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Last active September 8, 2018 17:57
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helper files for visualizing and performing statistical analysis on confidence intervals
from random import shuffle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from SDSPSM import get_metrics
from random import choices, seed
from math import sqrt, pi
def create_bernoulli_population(T, p):
y_freq = int(p*T)
y_pops = [1]*y_freq
o_freq = int((1-p)*T)
o_pops = [0]*o_freq
population = y_pops + o_pops
population_freq = [o_freq, y_freq]
return population, population_freq
from random import random
from math import floor
def createRandomPopulation(N, freqMax):
Create a random distribution for N values. This is to illustrate Sampling Distribution of Sample Means.
population = []
population_freq = []
for i in range(0,N):
temp_freq = (floor(random() * freqMax)) # random frequency for each population
temp_list = [i]*temp_freq
population += temp_list
return population, population_freq
def mini_plot_SDSP(raw_list, ax1,ax2,ax3, norm_off=False, width=0.1):
_, bins,_ = ax2.hist(raw_list, density=True)
# probability mass
dummy_dict = {i:raw_list.count(i) for i in raw_list}
total = sum(list(dummy_dict.values()))
pmf = {key: round(val/total,4) for key, val in dummy_dict.items()}, list(pmf.values()), width=width)
mu, var, sigma = get_metrics(raw_list)
metrics_text = '$\mu_x:{}$ \n$\sigma_x:{}$'.format(mu, sigma)
ax2.text(0.97, 0.98,metrics_text,ha='right', va='top',transform = ax2.transAxes,fontsize=10,color='red')
# normal approx overlay if needed
if norm_off == False: # so user wants normal curve overlay
import numpy as np
X = np.linspace(min(bins),max(bins),10*len(bins))
from math import sqrt, pi
Cp = 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi))
Ep = -1/2*((X-mu)/sigma)**2
G = Cp*np.exp(Ep)
ax2.plot(X, G, color='red')
def mini_plot_SDSM(raw_list,ax1,ax2,ax3, bins, width=0.5):
ax1.hist(raw_list, bins)
n, bins,_ = ax2.hist(raw_list, bins, density=True)
# probability mass
dummy_dict = {i:raw_list.count(i) for i in raw_list}
total = sum(list(dummy_dict.values()))
pmf = {key: round(val/total,4) for key, val in dummy_dict.items()}, list(pmf.values()), width=width)
def sample_with_CI(N, n, population, sigma=1, mode='z'):
N - no of trials/experiments
n - sample size
sigma - population SD (needed in z mode)
Y_hat = []
Y_mean_list = []
CI_list = []
for each_experiment in range(N):
Y_hat = choices(population, k=n)
Y_mean = sum(Y_hat)/len(Y_hat)
if mode == 'z': # then use population SD sigma, not typically practical
c = 1.96 # which comprises of 95% of data points in std. normal distribution
Y_sigma = sigma
CI_err = round(c*Y_sigma,4)
else: # t distribution, use unbiased variance
from scipy import stats
c = stats.t.ppf(1-0.025, n-1) # t value varies depending on degrees of freedom
Y_variance = sum([(y - Y_mean)**2 for y in Y_hat])/(n-1) # unbiased estimator
Y_sigma = round(sqrt(Y_variance), 4)
CI_err = round(c*(Y_sigma/sqrt(n)),4)
CI_list.append((Y_mean, CI_err))
return Y_mean_list, CI_list
def plot_ci_accuracy_1(ax, CI_list, mu):
mean, err = zip(*CI_list)
index = range(0,len(mean))
err_count = 0
# each CI interval, check if it contains mu or not
for each_ci in index:
each_mid = mean[each_ci]
each_err = err[each_ci]
low_err = each_mid - each_err
hig_err = each_mid + each_err
c = 'C0'
if (hig_err <= mu) or (low_err >= mu): # outliers
c = 'C1'
err_count += 1
ax.errorbar(each_ci,each_mid, yerr=each_err, fmt='o', color=c)
# cosmetics
ax.axhline(y=mu, color='r')
ax.xaxis.grid(True, alpha=0.3)
accuracy = (1-round(err_count/len(mean),4))*100
print('CI containing pop.mean:{}%'.format(accuracy))
return accuracy
def get_ci_accuracy(CI_list, mu):
mean, err = zip(*CI_list)
index = range(0,len(mean))
err_count = 0
# each CI interval, check if it contains mu or not
for each_ci in index:
each_mid = mean[each_ci]
each_err = err[each_ci]
low_err = each_mid - each_err
hig_err = each_mid + each_err
if (hig_err <= mu) or (low_err >= mu): # outliers
err_count += 1
accuracy = (1-round(err_count/len(mean),4))*100
return accuracy
from random import sample
def repeated_experiments_with_CI(population,mu, sigma, N_list=[], n_list=[], mode=1, dist=0, format='b'):
population - raw population from which sample to be taken
mu, sigma - population parameters
C - 85% CI constant (for eg, 1.96 or 2.093 etc)
N_list - Experiment size or no of times experiments to be conducted per trial
n_list - Sample size or no of samples per experiment
Mode 1 - use population SD
Mode 2 - use unbiased sample SD
Mode 3 - usebiased sample SD
dist - 0 - use Z distribution
dist - 1 - use t distribution
accuracy_list = []
for each_N in N_list: # no of experiments
for each_n in n_list: # sample size for each experiment
err_count = 0
for each_E in range(each_N): # for each experiment of experiment size
Y_hat = sample(population, k=each_n) # pick n samples
Y_mean = sum(Y_hat)/len(Y_hat)
if dist == 0:
C = 1.96
elif dist == 1:
from scipy import stats
C = stats.t.ppf(1-0.025, each_n-1) # t value varies depending on degrees of freedom which is (no of samples - 1)
if mode == 1:
Y_sigma = sigma
CI_err = round(C*Y_sigma,4) # if population SD, there is no sample size in denominator
elif mode == 2:
Y_variance = sum([(y - Y_mean)**2 for y in Y_hat])/(each_n-1) # unbiased estimator
Y_sigma = round(sqrt(Y_variance), 4)
CI_err = round(C*(Y_sigma/sqrt(each_n)),4)
elif mode == 3:
Y_variance = sum([(y - Y_mean)**2 for y in Y_hat])/(each_n) # biased estimator
Y_sigma = round(sqrt(Y_variance), 4)
CI_err = round(C*(Y_sigma/sqrt(each_n)),4)
raise ValueError('Wrong mode')
low_err = Y_mean - CI_err
hig_err = Y_mean + CI_err
if (hig_err <= mu) or (low_err >= mu):
err_count += 1
accuracy = round((1-err_count/each_N)*100,4)
success = 0 if accuracy < 95 else 1
if format == 'b':
accuracy_list.append((each_N, each_n, success))
else: # anything other than b
accuracy_list.append((each_N, each_n, accuracy))
return accuracy_list
def get_mode_label(mode):
1:"population SD",
2:"unbiased sample SD",
3:"biased sample SD",
4:"Wilson Score method"
return mode_labels.get(mode, "invalid mode")
def get_dist_label(dist):
0:"Z distribution",
1:"T distribution"
return dist_labels.get(dist, "invalid dist")
def plot_ci_accuracy_2(ax, accuracy_list):
labels = ['$< 95\%$', '$ \geq 95\%$']
colors = ['red','green']
for xi, yi, zi in zip(x,y,z):
if zi == 1:
s = ax.scatter(yi, xi, c=colors[zi], label=labels[zi], s=30, edgecolors='None', alpha=0.75)
f = ax.scatter(yi, xi, c=colors[zi], label=labels[zi], s=30, edgecolors='None', alpha=0.75)
ax.set_ylabel('Experiment Size $N$')
ax.set_xlabel('Sample Size $n$')
#ax.legend((s,f),(labels[1],labels[0]), loc='lower right', scatterpoints=1)
xmin = 0
xmax = ax.get_xlim()[1]
from math import ceil,floor
xminint = floor(xmin)
xmaxint = ceil(xmax)
xint = range(xminint, xmaxint, 50)
for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
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