{0}}}, \ \ \mu = \ {{{1}}}, \ \ \sigma^2 = {{{2}}} \ \ \sigma = {{{3}}}$'.format(popSize, popMean, popVar, popSigma)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize = 14)
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=14)
ax.yaxis.grid(True, alpha=0.3)
def getPopulationStatistics(pop, popMin):
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