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Last active June 20, 2024 08:17
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Save parthpower/d0fb6a1196fd8cefebde to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple JS to monitor offline and online time of a contact.

WhatsApp On Web Monitor

What It does

It gives notifications when someone goes online or offline or typing. Open chat of the contact you want to monitor and start script.

Simple Way

Tweet me @parthpower for bug reports or feature request. Special thanks to @jdcpower1994 for helping.

javascript:var csvContent="data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,Name,Status,Time,Date\n",globIntId=-1,buttonAdded=!1;function f(){try{b=document.querySelector("#main > header > div>div>span").textContent,name=document.querySelectorAll("#main > header > div>div>div>span")[1].textContent}catch(e){return}if("typing…"===b&&typing&&(typing=!1,checkPermission())){new Notification(name+" Typing");tm=new Date,csvContent+=name+",2,"+tm.toLocaleTimeString()+","+tm.toLocaleDateString()+"\n"}if(("online"===b||"typing…"===b)&&("online"===b&&(typing=!0),(!online||name!==lastName||ft)&&(online=!0,lastName=name,ft=!1,onlineTimeObj=new Date,onlineTimeMs=onlineTimeObj.getTime(),onlineTimeStr=onlineTimeObj.toLocaleString(),console.log(name+",1,"+onlineTimeObj.toLocaleTimeString()+","+onlineTimeObj.toLocaleDateString()+"\n"),csvContent+=name+",1,"+onlineTimeObj.toLocaleTimeString()+","+onlineTimeObj.toLocaleDateString()+"\n",checkPermission())))new Notification(name+" Online",{body:onlineTimeStr});if(-1<"last seen")&&(online||ft||name!==lastName)&&(online=!1,ft=!1,lastName=name,typing=!0,offlineTimeObj=new Date,offlineTimeMs=offlineTimeObj.getTime(),offlineTimeStr=offlineTimeObj.toLocaleString(),console.log(name+",0,"+offlineTimeObj.toLocaleTimeString()+","+offlineTimeObj.toLocaleDateString()+"\n"),csvContent+=name+",0,"+offlineTimeObj.toLocaleTimeString()+","+offlineTimeObj.toLocaleDateString()+"\n",checkPermission()))new Notification(name+" Offline",{body:b})}function stalk(e){e=e||!1,ft=!0,online=!1,typing=!0,csvContent="data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,Name,Status,Time,Date\n",buttonAdded||(putCSVLink(),putStopStalkButton(),buttonAdded=!0);try{lastName=document.querySelector("#main > header > > > h2 > span")}catch(e){return}return!1!==e?(clearInterval(e),globIntId=-1,!0):(interval=setInterval(f,1e3),globIntId=interval,alert("Stalking"),interval)}function checkPermission(){return"Notification"in window?"granted"===Notification.permission||void("denied"!==Notification.permission&&Notification.requestPermission(function(e){if("granted"===e)return!0})):flase}function getCSV(e){e=encodeURI(e);var t=document.createElement("a");t.setAttribute("href",e),t.setAttribute("download","stalk_data.csv"),document.body.appendChild(t),}function getStalkData(){getCSV(csvContent)}function putCSVLink(){var e=document.createElement("button");e.textContent="GetStalkCSV",e.className="stalker",e.onclick=getStalkData,document.querySelector("#side > header").appendChild(e)}function toggleStalk(){-1===globIntId?(stalk(),this.textContent="Stop"):(clearInterval(globIntId),globIntId=-1,alert("Stalking Stopped"),this.textContent="Start",console.log("Stopped Stalking"))}function putStopStalkButton(){var e=document.createElement("button");e.className="stalker",e.textContent="ToggleStalk",e.onclick=toggleStalk,document.querySelector("#side > header").appendChild(e)}stalk();
//WhatsApp on Web stalker JS
//Copyright (c) 2016 Parh Parikh
//Distributed under MIT License
//Open the chat you want to monitor
//stalk() to start stalking, return intervalId
//stalk(intervalId) to stop stalking
//Output is in console
//Quick Start
//Open Browser console, copy the code in console, write stalk()
//Happy stalking :)
var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,Name,Status,Time,Date\n";
var globIntId = -1;
var buttonAdded = false;
function f() {
try {
b = document.querySelector('#main > header > div>div>span').textContent;
name = document.querySelectorAll('#main > header > div>div>div>span')[1].textContent;
} catch (TypeError) {
if (b === "typing…" && typing) {
typing = false;
if (checkPermission()) {
var not = new Notification(name + " Typing");
tm = new Date();
csvContent += name + ",2," + tm.toLocaleTimeString() + "," + tm.toLocaleDateString() + "\n";
if (b === "online" || b === "typing…") {
if (b === "online") {
typing = true;
if (!online || name !== lastName || ft) {
online = true;
lastName = name;
ft = false;
onlineTimeObj = new Date();
onlineTimeMs = onlineTimeObj.getTime();
onlineTimeStr = onlineTimeObj.toLocaleString();
console.log(name + ",1," + onlineTimeObj.toLocaleTimeString() + "," + onlineTimeObj.toLocaleDateString() + "\n");
csvContent += name + ",1," + onlineTimeObj.toLocaleTimeString() + "," + onlineTimeObj.toLocaleDateString() + "\n";
if (checkPermission()) {
var not = new Notification(name + " Online",{
body: onlineTimeStr
if ("last seen") > -1) {
if (online || ft || name !== lastName) {
online = false;
ft = false;
lastName = name;
typing = true;
offlineTimeObj = new Date();
offlineTimeMs = offlineTimeObj.getTime();
offlineTimeStr = offlineTimeObj.toLocaleString();
console.log(name + ",0," + offlineTimeObj.toLocaleTimeString() + "," + offlineTimeObj.toLocaleDateString() + "\n");
csvContent += name + ",0," + offlineTimeObj.toLocaleTimeString() + "," + offlineTimeObj.toLocaleDateString() + "\n";
if (checkPermission()) {
var not = new Notification(name + " Offline",{
body: b
function stalk(intervalId) {
intervalId = intervalId || false;
ft = true;
online = false;
typing = true;
csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,Name,Status,Time,Date\n";
if (!buttonAdded) {
buttonAdded = true;
try {
lastName = document.querySelector("#main > header > > > h2 > span");
} catch (TypeError) {
if (intervalId !== false) {
globIntId = -1;
return true;
interval = setInterval(f, 1000);
globIntId = interval;
//document.querySelector("#side > header > div.pane-list-user").textContent += "Stalking";
return interval;
//Modified Code from Notifiaction API example from MDN
function checkPermission() {
// Let's check if the browser supports notifications
if (!("Notification"in window)) {
return flase;
}// Let's check whether notification permissions have already been granted
else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
// If it's okay let's create a notification
return true;
}// Otherwise, we need to ask the user for permission
else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
Notification.requestPermission(function(permission) {
// If the user accepts, let's create a notification
if (permission === "granted") {
return true;
// At last, if the user has denied notifications, and you
// want to be respectful there is no need to bother them any more.
function getCSV(data) {
data = encodeURI(data);
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", data);
link.setAttribute("download", "stalk_data.csv");
function getStalkData() {
function putCSVLink() {
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.textContent = "GetStalkCSV";
button.className = "stalker";
button.onclick = getStalkData;
var sideBar = document.querySelector("#side > header");
function toggleStalk() {
if (globIntId === -1) {
this.textContent = "Stop";
} else {
globIntId = -1;
alert("Stalking Stopped");
this.textContent = "Start";
console.log("Stopped Stalking");
function putStopStalkButton() {
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.className = "stalker";
button.textContent = "ToggleStalk";
button.onclick = toggleStalk;
var sideBar = document.querySelector("#side > header");
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zkxnkj commented Jan 26, 2020

This chrome extension ist working:

I found another one that works and shows offline time as well, but has no notifications and you can only view one contact at a time:

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not showing typing.

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is with this function the user asked to change permission in his app with a message?
or what does this mean?

//Modified Code from Notifiaction API example from MDN
function checkPermission() {
// Let's check if the browser supports notifications
if (!("Notification"in window)) {
return flase;
}// Let's check whether notification permissions have already been granted
else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
// If it's okay let's create a notification
return true;
}// Otherwise, we need to ask the user for permission
else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
Notification.requestPermission(function(permission) {
// If the user accepts, let's create a notification
if (permission === "granted") {
return true;

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@meins-rbg that's right, it is to check if the browser supports notifications API and check/ask permission to allow notifications.


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Thanks, is there a solution for only "registers the first one" without changing the language?

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dee2499 commented Jan 8, 2021

Hello everyone.
How to build an app like whatsdog, that checks online-offline notification of a contact.

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uakg commented Nov 11, 2022

Hello buys, can u give me a basic "documentation" how to use this script. I dont understand it completly. Thx in advance

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